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Changa 130mg 45mins completely sideways.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My mate has 2 different recipes for changa

1 being 50% DMT Freebase & 50% Caapi, Calea, Blue Lotus, Passion flower, 10% Golden Teachers

2 being 50% DMT Freebase and 50% Caapi Vine, Caapi Leaves, Passionflower, Peppermint, Blue Lotus and Calendula

My mate has traveled a few times with both and even at 100mg the 2 recipe is a much more introspective affair with some very nice CEV's he was also able to contact his spirit guide and other benevolent entities as well as healing himself in various ways.

All these trips have lasted about 15 mins and then start coming down where he is completely straight after an half an hour.

Recipe 1 has been used at lower 60-70 mg doses and had similar experiences, particularly connecting with entities and having a difficult but healing experience.

Last night he took 130mg of recipe 1 and was utterly smashed out of reality for 30 mins, 15 mins of internal communication with himself and then 15 mins comedown which was strangely euphoric even though it had been such a horrific but helpful experience.

His question is: Is that a usual experience for that dosage or did he make a particularly strong batch? He did have a breakthrough which recipe 1 once where He used about 100mg but was very pissed when he did it so the void was one of the most beautiful experiences he had ever had as having his ego and id striped away was an amazingly liberating sensation.

This felt like, from what I have read on here, more like a straight DMT/strong mushroom trip but it lasted a lot longer and felt like it was something that he had done to himself instead of sinking into a guided healing experience. Also the OEV's at the start before he closed his eyes were completely insane as the room itself was changing around him, unlike a mushroom trip where it just visuals.

He has written up a full trip report if anyone is interested although He thinks he only managed to bring back about 50% of what happened.
Yes, pissed as in 'drunk'. Bit silly really but from what has been read on here some people get on OK with alcohol in their systems while others dont. This trip he was completely straight and hadn't done anything else for nearly an entire day.

Anyway here is his report as he gave it to me.

Dose: 130mg Changa
Method: Bubbler
Total Time: 60 mins
Breakthrough: Don't know as I couldn't tell you where I was for the first ten minutes if I had a lifetime, but out of body for a good 30 mins


Head Windows and Ding Dongs or was that Head Wingles?

Fuck knows where I was for the first few minutes, everything was going completely sideways, OEV's with the whole room shifting textures like in a FPS where you randomly change the skin of the level you're in. Mostly to do with reducing and increasing colours in weird patterns but it wasn't an overlay the actual room was doing it! Oh and crazy fractal light crystals reflecting off of everything.

Note to self: Turn off the fucking light!!!

Then I closed my eyes and as I said, fuck knows what happened! I kept getting lost in my own thoughts and going round in circles and realising that was what i weas doing and then doing it again but with a diferent thought, this went on for quite a while, then I went to some different places which I didnt understand then or now, at this point I realised I was kinda fighting the drug and just let it take me on the journey, I dont remember much about this part as it was very strange but not in a scary or healing way as it has been before just very, very weird and more like what I think pure DMT is like.

Then things took a turn for the worse and I let it be for a while but knew that this was going to be really scary and felt like I was heading for another ego death which I didnt feel up to this time, so I asked my spirit guide to bring me back or take me somewhere else I'm not sure but I came back to my body briefly and some kind of normal thought patterns returned, I opened my eyes and realised everything was still going completely crazy so closed me eyes and sank back into the couch.

I think I also checked my phone and it had been about ten minutes, So I thought that was it nearly done.


Anyway more utter weirdness for another ten minutes, when I realised thattI couldn't get the idea of headwindows and body doors or was it (while at the same time still being) headwingles and ding dongs out of my head

I dont know but that occupied me for a bit and was a main theme throughout the trip from then on, it was almost like once I started thinking about them it was a sign that it was time to go somewhere else or something new was going to happen.

Anyway all sorts of other weird shit took place and then I got to a point where I could do some work and dealt with a few issues; I was about half an hour in by this point and absolutely no sign of normality returning anytime soon. So, I deal with some issues. Almost like I am having a conversation with my true self that I cant lie to or be lied too in turn.

I was opening my eyes every few minutes by this time and was then suddenly aware of the cats and that they were mucking about with the play tunnel. then things went weird again but much less so and I knew I was finally coming down. At this point I suddenly thought about getting on Telegram and just typing in head windows and ding dongs and then leaving the chat.

This was completely hilarious to me and a laughed for a good few minutes about it, I then suddenly realised that all social media was completely batshit insane and ultimately utterly pointless. I found this both amusing and slightly sad.

At some point in the trip I can't remember when but maybe about half an hour into it I managed to get up and turn off the light, this made things a lot better

last thing, before I completely came back I was told to keep my brain out the way for a bit and let my body fix itself. at this point I started clicking my thigh bones and all sorts of stuff started straightening out in my legs, this continued until I felt that there was no more movement to be made at that point and i finally came back into my body.

Total time 40-45 mins

I then got a coca cola and went upstairs and smoked my comedown joint, realising that I was still tripping quite hard, I listened to some choice music and chilled just processing what I had just experienced and had some really blissful moments, I then smoked a cigarette and by the time I had finished that I was 99% straight.

60 mins

I then wrote this and now feel completely normal other than the usual afterglow effects of an, untimately, useful and helpful trip into my psyche.


Probably missing a good half of what I actually experienced of which some I simply cant remember or is too weird to put into words. All I know is the first 30 mins was HARD!

God damn, that kicked my fucking arse! Either my scales are off or I didnt mix my recipe very well as I wouldnt of thought 30mg could make that much of a difference!

Anyway very weird, way more intense that I have experienced before and genuinely seemed different as before I knew I was being guided around by other benevolent entities and I was being shown specific stuff but this time it seemed the Changa just flipped a whole load of random switches in my brain and then randomly kept flipping them. That said I had some very lucid parts of the trip as well but overall it was intensely odd.
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