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Channeled Insights into Psychedelics

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've come across a number of references to psychoactive plants (not all of the DMT kind) in channeled literature. I just read this from the book Earth, Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library, channeled by Barbara Marciniak: "There are plants that, when ingested, connect you to other forms of self and other forms of consciousness. The whole concept of altering your consciousness through plants has been given an unfavorable name in your Western world, associated with what is called drugs. In many sacred ceremonies and rituals, it is understood that certain parts of the plants of the Living Library are ingested so that you may further understand the Living Library. So, if you would, open your mind to the idea that Earth grows things that allow you to understand her in greater detail. There are those who do not want you to gather more information and become free, so they say to you that something is bad. They turn somethng that is quite beautiful into something to be afraid of. In actuality, the purpose of being human is to alter your consciousness by intent, by will, and by the gifts of the planet in a fashion of ritual and honor--and to discover the magnificence of living. Many of the substances that your Western world could benefit from exist within the plant kingdom. It is quite interesting that there is a program to destroy the parts of the world where people have made use of the Living Library through the plant pharmacopoeia. Plants offer you the opportunity to understand your planet and yourselves. There are those who are burning the rain forests and purposely destroying portions of the Living Library. Sometimes antennae of beetles and bark or roots from trees hold keys used to balance, heal, and brng the human body into a state of higher consciousness. All things are here for a purpose, and when they are explored by humans, they will give back and gift humans. In actuality, Earth has been waiting for humans to discover this living miracle. Now is the time for a movement on the planet--a courageous growing multititude that will rise to the call for the purpose of Earth. You will make new paths and roadways toward what is possible by working in harmony with Earth." - p. 48-49 Inspiring, huh? Let's hold that vision! As implied here, "Living Library" refers to Earth as a galactic repository of biological and spiritual information, of which humans are the unwitting custodians. Those of us who are delving into the sacred plants are (or should be) more aware of this than most. More quotes to come, hopefully others will contribute...
Another channeling of an entity called Elias. His remarks here are pertinent to DMT plants, or anything we choose to use for consciousness expansion. NATHAN: Are the mushrooms the placebo? Are the mushrooms really I understand like when I ingest them, I instantly connect with my higher self. I feel like my thoughts are clear. I feel like the connection with everything, with nature and with the totality of myself. I feel that connection, and I know that I can feel that way without them. What is it that stops me from getting to that point? ELIAS: Let me express to you, you are correct. You may be creating this same action without the engagement of this particular substance, and you may also be creating it with the engagement of the substance. I shall first of all address to you that within the engagement of ANY element that you identify as any particular substance within this dimension, most of what you shall experience is motivated and influenced by what you believe. The actual innate quality which is expressed through the consciousness of the substance itself which is its function intrinsic to itself in ALL of these different substances is that it shall create a thickness of energy which shall be affecting of your perception. This is the ONLY action that is innately intrinsic to the substance itself. Beyond this, what occurs or what is created in conjunction with the ingesting of ANY type of substance upon your planet is directly influenced by the individual's belief systems and their allowance of certain affectingnesses. Therefore, some individuals may be incorporating substances and they may be experiencing what they term to be very negative elements and they place very strong judgments and belief systems upon these areas. Other individuals may allow themselves an opening to their awareness. It is very much an expression of the individual and what they shall allow within their individual experience. It is not the substance itself which is creating specific responses. Therefore, you hold the ability in the incorporation of any substance to be directing your experience within that. This be the reason that I have expressed to many individuals that many of these substances may be incorporated within quite pleasurable experiences. It is merely your belief systems that dictate differently to you. I express to you that the incorporation of any of these actions is not right or wrong. It merely is a choice of experience. You hold the ability to be directing that experience, be it the incorporation of your term of mushrooms, or be it fermented incorporated elements in your alcohols, or your different incorporations of plants that you may be interactive with even within your synthetic creations of what you in physical focus term to be your synthetic drugs. You hold very strong belief systems that they shall be incorporating certain actions, certain responses within you that are beyond your control. They shall be affecting of you in certain manners that you view negatively. I express to you, this is all the dictates of your belief systems. You may incorporate any of these actions pleasurably and you may be manipulating your energy to be directed in whichever manner you are so choosing. Therefore, if you are choosing to incorporate ANY of these elements into your reality and [to be] incorporating them as a facilitating action to widen your awareness or open to your different elements of consciousness, you may be engaging that action, and quite efficiently and quite realistically. I hold no judgment upon any of these incorporations of what you choose to be engaging in your physical focus. YOU have all created all of this for YOUR incorporation.
Glad you appreciate the posts, Noman. The first quote was of the Pleiadians as channeled by Barbara Marciniak. Here is a description of them from her site, pleiadians.com: The Pleiadians are a collective of multidimensional spirit beings from the Pleiades star system, and have been speaking through Barbara Marciniak since May of 1988. The Pleiadians are here to assist humanity with the process of spiritual transformation in the years leading up to December 2012. Their distinctive style blends wit and wisdom, common sense, and cosmic knowledge in teachings that encourage expansive thinking and personal empowerment, and which have been compared to native shamanism.
more channeled wisdom on psychedelics, this from Seth: SETH: "Now: I am not telling you to go out and get grass [marijuana], but grass is a natural ingredient, and acid [LSD] is not, in your terms." <snip> [During his fairly long discussion of LSD he said in part: ] "it brings to the forefront knowledge of the self with which you are not, at this point, equipped to deal. The resultant lack of balance can be disastrous." <big snip> [Later he said about PEYOTE:] "Peyote, used naturally by [certain native groups], had an entirely different idea behind it than most of you have about [that] drug. It was not expected to annihilate an ego. It was used within a social framework in which it was perfectly natural. There was no paranoia connected with it. "So, the reason [why] you use a drug is highly important. When you use peyote, you expect it to give you, again, a new occult, forbidden knowledge. When the natives used it, they expected it to give them the wisdom of the leaves and the flowers; to activate within themselves the nature that they KNOW they possess; and it was as natural as when you eat bacon and eggs. Therein lies the difference in your beliefs." <big snip> [About "crutches" in general he said:] "Now, the crutch may be grass, or it may be acid. But it says: 'I will only experience my creaturehood fully when I use thisand the way I use this, I can turn on, and I can feel the reality that surrounds me and this is my being! ButI cannot do this by myself. I need this, or this, or this. Only then will the magic work.' "A squirrel is filled with the reality and present joy of his being, and none of you today has seen a squirrel with a hypodermic needle up in the tree! He does not need it, either. He does not need peyote. He does not need acid. He does not need grass because he is that which he is, and he is full of the joy of his being, and not afraid of it. And as he scampers through the branches, he is not afraid of falling down, either, because he trusts his own being. And he knows, without your fine intellect, that he has a place in this universe that a place was made for him, and that his being is sacred and joyful and alive. "Now, if religion separates you from the joy of your being, then it is detrimental. If you think you need a particular religion in order to justify your physical being, then it is detrimental. If you think you do need grass to do the same, then that is detrimental. If you think you need to justify your existence through whatever means, for whatever reason, then you do not understand the joyful playful, spirituality of yourself or of your being!" Seth/Jane Roberts Conversations With Seth The Story of Jane Roberts' ESP Class, Vol. 2, Chapter 13 (p. 346 353) by Susan M. Watkins (Seth Material Robert F. Butts
Those are deep thoughts. Although I don't completly agree with it (e.g. I'm not sure if a squirrel is that happy with it's life and lives without fear) there are good things in there to think about. I believe truth is inside you no matter what the outcome will be or what you believe.
Glad you appreciated it, Traveler. I do believe our own bodies can produce trippy chemicals that will keep us high naturally, and that the animals experience this. They simply have less mental/emotional/spiritual clutter getting in the way of the life force flowing through them. At the same time, I'm with Elias (previously posted) that these things (psychoactive plants) are here for our use and there's nothing wrong with that. Anyway, here's another channeling from the Pleiadians that indicates we are heading toward tripping permanently: from Whats New Page 8 Pleiadian Channelings Confirm Imminent Endogenous Psychedelic Secretion 13/Dec/05 In a discussion on the DMT Tribe , Bernhard points out that Barbara Marciniak's book, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library, channelled from Pleiadians, suggests that our endocrine systems are just about to evolve, and that the pineal and hypothalamus, amongst other glands, will be affected. This will cause an internal secretion of a psychedelic substance into the bloodstream. Amazingly, this is one of the conclusions in Geoff Stray's book, Beyond 2012, and it was reached by deduction, with no channelling. Marciniak/ the Pleiadians say: "You will never be the same once your hypothalamus secretion starts. Have you ever ingested a psychedelic? How would you like to live, balancing that reality, twenty-four hours a day? It wouldn't work; it would be entirely too confusing. It is fine for what is called a trip. It is fine for a journey into the shamanic, mysterious, Living Library realms. However it certainly is not something you want for breakfast every day. The rest of the nervous system is not in sync with that awareness. When you take what is called a trip, it is exactly that, like going to the country or to the shore for the weekend. You go, you experience it, and then you come back and contemplate it. Your hypothalamus is going to move you to a new shoreline of your being, a new domain that will be chemically induced. This is what the endocrine system does. It introduces various chemicals into your body without you taking anything without you ingesting any substance at all. The chemicals will simply begin to secrete themselves and influence the very way that you perceive and interpret reality. Your restored hypothalamus will take you on a journey, and you will change everything so that you will be happy to dwell there. You will not want to dwell in the old place. It will be as if you move to a new planet without leaving earth. It will be a splitting of your world. Earth and Earth's reality in the Living Library will change before your eyes because the chemicals that will be secreted from the hypothalamus will give you a new interpretation of reality. This you are not prepared for yet, not anywhere near it. First you must convince yourself that you are loved and that you are the source of love. You must maintain a consistent feeling of this before you can begin the subtle changes in your endocrine system that will prepare you for the awakening of your hypothalamus. We suggest that this will happen in increments between 1999 and 2009, a ten-year period." All together now: "I am loved, I am the source of love..." :D
Posted Elias' thoughts on consciousness expansion through substances (of all kinds) above, here are his thoughts on dope... --- Session 346 RICHARD: I have a couple of questions in reference to the use of marijuana. I've been thinking about this a lot. One person I know has pointed out to me that the use of it opens up 4th dimensional … or it makes you susceptible. Somebody told me that it makes you susceptible to demons that could take advantage of and alter and sway your consciousness, and leave you susceptible to negative forces. Another aspect of that question is, does it block your spiritual development? If you're on a path of spiritual growth and expansion, does it block your crown chakra? Somebody else pointed out that it blocks the above-the-head area. Does it interfere with the opening up of the crown chakra? And for how long do the effects last? If there is in fact a negative aspect, how long do those effects last? ELIAS: First of all, this in affectingness would be dependent upon each individual. It is not uniform or a rule with all individuals. Some individuals may be responding quite differently from other individuals. Your own belief systems in this area are also quite affecting. If you believe that you shall be affected for extended time periods and if you believe that you shall be affected negatively, you shall draw that to you. As to the substance itself outside of the effects of your belief systems, participating in the use of this substance WILL create a type of thickness of energy, and this shall be affecting of your perception. But let me also clarify to you that this be the reason that I express that it is an individual situation, for you may use certain substances that you have developed through your organic plants, and if you are engaging these substances in a certain manner, you may also be opening yourself to other areas of consciousness that may be beneficial to you. Therefore, how you approach this usage of these substances is quite influencing of the effects that you shall attain in the usage of these substances. This particular substance facilitates a relaxation. In that, you may engage this particular type of substance, and if you are directing your attention in certain manners, you may allow yourself to be opening to other aspects of consciousness that you may not necessarily allow yourself to tap into within what you term to be your normal waking state, in like manner to the experiences that you may choose within out-of-body states or within your dream state, which neither of these states are harmful to you, and I may also express that the engagement of using the substance is not harmful to you either, but it may be harmful to you if you believe that it shall be harmful to you. In this – addressing to the opening to negative energy – if you are directing your attention in that manner, you may attract this type of energy, although let me be reminding you that in actuality there is no evil or negative energy, but there is mischievous energy which is projected by essences which may be focused within transition. In this, as you allow yourself to be within a relaxed state, yes, you may open yourself to interaction with this type of energy, and if you are directing your attention in this manner or [are] fearful that you shall attract this type of energy, you surely shall draw this type of energy to you, but it is not necessary, and you may also direct your consciousness in quite beneficial areas engaging these type of substances. I may also express to you that [in] engaging in this type of activity outside of the belief systems that accompany this engagement, you may choose to be participating in this type of activity as pleasure. In this regard, pleasure lessens the thickness in energy. Therefore, now you may view how it is very individual and how your belief systems may be quite affecting, for the substance itself is outside of the realm of belief systems and is not harmful, but may be inducing, so to speak, physical responses within you that you may choose to manipulate in the direction that is beneficial to you. As to the affectingness within what you term to be long-term effects of chemical reaction, your belief systems create the chemical reaction, which appears to linger for this extended time period. In actuality, the actual interaction of chemicals of the substance and your physical body chemicals interact merely for your time framework of one week, but you manifest the signs, so to speak, of this interaction for much longer, for you accept the belief system that it is affecting for much longer. As to your physical affectingness beyond chemical interaction or what you view to be a relaxed state, or with other like kind of substances a hallucinary state, this in actuality is only affecting for several hours, not continuing within what you designate to be your 24-hour day. Therefore, it matters not that you engage this type of activity. It is merely a question of your own belief systems and whether YOU are accepting of this activity and how it shall be affecting of you. Even in this opening of relaxation and the knowing within your perception that you may be more open to other areas of consciousness and to tapping energy of other essences, you may manipulate that within your consciousness also intentionally and use this type of open state to be accessing information within energy deposits in Regional Area 3, which would be that which is designated as the collective consciousness of this particular dimension, and in this it spans all time periods. Therefore, you may access energy in this area – which you may term to be world views and the like – that shall offer you areas of direction that you seek. So you see, you may be engaging this type of activity beneficially, or you may be engaging this type of activity and not be benefiting yourself. It is merely dependent upon your perception, your belief systems, and how you are engaging this activity. It is not affecting of what you term to be your spirituality. You may be engaging the use of these types of substance and opening to consciousness, or you may choose not to be engaging the use of these type of substances and open to your consciousness regardless. It is simply a choice. If you are engaging this activity and you are holding negativity within you, you shall create a thickness that shall surround you in energy, and this shall cloud your perception and you shall not view different elements of consciousness as clearly. But if you are engaging this activity and you are opening to your awareness, realizing that this is pleasurable and is offering you an avenue, so to speak – or a method, for you are so very fond of methods – to be accessing other elements of consciousness, then you shall lessen your thickness in energy and allow yourselves the opening. It is your choice. RICHARD: Thank you. ELIAS: You are welcome.
This is from Ra, the lone dissenting spirit being I've read that is against any mind-altering substance: There are many on your plane who would think that the usage of certain chemicals, marijuana, and the like will bring about their spiritual enlightenment. Although we have stated this material before, we will repeat it again for clarity. Any chemical that alters the mind spectrum, including caffeine, nicotine, and refined sugar, is ultimately very detrimental to the enhancement of the spiritual vibrations. There is no question about that, nor has there ever been, and there is no provision that we are giving you to make you think otherwise. The same rule applies for alcohol and any other mind-altering substance that you can think of. It is simply not wise to take them. Delphine: Sigh...it's so common to group psychedelics in with any and all other drugs. Very black-and-white perspective. I think it's appopriate to quote again from the Pleiadians (first post in this thread): The whole concept of altering your consciousness through plants has been given an unfavorable name in your Western world, associated with what is called drugs. In many sacred ceremonies and rituals, it is understood that certain parts of the plants of the Living Library are ingested so that you may further understand the Living Library. So, if you would, open your mind to the idea that Earth grows things that allow you to understand her in greater detail. There are those who do not want you to gather more information and become free, so they say to you that something is bad. They turn somethng that is quite beautiful into something to be afraid of. In actuality, the purpose of being human is to alter your consciousness by intent, by will, and by the gifts of the planet in a fashion of ritual and honor--and to discover the magnificence of living.
Stereotyping things never had a descent base to exist and will never have a descent base to exist. It only exists in the minds of beings not capable of thinking beyond whats learned. If you stay with the book you might be save but you will never enhance yourself beyond the ordinary. But then again, a lot of people are drilled to do things and not think by themselfes, we shouldn't be too hard on them, just keep pointing at the right direction when they ask for guidance.
I agree Traveler. I'm actually against a lot of drugs--pharmaceuticals especially. I also think Ecstasy ought to be avoided or only used very rarely and I've never liked cocaine or other similar, manufactured drugs. I prefer psychedelic plants. Speakng of which, I found this from the Pleiadians (the first quote in this thread is from the Pleiadians): "The symbolic mysteries of the multiverse are best symbolized by the enigmatic mushroom, tending to appear and disappear on your world as if by magic. The mystifying mushroom can be a gourmet feast, nurturing and delicious, or it can terminate your life if you are not careful; almost certainly, it can take you for a far-reaching and exciting ride into territories well beyond the confines of your perceptions."
An exchange between two people and Blue, a spirit being, on aya etc.: [Taylor] How can certain power plants, like Ayahuasca and magic mushrooms help us to unlocking this code? [Blue] there are many substances which when taken when one is first aware/awoken that will further assist into unlocking memories providing access to further perceptions of knowledge ... to take these substances when on a cellular/soulular level you are closed off and not open, which can cause havoc, creating holes akin to black holes on an etheric level and as well as cellular levels, which can drain your life force further accelerating your entropy ... this is why in many cultures which partake of these substances, it is only allowed by the elderly or mature or aware tribes people who have earned or proven their maturity ... know you there are some who are very balanced, open minded that nicotine is actually of benefit or ecstasy pills are of benefit, but you have to be at a level where you are already aware, unblocked as taking them is likened unto blowing the doors off with explosives, which will cause more damage than just as if were one to simply open the door with no force ... do you not see this is why they wish to hold many of your substances from you making them illegal .... it is not to protect you, it is to protect themselves, so you do not awaken [R] you mean it not for black money to fund black projects ? [Blue] this is part of it, but they could fund in other ways, not in pushing illegal substances that cost nothing to make for high prices .... the truth is that they do not wish for people to awaken .... why is it you think, all of a sudden, your tobacco industry has gone in reverse ... every corner as an anti-smoking campaign ...?? there was a time, where your govts and others pushed it like water unto you as children, now the same govts are attempting to completely rid you of your tobbaco/nicotine .... by making anti-smoking laws and raising the taxes upon it ... the shadows have woken up that by proxy these substances are awakening you to other fields of perception ... [R] ... this is interesting, as I never thought about it like this .... is there a right time or wrong time or how can I say, how does one know if they are at a stage where taking of these substances will assist or will be detriment? .. [Blue] when you know you are addicted or becoming addicted to any substance, then you are not ready ... when you are able to partake of them or not at will, without any cravings ... at any time ... then you are perhaps ready ... [R] does this apply to coffee ? [Blue] yes [R] damn it!! ;o)) ... it's sort of like a catch 22 ... if I am at a ready stage, then why the need to partake of them .... [Blue] precisely .... everything is already with in you .... but they can be of benefit if one is on that fine line between "ready" and "just not quite ready" .... if one is closed in mind and physically blocked, then partaking of them is dangerous for the mind, body and spirit ..
I thought Blue (above) made some good points, especially that we need to already be pretty aware people in order to truly benefit from aya etc. i can very much see how these things would be overly threatening to those who are inflexible and closed (seems in our world, that's just a matter of degree, we are all like that in some ways). Anyway, here's another channeling I just came upon. Thought-provoking, but unlike what it says here, I think that it's possible to integrate the drug experience while it is happening, not necessarily always when it's worn off. This too requires a high level of awareness. "Addiction is often thought of in terms of drugs and certainly the problem of drug addiction is one of man's major challenges, particularly in the West. The promise of the New Age and the new culture is one of unity, blending the various levels of consciousness into a oneness of effort and expression. It represents the physical, material realm blended with the higher spiritual realms for the greater manifestation of the oneness of consciousness. It most certainly is not a pattern of seeking the higher realms for rebellion or conflict with or escape from the natural physical world. Drugs often are used for just this purpose, in order that the individual can run into a private world of fantasy or at least dull the frustrating impingement of the outer, uncomfortable world. They can also be seriously used as a hopeful means of becoming aware of higher levels in which the individual is not so much running away as seeking something beyond himself. The problem here is that while certain drugs can bring about, for some individuals, an experience of higher levels of consciousness, they do so by separating the being. The chemical releases certain of the higher bodies of consciousness which then rise to their natural levels, transmitting back a more or less clear experience of those levels. The process of attunement in the New Age is actually the reverse of this and involves both raising the lower levels and bringing the higher levels down into a greater blending of oneness. It is a synthesizing, integrating procedure, not a separating one. After taking ddrugs, the consciousness still has to integrate the experience into the wholeness of the self if it is to have any real value; unfortunately, the effect of the drug is to weaken the integrative powers of the self. This is one reason why taking drugs does not represent a path to the culture and world of the New Age. " As with the other anti-drugs channeled message I posted here, i don't feel this source is sufficiently differentiating the plants (which I personally don't really think of as drugs) from manufactured chemical substances. As far as the 'separation' spoken of here during the trip--I think just as Elias said, that is all dependent on our own perceptions and expectations. I do think there is a lot of wisdom in those words, too, though.
From the chapter Drugs and Human Consciousness, in the book Spirit Wisdom, Alexander channeled by Ramon Stevens: "Mushrooms, peyote, LSD, Ecstasy, ayahuasca: now these are truly dangerous drugs! They lift the mind above the mundane everyday world into realms of greater wisdom and awareness; they expose the lie of separation on which the system is built; they restore a sense of life purpose loftier than owning a home; they foster direct experience of the unity of all life; they encourage the user to pursue spiritual growth and loving relationships as higher goals than economic stability; they offer glimpses of eternal life after physical death. What threats to the system! What would happen to the economic juggernaut paving over the earth if suddenly everyone placed family, enlightenment, and personal growth as higher priorities than making a living? If everyone understood the unity of all life and protested the destruction of the natural world as the necessary price of "progress"?...The system allows drugs which fracture, sedate, and suppress consciousness. It bans drugs which enhance, stimulate, and expand consciousness. That is their sole criterion." Too true... :(
The mushroom speaks, and our opinions rest upon what it tells eloquently of itself in the cool night of the mind: "I am old, older than thought in your species, which is itself fifty times older than your history. Though I have been on earth for ages I am from the stars. My home is no one planet, for many worlds scattered through the shining disc of the galaxy have conditions which allow my spores an opportunity for life. The mushroom which you see is the part of my body given to sex thrills and sun bathing, my true body is a fine network of fibers growing through the soil. These networks may cover acres and may have far more connections that the number in a human brain. My mycelial network is nearly immortal, only the sudden toxification of a planet or the explosion of its parent star can wipe me out. By means impossible to explain because of certain misconceptions in your model of reality all my mycelial networks in the galaxy are in hyperlight communication across space and time. The mycelial body is as fragile as a spider's web but the collective hypermind and memory is a vast historical archive of the career of evolving intelligence on many worlds in our spiral star swarm. Space, you see, is a vast ocean to those hardy life forms that have the ability to reproduce from spores, for spores are covered with the hardest organic substance known. Across the aeons of time and space drift many spore-forming life-forms in suspended animation for millions of years until contact is made with a suitable environment. Few such species are minded, only myself and my recently evolved near relatives have achieved the hyper-communication mode and memory capacity that makes us leading members in the community of galactic intelligence. How the hypercommunication mode operates is a secret which will not be lightly given to man. But the means should be obvious: it is the occurrence of psilocybin and psilocin in the biosynthetic pathways of my living body that opens for me and my symbiots the vision screens to many worlds. You as an individual and man as a species are on the brink of the formation of a symbiotic relationship with my genetic material that will eventually carry humanity and earth into the galactic mainstream of the higher civilizations. Since it is not easy for you to recognize other varieties of intelligence around you, your most advanced theories of politics and society have advanced only as far as the notion of collectivism. But beyond the cohesion of the members of a species into a single social organism there lie richer and even more baroque evolutionary possibilities. Symbiosis is one of these. Symbiosis is a relation of mutual dependence and positive benefits for both of the species involved. Symbiotic relationships between myself and civilized forms of higher animals have been established many times and in many places throughout the long ages of my development. These relationships have been mutually useful; within my memory is the knowledge of hyperlight drive ships and how to build them. I will trade this knowledge for a free ticket to new worlds around suns younger and more stable than your own. To secure an eternal existence down the long river of cosmic time I again and again offer this agreement to higher beings and thereby have spread throughout the galaxy over the long millennia. A mycelial network has no organs to move the world, no hands; but higher animals with manipulative abilities can become partners with the star knowledge within me and if they act in good faith, return both themselves and their humble mushroom teacher to the million worlds all citizens of our starswarm are heir to." From Psilocybin - Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide by O.T. Oss &amp; O.N. Oeric
Seth channeled by Jane Roberts, on the books of Carlos Castaneda. His reference to "Ruburt" is his "entity name" for Jane. Seth (ESP Class, 9-11-73): "You do search for herbs, but the herbs represent something else. You are all your own Don Juan and your Don Juan can be tricky – so leap beyond those Don Juans for they can be mischievous. By mischievous I mean they can lead you into other games in which you forget that you make the rules of the games, and so it seems to you that the rules are made someplace beyond by some trickster who says, 'I am here,' or in the words of Ruburt's poem, 'No, I am here – white god on a mountain top' or in grasshopper form leading you into fantasies. "I am here, Seth, in this rocking chair! Oh no, I am here -- you, Larry, sitting on the floor and you, Joe, leaning against the wall and you, George, sitting over there on the floor! You are the you. You are the selves who make the game, and you are the miracles of your own being. So if any god shouts, 'I am here' it is your voice, and it is your energy and your ability, and so in certain terms do you project those portions of yourself into my voice so that you can hear them and know those portions are your self. "So look to your own dreams, and to your own merry adventures. Look to the myths that you tell yourself in the dream state, but also to those myths by which you live your daily lives and realize that you are the authors and the singers and the dreamers and that in your dreams you dream your life into existence and by your thoughts you make your dreams real. "Look, therefore, to the glory of yourselves and to your own being. And again, the old energy bit! Hearing this voice, realize the source of your own energy and vitality, for Ruburt is no different than you -- a creature in space and time. Therefore, this energy that springs through him is also available to you and is a representation of your own energy and doors that in your own way you can open and use in your daily lives."
Wise words. However i need no 'spirits' of any kind to tell me this. I already know just not in words. What it is that makes me sceptical about spirits is the displayed humanity they ALWAYS project. If they exist why do they have emotional intelligence, an indication of neural pathways? Something essential to the 'physical' world?
Interesting stuff, scanned this a bit. Will check it more later cool post's cheers I dont beleive in coincidences and the last few nights ive been talking bout neuro pathways a lot and spirits do give off emotional intelligance, but it seems like higher forms of emotions to what we experience here. Its still a form of neuro pathways tho. Like near dear experience storys you hear its your family and friends on the other side appearing as something youd recongnise, and we recognise neural pathways. So maybe they manifest like that for our human brains. Peace and Love
Nah although very eloquently and intelligently expressed this is not new information but the general consensus many cannabis and other entheogen users have believed for years. The 'spirits' are merely, imo, just another way of expressing this school of thought. Artistic license if you will. Some very good valid points made however.
I thought Blue (above) made some good points, especially that we need to already be pretty aware people in order to truly benefit from aya etc.
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