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Cactus ID Thread

Migrated topic.
I thought the flower looked quite similar... of cause its not a pachanoi or peruvianus, but there are quite a few Trichocereus species that I didn't see adult specimen from and I thought it might be one of them.
If it is not Trichocereus, then what genus could it be?

The fruit is pretty delicius though :lol:

Also it's a beautiful cactus, so I'll try to grow the seeds, whatever they are and active or not :)
sorry for the off-topic as I dont have much to add here but...

nicita love your pic! its great to see another fellow traveler enjoying the work of walter moers, a true piece of psychedelic literature in my opinion :D
The first pic looks like a tric to me, look at a few google images. Echinopsis peruviana as a search term turned up a few that were fairly close but without a detailed botanical description of the plant it's very difficult to say. A better close-up of the flower in the first picture would have been helpful. That's not to say I'd be of any further use were this to have been the case :/

The second picture does not look like a Trichocereus and is also of a poorer resolution, again making identification more difficult. I'm guessing the two pictures are of two different specimens at separate locations?

It'll be interesting to see what the seeds produce in any case...

I've been looking out for this thread for a while as I have a few specimens at home that I'd like to I.D.

#1 A lovely Mammillaria:

#2 Some generic supermarket cactus, unknown genus (?Echinocereus):

#3 Very probably a Pachycereus pringlei, these are very commonly sold these days:

#4 A little Mammillaria, sadly rather battered in transit (and the photo isn't that great either!):

#5 Unknown genus number 2:

#6 Unknown genus number 3:

#7 Unknown genus number 4:

Any pointers for these would be most welcome!


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@Nicita: I'm not quite sure but look into T. taquimbalansis or tacaquierensis. At first glance it looked like a terscheckii but the diameter of the cactus makes me think otherwise.

Are the photos all of the same plant?

@Sakkadelic, it's not a Trichocereus. It could be Polaskia chichipe but I make no guarantees that's correct.
I don't have any experience with cacti, was given this little fella as a gift. Could someone please tell me the species?


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Hey guys, can anyone ID these for me ? Partially for my Daughter, who is starting to collect Cacti & partially for me, who would like to try a cactus journey someday. 😊


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Hey folks, any idea what these are? (it's the same cactus)


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It’s always difficult to tell with these things. I’d wager it’s a Peruvianus hybrid, possibly with some bridgesii genes in there. Whatever it is it looks like a very fine plant. 👌
^^Very nice. Some of those chunkier areoles are even reminiscent of a macrogonus kind of direction (but what do I know?) - a bit like it has a mixture of all of these genetics.

A case of taste it and see? :twisted:
Thanks antichode!

downwardsfromzero said:
A case of taste it and see? :twisted:

Thanks downwardsfromzero, unfortunately not a possibility atm, but content has been detected previously, so it's certainly active. However, my real inquiry is about the species. It seems that it will not be something straightforward (which can be good or bad). I like the idea of a hybrid, but it will make it difficult to share/trade as I won't have a definitive name for it.

Only about half my specimens have that kind of data attached. You might have to do like some other growers and make up a cool-sounding name if the lack of one proves troublesome. If that sounds too cheeky, well, it's no obligation - and for the record it's not something I've done either. As a compromise, I would suggest asking the cactus itself what its name is.

This does make me think that cactus genetic fingerprinting would make for an interesting project

Also found this quote:
Trichocereus macrogonus = Trichocereus peruvianus... Macrogonus is just an outdated name! THEY ARE THE SAME CACTUS! MACROGONUS = PERUVANIUS
here. I find this confusing - is my labelled and trusted macrogonus specimen just a far chunkier version of the specimens I have that I always, er, assumed were peruvianus? The differences are manifold and obvious to my eyes. Photos should follow, macrogonus first.


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downwardsfromzero said:
Only about half m............. Photos should follow, macrogonus first.

Thank you so much for the info!!! If I am to make an assumption, I'd say my cacti look like a mixture of your pics, the biggest one almost looks like the bottom half is macrogonus and the top half peruvianus. Still, very happy to have arrived to something specific, even if it's between two results!

Much gratitude!
downwardsfromzero said:
I find this confusing - is my labelled and trusted macrogonus specimen just a far chunkier version of the specimens I have that I always, er, assumed were peruvianus? The differences are manifold and obvious to my eyes. Photos should follow, macrogonus first.

The first looks like a peruvianus (macro) from the matucana region. Someone has put a lot of work into getting these seeds out into the world for quite a while. IcarosDNA.

The 2nd looks like a pachanoi variety in my eyes.
wearepeople said:
The first looks like a peruvianus (macro) from the matucana region. Someone has put a lot of work into getting these seeds out into the world for quite a while. IcarosDNA.

The 2nd looks like a pachanoi variety in my eyes.
Thanks for your instructive opinion! Here's a follow up question - what do you think of the specimen, pictures attached, that seems at first glance the same as the one you identified as a pachanoi? A closer look shows that they are quite noticeably different.


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downwardsfromzero said:
wearepeople said:
The first looks like a peruvianus (macro) from the matucana region. Someone has put a lot of work into getting these seeds out into the world for quite a while. IcarosDNA.

The 2nd looks like a pachanoi variety in my eyes.
Thanks for your instructive opinion! Here's a follow up question - what do you think of the specimen, pictures attached, that seems at first glance the same as the one you identified as a pachanoi? A closer look shows that they are quite noticeably different.

Hmmm, kind of hard to say at this point. It reminds me of a few but it hasn't really put its full, mature look out yet.
Thanks again, wap.

Any information you do have would be most helpful - the mystery specimen is one that took nine years to nurse into some semblance of health from a tiny, spindly, badly crusted cutting. Anything that will help me optimise its growing conditions (apart from leaving northern Europe 😁 ) will be received most gratefully. The sooner it develops its mature appearance, the sooner its identity can be fathomed.

Also, you might remember this specimen in another thread.
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