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Bufo Attempt.. Do I have the jist of it?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello Nexus! I was planning on setting up a bufo extract but wanted to find out from my mentors if this tek I put together (by collecting info here on the nexus..) would suffice. Any help or constructive criticism?

(EDIT= I've changed a couple things that were recommended.)

50gms A. Colubrina Seeds
Citric Acid
Sodium Carbonate

1. Grind 50gms seeds and toast at 300F for 60min.
Then repeatedly wash with 250ml cold xylene until it pulls clear
repeat this^^ with 200ml acetone until that pulls clear. discard solvents.

2. Freebase seed powder with Sodium Carbonate (half the weight of the seeds) and little water to form a paste, mix for 10 min then make sure mix is completely dry. Bake in oven at 300F for 60min.

3. Collect mix and Start doing pulls with 200ml acetone and then separate solid, combining your pulls together.

4. Add 10% Citric Acid Saturated Acetone ( 10gms Citric Acid to 100ml of acetone) to combined acetone pulls to drop bufo citrate and other crap. Keep adding CASA until nothing else precipitations complete.

Those four steps are JUST for getting rid of fats and oils.

5. Freebase bufocrap citrate with sodium carbonate (equal to the weight of the Bufocrap) and little water to form a paste, mix for 10 min and let it dry completely. Bake in 300F oven for 60min.

6. Collect from oven and begin pulls with acetone. Combine Acetone pulls and evaporate
(this will separate the any excess sodium carbonate and other solid left overs)

7. Boil the bufo-goo thats left over from acetone pulls with 100ml of xylene for 5 minutes. Carefully/Quickly pour boiling xylene into new jar before it starts to cool. Be sure to leave the goo-gunk in the bottom.

Those three steps are to separate the bufo alkaloid from the other nauseating substances and most other random solids that are present

8. Once xylene sits for enough time to completely cool, your extract drops out. With care, decant Xylene and scrape crystals off inside of jar.

9. Dissolve Extract in acetone to break it down, let it evaporate and scrap em up

10. Once dry, Bake end product 1 more time at 300F for 60min.<(probly not necessary) Scrape up your baked extract and subject it to acetone pulls. Collect em and Evap. (Repeat step 7-9 if end product still contains unpleasant/unwanted alkaloids)

Again any help or advice from the more experienced persons would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Make sure you wait a good few hours after freebasing before you dry the goods.

Also with that xylene boil, pay careful attention to what you're decanting.
soulfood said:
Make sure you wait a good few hours after freebasing before you dry the goods.

Also with that xylene boil, pay careful attention to what you're decanting.

Ok thanks man, I'll make sure I make that change in my notes. Anything else anybody think I should change before I go for it?
and when boiling xylene make sure you either do it outside or have amazing ventilation..that stuff is nasty!!..also be VERY careful about any sparks or whatnot near the boiling xylene..we dont want to hear an explosion
Jorkest said:
and when boiling xylene make sure you either do it outside or have amazing ventilation..that stuff is nasty!!..also be VERY careful about any sparks or whatnot near the boiling xylene..we dont want to hear an explosion

Ok Thanks for the reminder, ill make sure I exercise extreme caution with that, No flame, No sparks!
69ron...I was wondering what you think and if you would make any revisions if you were to use these steps...
69ron...I was wondering what you think and if you would make any revisions if you were to use these steps...

1. Grind 50gms seeds and toast at 200F for 15min.
Then repeatedly wash with 250ml cold xylene until it pulls clear
repeat this^^ with 200ml acetone until that pulls clear. discard solvents.

It’s better to toast at 300 F for 1 hour. 200 F is not hot enough.

2. Freebase seed powder with Sodium Carbonate (half the weight of the seeds) and little water to form a paste, mix for 10 min then make sure mix is completely dry. Bake in oven at 250F for 15min

Again, it’s better to toast for 30 minutes or so at 300 F. Bufotenine is extremely heat stable. The toxins are not.

3. Collect mix and Start doing pulls with 200ml acetone and then separate solid, combining your pulls together.

4. Add 10% Citric Acid Saturated Acetone ( 10gms Citric Acid to 100ml of acetone) to combined acetone pulls to drop bufo citrate and other crap. Keep adding CASA until nothing else precipitations complete

Those four steps are JUST for getting rid of fats and oils

5. Freebase bufocrap citrate with sodium carbonate (equal to the weight of the Bufocrap) and little water to form a paste, mix for 10 min and let it dry completely. Bake in 275F oven for 15min.

Again, use 300 F.

6. Collect from oven and begin pulls with acetone. Combine Acetone pulls and evaporate
(this will separate the any excess sodium carbonate and other solid left overs)

7. Boil the bufo-goo thats left over from acetone pulls with 100ml of xylene for 5 minutes. Carefully/Quickly pour boiling xylene into new jar before it starts to cool. Be sure to leave the goo-gunk in the bottom.

Those three steps are to separate the bufo alkaloid from the other nauseating substances and most other random solids that are present

9. Once xylene sits for enough time to completely cool, your extract drops out. With care, decant Xylene and scrape crystals off inside of jar.

10. Wash these with Acetone (removes residual xylene) and then let crystals set and dry..Once dry, Bake end product 1 more time at 300F for 15 min.

No. Don’t wash with acetone. This will absorb a lot of the bufotenine.

You can dissolve it in acetone and evaporate the acetone to help remove the xylene. The acetone will help the xylene evaporate away. If you want to remove the xylene, wash it with d-limonene or naphtha, or heptane. I think d-limonene is the best wash for this case because it’s non-toxic.

11. Scrape up your baked extract and subject it to acetone pulls. Collect em and Evap. (Repeat step 7-10 if end product still contains unpleasant/unwanted alkaloids)

I think that’s about all I can find that should be changed. Step 10 is NOT GOOD. Absolutely change that one.
69ron said:
No. Don’t wash with acetone. This will absorb a lot of the bufotenine.

Oh yeah sorry, I meant to put dissolve not wash. Thanks for your help, I'm hoping to get a somewhat clean end product because i have some calcium hydroxide. I wanna play around with those times you were talking about. I read it on one of these threads somewhere.
69ron said:
No. Don’t wash with acetone. This will absorb a lot of the bufotenine.

Oh yeah sorry, I meant to put dissolve not wash. Thanks for your help, I'm hoping to get a somewhat clean end product because i have some calcium hydroxide. I wanna play around with those times you were talking about. I read it on one of these threads somewhere.

Are you referring to the chemical alteration of bufotenine by mixing it with calcium hydroxide for different amounts of time?
69ron said:
Are you referring to the chemical alteration of bufotenine by mixing it with calcium hydroxide for different amounts of time?

Yep. I dont care how many tries it takes, I want that compound.
69ron said:
Are you referring to the chemical alteration of bufotenine by mixing it with calcium hydroxide for different amounts of time?

Yep. I dont care how many tries it takes, I want that compound.

I hope you can figure out a way to make it 100% of the time. With SWIM’s tests it was hit or miss, either you’d get it just right and get the new psychedelic compound, go overboard and ruin the bufotenine, or nothing would change. If you could figure out a way to succeed 100% of the time, that would be fantastic. SWIM loves that new compound. As a smoked psychedelic it’s the best one there is by far. It’s very friendly, extremely visual in a way similar to DMT, is very euphoric, and lasts as long as bufotenine. It’s the perfect smoked psychedelic.

SWIM found mixing bufotenine with 2 parts of calcium hydroxide dissolved in a 50:50 mix of IPA and water for somewhere between 1-4 hours would work. Sometimes 1 hour was not enough, and other times 4 hours was too much. But it was always somewhere in that window of time that the conversion would be a success. If it’s not long enough, the conversion is incomplete or doesn’t take place. If it’s too long the compound is rendered non-smokable (but still might be active orally). 24 hours was always too long.

I’m sure there’s some way to ensure that the reaction happens consistently. Maybe it’s a matter of pH. Maybe if just the right amount of calcium hydroxide is used, the conversion takes place but never goes overboard.

I’m excited to see your results!
Actually not yet because by the time I acquired the funds necessary to attempt this extraction (Yesterday), the nexus had come out with the baking, freebasing, and pulling with IPA method, and with it working so well, I'm going to attempt it that way.
I will still experiment with the method on this thread to report back information, it won't be for a little while tho.
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