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Channeled Insights into Psychedelics

Migrated topic.
[quote:8e3ef0489c]I dont beleive in coincidences [/quote:8e3ef0489c] Coincidences are just incidences co-existing. The word is just belittled because people express it as 'merely a coincidence.' But think about it... through the occurence of one incident, springs another incident and so on and so forth. There really is nothing to believe or not to believe really. IMO that is. Just thought i'd put in my two cents about that. Love and good intentions i send to all of you who speak of wise things. :D
[quote:5f56c40982="varun"][quote:5f56c40982]I dont beleive in coincidences [/quote:5f56c40982] Coincidences are just incidences co-existing. The word is just belittled because people express it as 'merely a coincidence.' But think about it... through the occurence of one incident, springs another incident and so on and so forth. There really is nothing to believe or not to believe really. IMO that is. Just thought i'd put in my two cents about that. Love and good intentions i send to all of you who speak of wise things. :D[/quote:5f56c40982] Yup, everything is a co-incident, everything is synchronicity! There are no accidents. Everything in our experience is there for a reason. Here is a quote from one of my favorite "channeled" books, Blueprint For Change. Bashar, an ET from the future, speaks through Darryl Anka: "...everything is one single event, experienced through different points of view simultaneously. One event. The idea of degree of importance is simply to recognize how you relate to the event." The psychologist Jung has written much about synchronicity. It's not just some airy-fairy New Age notion. :) On another subject, DreaMTripper wrote: [quote:5f56c40982] What it is that makes me sceptical about spirits is the displayed humanity they ALWAYS project. If they exist why do they have emotional intelligence, an indication of neural pathways? Something essential to the 'physical' world?[/quote:5f56c40982] The spirit beings come through the human consciousness of the channeller., they become one with that consciousness. Sometimes the channeler does this in trance, sometimes consciously. Jane Roberts, the channeller of the Seth quote, was a trance channel, one of the best. Many books came through her from Seth. I believe Darryl Anka is a conscous channeller, he is still working with Bashar at this time. Here's a link to the latest audio channelling of Bashar, nothing to do with psychedelics but you may enjoy: http://www.newsforthesoul.com/ram/basharcoverage-nov2007.ram
[quote:c81e7a02be]"...everything is one single event, experienced through different points of view simultaneously. One event. The idea of degree of importance is simply to recognize how you relate to the event."[/quote:c81e7a02be] I think to fully activate the functions of the brain, would be to actually live all those infinite points of view simultaneously. Not only in the pysical realm but all infinite realms. That would be the mind of GOD. To be still and to just exist as infinity. Infinity is also zero. So it would be existing and not existing all at once. Its hard to explain but it is something that i know to be true IMO. Good quote Delphine. Keep them coming :D
I believe Terence McKenna was a channeler also, though he did not identify himself as such. Here's my own personal favorite of his "channellings", not specifically about psychedelics. The words themselves are psychedelic, I feel. :D http://deoxy.org/t_adt.htm Timewave Zero Space Time Continuum with Terence McKenna Alien Dreamtime was a multimedia event recorded live on Feb 27th 1993 AD Web sampler at City of Tribes Nirvanet Realaudio stream Hello.. alright. Have you ever noticed how ahh, there's this quality to reality which comes and goes, and kind of ebbs and flows and nobody ever mentions it or has a name for it except some people call it a 'bad hair day' or some people say 'Things are really weird recently.' And I think we never notice it and we never talk about it because we're embedded in a culture that expects us to believe that all times are the same, and that your bank account doesn't fluctuate except according to the vicissitudes of your own existence. In other words, every moment is expected to be the same and yet this isn't what we experience. And so what I noticed was that running through reality is the ebb and flow of novelty. And some days, and some years, and some centuries are very novel indeed, and some ain't. And they come and go on all scales differently, interweaving, resonating. And this is what time seems to be. And Science has overlooked this, this most salient of facts about nature: that nature is a novelty conserving engine. And that from the very first moments of that most improbable big bang, novelty has been conserved because in the very beginning there was only an ocean of energy pouring into the universe. There were no planets, no stars, no molecules, no atoms, no magnetic fields; there was only an ocean of free electrons. And then time passed and the universe cooled and novel structures crystallized out of disorder. First, [atoms; atoms of hydrogen and helium aggregating into stars. And at the center of those stars the temperature and the pressure created something which had never been seen before which was fusion. And fusion cooking in the hearts of stars brought forth more novelty: heavy elements - iron, carbon, four-valent carbon. And as time passed there were not only then elementary systems but because of the presence of carbon and the lower temperatures in the universe, molecular structures. And out of molecules come simple subsets of organism. The genetic machinery for transcripting information, aggregating into membranes, always binding novelty, always condensing time, always building and conserving upon complexity, and always faster and faster and faster. And then we come to ourselves. And where do WE fit into all of this. Five million years ago we were an animal of some sort. Where will we be five million years from tonight? What we represent is not a sideshow, or an epiphenomenon, or an ancillary something-or-other on the edge of nowhere. What WE represent is the nexus of concrescent novelty that has been moving itself together, complexifying itself, folding itself in upon itself for billions and billions of years. There is, so far as we know, nothing more advanced than what is sitting behind your eyes. The human neocortex is the most densely ramified complexified structure in the known universe. We are the cutting edge of organismic transformation of matter in this cosmos. And this has been going on for a while; since the discovery of fire, since the discovery of language. But now, and by now I mean in the last 10,000 years, we've been into something new. Not genetic information, not genetic mutation, not natural selection, but epigenetic activity: writing, theatre, poetry, dance, art, tattooing, body piercing and philisophy. And these things have accelerated the ingression into novelty so that we have become an idea excreting force in nature that builds temples, builds cities, builds machines, social engines, plans, and spreads over the Earth, into space, into the micro-physical domain, into the micro-physical domain. We, who five million years ago were animals, can kindle in our deserts and if necesary upon the cities of our enemies the very energy which lights the stars at night. Now, something peculiar is going on here. Something is calling us out of nature and sculpting us in it's own image. And the confrontation with this something is now not so far away. This is what the impending apparent end of everything actually means. It means that the denouement of human history is about to occur and is about to be revealed as a universal process of compressing and expressing novelty that is now going to become so intensified that it is going to flow over into another dimension. You can feel it. You can feel it in your own dreams. You can feel it in your own trips. You can feel that we're approaching the cusp of a catastrophe, and that beyond that cusp we are unrecognizable to ourselves. The wave of novelty that has rolled unbroken since the birth of the universe has now focussed and coalesced itself in our species. And if it seems unlikely to you that the world is about to transform itself, then think of it this way: think of a pond, and think of how if the surface of the pond begins to boil - that's the signal that some enormous protean form is about to break the surface of the pond and reveal itself. Human history IS the boiling of the pond surface of ordinary biology. We are flesh which has been caught in the grip of some kind of an attractor that lies ahead of us in time, and that is sculpting us to its ends; speaking to us through psychedelics, through visions, through culture, and technology, consciousness. The language forming capacity in our species is propelling itself forward as though it were going to shed the monkey body and leap into some extra-surreal space that surrounds us, but that we can not currently see. Even the people who run the planet, the World Bank, the IMF, you name it, they know that history is ending. They know by the reports which cross their desks: the disappearance of the ozone layer, the toxification of the ocean, the clearing of the rain forests. What this means is that the womb of the planet has reached its finite limits, and that the human species has now, without choice, begun the decent down the birth canal of collective transformation toward something right around the corner and nearly completely unimaginable. And this is where the psychedelic shaman comes is because I believe that what we really contact through psychedelics is a kind of hyperspace. And from that hyperspace we look down on..., we look down on both the past and the future, and we anticipate the end. And a shaman is someone who has seen the end, and therefore is a trickster, because you don't worry if you've seen the end. If you know how it comes out you go back and you take your place in the play, and you let it all roll on without anxiety. This is what boundary dissolution means. It means nothing less than the anticipation of the end state of human history. A return to the archaic mode. A rediscovery of the orgiastic freedom of the African grasslands of 20,000 years ago. A techno-escape forward into a future that looks more like the past than the future because materialism, consumerism, product-fetishism, all of these things will be eliminated and technology will become nanotechnology and disappear from our physical presence. If we have the dream, if we allow the wave of novelty to propel us toward the creativity that is inimitable to the human condition. That's what we're talking about here: psychedelics as a catalyst to the human imagination, psychedelics as a catalyst for language; because what cannot be said, cannot be created by the community. So what we need then is the forced evolution of language. And the way to do that is to go back to the agents that created language in the very first place. And that means the psychedelic plants, the Gaian Logos, and the mysterious, beckoning, extraterrestrial minds beyond. Hooking ourselves back up in to the chakras of the hierarchy of nature, turning ourselves over to the mind of the total other that created us and brought us forth out of animal organization. We are somehow part of the planetary destiny. How well we do determines how well the experiment of life on Earth does, because we have become the cutting edge of that experiment, we define it, and we hold in our hands the power to make or to break it. This is not a dress rehearsal for the apocalypse. This is not a pseudo-millenium. This is the real thing folks. This is not a test. This is the last chance before things become so dissipated that there is no chance for cohesiveness. We can use the calender as a club. We can make the millenium an occasion for establishing an authentic human civilization, overcoming the dominator paradigm, dissolving boundaries through psychedelics, recreating a sexuality not based on monotheism, monogamy and monotony. We.. All these things are possible if we can understand the overarching metaphor which holds it together which is the celebration of mind as play, the celebration of love as a genuine social value in the community. This is what they have suppressed so long. This is why they are so afraid of the psychedelics, because they understand that once you touch the inner core of your own and someone else's being you can't be led into thing-fetishes and consumerism. The message of psychedelics is that culture can be re-engineered as a set of emotional values rather than products. This is terrifying news. And if we are able to make this point then we can pull back, we can pull back and we can transcend. Nine times in the last million years the ice has ground south from the poles pushing human populations ahead of it and those people didn't fuck up. Why should we then? We are all survivors. We are the inheritors of a million years of striving for the unspeakable. And now with the engines of technology in our hands we ought to be able to reach out and actually exteriorize the human soul at the end of time, invoke it into existence like a UFO and open the violet doorway into hyperspace and walk through it, out of profane history and into the world beyond the grave, beyond shamanism, beyond the end of history, into the galactic millenium that has beckoned to us for millions of years across space and time. THIS IS THE MOMENT. A planet brings forth an opportunity like this only once in its lifetime, and we are ready, and we are poised. And as a community we are ready to move into it, to claim it, to make it our own. It's there. Go for it, and thank you.
Excellent, extremely profound and insightful and i totaly believe it. :) Truly inspiring. I too believe we are a uniqe and incredibly complex chemical reaction so complex its created concioussness. Ask yourself in isolation would we be concious, is the key to conciousness complexity of events? Haha Time!! Is time not just a collection of complex events? Time is the link, a linkthat can be tweaked as on dmt and salvia, we can percieve greater complexity such as being outside of time, such that stephen
Such that stephen hawking pondered was the realm of 'god' we can see through these blackholes that change time, change the link. We can imagine, for a nano second that we can 'link' into everything. But we dont see the whole story, how could we? Time has conspired to provide us with the tools to see ourselves, our small portion of the 'link' our niche in the shockwave, as the shockwave. When the hubble telescope is upgraded we will see that little bit further and we'll know more about ourselves.
[quote:6dfe61605d="DreaMTripper"]Imo Terrence wasnt a channeler but a very wise and intelligent man. Great piece whatever he was![/quote:6dfe61605d] DreamTripper, I see channelling in a broader context than just bringing through the words of spirit beings. I think ultimately we are all "channelling" in one way or another. All creative acts are a channelling of our creative energy. IN Terence's case, his ability to stand up and bring through such a fantastic and coherent speech as that , without even pausing to search for the right words, tells me he had this ability to an unusual extent. He may have been channelling his higher consciousness. Yes, very inspiring! :)
delphine, i thoroughly enjoyed all those channelled posts - i lit up when i saw the first quote from 'Earth: the Living Library" - this book (I also have Bringers of the Dawn) and the Pleiadian energy are very dear to me and their teachings have shaped my spirituality greatly - well, of course, such galactical truths! I was so happy to find someone else who's read this book! I also very much enjoyed the chanellings on the nature of 'drugs' and how our beliefs shape our experiences - this i've always known but have never been able to put into words (where were those words when questioned by a fellow wiccan/pagan about taking LSD and still considering myself pagan!)? Also greatly enjoyed the mushroom spirit channelling - how interesting and how much we underestimate them!
thankyou for your time taken to post all this, sharing knowledge is what its all about!

Well, I never read any of channeling books. I've checked the thread (not very attentively by far, hope to do it soon) and all these things discussed reminded me of one autumn sunny day I ate more than 300 sacred shrooms at once. That was the experience!!! :)

As I can recall it now (and that was many years ago) some "aliens" (actually 2 of them) have conacted me :) They told me their names, sorry, can not spell them, something far from human sounds it was :d The same goes for the place where they were from. In particular they told me an interesting theory on shrooms nature... According to those "aliens", shrooms were partly artificial beings created by them "aliens" as some communication tool. They told me that it will work not for everybody, but only for "those who are ready". Also, according to them, the hyperspace is a sort of media allowing to leave and to receive messages.
They arranged a space migration of this communication tool then :) Shrooms are able to migrate in space (physically) without oxygene or anything, so tremendous distances can be covered.

Humans, they told me, are just in the begining of evolutionary process. There are several races in outer space which are ancient and much more advanced. BTW, those buddies were from race which is "friendly" towards humans :) As to human race in general, other space races are afraid of us, because we do have commodity-money relations still which leads to wars :) And we are destroying our Mother planet, too. And all these are already left far in the past of space races. There's two main attitudes towards human race among different space races. One is to help in our evolution. Other is to stop us and even destroy us as we could possibly destroy any other planet as we destroying our own. Untill that day that we find another principal of social living and cyclic (or NON-cyclic, sorry, I don't remember now) source of energy, we humans will be blocked from going into "real" space.

They told me that we humans will not achieve our space-exploring aims in full since we are trying to make some big heavy metal things to fly in outer space which is absurd :) The REAL space travel is the travel IN space AND time AND multidimensional travel simultaneously. Their spaceships are very light in weight and very strange to a human's mind :) These space dudes they told me that in their worlds "magic became science". Then I saw a screen in my head, and many chemical and physical formulas were projected to describe principals on which their spaceships were built. Unfortunately, I am not much of a physist, so I did understand nothhing :) Just remeber it was some amplification of energy of light. OK, I guess many of real physists could be all abroad as well ;)

That's the story... Should I wait for MIB now? :roll:

BTW, as one famous Russian comic once said: "In every joke there's a bit of a joke" ;)
^^^^ What kind of mushies are sacred mushrooms are they cubensis and were they fresh or dry good report also I believe in the aliens comrade
Hi, Big Inhale!

It was Psilocybe-semilanceata, if I'm not mistaken :) They were picked wild near the place I live. They were half-dry, because I could feel that was the day, so decided not to wait :lol:
sattwa23 said:
It was Psilocybe-semilanceata, if I'm not mistaken :) They were picked wild near the place I live. They were half-dry, because I could feel that was the day, so decided not to wait :lol:

wow i love semilanceata, they grow here where i live hehehe althoug it's their season yet, but im waiting for the right time!
also cubensis is one of my favourites , when i was i brazil on holidays i used to go to the forest and pick them up it was always them that managed to find me, the more i look the more they would hide from me until i relax and then suddenly a group of them just appears next to me and eat always the first i look at
their goes that old saying " you wont look for the mushroom ,the mushroom will look for you, it needs you to give him a home and it will show you wonders"
i deeply belive in shrooms and all they have to show us (as with dmt aswell, but shrooms come in first for me)
can't be helped i just love them as much as i love my family:d
delphine said:
suggests that our endocrine systems are just about to evolve,

I think we are already seeing this. I think this is the root of spontaneous "awakening" now occurring on this planet. The environment and "energies" are shifting. I wouldn't see it as an evolution so much as a return to a state of existence (i.e., un-repressed and fully connected to The Fabric), that once existed on this earth. I do believe that as we change our environments and our thinking, that our brains will naturally begin to secrete substances which fully activate the crown chakra (i.e., the brain and CNS). This is going to involve some preparation though since most people, when they attempt to activate the crown chakra, will come face to face with their fears and issues first. Considering the depth of pathology on this planet, this can be tricky to navigate. Not impossible, but I think it precludes sudden activation and what we should be shooting for is gradual activation, coupled with gentle (but accelerating) global transformation.

I don't think 2012 is altogether that significant as a date for the big "shift" of consciousness since I think this is ongoing now. It will accelerate, but I think the acceleration will probably be still occurring Dec 2012.

just my .02 cents.

sattwa23 said:
Well, I never read any of channeling books. I've checked the thread (not very attentively by There's two main attitudes towards human race among different space races. One is to help in our evolution. Other is to stop us and even destroy us as we could possibly destroy any other planet as we destroying our own.

This would make for a good Hollywood script.

I don't think "we" are destroying the planet. I think capitalism and unfettered greed and powerlust is what's doing us in right now.

Michael Sharp said:
delphine said:
suggests that our endocrine systems are just about to evolve,

I think we are already seeing this. I think this is the root of spontaneous "awakening" now occurring on this planet. The environment and "energies" are shifting. I wouldn't see it as an evolution so much as a return to a state of existence (i.e., un-repressed and fully connected to The Fabric), that once existed on this earth. I do believe that as we change our environments and our thinking, that our brains will naturally begin to secrete substances which fully activate the crown chakra (i.e., the brain and CNS). This is going to involve some preparation though since most people, when they attempt to activate the crown chakra, will come face to face with their fears and issues first. Considering the depth of pathology on this planet, this can be tricky to navigate. Not impossible, but I think it precludes sudden activation and what we should be shooting for is gradual activation, coupled with gentle (but accelerating) global transformation.

I don't think 2012 is altogether that significant as a date for the big "shift" of consciousness since I think this is ongoing now. It will accelerate, but I think the acceleration will probably be still occurring Dec 2012.

just my .02 cents.


Hey, I haven't checked out this forum for a long time, just got the impulse to do so, nice to see
people have posted in my absence.

I agree that people don't need to and shouldn't push themselves in their path.
EZ does it! OTOH, I do think there is going to be a catalytic event of some kind around the
Dec. 2012 date. Who knows what that will be? I rather like the mystery.

The Pleiadans, in that quote, said that the key to allowing the psychedelic secretions
was to love ourselves rather than looking for it outside of us.

This conclusion was reached independently, by Geoff Stray, in his research about

"All You Need Is Love..."

:idea: :d
Just found this and remembered this old thread. Think it's worth reviving! - delphine

Metatron Channel

Plant Medicines: The Doors of Perception

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters! ...Rejoice for it is a time of great awakening on the Earth plane. The Earth and all of her kingdoms are transitioning to great and greater consciousness. Life is enriching.

We would say to you that there is even greater life that circles about and above your planet now wishing to enter into your mass field of awareness. It is light of a sublime nature. It does not hold logic, it does not hold vision, it is not the light of promise but it is the light of wellness and we will say to you that if you will allow this light to enter your sphere of influence, your field of awareness, you would find yourself lighter in spirit almost immediately and this is only achieved by intent.

This subtle brilliance is available to humankind, to the individual by self-projection. You can apply and avail yourself of it but YOU must call it forward, and become it. Seek and ye shall find. You must engage the light of the truth of wellness within yourself. Because in seeking greater knowledge one does not always seek or choose to include wellness, self love, but they are synergistically required to do so in achieving the crystalline vibration. They are complimentary and each would benefit by it.

Conscious Kingdoms of Earth

The Human kingdom on Earth is the most conscious of all Earthen Kingdoms. Yet humanity at this time is still somewhat unaware of much of its consciousness.

The Earth itself is a celestial Consciousness and supports many forms of sentient awareness within and with-out. Even without the consciousness of humanity, the Sentient Earth is a growing conscious being, that in many aspects is more fully aware of mankind and the Cosmos, than mankind is at this time. Because the Earth nurtures and provides the matrix of mankind's linear and nonlinear Earthen experience, humanity tends to think of the earth as a Feminine Energy. In truth the Earth is neither and both, as in truth are YOU.

The Earth homes many Kingdoms and Sub-Kingdoms that have symbiotic relationships with one another and indeed with Mankind and the Unified Earth. Among these are the Mineral Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom and Animal Kingdom. Each of these are also sentient, but humanity has forgotten much of its ability to communicate and receive the wisdoms and true support that each of these offer.

Plant Wisdom

And so we speak of sacred plant teachers....

The plant kingdom has a unique ability to interact with humanity that is quite specialized, because it has the ability to work directly in the mental field, in a way quite different from the mineral and animal kingdoms.

The latter two certainly interact in myriad ways, opening auric energies, holding space for communication and multidimensionality, yet the plant kingdom has the ability to enter the body physical and mental.

The plant kingdom offers medicinal qualities that no other kingdom on earth can do in the same way. Plants are able to affect the pressure of your bloodstream, both upward and downward. Certain herbal plants are able to elevate your emotions and moods. Others are capable of regulating the hemispheres of the human brain, and in so doing are capable of modulating how you relate to your greater essence, the unconscious aspects of multi-dimensional mind.

Accordingly, the plant kingdom holds certain facilitation abilities in assisting you to connect in a unique lens to both your lifetime and God Source. Campestral societies of the indigenous have known this for millennia and more.

They knew through direct communication, that certain plants were capable of altering thought waves, the very resonate patterns of the brain. And as such gateways that were otherwise difficult to enter, were and are opened through the alliance of that termed the sacred plant medicine.

So they learned that as brain waves were altered so were thoughts, and as thoughts were altered consciousness could either expand or contract its perception of realities. It was as if the hemispheres of the brain could be turned on their side and viewed from a different and new lens of perception.

And so in this unique lens, the contents of the human brain are shifted and can be viewed in perceptions that are expanded in means that are unparagoned, oft outside of the linear alignment of what one would term as space and time. Acute awareness well beyond the norm becomes both possible and probable within this effect.

Doors of Perception

This opens doors to another dimension of perception, to other realities, unique aspects of the mind, and can allow for great transitional visions and breakthrough of creativity and perception. And often allowing for deeply embedded 'energy blockages' to be confronted and released.

We will say then that psychoactive plants to varying degrees can be of assistance, varying according to the energy and light quotient of the individual. To some it is of immeasurable value and to others less so.

Question to Metatron: A few years ago I took ayahuasca, and I seemed to go through many dimensions. Can you expand on what occurred? Was it an experience only of the mind?

AAMetatron: It is both of mind and dimension. This most sacred of herbs allows entrance to one focal dimensional overlay, and that is the dimension of Truth. Blending optimally to access the gates of the Sacred Pineal, an accelerated vision into higher dimension is enhanced with the conscious modality termed the 'Vine of the Soul'.

The essence and experience is one of travel thru many dimensions but it is indeed the mind that travels, and travels far. The Beingness moves, but only slightly. Just as the heavens seem to shift each night bit by bit, degree by degree yet bring great change to the plane of earth, the dimension of ayahuasca brings a vast perception expansion, but it does so in one dimensional overlay, and that is the sacred dimension of Truth. It is the dimension of each person's individual Truth is association with this lifetime and all that relates to it, you see. In other words, all that one can hope to gain, discover, enlighten and learn are held in the fulcrum of one single point within this unique vision.

It is both the Alpha & Omega uniquely conjoined in one complex dimension of Truth as aligned to one's own frequency. This is where you traveled to and what one experiences in this profound journey. It is a meeting of the self, yet the whole self as related to this lifetime you see. What is encountered then is the complete result of who you are and who you can be. All that is untrue, all that does not serve you, all that is in imperfection is revealed. All that separates you from perfection, from worlds and realities is what you must encounter. That is why this most noble of herbs is so sacred. It is exemplified by the serpent consuming its own tail, and by that we mean the entirety of one's experience is revealed in one purifying vision, one crucible setting.

Question to Metatron: In my first experience, I had a life review, and in the second I was met with Teachers. Can you explain the uniquely different experiences?

AAMetatron: Dear One, in truth you had in the initial journey what the Christians refer to as the 'afterlife judgment'. You reviewed your life, as if in real time, and where you had hurt another, you felt that hurt from their perspective, sought and obtained release of the energy. You did likewise for those that had hurt you, the energy was purged, cleansed.

The first experience enabled the second. And we will say doors were opened that remain open, and your Beingness is in much greater clarity. For what did not serve you that you may term obstacles, deeply embedded from negative experience were released in one night, in what could have taken lifetimes. The purging was appropriate in the first experience, it was what was required in your frequencial truth, likewise in the second, it was teachers that you sought, and teachers that were appropriate in your expansion. Does that answer your query?

JT: Yes, thank you.

AAMetatron: And so we continue in this most interesting discussion.

We will tell you that the human experience is often riddled with adverse emotional reactions to life interactions, and certain restrictive energy obstacles occur in the emotional and mental bodies that close windows of the mind.

Certain sacred plants of the psycho-active genre, when taken in ceremonial manner by a learned facilitator can assist in re-opening these doors and windows. Once opened they rarely close again, or remain open for a long time and so quantum leaps in awareness and parity are enabled.

Yet the plants that enable the hallucination of the mind can be most beneficial to some and less so to others. It is therefore imperative that one be able to navigate within perspective of the experience. That you term illusion is in truth a corridor, a gateway of the mind that leads to other realities and dimensions.

For example, as we have said, the corridors opened by the medicine plant termed ayahuasca, can lead one into unresolved embedded energies from traumas in the present and other lifetimes by offering the path to the actual experience. In this way the present or past life issue comes into clear focus and the energies associated with it are re-lived in actual reality aspect with opportunity to release what need be liberated to remove the trapped obstruction. One may also change the outcome or finish an uncompleted mission that was not completed in the previous experience. Accordingly the mind is expanded to an array of multidimensional time hologram realities and is not locked into one perception. Many become available within what we call the focal dimension, the one dimension of Truth as it relates to the individual.

Preparation & Prerequisites

Yet be aware that strength and especially wisdom are necessary to accomplish these releases and completions. Simply having access to the doorway of expansion does not necessarily mean one will have the key to open it or the ability to navigate within its offered realities. A certain level of intent, will, fortitude and light quotient are requisite to establish the conscious wisdom and ballast to navigate and manifest these benevolent outcomes.

Strength begets strength and wisdom initiates even greater wisdom, but both require effort and preparation, you see. And it is essential to understand that one must enter these realms in a state of preparation, and devoid of fear. For if one enters in a haphazard fashion, if one enters expanded reality state in fear, that fear must be overcome or one will experience an amplification of that fear. Indeed it is not an experience of frivolous pursuit.

Without these attributes, one merely hallucinates; one only experiences dreams and or nightmares. And accordingly one returns from whence they came without the rewards that were available. The vibration of the seeker must then match the highest purpose of the journey. Such plants were never intended for recreation for entertainment you see.

One is meant to enter as if entering the holiest of Cathedrals, in reverence, respect and with great considered purpose.

If one enters the expanded reality realm without preparation, one will encounter an experience that has no redeeming merit. What one puts in, one will harvest. If nothing is sewn in sacred intent, nothing of value will be reaped. That is so in all endeavors of growth and of spirit. And with the highest intent, the ability to enter without fear is tantamount. That is among the preparation attributes required, for fear is ever the vibrational static of disruption, a frequency that is not harmonic to the experience, you see.

So let it be understood that there is indeed a sentient thought form of the highest order available within the experience of ayahuasca, which is presently by far the most profound of all the sacred plant medicines.

It is the one then that offers the most gain and provides the highest frequency for wisdom. So if one misunderstands the purpose or misapplies the experience, and enters haphazardly out of mere curiosity, the sentient frequency is not matched and the greater experience simply cannot vibrationally occur.


Appropriate application, optimal preparation is then requisite. And for that reason, masters, they are NOT for everyone.

We will also add that while these plants offer an incredible opportunity for clearing and truth, they are certainly not the only method of obtaining such clarity. Yet it is an accelerated lens and one of great value when approached in preparation, readiness and proper frequency & light quotient.

The plant carries an extremely high frequency and a great degree of the consciousness of the Earth itself, and accordingly offers incredible transformation for those that choose this lens, and for those that are ready.

Selection of Guidance

It must be said, that the choice of whom is to facilitate, whom is to guide the ceremony is of utmost importance. Just as tedious preparation for the experience is essential, so is then the selection of whom will guide it.

Such an experience must be facilitated by one of highest integrity, highest light, and one with an appropriate affinity with what may be termed the conscious 'Spirit of the Plant'.


Divine dimensional light for each human is transmitted from within your own being, not from without. It is based upon the energy of one's own truth, the confirmations that are the Cosmos and from that place they are aggregated. They are expanded within you as only light frequencies can be and then vibrate themselves into the mind and heart where by the magic of your intent they are converted to wisdom. But it is important that you will know that it is energy that you send, energy that you receive, energy that you speak, and that you guide, and that you call upon that reveals to you your true divine self. Points of light and infinity dot your planet, and they offer great acceleration, Lake Titicaca is among the most pristine of these. But the most important sacred site, you see, is within your heart, and you ever carry it with you. Such is the gift of the human kingdom on Earth.

I Am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.

...And so it is.

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