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Changa: A smoking blend containing Ayahuasca and other herbs

Migrated topic.
Thanks for the advice!

I have one more question :) The Chocolate Beasts recommends DMT dosages in the region of 30-50% DMT to herb ratio. Is this only for herbal blends containing an MAOI? My blend will not contain any MAOI, so would it be safe to use a 1:1 ratio of DMT:Herb, or would that be overkill?

your ratio depends on what you want to end up with, there is no set amount.

I always like a 1:1 blend without MAOI as it keeps the herbal material to a more manageable amount.
Personally these days I like to smoke MAOI freebase before either enhanced leaf or DMT freebase - gives you more flexibility with dosages. At the moment, 30mg caapi extract vaporised before 25-30mg DMT freebase is producing incredibly strong, healing journeys, it allows greater experimentation than a blend with a set ratio, and you don't have to make loads of different blends with different concentrations. I think it's important to experiment with these things, as DMT is only part of the equation IMO, an important one granted, but I think Harmalas deserve a bit more credit :love:

1:1 is the best ratio for Changa, as it means you have to inhale less plant matter than some of the less concentrated blends, to each his own though...
Purges said:
At the moment, 30mg caapi extract vaporised before 25-30mg DMT freebase is producing incredibly strong, healing journeys...

I'm in the same boat, but have been smoking rue extract in a small wooden pipe. Are you vaping the caapi extract in your GVG ?

I've been using 15 mg of spice, 2-3 times over the course of an hour. How bout you?
Yep, vaped in the GVG, then the leftovers are vaped with the DMT or more harmalas are added with the DMT depending how I feel. I usually just get each dose in one lungfull and hold until I can't hold it any longer / lose control and exhale. I find the slower onset can be decieving, I find myself thinking I didn't smoalk enough before being slammed :want:

I have also experimented with smoking the DMT at a slower rate, which also works great, but is, as you may imagine, not quite as powerful as the one toke method. Different ocassions call for different approaches :thumb_up:
1 part datura flower (dried) : 1 part freebase harmalas (manske) : 1 part dmt acetate

this mix was massively overwhelming at 200 mgs (brought swim within his own mind, visuals apparently were non existent) , even 150 mgs (brought swim into child hood traumas and then pure beauty). 100 mgs was plenty (hyperspace visuals, but not full on breakthrough, fearless though)

the idea here was that the datura would burn up and vaporize the harmalas while freebasing the acetic dmt through its embers, then the dmt would vaporize a hit or two later giving plenty of opportunity to let the harmalas get in full swing.
The thing about 1:1/50% is that it doesn't give as much space for different amounts of different herbs, as I always go for at least one third caapi as the herbal base. If you are then doing 1:1 almost all of your herbs is going to be caapi, and then you only get another 20% for other herbs.

Whereas, if you make a 30%, you have 30% caapi, then you have another 30% DMT, and another 40% of that can be a blend of other herbs!

>i made a batch of changa with extracted harmalas from rue the other day and my friend had a cone and was in hyperspace for about 45 minutes.

45 minute experiences are not uncommon with caapi in Changa either.

Also, 1:1 is really very strong for smoking in joints (not such a good thing at all times), 25-30% material is much better for that! especially if Aunt June is wanting to partake!

People underate the (relatively) gentle effects of a 25-30%, which can just as tasty, if not more tasty and rich than a strong 1:1 with harmalas. The point is anyway, you can easily share a 25% joint with your grandma and grandpa.

Changa is made for sharing. Sharing out a 50% blend is really going to knock people's socks off, which is fine (most of the time), but not everyone needs that or is ready for that. I meet people all the time, who someone said, "hey smoke this!" and they were given a bong pipe or joint of 1:1 and were just not expecting the intensity of what happened to them and they were scared off. And because of that, they will often not be reaching back for something that could enrich their lives.
chocobeastie said:
45 minute experiences are not uncommon with caapi in Changa either.

this may be the case, but the caapi i use in my blends has not extended the experience at all really past 10 minutes... so i'd say its definitely the rue extending it. i think rue works fine if you use the freebase rather than the salt.. i always get effects from smoking the rue by itself too

by the way here's a blend if anyones interested which i recently made that i am absolutely in love with ...may appeal to some aussies who have access to these acacias:

1g Acacia Mearnsii phyllodes
1g Acacia Baileyana phyllodes
0.5g shredded caapi vine
0.25g mullein
0.25g pau'd'arco bark
1g spice

has been pretty tasty for me so far.. a lot of the bipinnate acacias are a good smoke
bricklaya said:
by the way here's a blend if anyones interested which i recently made that i am absolutely in love with ...may appeal to some aussies who have access to these acacias:

1g Acacia Mearnsii phyllodes
1g Acacia Baileyana phyllodes
0.5g shredded caapi vine
0.25g mullein
0.25g pau'd'arco bark
1g spice

has been pretty tasty for me so far.. a lot of the bipinnate acacias are a good smoke

do you think you get enough harmala's from .5g of vine for this to be Changa?

Maybe it would stretch out the experience if you added a significant amount of extracted harmala's to the mix as im guessing the amount of harmala's in .5g of vine is very little, maybe 10-20mg in total, i dont think thats enough to make much difference in a 4g mix.
Also, we've found that d-limonene extracted material can equate to a longer lasting smoke as well and is generally smoother, although more hard work!

Recently, I had a lot of sessions with a guy on the couch over a few weeks, and he had a lot of powerful breakthrough experiences with 50%, but when we pulled out the 30% changa with freebase harmalas, it was too much for him and he never came back! He was scared away!

I think if you are going for full power - extracted harmalas may work very well. When we are talking almost all of the population, it may well be too much for them.

DMT is so powerful anyway, I should say the purpose of Changa in my eyes, is to make it as accessible, friendly and gentle as possible. You can do this by adding friendly and beneficial combination and ratios of herbs.

All of us who are experienced with DMT, know how extremely intense and ruthless DMT can be. Changa was originally designed to bring it back, slow it down and make it more like a smokeable Ayahuasca experience which is more relevant for people - rather than a hyperspatial blast.

I have felt that some have approached Changa as a way to make their DMT more potent, more powerful, with the Harmalas and 50% blends. But you guys are the elite, for the greater majority of the population, even most of us here, this is super powerful already! Its not a matter of trying to make the penis bigger! It is a matter of being a sensitive, aware, mature and (when necessary) gentle lover!

If you are making a 1:1/50% with extracted harmalas, well then it is generally a hyperspatial blast, but remember not everyone wants or needs this all the time. A lot of the old timers I know (who have been into Changa, since the early mid noughties) appreciate the value of a light and gentle smoke. There is so much medicinal and aesthetic value in that. Your Changa should be like a fine French meal. Part of that is sourcing local plants and using them for their flavour and qualities. Goodonya bricklaya for using the Mearnsii and Baileyana! I would use less myself, and more vine, as you don't need much of the admixtures for the aya to activate their unique qualities and effects.

i definitely approached changa as an amplifier to dmt, not as an agent of subtley. i see how it can be useful by keeping the puff session going and staying "floating" in the experience rather than Dive and Rise that typical dmt is.

im going to try a more dilute ratio with other plants i find, salvia nemoriosa is going in the mix!

thanks for the insight!
3rdI said:
bricklaya said:
by the way here's a blend if anyones interested which i recently made that i am absolutely in love with ...may appeal to some aussies who have access to these acacias:

1g Acacia Mearnsii phyllodes
1g Acacia Baileyana phyllodes
0.5g shredded caapi vine
0.25g mullein
0.25g pau'd'arco bark
1g spice

has been pretty tasty for me so far.. a lot of the bipinnate acacias are a good smoke

do you think you get enough harmala's from .5g of vine for this to be Changa?

Maybe it would stretch out the experience if you added a significant amount of extracted harmala's to the mix as im guessing the amount of harmala's in .5g of vine is very little, maybe 10-20mg in total, i dont think thats enough to make much difference in a 4g mix.

yeah the vine wouldn't do much at all in that mix.. that was the last little bit i had left. thinking of maybe adding some extracted harmalas from rue but not sure yet.. really like the mix as is
that ammount of vine should do something. Harmalas are many many times more active when vaped..1mg should even have some background effect.

I would go with 1-2g of vine though and tincture it..smoking wood sucks.
Gonna make 3 blends tonight

Hmmmm.... what combination....:?

* Lemon Balm
* Mugwort: Dream synergy and mystical powers
* Mullein: Respiratory healing and soothing qualities
* Peppermint: Adds fresh soothing qualities
* Blue Lotus: A distinct pleasurable and bright character
* Pink Lotus: A distinct pleasurable and bright character
* A. linifolia phyllodes (inspired by Acacian)

I've tried the A. linifolia phyllodes by themselves. They smell quite sweet and have that "bush fire" taste that you get with Mullein. Had then soaked in methylated spirits for 2 days, then fan dried in a cool dark spot for a few days - They are cured nicely now!
wonderful post!
I knew almost nothing about changa, though i've heard about it. Even when i was in Australia a couple of years ago seeing Graham Hancock Dennis McKenna etc.. one of the Q and A Q''s was about changa. Never was able to look into it because more or less nothing that's of any use to its recipe grows here.
I may be back over for the Entheogenesis anniversary in December, so i'll try get a hold of some while i'm there. I may try smoking pure extract first
One Question to the Australians here :)

In this initial Mix

30% Ayahuasca Vine
20% Mullein
20% Passionflower
20% Peppermint
5% Calendula
5% Blue Lotus

What difference does it make regarding "taste", "effects", "duration" and "spirit"

if I use 30% yellow caapi leaf (not infused, just regular leaf) instead of the vine? Did anyone make any experiences with that?


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