Rising Star
So the wiki has a "A Guide to DMT Enhanced Leaf (Changa)"
This seems to say to smoke the actual maoi containing leaf (e.g. b caapi) with dmt and that would count as changa. However I see a lot of people saying that to make changa you must add extracted harmalas freebase. What is the correct way to make changa? Can one just smoke the evaporated leaf/dmt mix to get the changa experience? Thanks.
This seems to say to smoke the actual maoi containing leaf (e.g. b caapi) with dmt and that would count as changa. However I see a lot of people saying that to make changa you must add extracted harmalas freebase. What is the correct way to make changa? Can one just smoke the evaporated leaf/dmt mix to get the changa experience? Thanks.