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Ayahuasca initiation (help)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I would like to introduce some friends to the good medicine, but don't have much in the way of resources....I would like to organize a small meditation ayahuasca session for four.....

I have the following....

114g of Peruvian Vine

250g of Banisteriopsis Muricata Vine

100g of Syrian Rue

100g of Mimosa Hostilis inner root bark

I have about 30 aya/ana/pharma sessions under the belt. They are first time users, but have limited experience with casual doses of mushrooms. I do not want them to be overwhelmed to the point of unmanageable terror, but I also would like to ensure that they have a positive, powerful, life-changingly profound experience.

What would y'all recommend I brew up.....I would like to prepare something we could each redose at least once throughout our ceremony.....

I would like each dose to be about 50ml, so for a redose each, I would like about 400ml in total brew volume.....

I was thinking of brewing all the Muricata and Peruvian vine together and then dropping in all the freebase extracted from the mimosa ~1g? to split into 8 doses......so we would end up with about 45g vine and 125mg spice per dose.......

Feedback? Opinions? Comments? Questions? Concerns?

:thumb_up: 😁
Just please be careful...

Sorry, I always worry when I hear about people planning such events...

what if something went wrong? Are you prepared to handle such a situation?

What if someone were to get hurt, or worse? could you live with that on your conscience?

please be careful and responsible...

(Sorry to be a "buzzkill", I just worry, I worry for individuals safety, and I worry for the reputation of my sacrament, please be mindful, please be responsible, and please consider all possible safety precautions)

Because ayahuasca is a co-drug containing mono amine oxidase inhibitors, it holds an element of risk which is not present with other traditional psychedelic sacraments...medications, diet, General physical health, and so on, all become important factors...

entheogenic-gnosis said:
Just please be careful...

Sorry, I always worry when I hear about people planning such events...

what if something went wrong? Are you prepared to handle such a situation?

What if someone were to get hurt, or worse? could you live with that on your conscience?

please be careful and responsible...

(Sorry to be a "buzzkill", I just worry, I worry for individuals safety, and I worry for the reputation of my sacrament, please be mindful, please be responsible, and please consider all possible safety precautions)

Because ayahuasca is a co-drug containing mono amine oxidase inhibitors, it holds an element of risk which is not present with other traditional psychedelic sacraments...medications, diet, General physical health, and so on, all become important factors...


Thanks for your concern. I will be very mindful!

Any advice on recipe?

I have access to 100g caapi leaf, 500g muricata vine, 100g Syrian rue, 100g Mimosa, 100g and chaliponga.

I feel like I would be cheating them out of what I promised if I gave them an ayahuasca without any ayahuasca in it, so I would shy away from using rue unless I'm using it in combination with ayahuasca.....
maranello551 said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
Just please be careful...

Sorry, I always worry when I hear about people planning such events...

what if something went wrong? Are you prepared to handle such a situation?

What if someone were to get hurt, or worse? could you live with that on your conscience?

please be careful and responsible...

(Sorry to be a "buzzkill", I just worry, I worry for individuals safety, and I worry for the reputation of my sacrament, please be mindful, please be responsible, and please consider all possible safety precautions)

Because ayahuasca is a co-drug containing mono amine oxidase inhibitors, it holds an element of risk which is not present with other traditional psychedelic sacraments...medications, diet, General physical health, and so on, all become important factors...


Thanks for your concern. I will be very mindful!

Any advice on recipe?

I have access to 100g caapi leaf, 500g muricata vine, 100g Syrian rue, 100g Mimosa, 100g and chaliponga.

I feel like I would be cheating them out of what I promised if I gave them an ayahuasca without any ayahuasca in it, so I would shy away from using rue unless I'm using it in combination with ayahuasca.....

I would recommend just not doing what you are planning on doing.

If these are people who have never taken ayahuasca before, you are placing yourself in a situation of great responsibility...

Please be very careful! And please take all proper precautions....

Peganum harmala and banisteriopsis caapi contain identical active compounds (harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmine) so it wouldn't be "cheating" anybody...Though you should always be upfront regarding what plants you used.

At 2 minutes into this video, terence mckenna outlines a recipe that you would probably be interested in...

However, I feel that learning the plants, and participating in the quest to obtain them, and learning how to prepare them, are all essential steps in the entheogenic process, if someone just "gives" you ayahuasca, you have cheated yourself out of some very important aspects of the process itself...

There may even be deep psychological process associated with preparation or chemical extractions of these plants, similar to how the alchemists would see there experiments as being just as much psychological as physical...I'll let mckenna outline this concept:
“You all know what mercury looks like-at room temperature it’s a silvery liquid that flows, it’s like a mirror. For the alchemists, and this is just a very short exercise in alchemical thinking, for the alchemists mercury was mind itself, in a sense, and by tracing through the steps by which they reached that conclusion you can have a taste of what alchemical thinking was about. Mercury takes the form of its container. If I pour mercury into a cup, it takes the shape of the cup, if I pour it into a test tube, it takes the shape of the test tube. This taking the shape of its container is a quality of mind and yet here it is present in a flowing, silvery metal.

The other thing is, mercury is a reflecting surface. You never see mercury, what you see is the world which surrounds it, which is perfectly reflected in its surface like a moving mirror, you see. And then if you’ve ever, as a child, I mean I have no idea how toxic this process is, but I spent a lot of time as a child hounding my grandfather for his hearing aid batteries which I would then smash with a hammer and get the mercury out and collect it in little bottles and carry it around with me. Well, the wonderful thing about mercury is when you pour it out on a surface and it beads up, then each bead of mercury becomes a little microcosm of the world. And yet the mercury flows back together into a unity. Well, as a child I had not yet imbibed the assumptions and the ontology of science. I was functioning as an alchemist. For me, mercury was this fascinating magical substance onto which I could project the contents of my mind. And a child playing with mercury is an alchemist hard at work, no doubt about it. -terence mckenna

entheogenic-gnosis said:
maranello551 said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
Just please be careful...

Sorry, I always worry when I hear about people planning such events...

what if something went wrong? Are you prepared to handle such a situation?

What if someone were to get hurt, or worse? could you live with that on your conscience?

please be careful and responsible...

(Sorry to be a "buzzkill", I just worry, I worry for individuals safety, and I worry for the reputation of my sacrament, please be mindful, please be responsible, and please consider all possible safety precautions)

Because ayahuasca is a co-drug containing mono amine oxidase inhibitors, it holds an element of risk which is not present with other traditional psychedelic sacraments...medications, diet, General physical health, and so on, all become important factors...


Thanks for your concern. I will be very mindful!

Any advice on recipe?

I have access to 100g caapi leaf, 500g muricata vine, 100g Syrian rue, 100g Mimosa, 100g and chaliponga.

I feel like I would be cheating them out of what I promised if I gave them an ayahuasca without any ayahuasca in it, so I would shy away from using rue unless I'm using it in combination with ayahuasca.....

I would recommend just not doing what you are planning on doing.

If these are people who have never taken ayahuasca before, you are placing yourself in a situation of great responsibility...

Please be very careful! And please take all proper precautions....

Peganum harmala and banisteriopsis caapi contain identical active compounds (harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmine) so it wouldn't be "cheating" anybody...Though you should always be upfront regarding what plants you used.

At 2 minutes into this video, terence mckenna outlines a recipe that you would probably be interested in...

However, I feel that learning the plants, and participating in the quest to obtain them, and learning how to prepare them, are all essential steps in the entheogenic process, if someone just "gives" you ayahuasca, you have cheated yourself out of some very important aspects of the process itself...

As I have said. I will do it. I will be mindful. This is neither the first nor last time I will do this. I have and will always take proper precaution. One shouldn't avoid responsibility at all coast. With great responsibility and proper precaution come rewards.

Peganum Harmala and Vine contain vastly different ratios of the same compounds, so they are not the same experience.

Not to be a dick, but did you even read the post? I outlines what I had access to. I do not have access to fresh chacruna or any fresh material, so the McKenna recipe is not in question.....

I understand that "learning the plants, and participating in the quest to obtain them, and learning how to prepare them, are all essential steps in the entheogenic process", but keep in mind that most people who undergo ayahausca healing are administered ayahuasca by a medicine man. They do not, for the most part, brew their own...
Can you really not just scale up your single dose recipes to coincide with the number of people participating?

you should know the proper ratio of compounds each person should ideally be consuming, and you should understand the quantities required of each individual plant to achieve these ratios...that's basic brewing knowledge.

...most these facilities, which I have many criticisms of as well, also have medical staff near by...and keep in mind that things go wrong in those situations as well, as this link demonstrates https://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ayahuasca/ayahuasca_death.shtml

When a person goes to a "medicine man" it is to be healed, it's generally a very serious situation, they have a sickness, which can be psychological or physical, and it's disrupting their life to the point where they are seeking a healer, some people, like cancer patients, or the terminally ill have had traditional medicine fail them and as a last resort seek shamanic healing, others feel they have a "curse" or terrible luck, or have evil energies or spirits connected to them, and must resort to a shaman to have them removed, as traditional medicines do not deal with such things...

These shamans have spent their entire life learning these skills, often through generations of their family, and the real shamans are few and far between, these days it's mostly new age scam artists and facilities looking to turn a profit...

(I also have my criticisms of modern ayahuasca retreats, which are a separate issue from shamanism though they operate under its guise...)

In any case, these are very serious issues, which are not to be taken lightly, the healer must actually be an effective healer, or he will quickly be exposed as a fraud.

One of the reasons this ancient skill is still practised is because it is effective. Just as people may not return to a doctor who brings them no relief, so, too, they will not continue to seek help from ineffective shamans. The healing that may come though this route is real. It touches not just the body but also the soul, where causes of illness often hide. By harmonizing the causes of illness and disquiet, and restoring soul and spirit to its rightful state, shamans restore balance.

-shamanism bible ; Mathews

I seriously hope you reconsider, being the facilitator to a group of inexperienced individuals is an enormous responsibility, these people are putting an extreme level of trust in you, they trust that you know what you are doing, and they trust that you will be able to help them through any rough patches...and they trust that what you are giving them is safe to be consumed...

If you can't be stopped, I recommend you dose them all VERY low, it would be better to have a group of people who were underwhelmed rather than overwhelmed...

I wish you would reconsider, Why you would want to give a group of inexperienced individuals ayahuasca is beyond me, just for the love of God be responsible, be safe, and take every precaution, and do this in an area where medical assistance can reach you fairly quickly...

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