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Cannot breakthrough, need advice on what went wrong with vaporizer

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Rising Star
40mg-50mg on a Liquid Pad on CRAFTY Vaporizer

set to 150°C per this guy's recommendtion:

Definitely started to get that feeling the stomach of it starting to happen - but it went nowhere... As a last resort I tapped the temperature boost option on the device which heated it up by extra 15°C to 165°C and this resulted in a noticeably scorched result so he was right that the temperature should not go much higher than 150°C on this device.

Waited a little bit and tried again with another 40mg-50mg. This time set to 155°C. It went nowhere with taste being noticeably worse so he really really :) was right that the temperature of 150°C is correct.

Waited overnight for try #3. 150°C, definitely noticed beginnings of a buzz of a mental start but in none of the three tries got anywhere near promised land.

What is going wrong here? I felt like I definitely had 50mg, maybe a tad bit more on try #3. Source is reputable. Any advice appreciated.

FYI: Fasted, no food whatsoever for 3+ days and no water for 12h.
Try #3: No food intake of any kind for 3.5 days and no water for 24 hours.

Thank you.
:? Maybe your "DMT" is not DMT. If you are vaping correctly & not getting much effect from 50mg something is seriously amiss.

Try extracting yourself & comparing the quality. I bet there's a night & day difference.
ok. That certainly is possible, although the source is supposed to have been reliable.

On that topic, let's say you are correct.

Wouldn't your scenario result in "nothing."
vs. what happened, which was definite beginning, early stages of what should happen.

What could cause things to begin to happen as they should then quickly fizz away back to nothing?
eDNA said:
ok. That certainly is possible, although the source is supposed to have been reliable.

On that topic, let's say you are correct.

Wouldn't your scenario result in "nothing."
vs. what happened, which was definite beginning, early stages of what should happen.

What could cause things to begin to happen as they should then quickly fizz away back to nothing?

Well then, let's operate on the assumption your DMT is DMT & of relatively good purity & progress from there as if your vaping technique is poor.

Have you tried vaping with a different method? What type of scale are you using & has it been calibrated? Did you weigh your pad before you put the DMT on & after to see if it all vaped?

I know that when I first started with DMT, i vaped very poorly & didn't break through but still had very strong effects from 50mg.
That does sound odd. Based on my limited knowledge, I'd say its either your spice quality, or your smoking technique.

Are you making sure to take as many hits as possible, and holding them in for as long as you can? I always aim for 20 seconds.

Have any of your friends been able to blast off using your spice?

20 inhales with 20 seconds each? Are you supposed to swallow or just inhale hold exhale.

The entire huge monetary investment into the crafty was to avoid precisely this kind of a problem. :-(

I even ordered this Milligram Calibration Weight Set 1 Mg TO 500 Mg
to make triple sure that I would be off by no more than 0.05mg even after using the included balance weights of the GEMINI-20 Portable MilliGram scale:

So is the premise of your question that too little was used?
Smoke was definitely there.

No the pad was not weighed at any point. That is an excellent point though... what would that mean, that the vaporizer is the cause and therefore not suitable? Three tries it took. You can imagine the disappointment over all that money spent on the best vaporizer money can buy... if that is the cause.

We so we can only be left with theoreticals:

1. Bad source, in which case how does my point of it not being like "nothing" fair as far as that goes? There was a feeling of definite beginnings of what should happen.

2. Amount. Is the speculation that too little was sprinkled on the liquid pad?

3. Vaporizer. What is your main suspect as far as what part goes? The temperature, or what?

4. Smoking technique. Please post what you would consider adequate.
In other words if everything is exactly the same next time, inhale, hold for 20 seconds (do you "swallow"? or just hold, could I have filled my mouth and not my lungs adequately?) then repeat for as many as 20 times? Does the vaporizer need to be constantly turned on to maintain the 150°C degree heat during the 20 tries? There are no friends who can help in any way by the way.
Dear lord, eDNA. This isn't complex.
1. Load DMT
2. Smoke DMT

Yes there are some nuanced smoking techniques but until you have those down just add a little extra spice and go. Maybe you are simply overthinking things too much and not letting your mind go? Even that however is easy to overcome with a little extra pinch.

Stop overthinking it! [or rethink the purity of product]
eDNA said:
20 inhales with 20 seconds each? Are you supposed to swallow or just inhale hold exhale.

The entire huge monetary investment into the crafty was to avoid precisely this kind of a problem. :-(

I even ordered this Milligram Calibration Weight Set 1 Mg TO 500 Mg
to make triple sure that I would be off by no more than 0.05mg even after using the included balance weights of the GEMINI-20 Portable MilliGram scale:

So is the premise of your question that too little was used?
Smoke was definitely there.

No the pad was not weighed at any point. That is an excellent point though... what would that mean, that the vaporizer is the cause and therefore not suitable? Three tries it took. You can imagine the disappointment over all that money spent on the best vaporizer money can buy... if that is the cause.

We so we can only be left with theoreticals:

1. Bad source, in which case how does my point of it not being like "nothing" fair as far as that goes? There was a feeling of definite beginnings of what should happen.

2. Amount. Is the speculation that too little was sprinkled on the liquid pad?

3. Vaporizer. What is your main suspect as far as what part goes? TH temperature, the what?

4. Smoking technique. Please post what you would consider adequate.

I suggest you start with much lower than 50mg. If your vaping technique suddenly improves drastically 50mg will be FAR too intense.

Now that we have established your scale is accurate & has been calibrated, we can rule out the thought that maybe you used a scale only accurate to 0.01g & your dose was likely not off by 30-40mg.

Try again with your vape. First thing you should do is let the vape run with the pad in it & make sure there are no remnants of the last dose in there.
After that, weigh the pad, weigh out 0.025g or 25mg of DMT, melt the DMT into the pad slowly & carefully, weigh the pad again, then vape. After vaping weigh the pad again. If the weight is off from what the pad weighed before hand, you are not vaping your dose fully.
Thank you.
The poster above you suggest that mental factors might be in play and suggests an increase in dosage?

Try#4 needs to be done exactly as you guys say, but Aya is planned before that, if that fails, we could begin to think it's the user.

Hope that you were given enough information on what has happened. You know of it was really about just Load & Smoke, well then, this thread here would not exist, the last thing after blowing all the $ that anyone needs is this not working.

Would like to follow your advice to the dot.
You said: "First thing you should do is let the vape run with the pad in it & make sure there are no remnants of the last dose in there."
Ok, how long should the vaporizer be turned on, should it be turned on to a higher temperature to get rid of whatever is in there, if so what temperature?

When it gets rid of what's in there doesn't the smoke go right into the chamber of the device, trapped in there?

What do you use to transfer powder onto the scale?

You said "After that, weigh the pad, weigh out 0.025g or 25mg of DMT, melt the DMT into the pad slowly & carefully, weigh the pad again, then vape."

Ok, melt how. You place 25mg of powder onto the liquid pad and turn the vaporizer on to 150°C. In order to weigh the pad (after how long of the vaporizer being turned on?) - you would have to wait for everything to cool down to touch the liquid pad to weigh it.
When you say "then vape" do you mean reinsert the pad back in and again turn on the vaporizer to 150°C and inhale?
I truly apologize if questions that are 100% obvious to everyone reading this are being asked, but really need instructions a senile man could follow, just in case all this is about user error.

When you say "After vaping weigh the pad again. If the weight is off from what the pad weighed before hand, you are not vaping your dose fully."
What would that imply, temperature not high enough or that the device itself cannot be used because it can't do the job?
If you are getting dense clouds of vapor on each hit and holding them for 20 seconds each, I would put money on the table that it is your product.

Especially with the acacias, extracts can be quite high in fats/oils/NMT and the like... diluting the DMT content and therefore potency of experience by weight.

What does your product look like? Smell like?
Clouds were definitely seen, yes.
White, not yellow. Supposed to be pure.
Enough of it is left to test this theory elsewhere using another device and another user one day so that theory will be put to rest, understandably not any time soon however.

For now I would appreciate it if more can be said on technique. Is it theoretically possible to inhale incorrectly. To fill up your mouth and not your lungs for example. To swallow smoke from mouth for example. Could this be a theoretical cause, especially since initial stomach sensation was recognized when compared to a first mushroom trip. And there was some mental drifting. But it absolutely disappeared very quickly.
No, not 20 hits for 20 seconds each! They say the magic number is 3 (each one held for 20 seconds if possible), but to be honest with 30mgs loaded in the machine, ill usually break through on the first hit.

Empty your lungs before you take a hit. Breath it in as much as you can, try to fill your lungs from bottom to top, suck it in real deep, then hold for as long as possible. If you can, repeat :)

No need to swallow or anything, just hit it like a bong, maybe a bit more slowly.

Good luck buddy :)
If you are alluding to only inhaling with your mouth, then yes, this is a definite no-no.

You need to inhale those tryptamine molecules into the deepest recesses of your lungs. You need to take hits so big that you cannot breathe in air to top them off. This is essential.

Forget swallowing. If you take big enough rips, your lungs will be too full to swallow at least 95% of your hit.
Thank you.

Will report if incorrect techniques caused three huge loads to be wasted.
Damn it.

Any additional links on popper techniques would be appreciated. Your recommendation will be followed to the tee.
anon_003 said:
If you are alluding to only inhaling with your mouth, then yes, this is a definite no-no.

You need to inhale those tryptamine molecules into the deepest recesses of your lungs. You need to take hits so big that you cannot breathe in air to top them off. This is essential.

Forget swallowing. If you take big enough rips, your lungs will be too full to swallow at least 95% of your hit.

Ten (10) years preparing for this, saving up to buy the best equipment money can buy and somehow missed reading about correct inhaling techniques. It's not just the three loads + wasted, it's the disappointment of having waited 10 years and going through hell to get to this point and then inhaling it wrong ruins everything!?

Is there a sticky on this on the forums somewhere?
eDNA said:
Ten (10) years preparing for this, saving up to buy the best equipment money can buy and somehow missed reading about correct inhaling techniques. It's not just the three loads + wasted, it's the disappointment of having waited 10 years and going through hell to get to this point and then inhaling it wrong ruins everything!?

Is there a sticky on this on the forums somewhere?

Here are a few threads everyone should have a read through. Some of these things have already been covered in this thread but it is pertinent and useful information for every DMT enthusiast. Honestly though, my favorite way to administer DMT is either changa or through sublingual harmalas + enhanced leaf. These methods are not only inexpensive but nearly foolproof IME/IMO.

Attn. If you're having a hard time breaking through read this.

Trouble Breaking Through???

DMT vaping guide

How long do you choose to hold your breathe?
Just one more thought that might help help getting big deep full hits. Get comfortable then spend 5 or so minute doing deep breathing exercises all while not moving and equipment at the ready. Should help decrease preflight jitters and make holding the hit in longer easier. Don't take the hit until you feel ready.
This is something I am working on... I hope to produce a graph!

For now: with electronic devices, at fixed temperatures, you NEED to use more material than you would use with e.g. a GVG.

Not all material is vaped at a given temp over a short time period. This is the problem, a 'rate problem' of hot air x time . Flames don't have this problem, but then stuff is wasted/oxidised too....

To get an idea, weigh your pad/leaf before and after vaping, at a given temp, to see what you have actually consumed. Then, think about how to push that number, and also recycle what hasn't been consumed...

With a Volcano, 200C is my default temp for enhanced leaf, but I don't think the Crafty goes that high...TBH, I wouldn't get out of bed for spice at 150C, whatever the data says... 😁
Thank you The Grateful One for all those links. Will read them thoroughly.

The Crafty absolutely goes all the way up to 210°C.

When another user said you should not go much higher than 150°C on the Crafty he was correct.

165°C tastes scorched. And 155°C was noticeably worse too.
If we can have a third confirmation that would be great, until then there are two that say you really should not go much higher than 150°C on the Crafty.

I read that a Plenty vaporizer device user said 180°C.
So that would be in line with different devices needing different temperatures.
If you say the Volcano is 200°C then the Plenty appears to be 180°C and the Crafty 150°C. It would be interesting to find out about the Mighty but you would assume that it would be similar/the same as the Crafty.
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