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Breaking Convention >> A Multidisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness

Migrated topic.
for anyone who is interested, here is the latest paper that F.X. Vollenweider talked about in his talk at the end of the conference - very technical but maybe interesting to some.


  • 2011Vollenweider_5HTP.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 0

Are you going to followup on getting tapes or CDs or DVDs of the talks in a month? I would be interested in getting info for obtaining at least some of them.

Hey convention smashing Nexians,

I wanted to apologize for not getting to meet any of you lovely people, I assure you it wasn't anything personal!! It was down to me, my schedule turned out to be pretty hectic. I was down in Canterbury, and staying with some very good friends there, who were also at the conference. It was quite decadent my being there at all actually, as I have a research project in for my masters in very soon, and it still needs a fair bit of tweaking. Unfortunately our own shenanigans kinda eclipsed much of the conference which is a shame, only really caught some of the afternoon stuff in fact on both days. In reflection I'm kinda gutted I didn't get to meet you guys, I'm all for old good friends, but am also very open to meeting new cool people, especially psychedelic people, as there ain't that many of us 'on the level'. In fact if I could have gone again, I think I would have gone alone or with just one friend I'm not exactly the shy and retiring type, and post Iboga have been trying to make more of an effort to open up to new people, experiences and opportunities. Did meet up with a top dude who runs an ethnobotanical company based down South, we shared out first kambo ceremony together which was pretty special.

Anyway, some great talks, I'm gutted I missed the Ibogaine talk and the ayahuasca stuff...I almost feel like they tried to fit in too much into the available time. Rick Doblin is a great guy...highly intelligent, articulate, and a great speaker, I'm really glad he is heading MAPS, and I really enjoyed the open MDMA debate.

And endlessness, that guy who shouted out "We need bigger doses!" was Dr Kilindi Iyi, and below is a clip of him discussing melanin, DMT and mushrooms. Some of his views are pretty out there, but I really dig his vibe. Not sure if anyone else experienced his talk, but I found it inspiring, he's a real character and was championing the high dose shamanic approach with psilocybin in silent darkness. He's a guy that's been around the block, and was interesting hearing talk about African ethnobotany...so little known and so much is shrouded secrecy there, but it seems like the mushroom is the basis to at least some of it. He did mention Iboga as well, someone I wish I'd gotten a chance to speak to.

Hopefully catch some of ya later on down the trail... 😉
I'm quite gutted I never got to meet anyone as well. I found myself quite emotional at the conference, just seeing a portion of the community for the first time was thought provoking enough never mind getting pummelled with information by speakers :p

It's definitely quite humbling to see all the things which are going on, all the people out for good causes - it makes me want to get involved... even in small ways. As always, I feel regret from not making the most of things, but it's difficult to always be in them moment... live and grow :)
huh, we were walking around with dmt-nexus written on our name-tags and trying to find all of our ppl. I kept walking through the crowd looking people in the eyes and on their name-tags trying to discern if they were one-of-us... also I had my delta-mu-tau see you in hyperspace hoodie on when it wasn't too warm for that, like I said I would. too bad we didn't cross paths.
Ah now that name tag idea was a good one, didn't know about that... Because I didn't get there until the Saturday I missed out on the swanky acid blotter based name tags all my friends had and just got a bog standard white piece of paper.. :p
Dave Lee has posted his thoughts on the Breaking Convention, which I found highly interesting. Did anyone make it to his talk?

Also, I hadn't heard anyone mention that when Kilindi Iyi speaks of "high doses" in his talk 'High dose, towards an organic singularity,' me means 30-40 dried grams. :shock:
I wonder how strong his mushrooms is, his personal sensitivity, his eating habbits (he was a pretty large guy) and how gradually he reached those amounts. I didnt hear his talks but unless he was sure to emphasize being careful, sounds pretty irresponsible to suggest those amounts for normal people imo. In any case his "we need to take higher doses" comment was pretty hilarious the last day :p

Thanks for that page, ragabr. Funny thing that I actually didnt see any of the talks mentioned in his page, and he neither mentioned my favourite talks, like Charlotte (forgot her last name) about cognitive liberty, or rolland griffith's talk on his experiments with psilocybin and mystical experiences, or one dude I forgot his name in the ayahuasca table about ayahuasca for treating depression, or rick doblin's talk about how he views the world relating to psychedelics in the future and the reasonable way he sees to getting there.

Btw yes limeni was awesome meeting you too, and all the other nexians I hadnt met before. Hanging out for lunch with you people will forever be in my mind :)
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