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Changa Hash


Established member
So I thought I would just put this out there as a variant based on Syrian Rue which came up in a recent discussion.

Many people know that Rue can be ground up and brewed into a tea, 3x 15 mins boils and then seed sediment removed and you have your dark yellow/brown liquid that can be drunk. Tastes vile but can be mixed with other drinks, then your DMT smoked later for a super powerful trip.

An alternative is that if you keep boiling down and reducing the Rue tea, it will become a kind of sticky resin or 'hash' which smokes very pleasantly either on its own or mixed with tobacco or leaves. So the idea is at this stage when it is a very reduced dark brown minimal liquid you infuse your DMT into the solution then let it dry out. You then have an infused 'DMT Harmala hash' that can be smoked to blast off.

Let's say 'Changa hash'. Maybe 1:1 ratio but others may work better depending how strong you want it.

Let me know how it goes if you try this recipe.
An alternative Tek for this based on @Voidmatrix method is to simply do an alcohol extraction by combining the rue seeds in alcohol and letting the harmalas come out. You then remove the seeds and mix your DMT into the harmala solution and let it dry out to have your Spice hash remaining.
I believe your second method sounds easier in practice, because alcohol evaporates faster than water. I've never tried this, but it sounds right to me, this probably works.

I'd start by doing only "harmala hash" instead of jumping straight into changa hash, but yes, this sounds alright.
I believe your second method sounds easier in practice, because alcohol evaporates faster than water. I've never tried this, but it sounds right to me, this probably works.
It definitely will work. I first heard about smoking Peganum Harmala resin when I learned that in parts of the Middle East they make it by boiling down the rue then rolling the resulting hash with cigarettes. First tried it several years ago and was a very pleasant easy smoke with some distinct effects. It only occurred to me recently though why not infuse DMT into the liquid as its solidifying and you can have your Spice hash.

I think that smoking Harmalas works better if you smoke them before the DMT.
Yes I believe so, and this is true of usual Changa also. That said, there is nothing stopping you from making both some pure Harmala resin and smoking that first, then waiting and smoking some DMT infused resin later.
Few years ago alongside making my DMT enhaced leaf I made a separate harmala freebase enhaced leaf.
I had made it too strong therefore the harmala e-leaf did not burn nicely by itself when trying to smoke it.
It was mandatory to dilute it with more plant material. I was using damiana at the time.
When properly diluted it smoked nicely and it was very strong. One bowl of this stuff on the pipe or bong
was enough for a heavy experience. I used this stuff with good results before smoking DMT e-leaf for making a
changa type experience. It can be used alone as well.
An alternative Tek for this based on @Voidmatrix method is to simply do an alcohol extraction by combining the rue seeds in alcohol and letting the harmalas come out. You then remove the seeds and mix your DMT into the harmala solution and let it dry out to have your Spice hash remaining.
@starway7 has also reported the evaporated alcoholic extract resin to be highly effective, including for sublingual use. Definitely on my 'to do' list - now I know what I'm doing with today's rue purchase :D
Another thing to add is that if you choose the alcohol extraction method, you need to make sure the solution fully dries out since alcohol and MAOI's do not go together.

I think the first method is faster since you will have your harmala solution ready and boiled down in about an hour and can reduce it sufficiently, then can let it cool and mix with your DMT and let it dry out to have some nice beautiful Changa Hash.

There is a lot of experimentation to be had here with maybe adding very small amounts of essential oils potentially also for infusion although as Peganum Harmala is already used as an incense it naturally has an aromatic smoke. We will have to see how things develop.
I hope I'm allowed to post this here. From reddit.

Psychoactive Dose Range for Harmala Alkaloids (Oral + Inhalation)​


These doses are for a roughly equal mixture of harmaline/harmine. If you have harmine by itself, increase the doses by 5-10%. Use the same doses listed, if not a little less, for harmaline by itself. THH should be dosed according to the listed doses as well. Start with 1.5x the inhalation doses for sublingual use, and incrementally increase up to the oral dose range for later experiences if needed.
—Oral ROA Doses—
•Light: 15-60mg (adequate MAO inhibition for low dose tryptamine combinations starts around 40mg)
•Medium: 60-120mg
•Strong: 120-240mg
—Inhalation ROA Doses—
(Use freebase, not HCl)
•Light: 5-20mg (adequate MAO inhibition for tryptamine combinations starts around 10mg)
•Medium: 20-40mg
•Strong: 40-65mg

This sounds like a good tek idea. Anyone tried sublingual rue hash?

I hope I'm allowed to post this here. From reddit.

Psychoactive Dose Range for Harmala Alkaloids (Oral + Inhalation)​

One thing I'll say about the above is that the dosage range will be off because there will be other things not just the alkaloids but it is a handy sheet, Ty! Anyone have any idea on dosage?
In the past...ive tryed reducing the tea down to a paste.. and found that the dark sludge can be torched ... but too much of the rue actives are destroyed by the flame..

If you try to vaporize the paste.....i doubt it will vaporize very well..

Best way would be to simply crush the rue seed... it should vaporize pretty well../. Crushed rue seed... makes .the strongest tea...and should give a stronger effect...if vaporizing ..

Anything can be torched ....but the flame destroys too much actives.. Vaporizing is the best way!:giggle:
@starway7 has also reported the evaporated alcoholic extract resin to be highly effective, including for sublingual use. Definitely on my 'to do' list - now I know what I'm doing with today's rue purchase :D
When doing the alcohol soak of rue seed...i was only getting what was on outside of seed casing...
But later found that ....crushed rue seed.... for a tea......or for vaping..... should give the strongest effects!
In the past...ive tryed reducing the tea down to a paste.. and found that the dark sludge can be torched ... but too much of the rue actives are destroyed by the flame..

Isn't this true of normal smoked Changa also though? Unless you vape Changa but most people smoke it I think.

If you try to vaporize the paste.....i doubt it will vaporize very well..

Best way would be to simply crush the rue seed... it should vaporize pretty well../. Crushed rue seed... makes .the strongest tea...and should give a stronger effect...if vaporizing ..

Anything can be torched ....but the flame destroys too much actives.. Vaporizing is the best way!:giggle:

The Rue seeds can be crushed and smoked directly and have been attempted to be added to changa blends, but the smoke is reported to be very harsh which is why its not a popular additive and people try to extract the harmalas from it. In contrast the Rue paste smokes and burns very smoothly and nicely. It's possible some harmalas are lost though yes in the paste, but just use more paste its not exactly expensive and as mentioned you can load up on harmalas first by smoking a pure Rue resin joint first.

So things to potentially try:

- vaping pure Rue resin
- smoking pure Rue Resin

- vaping DMT infused Rue Resin
- smoking DMT infused Rue Resin

- smoking DMT infused Rue Resin with some leaves in a bong hit or rolled in a joint.

An advantage I can think of having Changa Hash in a joint, is most people consider leaf Changa to be a bit wasteful in a joint as the DMT is infused throughout the leaf blend so when you are not inhaling DMT is simply burning up in the air. I always like to smoke Changa in a bong for this reason.

If you have a DMT infused harmala resin though you could put a few 'rocks' of the hash interspersed into a standard mix of inert leafs in a joint (let say a joint made of dried mullein and peppermint leaves) and smoke it, and only at certain points would the DMT hits be taken where the rocks are so you can relax a bit more as the joint burns knowing you are not wasting much DMT.
This sounds like a good tek idea. Anyone tried sublingual rue hash?

One thing I'll say about the above is that the dosage range will be off because there will be other things not just the alkaloids but it is a handy sheet, Ty! Anyone have any idea on dosage?
Yeah. I imagine it's not uber precise. I liked it because it shows that it takes so much less to potentiate smoked DMT when smoking the Harmalas as opposed to orally.
I can actually feel a small but real amount of potentiation smoking Passionflower resin. Gracie and Zarkof agree.

Other factors which seem to exist though, are..
The effects seem to feel at least a little subjectively different, and importantly
Smoking seems to be much less effective at orally activating DMT (or anything?)

I'd love to see more input on those someday.
Yeah. I imagine it's not uber precise. I liked it because it shows that it takes so much less to potentiate smoked DMT when smoking the Harmalas as opposed to orally.
I can actually feel a small but real amount of potentiation smoking Passionflower resin. Gracie and Zarkof agree.

Other factors which seem to exist though, are..
The effects seem to feel at least a little subjectively different, and importantly
Smoking seems to be much less effective at orally activating DMT (or anything?)

I'd love to see more input on those someday.

Yes it's quite something. Even smoking plain caapi leaf I have felt a very slight effect but I must explore smoking harmalas more. Vast majority of my experience with harmalas is oral or sublingual. I was blown away by how little was needed sublingually compared to orally. Like you mention about smoked, sublingual feels somewhat distinct in its effects for me compared to oral but it might be a dosage thing. Definitely doesn't last as long sublingually as orally.

I think the thing about oral DMT is it requires oral harmalas because the inhibition has to happen in the gut. Whereas smoked or sublingually it is really just the blood/brain synergy of the harmala DMT space.

In line with the idea put forward in the thread I have put 47g of rue on for a boil. Likely do 2-3 boils and reduce down to a paste. Curious to see weight difference. I will try smoking this but mostly interested for sublingual use, probably oral as well. Also curious on shelf life of it. Rue tea seems to last a while in the fridge, dehydrated paste might last a great deal longer.
Yes it's quite something. Even smoking plain caapi leaf I have felt a very slight effect
I've made 4x leaf and it's better.
. Definitely doesn't last as long sublingually as orally.
Yes. Forgot to mention that. That's a feature not a bug for me right now.
rue on for a boil. Likely do 2-3 boils and reduce down to a paste. Curious to see weight difference. I will try smoking this but mostly interested for sublingual use, probably oral as well.
I have some boiling right now. :) With some Caapi 4x in there as well. We'll see. The woodiness of the Rue seeds does suck.
Smoking seems to be much less effective at orally activating DMT (or anything?)
You could also eat the Changa Hash or make some Changa hash cookies for a possibly less nausea inducing Ayahuasca experience.
I have some boiling right now. :) With some Caapi 4x in there as well. We'll see. The woodiness of the Rue seeds does suck.

I don't see why the same method wouldn't work with boiling down Caapi tea into a resin also and infusing DMT into it. Rue is far more widely available though, and I'm unsure how nice a smoke Caapi resin would be.
I don't see why the same method wouldn't work with boiling down Caapi tea into a resin also and infusing DMT into it. Rue is far more widely available though, and I'm unsure how nice a smoke Caapi resin would be.
Caapi leaves feel qualitatively different to me. I'm assuming THH, but I dunno.
I've made 4x leaf and it's better.

Yes. Forgot to mention that. That's a feature not a bug for me right now.

Did you make it with an alcohol extraction?

Yeah totally, great for when you don't want to commit to deep rue space for hours on end.

I have tried doing something like this with caapi leaf resin, except I was trying to replicate a sublingual paste akin to ambil/mambe and added some tapioca flour to it. Didn't turn out very well. I would have preferred just the paste I think. Waste of 12hrs that was...
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