Esteemed member
Like most young people, I started using drugs as a form of experimentation always expecting something extraordinary to happen. For example smoking weed would make me immune to all diseases and give other worldly artistic capabilities as a song-writer. Coke somehow being a tool to find the ways to get rich, successful guy that can pretty much hit on any woman and get anyone to do what you want without being ever rejected because the insane manipulation tactics and communication skills you suddenly posses. LSD making you figure out the entire universe, etc.
What I've learned is that these assumptions couldn't be farther from the truth, since on the web you can mainly see two types of people. One of them being anti-drug thinking that if you try it once you're immediately hooked, and that everybody who uses is a low-life and has ruined his life. The other being those who passionately defend and advocate the use of their drug of choice, as being the best thing that has happened since the dawn of mankind. There is no middle ground, so I would like to clear this up right away.
-Weed can make music sound much better, but you're not any more better of a songwriter than without it. Probably worse too, since once the high wears of you forget about it, and are really unmotivated to do anything afterwards. It can be fun, is good for stress and can help people heal when they have no other treatment.
-Hard drugs (coke, smack, meth and even molly) give them a miss, since they offer not much besides temporary good feelings and mess with your natural reward circuits in the brain which ultimately makes you just chase the high because you don't look forward to anything besides it. You won't get hooked right away though, and they can be fun too without a tolerance but like with drinking you'll be funny at times but most of the times make a fool out of yourself.
-Psychedelics It is not by any means a miracle potion that gets rid of all your problems simply by taking a tab of acid, and eating some shrooms. What many people don't realize is that even though it is a psychedelic, it is still a drug, and if someone ask you what you have learned from all those psychedelics most people will say they affirmed what they already knew, probably matured a bit faster than if they would without it and that's about it. They are magnifiers, they will magnify what ever it is you are feeling at that moment and in the meanwhile you will get visuals, hallucinations and intoxication too but that's what psychedelics really are.
What I've learned is that these assumptions couldn't be farther from the truth, since on the web you can mainly see two types of people. One of them being anti-drug thinking that if you try it once you're immediately hooked, and that everybody who uses is a low-life and has ruined his life. The other being those who passionately defend and advocate the use of their drug of choice, as being the best thing that has happened since the dawn of mankind. There is no middle ground, so I would like to clear this up right away.
-Weed can make music sound much better, but you're not any more better of a songwriter than without it. Probably worse too, since once the high wears of you forget about it, and are really unmotivated to do anything afterwards. It can be fun, is good for stress and can help people heal when they have no other treatment.
-Hard drugs (coke, smack, meth and even molly) give them a miss, since they offer not much besides temporary good feelings and mess with your natural reward circuits in the brain which ultimately makes you just chase the high because you don't look forward to anything besides it. You won't get hooked right away though, and they can be fun too without a tolerance but like with drinking you'll be funny at times but most of the times make a fool out of yourself.
-Psychedelics It is not by any means a miracle potion that gets rid of all your problems simply by taking a tab of acid, and eating some shrooms. What many people don't realize is that even though it is a psychedelic, it is still a drug, and if someone ask you what you have learned from all those psychedelics most people will say they affirmed what they already knew, probably matured a bit faster than if they would without it and that's about it. They are magnifiers, they will magnify what ever it is you are feeling at that moment and in the meanwhile you will get visuals, hallucinations and intoxication too but that's what psychedelics really are.