Rising Star
Hi everyone, first post here. this is an amazing comunity so I'd like to share with you guys a problem ablut BLUE DMT
I'm flowing q21q21 fluffy white tek, I use only glass and stainless container and spoon
and HEPTANE 99.5% PURE
Now when i pull and let sit on freezer the solvent becomes blue and crystals that form become blue too(if I try to evaporate some clean solvent in a glass no residues and no color evap clean).
So we have some BLUE that could comes from:
I'm pretty sure that is the LIME because if I put solvent and lime together some blue appear like it comes from the little lime chunk.
Is possible that blue and impurities comes from lime? because people told me to check the solent usually but with 99.5% pure heptane there's no chance to go wrong.
Now I'm scared, I'd like to start over with a Lazyman but I don't know if I need pure NaOh or I can buy the Sodium Hydroxide from my local suppliers.......but if is not pure??? I will have the same problem I got with Lime.
Don't know how to avoid this
EDIT: Solved, I used the same solvent with Cyb's tek and NO MORE BLUE
of course I used lye instead of lime, so BEWARE!!! the Lime is the main cause of blue in dmt because of Methylene blue that some limes can contain. No rust inibitors like the ones in the solvent.
I'm flowing q21q21 fluffy white tek, I use only glass and stainless container and spoon
and HEPTANE 99.5% PURE
Now when i pull and let sit on freezer the solvent becomes blue and crystals that form become blue too(if I try to evaporate some clean solvent in a glass no residues and no color evap clean).
So we have some BLUE that could comes from:
I'm pretty sure that is the LIME because if I put solvent and lime together some blue appear like it comes from the little lime chunk.
Is possible that blue and impurities comes from lime? because people told me to check the solent usually but with 99.5% pure heptane there's no chance to go wrong.
Now I'm scared, I'd like to start over with a Lazyman but I don't know if I need pure NaOh or I can buy the Sodium Hydroxide from my local suppliers.......but if is not pure??? I will have the same problem I got with Lime.
Don't know how to avoid this
EDIT: Solved, I used the same solvent with Cyb's tek and NO MORE BLUE
of course I used lye instead of lime, so BEWARE!!! the Lime is the main cause of blue in dmt because of Methylene blue that some limes can contain. No rust inibitors like the ones in the solvent.