Rising Star I initiated the process of joining this community in order to learn and exchange information about brewing AYahuasca (like) spirit brews using plants other than the common MHRB or ACRB, being not interested in fiddling with naphtha and lye and other things that might make me 'late for dinner'.
Maybe having a bit of a chip on my shoulder about the 'purity' of the Brew over vaping and the necessity for preparation and ceremonial/integration framework being superior to a 20 min blast off.. furthermore in working through the questionnaire I began to wonder if I was even in the right place...
Cutting to the chase: I've been looking around and came across a thread mentioning how the (I paraphrase)"elves don't like it one bit, if you sell it"- with the tacit implication that they don't mind at all if you use powerful chemicals to extract DMT from the plants..
On the flip side to that, I've also read posts where members are discussing how the plants have shown them that the 'Light' is not needed anymore for them and they've been guided to MAOI only journeys.:?
Then stumbled on a super easy phyllode tek whereby I can make some useable goo.
(I made some primitive goo before but I guess I didn't use it properly)
So I guess I might give it a go when the next opportunity arises..
Part of me feels like I'm delving into a side that is not so bright nevertheless I also see the teleological aspect of merging technology with nature and breaking through to new paradigms and such..
Maybe pure DMT asks more of the user (less of safety net?), maybe I wasn't ready before? Maybe I'm being led down the garden path and I will learn some lessons before going back to nature? Maybe I should stop rambling in public...
Maybe having a bit of a chip on my shoulder about the 'purity' of the Brew over vaping and the necessity for preparation and ceremonial/integration framework being superior to a 20 min blast off.. furthermore in working through the questionnaire I began to wonder if I was even in the right place...
Cutting to the chase: I've been looking around and came across a thread mentioning how the (I paraphrase)"elves don't like it one bit, if you sell it"- with the tacit implication that they don't mind at all if you use powerful chemicals to extract DMT from the plants..
On the flip side to that, I've also read posts where members are discussing how the plants have shown them that the 'Light' is not needed anymore for them and they've been guided to MAOI only journeys.:?
Then stumbled on a super easy phyllode tek whereby I can make some useable goo.
(I made some primitive goo before but I guess I didn't use it properly)
So I guess I might give it a go when the next opportunity arises..
Part of me feels like I'm delving into a side that is not so bright nevertheless I also see the teleological aspect of merging technology with nature and breaking through to new paradigms and such..
Maybe pure DMT asks more of the user (less of safety net?), maybe I wasn't ready before? Maybe I'm being led down the garden path and I will learn some lessons before going back to nature? Maybe I should stop rambling in public...