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Breaking Convention >> A Multidisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness

Migrated topic.
Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to make this, far too much going on that week. Real shame as it looked great. I'm hoping someone who does get to attend will post a good write-up of it.
I'm not anywhere near the UK so I wont be able to make it. But I do have a good idea as to spotting each other. Why don't all the fellow nexians where some kind of those silicone wristbands?

I only wish I could be at all events at once, it will be difficult in some cases to pick and choose. This conference is going to have a massive effect on my future mentality... can hardly humour work & university at the moment :)
The programme looks great and is certainly packed.

But, is it just me, or was anyone else confused to see listings for the Friday night when the dates for this conference were given as 2-3 April? I have only booked accommodation for the nights of the 2nd and 3rd, then to find there is also events on the 1st too. I do not have accommodation for the Friday night as the place i'm staying at Saturday and Sunday is fully booked. Miffed.

Surely the dates should have always been given as 1-3 April?!

Does anyone else feel similarly misled, or is it just me?!

Regardless, I will be coming on Friday (dont want to miss the 7pm screening of the DMT movie!) and will wing it in terms of accom. Hoping to make a quick friend who can share a little floor space or something!

Looking forward to meeting some of you guys there.
xibalbaNOW said:
But, is it just me, or was anyone else confused to see listings for the Friday night when the dates for this conference were given as 2-3 April?

That definitely was confusing... My understanding is that the event grew significantly from the initial planning stages, and events spilled over into the pre-weekend hours.


PS, my friend is presenting her Psychedemia paper at 4:10pm on Saturday 4/2, on the "Psychedelics, Power and Authority" panel, Room F. Hope you can make it. :)
I just wanted to say how great it was to meet so many of you this weekend. You know who you are. Peace and love to you all. See you next time. x
Let's make a collection of the memorable quotes :D

"We need to take higher doses!" (Very applauded comment from someone in the audience in the final round of questions to speakers. This person took house's words to heart :D)

"We need more chemists"
(Andy Roberts, when asked what he thought was the way to help the future of the psychedelic community)

"Dying is dangerous" (Torsten Passie in his talk, when explaining the differences between modern and traditional societies, how the western world is affraid of the natural experiences such as birth and dying, and how its done in hospitals instead of in other comfortable environments)
"One man's user cognitive deficit is another man's party" - a panel member on the MDMA debate when responding to Andy Parrots controversial research into the risks of MDMA.
"we need to fucking love each other more!" one of the speakers in room F - talk was titled practical consciousness evolution but wasn't really very practical aside from comments along the lines of the quote... :p
If anyone has the quote from Casey Hardison as to why he did what he did (Charlotte Marsh gave this quote in her presentation), i'd love to hear it regurgitated here. I didnt write it down since it was quite long and I was convinced i'd find it online. No such luck.

It was a beautiful and eloquent description as to why psychedelic chemists do what they do. I was quite moved when Charlotte read it and i'd love to hear it again!

"So, why did I do it? There is no single pat answer. The simplest: my love of learning. The veiled: for my ego, for the attention, to feel special, to be loved, etc. The flippant: because I could. With hindsight: civil disobedience, academic and religious freedom in the study of the mind, and an expression of equal rights. The most accurate: my desire to share entheogenesis with others, to wake humanity up from the penumbral dream-world of materialist delusion, to help end the blatant injustice and rape of human dignity that occurs within the context of a “War on (some) Drugs”, to seize the world stage and help create a forum for the cooperative and conscious stewardship of Mother Earth and all her relations."

Quote above found in this article

I just can't tell you what a pleasure it was to meet so many Nexians at the conference. It was such an amazing weekend, to be surrounded by 600 people united in consciousness exploration, to talk to so many of them, to hear such intelligent papers on the history/therapeutic use/brain chemistry/shamanic usage/legal progress etc of entheogenic plants, to discover that fellow Nexians were even more lovely than I had dared to hope!..:oops: , and to learn in great detail from Infundibulum how to remove the brain from a dead mouse. :?

A truly great weekend...let's hope there's another.
ah yeah, was great to meet you too Limeni.

unfortunately I missed that talk about casey; I heard it was really good. I wish I could remember more the other talks. The ones that stood out the most were the final few talks i.e. Graham Hancock, Thorsten Passie, Rick Doblin - in reverse order of awesomeness. We should keep our eyes pealed for a DVD or online release of some of these talks, but no sooner than in one month, at least this is what one of the organizers said. Admittedly, he said he was probably the worst person to ask about this... anyway, they did tape all of the talks, so maybe we're lucky.
Haha...well, I took xibalbaNOW's request as a direct challenge to track that beautiful quote down. .8)

Thanks Enoon. I have to say that meeting you was one of the absolute highlights of the whole weekend - you're a very special person.:oops: .Your whole being just radiates love out into the world (...even after a five mile trek to find lunch).

(sorry...probably should've been a PM, but it had to be said!)
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