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Ayahuasca vs. Vaporizing (friendly)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
...so I initiated the process of joining this community in order to learn and exchange information about brewing AYahuasca (like) spirit brews using plants other than the common MHRB or ACRB, being not interested in fiddling with naphtha and lye and other things that might make me 'late for dinner'.

Maybe having a bit of a chip on my shoulder about the 'purity' of the Brew over vaping and the necessity for preparation and ceremonial/integration framework being superior to a 20 min blast off.. furthermore in working through the questionnaire I began to wonder if I was even in the right place...

Cutting to the chase: I've been looking around and came across a thread mentioning how the (I paraphrase)"elves don't like it one bit, if you sell it"- with the tacit implication that they don't mind at all if you use powerful chemicals to extract DMT from the plants..

On the flip side to that, I've also read posts where members are discussing how the plants have shown them that the 'Light' is not needed anymore for them and they've been guided to MAOI only journeys.:?

Then stumbled on a super easy phyllode tek whereby I can make some useable goo.
(I made some primitive goo before but I guess I didn't use it properly)
So I guess I might give it a go when the next opportunity arises..

Part of me feels like I'm delving into a side that is not so bright nevertheless I also see the teleological aspect of merging technology with nature and breaking through to new paradigms and such..

Maybe pure DMT asks more of the user (less of safety net?), maybe I wasn't ready before? Maybe I'm being led down the garden path and I will learn some lessons before going back to nature? Maybe I should stop rambling in public...
:lol: ...if you prepare brew properly you'll not only be late for dinner, you 'll most loikely skip dinner for good. What kind of purity are you talking about? Also, what made you think that MHRB and ACRB are 'common' ??

A small tweak in history can make these two so uncommon, that you/we/them/they/us too will have a hard time finding them...

What's wrong with 'powerful chemicals'? They help us omit unwanted alks n' stuff from extraction (phalaris...etc)

If you have a (poor devil) tendency to worry a lot, then make sure your first energetically pure working dose is strong enough to drive the message home.
Hi, 😁
I mean MHRB and ACRB are tried and tested. ACRB is what I've worked with up to now and I just felt that ACRB and Rue work so well why bother with chemicals and such. I value simplicity and have come to have great respect for the spirit(s) that give the Power and Light to the experience.
I've had my ass whipped too before by taking chances with preparation before a ceremony. By 'purity' I just meant respecting the plants and nature. Not 'pushing it' for ultimate thrill. Extracting and vaping kind of reminds me of drugs (I don't mean to offend anyone, it's a personal thing I should probably get over)
what I mean is I see now there is a whole different flavor to an extraction that I hadn't really considered before and the practice seems to have the blessing of the spirits.. so I'm giving it some more consideration. As you say it opens up whole other avenues of sources (phalaris etc.) The idea of Changa is also new to me and definitely sparks my interest.

I'm not so worried as careful.. The rabbit hole is a lot deeper than I ever imagined...
err..never met a durosa nor anyone truly righteous for that matter...
I'm very loose with language spirit/spirits/jinn/energy whatever.. maybe even angels...

La elaha ella elahi
liminalien said:
...Maybe I should stop rambling in public...

Woven convictions in that first post about what is better or best or worst or not done.
You're not going to get out of this by balancing arguments or thoughts.

Purists, traditionalists, spirit worshipers, you think it's a better ticket? I've seen yes and no.
Blast-off-ers, chemical brothers, extracters, you think it's an inferior ticket? I've seen yes and no.

So there you are, still puzzled ;)
So here I am Still puzzled

It's strange, even after my considerations I'm edging back again

Purists, traditionalists, spirit worshipers, you think it's a better ticket? I've seen yes and no.
Blast-off-ers, chemical brothers, extracters, you think it's an inferior ticket? I've seen yes and no.

It seems like you're saying, Jees, that 'nothing is true, everything is permitted' and in the end it's probably just a personality thing..

It's funny because when I consider buying chemicals, equipment etc. doing the tests etc. I feel lazy as hell. What an effort. But when I think about obtaining plant material, boiling it for hours, then eating a special diet for days, smudging my space saying a prayer and downing an awful tasting liquid, I'm like " Ya that all seems fine and reasonable...":)
More ramblings I'm afraid, if you're reading this, I'm sorry..


At first I thought you were merely mocking my name with that.. but then I googled it to find out what it was, which led me to the world of eco-friendly extraction! Suddenly I found myself interested again... so I had to ask myself, "what's this all about then?"

Obviously my seeming judgmental ideas about purity or righteousness are just a veneer for a deeper intuition as to what is right for me. So Having considered and eco-extraction with limonene, I checked it out and realized I probably have a sensitivity to it because of it's origins in citrus peal. aha!

Oh, right. My chemical sensitivities/intolerances (yes very real) I only discovered a few weeks back. Blind I know, but I'm still getting used to the idea that I'm cross 'allergic' to a whole host of artificial and natural substances (in time maybe Spirit Brew will help me heal, who knows..)

Hence my subconscious reluctance to work with any chemical processes at the moment, even eco-teks. Upon further reflection I'm becoming more aware of the need for MAOI/harmala integrated into my personal entheogenic path, for whatever reason I don't at present fully understand. even with say mushrooms etc.. Which I'm fascinated by and stoked to realize..

I know I'm largely talking to myself here, but I just thought I'd kind of close off my ramblings, since I opened up the post in the first place...
liminalien said:
Cutting to the chase: I've been looking around and came across a thread mentioning how the (I paraphrase)"elves don't like it one bit, if you sell it"- with the tacit implication that they don't mind at all if you use powerful chemicals to extract DMT from the plants..

There's a false dichotomy here when looking at extraction chemicals and DMT as chemicals for sale. I believe the basis for the philosophy of not selling DMT is that there is this anti-materialist sentiment that can be encountered within the experience, be it from interaction with entities or the witnessing of what comes across as a pre-packaged lesson, makes it counter-intuitive or hypocritical to personally profit off DMT. In the case of purchasing extracting chemicals, the flow of cash is going the other way in potential pursuit of a spiritual experience. Granted, the chemical companies are profiting off of this transaction, but none of these companies so far as I know are producing these chemicals with the intent to profit off of what is essentially a very small population of kitchen chemists extracting DMT.

liminalien said:
Purists, traditionalists, spirit worshipers, you think it's a better ticket? I've seen yes and no.
Blast-off-ers, chemical brothers, extracters, you think it's an inferior ticket? I've seen yes and no.

It seems like you're saying, Jees, that 'nothing is true, everything is permitted' and in the end it's probably just a personality thing..

I think what needs to be taken into account whichever way you go about things, is that ayahuasca or smoked/vaped DMT can both tend to be highly unpredictable. There is immense variety to the experiences, and the results don't always seem to follow logically from dosage.

When I think of your stance on what is the "natural" way to go about things in terms of drinking vs. smoking, and which is and isn't a drug, pharmahuasca comes to my mind. In the case of pharmahuasca, the DMT has already been extracted using all those chemicals, and yet one can still eat or drink it. Would you call pharmahuasca a drug then, but not ayahuasca? The effects of the two are remarkably similar, even without some of those extra "drugs"...errr alkaloids...that are present in ayahuasca.
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