Rising Star
As Acacian discussed in a previous post, demand has lead to the unethical and improper harvesting of trees.
I routinely catalog locations of AC in my area, as well as intermittently inspect them for health and personal research. While on a random visit to an abundant area, I came across numerous instances of damaged trees exactly like or similar to the damage in the photo. This greatly disturbed me because this kind of harvesting is completely unnecessary, given the number of AC in the given area. This also good to show that most of the ACRB being sold is likely trunk bark, not root bark.
I take deep offense to this type of behavior. I have a special connection to AC because the gift it bestowed upon me that saved my life. Actions like this compromise the life of these trees, many of which are 20-30 years old if not older. I have seen this type of damage on some cataloged trees that are almost 100 years old, and frankly its getting ridiculous.
I suggest boycotting ACRB purchases from vendors selling from Hawaii, specifically the island of Oahu. If that's not possible, i suggest demanding Where Your vendor sources their acrb from, and prove they did it ethically. Its a lot to ask, but if you truly care about these trees and the medicine they provide, it should be worth it. Your continued support of these vendors businesses with their current harvesting methods will continue the type of damage being done to these trees, which may make them unavailable in the future.
I routinely catalog locations of AC in my area, as well as intermittently inspect them for health and personal research. While on a random visit to an abundant area, I came across numerous instances of damaged trees exactly like or similar to the damage in the photo. This greatly disturbed me because this kind of harvesting is completely unnecessary, given the number of AC in the given area. This also good to show that most of the ACRB being sold is likely trunk bark, not root bark.
I take deep offense to this type of behavior. I have a special connection to AC because the gift it bestowed upon me that saved my life. Actions like this compromise the life of these trees, many of which are 20-30 years old if not older. I have seen this type of damage on some cataloged trees that are almost 100 years old, and frankly its getting ridiculous.
I suggest boycotting ACRB purchases from vendors selling from Hawaii, specifically the island of Oahu. If that's not possible, i suggest demanding Where Your vendor sources their acrb from, and prove they did it ethically. Its a lot to ask, but if you truly care about these trees and the medicine they provide, it should be worth it. Your continued support of these vendors businesses with their current harvesting methods will continue the type of damage being done to these trees, which may make them unavailable in the future.