I could be wrong but i don't think it's a trichocereus, you'll be luckier next time 
DesykaLamgeenie said:Anyone know what this little one is?
downwardsfromzero said:A case of taste it and see? :twisted:
here. I find this confusing - is my labelled and trusted macrogonus specimen just a far chunkier version of the specimens I have that I always, er, assumed were peruvianus? The differences are manifold and obvious to my eyes. Photos should follow, macrogonus first.Trichocereus macrogonus = Trichocereus peruvianus... Macrogonus is just an outdated name! THEY ARE THE SAME CACTUS! MACROGONUS = PERUVANIUS
downwardsfromzero said:Only about half m............. Photos should follow, macrogonus first.
downwardsfromzero said:I find this confusing - is my labelled and trusted macrogonus specimen just a far chunkier version of the specimens I have that I always, er, assumed were peruvianus? The differences are manifold and obvious to my eyes. Photos should follow, macrogonus first.
Thanks for your instructive opinion! Here's a follow up question - what do you think of the specimen, pictures attached, that seems at first glance the same as the one you identified as a pachanoi? A closer look shows that they are quite noticeably different.wearepeople said:The first looks like a peruvianus (macro) from the matucana region. Someone has put a lot of work into getting these seeds out into the world for quite a while. IcarosDNA.
The 2nd looks like a pachanoi variety in my eyes.
downwardsfromzero said:Thanks for your instructive opinion! Here's a follow up question - what do you think of the specimen, pictures attached, that seems at first glance the same as the one you identified as a pachanoi? A closer look shows that they are quite noticeably different.wearepeople said:The first looks like a peruvianus (macro) from the matucana region. Someone has put a lot of work into getting these seeds out into the world for quite a while. IcarosDNA.
The 2nd looks like a pachanoi variety in my eyes.