Rising Star
(mind)Set:Calm and hopeful of a good journey
(physical condition) Set:sat comfortably physically stable.
Setting (location):Sat on my sofa in my lounge
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?)22:30 dark with curtains closed lights off
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) nothing for months other than regular medication of salbutamol inhaler
last meal: (Time and type)chicken salad 18:00
Gender: (m / f)M
body weight: (in kg pls)105kg
known sensitivities:
history of use: (experienced, novice, first timer - in general and for this specific substance/form)experienced
Substance(s): (list all taken substances)1:1:1 dmt leaf caapi harmala changa
Dose(s): (in the same order as Substances pls, use metric system i.e. g/ mg/ µg)110mg (taken in two 55mg doses directly after one was fading after 30 minutes)
Method of administration: (dissolved in water, capsuls, insufflated, vaporized...)smoked in an ice percolator bong
Administration time: T=0:00 (expand this if you used delayed administration for multiple substances or the same substance with multiple doses. Use indices.)dose 1 at 22:30 dose 2 at 23:05
Duration: (x hours)around 30 minutes each dose
First effects: 2 seconds after exhalation of finishing the bowl
Peak: (estimate a time range and note as e.g. T=2:00-4:00 for a range of 2 hours beginning 2 hours after administration)22:30:10 seconds-22:50ish
Come down:22:50-23:00
Intensity (overall): (use HRS-like scale i.e. 0-4: 0 = "Not at all;" 1 = "Slightly;" 2 = "Moderately;" 3 = "Quite a bit;" 4 = "Extremely.")4
Evaluation / notes:
Pleasantness: (0-4)4
Unplesantness: (0-4)0
Visual Intensity: (0-4)4
Hangover: (0-4 ; what type of impleasantness ; duration)n/a
Afterglow: (0-4 ; what type of positive effects ; duration)feeling positive, more loving and connected with my partner, a feeling of optimism
Last night I decided to smoke a new high harmala changa blend of a ratio of 1part DMT, 1 part leaf & caapi vine mix and 1 part extracted caapi vine harmalas, this is the combined report of two doses because I can't remember exactly which bits came from which dose but was essentially 1 long trip as the second dose was taken while coming down from the first.
I smoked 55mg from a lovely percolator ice bong to cool the magical smoke, as I held in the last of the smoke for 20 seconds I exhaled any lay back on the sofa in the dark.
Almost as soon as I closed my eyes I could see hundreds of different tartan drapes slowly descend towards me, as soon as it lowered onto me it transformed into a tartan forest of goblin trees (similar to Ents) that began a rhythmic tribal dance as they slowly marched past me.
As often happens smoking the spirit molecule I can't exactly remember how but I was transported to a corridor of a creepy fun house with a strange swirling floor of infinite amazing colours and a living door that wanted me to go through it.
Before I got a chance to go through the door my attention was taken by a stairway turned on it's side and three strange entities stood on the side of the stairs looking at me, they wore white suits and they constantly changed shape while their faces opened up like roses in stop motion and peeled away to reveal new insect faces which peeled away to reveal living moving paint type liquid faces always constantly peeling up over the last face to reveal the next.
Some strange long legged tap dancing, top hat wearing yellow and green beetles with shiny black shoes choreographed a strange high leg kicking dance while lifting their top hats up and down and twirling silver topped black shiny walking canes.
Somehow they disappeared and I ended up looking at a super shiny plastic looking wall with flying sandwiches cut into triangles on small white plates flew past in their hundreds similar to those ornamental ducks that people sometimes have "flying upstairs" etc, then I noticed I was in some kind of enchanted tea room with high tea being served in a whirling twirling carousel motion showing dainty cakes and treats on silver trays with a large silver teapot on a tray presiding over the tea service.
this transformed into a pink room with white trim and two giant gingerbread men grew out of the floor and out of each gingerbread man came continous pairs of smaller gingerbread men that bounced away into infinity.
at some point this changed into glass and candy flying toy ponies with rainbow manes etc, at one point a massive flock of bouncing dancing sheep appeared but I am not sure when.
I was shown an inter-dimensional cathedral with giant shape shifting pillars that existed both in and out of time where conscious beings went to understand the universe and how consciousness works and evolves,
The best part was a giant crystal round table and on it were the back end of massive white goats with their legs in the air (they didn't exist from after the udders and blended into the table) they were side by side all the way around the table giving birth to galaxies, universes, giant space dust clouds and rainbow colours.
during a gentle comedown I was treated to dancing holographic space cats and a strange serpent/jaguar/giraffe creature watching over everything, at the very end I was shown all of these visions was secretly just the camouflage of an impossibly large multi-dimensional octopus that opened a universe sized eye to somehow show me just how easily our basic minds are fooled by "reality" and that we just can't wrap our minds around what is really going on, this creature was a very gentle peaceful being that disappeared into colours like diesel on water as I peacefully drifted back into a luxurious bliss into consensus reality back to my sofa.
(mind)Set:Calm and hopeful of a good journey
(physical condition) Set:sat comfortably physically stable.
Setting (location):Sat on my sofa in my lounge
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?)22:30 dark with curtains closed lights off
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) nothing for months other than regular medication of salbutamol inhaler
last meal: (Time and type)chicken salad 18:00
Gender: (m / f)M
body weight: (in kg pls)105kg
known sensitivities:
history of use: (experienced, novice, first timer - in general and for this specific substance/form)experienced
Substance(s): (list all taken substances)1:1:1 dmt leaf caapi harmala changa
Dose(s): (in the same order as Substances pls, use metric system i.e. g/ mg/ µg)110mg (taken in two 55mg doses directly after one was fading after 30 minutes)
Method of administration: (dissolved in water, capsuls, insufflated, vaporized...)smoked in an ice percolator bong
Administration time: T=0:00 (expand this if you used delayed administration for multiple substances or the same substance with multiple doses. Use indices.)dose 1 at 22:30 dose 2 at 23:05
Duration: (x hours)around 30 minutes each dose
First effects: 2 seconds after exhalation of finishing the bowl
Peak: (estimate a time range and note as e.g. T=2:00-4:00 for a range of 2 hours beginning 2 hours after administration)22:30:10 seconds-22:50ish
Come down:22:50-23:00
Intensity (overall): (use HRS-like scale i.e. 0-4: 0 = "Not at all;" 1 = "Slightly;" 2 = "Moderately;" 3 = "Quite a bit;" 4 = "Extremely.")4
Evaluation / notes:
Pleasantness: (0-4)4
Unplesantness: (0-4)0
Visual Intensity: (0-4)4
Hangover: (0-4 ; what type of impleasantness ; duration)n/a
Afterglow: (0-4 ; what type of positive effects ; duration)feeling positive, more loving and connected with my partner, a feeling of optimism
Last night I decided to smoke a new high harmala changa blend of a ratio of 1part DMT, 1 part leaf & caapi vine mix and 1 part extracted caapi vine harmalas, this is the combined report of two doses because I can't remember exactly which bits came from which dose but was essentially 1 long trip as the second dose was taken while coming down from the first.
I smoked 55mg from a lovely percolator ice bong to cool the magical smoke, as I held in the last of the smoke for 20 seconds I exhaled any lay back on the sofa in the dark.
Almost as soon as I closed my eyes I could see hundreds of different tartan drapes slowly descend towards me, as soon as it lowered onto me it transformed into a tartan forest of goblin trees (similar to Ents) that began a rhythmic tribal dance as they slowly marched past me.
As often happens smoking the spirit molecule I can't exactly remember how but I was transported to a corridor of a creepy fun house with a strange swirling floor of infinite amazing colours and a living door that wanted me to go through it.
Before I got a chance to go through the door my attention was taken by a stairway turned on it's side and three strange entities stood on the side of the stairs looking at me, they wore white suits and they constantly changed shape while their faces opened up like roses in stop motion and peeled away to reveal new insect faces which peeled away to reveal living moving paint type liquid faces always constantly peeling up over the last face to reveal the next.
Some strange long legged tap dancing, top hat wearing yellow and green beetles with shiny black shoes choreographed a strange high leg kicking dance while lifting their top hats up and down and twirling silver topped black shiny walking canes.
Somehow they disappeared and I ended up looking at a super shiny plastic looking wall with flying sandwiches cut into triangles on small white plates flew past in their hundreds similar to those ornamental ducks that people sometimes have "flying upstairs" etc, then I noticed I was in some kind of enchanted tea room with high tea being served in a whirling twirling carousel motion showing dainty cakes and treats on silver trays with a large silver teapot on a tray presiding over the tea service.
this transformed into a pink room with white trim and two giant gingerbread men grew out of the floor and out of each gingerbread man came continous pairs of smaller gingerbread men that bounced away into infinity.
at some point this changed into glass and candy flying toy ponies with rainbow manes etc, at one point a massive flock of bouncing dancing sheep appeared but I am not sure when.
I was shown an inter-dimensional cathedral with giant shape shifting pillars that existed both in and out of time where conscious beings went to understand the universe and how consciousness works and evolves,
The best part was a giant crystal round table and on it were the back end of massive white goats with their legs in the air (they didn't exist from after the udders and blended into the table) they were side by side all the way around the table giving birth to galaxies, universes, giant space dust clouds and rainbow colours.
during a gentle comedown I was treated to dancing holographic space cats and a strange serpent/jaguar/giraffe creature watching over everything, at the very end I was shown all of these visions was secretly just the camouflage of an impossibly large multi-dimensional octopus that opened a universe sized eye to somehow show me just how easily our basic minds are fooled by "reality" and that we just can't wrap our minds around what is really going on, this creature was a very gentle peaceful being that disappeared into colours like diesel on water as I peacefully drifted back into a luxurious bliss into consensus reality back to my sofa.