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Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapies & Research

Migrated topic.


This certification program for therapists interested in conducting are assisting the psychedelic research is been going on for less than a year now and is apparently in high demand. This article on the California Institute for integral studies site, which is the organization which offers the program, is informative.

The Certificate was created to serve a growing need for trained licensed therapist guides to facilitate in future FDA-approvedpsychedelic- and entactogen-assisted psychotherapy research.* Research and medical experts have estimated that need at perhaps several hundred therapist guides in the next three to six years. The Certificate, which launches in Spring 2016, comprises 180 hours of comprehensive, in-depth academic training.

Phenomenal Timing

The field of research into medical applications of psychedelics, especially for the treatment of end-of-life distress, chronic PTSD, and longstanding substance abuse and addiction, is again heating up. Michael Pollan's widely popular article "The Trip Treatment," in The New Yorker, earlier this year ignited strong interest in the midst of the revival of psychedelic research.

Studies by research scientists are more regularly appearing in such prestigious publications as the Journal of Psychopharmacology and Archives of General Psychiatry, and adding new legitimacy to the field. And two summary reports on Phase II psilocybin studies by Johns Hopkins University and New York University due out in Spring 2016 are sure to further spark positive sentiment about the medicines.

With meditation and mindfulness, holism and hospice now in the vernacular and the backlash against recreational psychedelic drug use in the '60s abated, some experts believe that culturally in the United States, the time just might be right to integrate psychedelics further into mainstream medical care. Enter CIIS.

"The return of government-approved scientific research into psilocybin and related compounds has significant potential for myriad scientific and clinical studies, including the important treatment of existential distress at the end of life," says Dr. Anthony Bossis, Co-Principal Investigator of the Cancer and Palliative Care Research, Psilocybin Cancer Project at NYU School of Medicine. "The reemergence of this field will require serious multidisciplinary academic centers to address the theoretical, research, and clinical domains of this work. CIIS, with its history integrating psychology and spirituality, is uniquely and enormously qualified to meet this historic challenge," he says.

In offering the Certificate, the Center joins three of its partner organizations, Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), Usona Institute, and the Heffter Research Institute (Heffter), in running successful training programs for psychedelic research therapists.

Many researchers at MAPS and Heffter are predicting that Phase III studies of MDMA and psilocybin will begin rolling out in two to four years, particularly for chronic PTSD and advanced cancer anxiety and distress. Phase III trials, which can involve patient groups of up to 3,000, are typically the definitive assessment of a drug's effectiveness. In anticipation of these events, the Center developed the Certificate program.

The certificate
now theres a certificate.

cant help but feel stupid.
i coulda saved alot of time, money and risk.
cold experience, over decades, isnt worth much.

the concept is good for the community i suppose.
assuming its not hijacked by psychedelic ideologues.
anne halonium said:
the concept is good for the community i suppose.
assuming its not hijacked by psychedelic ideologues.

The core philosophy of most psychology/counselling/therapy fields ensure an aversion to ideology, but nothing's airtight if you're slippery enough.
anne halonium said:
now theres a certificate.

cant help but feel stupid.
i coulda saved alot of time, money and risk.
cold experience, over decades, isnt worth much.

the concept is good for the community i suppose.
assuming its not hijacked by psychedelic ideologues.
I may have misunderstood you, but There is a need for people trained along a curriculum to help perform research. I'm sure if years of psychedelic use and successful integration were the only consideration, none would be needed. !:thumb_up:

IMHO I think the concept is good for society as a whole, because once we start engaging the psychedelic practically as a larger group outside the subculture that we all dwell within here then we can look forward to healthier community on larger scales. There's a lot of people needlessly suffering PTSD, addiction, OCD, anxieties, etc who currently rely (or don't rather) on outmoded ineffective treatment policies.

I grok the certificate mill scenario, but not sure this applies. It's not something that allows one to set out a shingle and start going out psychedelics for profit.
never against progress in the field.
ive actually been pushing for more serious standards for years.

i would also suggest times are indeed changing for psyche research.
we do need some official type of structure.

keep in mind,
some of us are old school.
although the survival rate has been traditionally low to old age,
some of us did make it thru the genocidal drug wars of the last 40+ yrs.

the old way was pretty straight.
set up labs and grows, feed the masses then run like hell.
it was fairly dangerous, took finesse, and had a certain lawlessness........
yet the experience was immense.
one played a hard game or went down in flames.
some of us lived thru the golden age of alchemy pirates.
the knowledge should not be lost.

a clinical medical setting, is learning indeed.
so is a 500 peeps rave.
if we loose appreciation for either, we loose half the story.

my thing on this is,
id hate to see peeps who tasted a few things,
then read a book by peeps who tasted a few things,
maybe take a chem 101, then suddenly with a certificate are gurus......
^as long as it doesnt play like that , were cool as a community.

feed 10 people , you learn something.
feed 100 ya learn alot.
feed 1000 and ya know everything.
feed 10,000 , and ya realize ya dont know much at all!

i admit, i know nothing.
not sure a certificate would change that for anyone..........
Perhaps a little better understood, your position, and agreed. My school is pretty old, not so much rave, but 10,000 Dionysian head full rebels dancing with blood shot third eyes around the silver notes bouncing out of Garcias stacks- yeah, I know.

We've had our heads full, we've tasted over and over the elixirs; we've become comfortable with strangeness. We enjoyed it.

We are the exception though and as the love flies around the room bouncing between one neurosynaptiv conduit after another, while outside the wars rage.

No I don't think a certificate can get you the equivalent of the experiences of which we talk, but it may open doors for a wider audience to receive the benefits of psychedelic knowledge.
taking a different angle..........

assuming the training was extremely safety motivated,
and up to date on pharma and chem basics,
a certificate might be a boon to the community over time.
if for no other reason than to curb various abuses.

hallucinogens are complex things.
its complex for individuals and groups.
set, setting and social dynamics are a big deal.
most trips go well, but a pandamonium trip cant be swept under the rug responsibly.

are there even enough serious pros to even train a core group?

this is sorta like the infamous 140+ IQ people.
where is the room full of 180+ IQ people to decide whos 140 or 160?
( there isnt, and thats why mensa is only +140 and thats it)
one would suggest the few dozen 180+ dont have the time to join or split hairs.
peeps with extreme IQ require a panel of people of extreme IQ to assess them properly.
rare, cuz a panel of genius is expensive.
if our best and brightest and most experienced,
come up with our best , and allow it to evolve with best science.........excellent.
lets just not surrender any ground on quality, for expedience of the cause.

the old peeps remember that tim leary started out pretty legit.
his antics really cast a cartoon shadow on us to this day.
and of course , we have all seen a full range of aya craze exploitation/ tourism.
imagine if any of those characters or others were handing out certificates.
hell, ill take it one step beyond insane,
ya right, great grows, then the apocalypse.

if were gonna endorse any such thing.
it better be really really good stuff.
we need to think long and hard whos who and whats what.

we have a strong stake in this.
we are the growers the chemists and the ones holding the feed bag.
any certificate, has to hold up to real world value , and WWW.scrutiny.

as nexians,( when they cook up a certificate,)
we should vote on if its accredited to our liking.
this is the thing about psyches.... whatever reseaarch is done should clearly be done with utmost respsibility and when its run a safe course long enough, if it does, then it will shape the research itself
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