In every upright faith Homosexuality is not considerd an upright path. It only takes a glance to see that a man and a woman joined in union is the 'natural' and 'harmonious' way a society develops. When asked about homosexuality and Buddhism the Dalai Lama has said that homosexuality is not allowed in Buddhism.
I also agree with you that sexuality is an innate part of the human experiance and I never implied that sexuality is limited to a tool purely for reproduction. Infact in in true tantric cultivation of male/female the yang suppliments the ying and a cultivation of both people is achieved so sexuality indeed does have a very spiritual aspect to it too.
Your quite correct I'm critizing 'modern' society but I am not critizing man's amazing innate potential,that is to say man as a being has so much depth and creativity and intelligence yet is somehow deviating from all this. A glance on a television will show you that. And a television could be such a great tool yet it is not being used to it's true potential and that is just one example. There is a deep schizm between man's scientific capabilites and his spiritual core. It's as if one is atrophing while the other is developing exceedingly fast. The harmony and balance is lost.
I agree with you that the one part of Buddha Law is compassion, but compassion is just one part. There are also things such as Truth, knowing right from wrong, a strong will that can bear hardships of the greatest kind and many other things. Also Buddha Law has law guardians, why you see them in temples or even in Buddhists paintings and novels. Why would Buddha Law need guardians? It's because a Law such as this must protect itself from the other side or to put simply protect itself from evil. It's definetly not just a melting pot of 'Do what thou wilt'. It is noble, has standards, and is not an easy path to follow.
Many ancient civilizations were not barbaric at all, the ancient Tang Dynasty of China had a very harmonious society, it was very Dao in nature and people followed the Dao and were in Harmony with nature and each other to a much greater degree than today. It had amazing art, culture and musical abilities and it's knowledge of the cosmos, man and earth was great. Some things like Chi Gong, Meridian points, The I ching and many many other things were discovered and passed on.
Your correct every sentient being is suffering and Buddha's which really just means awakened ones see the 'bigger picture'. All that inner arduous meditation slowly awakens there innate abilities until they truly 'awaken'. They see all this suffering and want a person to liberate themselves from this suffering, to enter the other shore or what Buddha Shakyamuni called 'nirvana' or what Jesus called 'The Heavens'. But these places operate on a higher law, a more divine level that has higher standards than the human realm. Compassion is also guiding people in a correct way and showing that they may be doing things that may harm them in the future. A school teacher has compassion for her pupils and if one of them is for example doing something wrong or naughty, isn't is compassionate to point that out?
On the topic of violent video games, movies, music etc perhaps these things in adult hands minimize the impact caused as the human mind has already formed it's preconceived notions of reality and knows right from wrong. But on young kids who are still developing mentally, spiritually and emotionally it does affect them.
Fact and fiction, Truth and make beleive are still concepts that haven's fully solidified in ther psyches. That is why little children have invisible friends and such. Feed a young boy or girl constant bad 'stimulus', constant dark and negative music, games, movies and how else can they behave, these things have shaped them.
Have a look at Dr Emoto's work on water crystals. Have a look at what type of effect simple words have on these crystals let alone on the mind of a child.
In terms of studies on these things, many studies have also shown that these types of things have detrimental effect on kids, it depends on who is funding the research.
As for supernatural abilities that I have mentioned, well that is for you to decide There is I beleive enough scientific, historical and anecdotal evidence to atleast suggest that things are not as they seem or as we perceive them. Oh and the big bang is only a theory too.
Endlessness wrote:
"and another thing about what you said: what is good and bad, right and wrong? Who is the one that says it? Look at history, or even right now in our present world, what is good in one place is bad on another, what is right for one society is wrong for another"
Wrong, good and bad is universal. Were in the word is killing, rape, stealing, hurting another, lying or any other 'bad' thing looked upon favorably or even condoned in human society? Good and Bad are like night and day.
And as for abused hurt lives, 90% of serial killers and rapists and other criminals had very troubled and damaged upbringings.