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Blue dmt (SOLVED)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi everyone, first post here. this is an amazing comunity so I'd like to share with you guys a problem ablut BLUE DMT

I'm flowing q21q21 fluffy white tek, I use only glass and stainless container and spoon
and HEPTANE 99.5% PURE

Now when i pull and let sit on freezer the solvent becomes blue and crystals that form become blue too(if I try to evaporate some clean solvent in a glass no residues and no color appear...it evap clean).

So we have some BLUE that could comes from:


I'm pretty sure that is the LIME because if I put solvent and lime together some blue appear like it comes from the little lime chunk.

Is possible that blue and impurities comes from lime? because people told me to check the solent usually but with 99.5% pure heptane there's no chance to go wrong.

Now I'm scared, I'd like to start over with a Lazyman but I don't know if I need pure NaOh or I can buy the Sodium Hydroxide from my local suppliers.......but if is not pure??? I will have the same problem I got with Lime.

Don't know how to avoid this :(

EDIT: Solved, I used the same solvent with Cyb's tek and NO MORE BLUE
of course I used lye instead of lime, so BEWARE!!! the Lime is the main cause of blue in dmt because of Methylene blue that some limes can contain. No rust inibitors like the ones in the solvent.
lowe's home improvement has 100% Sodium Hydroxide. A lot of places hold it behind the counter because people use it to make meth. In lows you can get it just like any other item. It's in a black container with 900+ grams. Its probably the best place to get it. You need to be extremely careful with lye. Make sure you use gloves and goggles and do a sodium carbonate wash and re-x at the end. Remember it's always better to have safe dmt than more dmt. I wonder if you're giving the layers enough time to fully separate before pulling.
thankyou man,
I forgot to say that I do not live in the USA, so I can't buy most of your amazing brands.
I've found some sodium hydroxide but 98/99% pure and the additivea are 0.004% FE and 0.0001% Hg and 0.005% Na2SO4 and NaCl 0.01% and Na2CO3 0.6%

Also I have to say that after my first extraction my soup becomes more dry and with some red, is like the ph has dropped and infact my 2nd and 3rd extraction yielded less than half the first one (I used to think it should be the opposite, so the first is the weak one and the 2nd 3rd the most consistent)
I would only use 100%. If i was you I would be using Google and calling hardware store's. It would be worth it even if you had to drive a couple hours to get it. Good luck man and make sure you clean your DMT.
esse_jeremy said:
thankyou man,
I forgot to say that I do not live in the USA, so I can't buy most of your amazing brands.
I've found some sodium hydroxide but 98/99% pure and the additivea are 0.004% FE and 0.0001% Hg and 0.005% Na2SO4 and NaCl 0.01% and Na2CO3 0.6%

Also I have to say that after my first extraction my soup becomes more dry and with some red, is like the ph has dropped and infact my 2nd and 3rd extraction yielded less than half the first one (I used to think it should be the opposite, so the first is the weak one and the 2nd 3rd the most consistent)
You'll be fine with that NaOH. Those tiny quantities of impurities are perfectly normal - they're not additives - and they'll not affect your extraction.

Running Bear said:
I would only use 100%.
There's no such thing (in real-life chemistry, at least.)
Okk so I go for this NaOh and for lazyman's! thankyou :)

It's so bad that I can't follow q21q21 due to poor lime (that is the best lime I can buy online from my country) but in the end the only thing that matters is have a pure white dmt.

ps: I don't think I can clean those blue crystals, I washed with carbonate but they're still blue (more light blue but still blue). but the blue seems to be very soluble in alcool....maybe i can try wash the lime in alcool :?
Dude I'm no scientist I can only tell you what I would do. If it was me I would throw out that blue dmt and start over again with lye. A re-x is super easy and it's probably the best way to clean your DMT. Extracting is fun anyways :lol: ... look up willy myco on youtube...
Yeah that's what I will do, left a part blue spice (maybe I'll find a way to clean) and start over with lye!!

I will also check out the youtube channel :)

Thakyou again :thumb_up:
I know I sound like a arrogant a- but a lot of members on the nexus will smoke anything. Try to think about your health. Once you learn how to extract you will have all the dmt in the world. Is a little blue dmt even worth fixing.
Ulim said:

I would like to see the Blue DMT, as well. Interested in what could have occurred. I have used a kalkwasser mix (a mix of hydroxides) made for aquariums before, and noticed specs of the lime mix turning purple/blue/violet when mixed with water. But the mix was a blend of calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide, and I think one other - but not sodium.

However, the coloration did not appear in the solvent or the final result. In fact, the final result from that attempt was minimal. This was early on, and I was still experimenting with new things.

When i have used pickling lime, in my more recent attempts, (calcium hydroxide) i notice no discoloration.
NaOH is PURE when stored under anhydrous atmosphere with no humidity, oftentimes at temps >100 C. It's a very strong monoprotic base which will rapidly react with the water (AKA humidity) in the atmosphere, along with trace amounts of heavy metals under average laboratory/kitchen conditions of ~20-25 C, 1 atm, & RH (Residual Humidity). If one wishes to know why I seriously doubt the purity of all NaOH (supposedly ~99% pure upon initial analysis) samples which are stored at standard, non-anhydrous conditions over long periods of time, feel free to read about what a primary standard solid entails (emphasis on stable mass over time & low reactivity & constant structure & not hygroscopic as hell, etc.).

IMHO & IME, I have been able to get just as great yields of elf spice using sodium carbonate (made from bicarbonate via baking in oven at 200 C for 2 hours) in lieu of NaOH. Despite the fact that it may only be able to spike pH levels to an experimentally-observed max of 12.6 (read into buffer solutions pertaining to sodium carbonate if you wish to know one potential reason as to why I couldn't exceed this pH level), it's damned strong enough to freebase DMT for your intended purpose of acid-base extraction.

I cannot recommend others learning kitchen chemistry to use sodium carbonate (made from OTC baking soda, which in itself is very pure & possesses low trace contaminants, as per FDA standards) as their base of choice during acid-base extractions. It's easy to make, safe to touch, dissolves readily in water & tends to form a buffer solution with a max pH~~~12.6 & despite hygroscopic properties, is in general much much much better a reagent than a strong monoprotic base such as NaOH, which is commonly used here ad nauseum. Please FFS stay safe; acid-base chemistry can get nasty quick and fast if you don't know what you're adding to your extraction vessel/solution (PS PLEASE CALCULATE EVERYTHING IN ADVANCE & BE IN THE KNOW AS TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!!!! CHEMISTRY IS FUN, FANTASTIC, AND FAR MORE SAFE WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING & PLAN EVERYTHING IN ADVANCE, WITH A SOLID GRASP ABOUT THE CONCEPTS APPLIED IN SUCH EXTRACTIONS). Considering that pure elf spice, like many other pure organic compounds, consists of off-white to colorless/shiny crystals, I'd be willing to wager that the blue color in your product is most likely the end result of a galaxy of potential contaminants which may have been introduced to solution via the water used to dissolve your compound(s) of interest and/or due to impurities in other reagents employed. Always use distilled/deionized/pure water when dissolving things and prepare acids and bases from pure reference samples via simple & safe methodologies. Bark from these trees is known to be high in tannic acids, and thus XS acid doesn't need to be applied to initial extract. making sodium carbonate from sodium bicarbonate is cheap, easy, simple and safe; its also a great base for your purposes.

When in doubt: KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)

*yes, I know nothing is 100% pure. I only used the term pure in this rant to refer to compounds which are around the 98-99.5 % or higher ranges. KISS
I let the solvent evaporate and never had a blue residue.

also the normal V&mp naptha used is not 100% pure...but it doesn't color your spice.

Again, I used glass container, wooden spoons and never let a single plastic piece touch the soup but every piece of lime also the one i didn't use for my soup becomes blu if I put solvent or alcool.

it's pretty empirical that is the lime the problmem

and no 99,5 is almost pure you can't find a more pure solvent, 0.5% cant color your spice so much because if it is then all the people using the naphta or zippo will end up with blue
use zippo brand in the past couple years i have noticed that a rust inhibitor is being put in most naptha these days causing blue dmt after evaporation but not nessescarily freeze precip methods,

Blue/Green Dmt can potentially kill you even with a re-x this is hard thing to undo best to start over and throw that out to be safe
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