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Cannabinoid & Cannabis Studies, Documentaries & the like

Migrated topic.
I wrote an article for a website on the healing aspects of cannabis, and it summarizes some of the science on different aspects of medicinal cannabis, hopefully in a palatable way that should be easy for the interested layperson to understand.

'Cannabis: The Healing Herb'

Also provides a link to a good documentary on cannabis and hemp, 'Global Hemp Revolution'.

Thank you dreamer042 for that appropriate smackdown, and for the very nice article about that Harvard study.

Thank you Bancopuma for spreading the word, and for that excellent video. I'd seen the video, but it is worth watching again since public perception is now a minimum of 58% Americans believe Cannabis should be legalized. "Americans 65 and older are the only age group that still opposes legalizing marijuana. Still, support among this group has jumped 14 percentage points since 2011."

Re-watching the video led me to The Shafer Commission Report:

The Shafer Commission Report (1972)

White House Conversations Reveal Prejudices, Culture War Behind Nixon's Drug War

Nixon Tapes Show Roots of Marijuana Prohibition: Misinformation, Culture Wars and Prejudice

Transcripts of the tape(s)

Haldeman Diary Shows Nixon Was Wary of Blacks and Jews (quote below)

New York Times said:
The diaries of H. R. Haldeman, President Richard M. Nixon's chief of staff until the Watergate scandal prompted Mr. Nixon to dismiss him, include references to Mr. Nixon's believing that there was "total Jewish domination of the media" and that "the whole problem is really the blacks."

"The Haldeman Diaries," being published today by G. P. Putnam's Sons, are drawn from audio recordings and Mr. Haldeman's daily diary entries.

In one entry, Mr. Haldeman, referring to the President as "P," said: "P emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to. Pointed out that there has never in history been an adequate black nation, and they are the only race of which this is true. Says Africa is hopeless. The worst there is Liberia, which we built."

In another segment Mr. Haldeman states: "There was considerable discussion of the terrible problem arising from the total Jewish domination of the media and agreement that this is something that would have to be dealt with."

Mr. Haldeman's entry for Feb. 26, 1970, stated that Mr. Nixon "really raged again against United States Jews" and that the President had ordered his chief of staff "not to let any Jews see him about the Middle East." Mr. Haldeman noted that the outburst was in the presence of the national security adviser, Henry A. Kissinger, who is Jewish. Plot to Impugn Kennedy

In an entry on June 23, 1971, Mr. Haldeman dictated a passage about how to use reports of sexual escapades against Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat whom Mr. Nixon considered a likely rival for the Presidency in 1972. "We need to take advantage of this opportunity and get him in a compromising situation if we can," Mr. Haldeman said.

Mr. Nixon died last month. Mr. Haldeman died last year.

Mr. Haldeman's recollections also indicate that Mr. Nixon had wanted his predecessor, Lyndon B. Johnson, to persuade Democratic senators to halt their Watergate inquiry and had threatened to reveal that Mr. Johnson bugged the Nixon campaign plane in 1968.

Mr. Haldeman recorded that on June 25, 1972, eight days after the Watergate break-in set in motion the events that eventually led Mr. Nixon to resign, the President was concerned about "the Martha Mitchell problem."

Mrs. Mitchell, the wife of Attorney General John N. Mitchell, Mr. Nixon's campaign manager and mentor, had a habit of calling reporters, especially Helen Thomas, the White House correspondent of United Press International. Martha Mitchell's Telephones

In one entry Mr. Haldeman said Mrs. Mitchell had told Ms. Thomas that if Mr. Mitchell did not get out of politics "she was going to kick him out of the house, but her phones were then pulled out either by her or someone in her room."

After noting that Mrs. Mitchell was demanding that her telephone be reinstalled, Mr. Haldeman said, "She's now threatening that if they don't get her phones in she's going to blow the whole Republican deal, whatever that means."

The next day Mr. Haldeman recorded that it was Mr. Nixon's opinion that "John's got to close her down somehow or lock her up, but he can't just leave her speaking out like this; it's going to create a major national problem."

Later, Mr. Haldeman learned that it had been an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who had pulled out the phone. "She had a monumental tantrum, started throwing things at him, demolishing the room," Mr. Haldeman said. "They locked her in. She busted the window with her hand, cut herself badly. They had to get a doctor, who had to throw her on the bed and give her a shot in order to subdue her."

Mr. Mitchell resigned as head of the re-election campaign on July 1, saying that he had "to meet the happiness" of his wife and daughter.

Mrs. Mitchell died in 1976, and Mr. Mitchell in 1988.

Asked for comment on the racial statements the Haldeman diaries attributed to Mr. Nixon, the director of the Nixon Library and Birthplace in Yorba Linda, Calif., John H. Taylor, said, "Politics and anti-Semitism are two different things." Mr. Nixon's statements about blacks and Jews "should be viewed strictly in a political context," he said.

"I had the privilege of serving him for 15 years and never heard him make an anti-Semitic statement," Mr. Taylor said.
A Brief History of the Drug War

From the 1st link:

What Nixon Wanted

"According to oval office tapes declassified in 2002, Nixon told Shafer he wanted a report that would blur the distinction between marijuana and hard drugs. The tapes reveal that as the commission was beginning its investigation in May, 1971, Nixon told his aide H.R. Haldeman, 'I want a goddamn strong statement about marijuana. Can I get that out of this sonofa-bitching, uh, domestic council? I mean one on marijuana that just tears the ass out of them.'"


H. R. Haldeman said:
"'[Nixon] emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to.'
The so-called War on Drugs was the system they devised, and it has achieved its purpose all these years."

From the 2nd link:

"The Nixon White House tapes from 1971-1972 demonstrate that the foundation of the modern war on marijuana was Nixonian prejudice, culture war and misinformation."


"Highlights of Nixon comments on marijuana:

Jews and marijuana: 'I see another thing in the news summary this morning about it. That's a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish. What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob, what is the matter with them? I suppose it's because most of them are psychiatrists . . .'

Marijuana and the culture wars: 'You see, homosexuality, dope, immorality in general. These are the enemies of strong societies. That's why the Communists and the left-wingers are pushing the stuff, they're trying to destroy us.'

Marijuana compared to alcohol: marijuana consumers smoke 'to get high' while 'a person drinks to have fun.' Nixon also saw marijuana leading to loss of motivation and discipline but claimed: "At least with liquor I don't lose motivation.'

Marijuana and political dissent: '. . . radical demonstrators that were here . . . two weeks ago . . . They're all on drugs, virtually all.'

Drug education: 'Enforce the law, you’ve got to scare them.'"

From the taped conversation transcripts:

"Unknown reporter: 'Mr. President, uh, do you have a comment sir
on the, uh, recommendation of your commission on drugs that the
use of marijuana in the home be, uh, no longer, uh, considered a

Nixon: 'Um, I met with Mr. Shafer, uh, I've read the report, uh, eh,
it is a report that deserves consideration and will receive it.
However, as to one aspect of the report I am in disagreement. I
was before I read it and reading it did not change my mind. Uh,
I, uh, oppose the legalization of marijuana, and that includes
the sale, its possession, and its use.
I do not believe you can
have effective criminal justice, uh, based on the philosophy, uh
that something is half legal and half illegal. That is my
position, despite what the commission has recommended.'"

... later ...

"I know all the arguments about, well, marijuana is no worse than whiskey, or etc. etc. etc. But the point is, once you cross that line, from the straight society to the drug society -- marijuana, then speed, then it's LSD, then it's heroin, etc. then you're done."
[^ Ignoring the fact that alcohol, tobacco, caffeine are all significantly more dangerous and harmful than Cannabis & also ignoring the lack of evidence for the marijuana-stepping-stone/gateway theory (evidence suggests that theory is not valid)].

+ How marijuana arrests disproportionately affect black people.

+ Chris Hayes Delivers Powerful Account Of How He Escaped Pot Arrest At 2000 RNC.


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dreamer042 said:
I ran across this:
New study casts doubt on “cannabis-induced psychosis” claims, pot doesn’t cause schizophrenia By "Radical" Russ Belville on November 10, 2008
and I was compelled to post this along side the article dreamer042 posted.

"Even as we’ve complained that no data show that cannabis use causes schizophrenia, we’ve been told that for those who are genetically predisposed to schizophrenia, there seems to be a correlation between cannabis use and onset of psychotic symptoms. So while it may not be psychologically dangerous for most of us, there is that 1% minority that would be harmed, so we have to ban it for everyone.

But this report counteracts even that claim. In the conclusion of the report, the study authors note, 'The degree of hereditary predisposition in individuals who receive treatment of cannabis-induced psychosis closely mirrors that in those who develop schizophrenia with no history of cannabis induced psychosis.' This seems to tell us that when you take a look at a group of schizophrenics, whether they smoked pot of not, they still had the same genetic chances of becoming schizophrenics – the pot use didn’t matter!

Schizophrenia is rare and it comes on slowly for some. This 'cannabis-induced psychosis' is really just people in the beginning stages of schizophrenia who happen to smoke pot, and the pot is getting blamed."

- A quote from Dr. Sanjay Gupta: "In my quick running of the numbers, I calculated about 6% of the current U.S. marijuana studies investigate the benefits of medical marijuana. The rest are designed to investigate harm. That imbalance paints a highly distorted picture." ... see post #4 for entire opinion & source.

New Info: A controlled family study of cannabis users with and without psychosis
Desbois, A., & Cacoub, P. (2013). Cannabis-associated arterial disease. Annals Of Vascular Surgery, 27(7), 996-1005. doi:10.1016/j.avsg.2013.01.002

Mateo, I., Pinedo, A., Gomez-Beldarrain, M., Basterretxea, J., & Garcia-Monco, J. (2005). Recurrent stroke associated with cannabis use. Journal Of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 76(3), 435-437.

Wolff, V., Armspach, J., Lauer, V., Rouyer, O., Bataillard, M., Marescaux, C., & Geny, B. (2013). Cannabis-related Stroke: Myth or Reality?. Stroke (00392499), 44(2), 558-563. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.112.671347

Tunving, K., Thulin, S., Risberg, J., & Warkentin, S. (1986). Regional cerebral blood flow in long-term heavy cannabis use. Psychiatry Research, 17(1), 15-21. doi:10.1016/0165-1781(86)90037-5

Ashton, H., Golding, J., Marsh, V., Millman, J., & Thompson, J. (1981). The seed and the soil: effect of dosage, personality and starting state on the response to delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol in man. British Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology, 12(5), 705-720.


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Difference between legalization and decriminalization

1. differencebetween.net "Difference Between Legalization and Decriminalization".

2. answers.yahoo.com "What's the difference between legalization and decriminalization?".

3. marijuanagrowing.com "Difference-Between-Decriminalization-Legalization-and-Medical-Marijuana".

4. huffingtonpost.com "3 Reasons Marijuana Legalization in Colorado Is Good for People of Color".

: Still Illegal, Continued Punishment.
Monetary fines/tickets & mandatory drug courts with drug tests (otherwise jail); civil penalties, and a negative stigma.

: Legal, No Punishment.
No fines, no penalties, no arrests, no drug tests for following the rules for the newly legal substance, no civil penalties; stigma much reduced or eliminated.


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Cosmic Spore said:
Michael Botticelli, Deputy Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy versus Congressman Steve Cohen.
Strong Words: U.S. Congressman Representative Steve Cohen At Pot Hearing: "Nobody Dies From Marijuana".
Be sure to check out 10:28 - 12:45, if not all.

I like this big time; only part I disagree with is "kids shouldn't use marijuana" (kids need medicines too, and many prescriptions have terrible side effects- including cancers)

reminds me very much of this:

Congressman Jared Polis versus DEA's Chief Administrator Michele Leonhart

Congressman Steve Cohen versus DEA's Chief Administrator Michele Leonhart ... That Full Hearing. (C-SPAN.org)

Ex-officer: War on drugs 'far worse' than a failure. February 6, 2014
I just watched the entire hearing, available here: February 4, 2014 Marijuana Policy Hearing

Cannabis Should Not Be A Controlled Substance: Feds Grappling With Their Own Rules
adam said:
This thread is great, thanks Cosmic Spore for your hard work!
You're welcome, and thank you for checking it out :)

For those who haven't, it's worth looking through the thread, even though most of the studies are in my signature & the OP.
US government issues rules for banks on dealing with legal marijuana vendors.
New marijuana banking rules
Feds look to help banks serve marijuana shops.
Feds release marijuana banking rules.
Feds give historic green light to banks working with marijuana businesses.
Feds’ new guidelines for pot commerce don’t put banks at ease
These new rules can easily change from administration to administration, and apparently aren't good enough; Cannabis is still a cash only business.


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I have been interested in tissue cultures, but finding a media recipe that works is very difficult. After a lot of searching I was able to dig this out of the depths of the internet. :)


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adam said:
I have been interested in tissue cultures, but finding a media recipe that works is very difficult. After a lot of searching I was able to dig this out of the depths of the internet. :)
Thank you :thumb_up:
I'm also interested in tissue culture, micropropagation.
A few questions if the answer is known:

1. Is a Closed-Loop Filtration Glove Boxes required?
2. Is a Laminar Flow Hood/ Laminar Flow Bench required?
3. How well does this work if the plants are well into flowering, or have completed flowering (pre-revegetation)?
4. Can one micro-propagate a harvested and dried Cannabis bud, if not, at what degree of dryness is that possible?

Cannabis Micropropagation.
Open House tour of a large fruit and nut nursery micropropagation laboratory.

The Biotechnology of Cannabis sativa - 1st edition
The Biotechnology of Cannabis sativa - 2nd edition

Micropropagation & Tissue Culture archive
1 and 2-Well having done tissue culture before without a laminar flow hood, it is definitely possible. You do want to keep the area sterile though.

3. I am not sure but plants posses the ability to dedifferentiate or revert back to a pluripotent stage, so I don't believe that would be an issue. But I don't know for sure.

4. I think living tissue is ideal, I am not sure what point is the point of no return for a tissue sample. I think generally fresher tissue has a better chance of culturing.

Also attached the procedure for an african violet tissue culture procedure. This is a relatively simple procedure you can use as guideline for how to do tissue culture at your home lab.


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Weed 2 - Cannabis Madness, Dr. Sanjay Gupta (video)
Medical marijuana and "the entourage effect" by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN chief medical correspondent.
Sanjay Gupta Honored With New Strain Of Medical Marijuana (2nd strain named in honor of him.)

Having watched Weed 2, I thought it was positive overall, but sadly lacked mention of [direct] cancer treatment, anti-tumor effects, apoptosis, anti-proliferative effects, or anti-metastatic effects. Too hot of a topic, or off-limits?
Summary of Effects & Research, and The Research Itself; Videos, docs in other posts.

Weed Porn Daily - weeducation
universecannon said:
Compilation of Cannabis Studies & Documentaries - The Nexian

Any suggested edits let me know!

Thanks for all your hard work!
Apparently, I've had some traffic on the dropbox site.
They temporarily banned my ability to share links [ban removed today].

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