Posted Elias' thoughts on consciousness expansion through substances (of all kinds) above, here are his thoughts on dope... --- Session 346 RICHARD: I have a couple of questions in reference to the use of marijuana. I've been thinking about this a lot. One person I know has pointed out to me that the use of it opens up 4th dimensional … or it makes you susceptible. Somebody told me that it makes you susceptible to demons that could take advantage of and alter and sway your consciousness, and leave you susceptible to negative forces. Another aspect of that question is, does it block your spiritual development? If you're on a path of spiritual growth and expansion, does it block your crown chakra? Somebody else pointed out that it blocks the above-the-head area. Does it interfere with the opening up of the crown chakra? And for how long do the effects last? If there is in fact a negative aspect, how long do those effects last? ELIAS: First of all, this in affectingness would be dependent upon each individual. It is not uniform or a rule with all individuals. Some individuals may be responding quite differently from other individuals. Your own belief systems in this area are also quite affecting. If you believe that you shall be affected for extended time periods and if you believe that you shall be affected negatively, you shall draw that to you. As to the substance itself outside of the effects of your belief systems, participating in the use of this substance WILL create a type of thickness of energy, and this shall be affecting of your perception. But let me also clarify to you that this be the reason that I express that it is an individual situation, for you may use certain substances that you have developed through your organic plants, and if you are engaging these substances in a certain manner, you may also be opening yourself to other areas of consciousness that may be beneficial to you. Therefore, how you approach this usage of these substances is quite influencing of the effects that you shall attain in the usage of these substances. This particular substance facilitates a relaxation. In that, you may engage this particular type of substance, and if you are directing your attention in certain manners, you may allow yourself to be opening to other aspects of consciousness that you may not necessarily allow yourself to tap into within what you term to be your normal waking state, in like manner to the experiences that you may choose within out-of-body states or within your dream state, which neither of these states are harmful to you, and I may also express that the engagement of using the substance is not harmful to you either, but it may be harmful to you if you believe that it shall be harmful to you. In this – addressing to the opening to negative energy – if you are directing your attention in that manner, you may attract this type of energy, although let me be reminding you that in actuality there is no evil or negative energy, but there is mischievous energy which is projected by essences which may be focused within transition. In this, as you allow yourself to be within a relaxed state, yes, you may open yourself to interaction with this type of energy, and if you are directing your attention in this manner or [are] fearful that you shall attract this type of energy, you surely shall draw this type of energy to you, but it is not necessary, and you may also direct your consciousness in quite beneficial areas engaging these type of substances. I may also express to you that [in] engaging in this type of activity outside of the belief systems that accompany this engagement, you may choose to be participating in this type of activity as pleasure. In this regard, pleasure lessens the thickness in energy. Therefore, now you may view how it is very individual and how your belief systems may be quite affecting, for the substance itself is outside of the realm of belief systems and is not harmful, but may be inducing, so to speak, physical responses within you that you may choose to manipulate in the direction that is beneficial to you. As to the affectingness within what you term to be long-term effects of chemical reaction, your belief systems create the chemical reaction, which appears to linger for this extended time period. In actuality, the actual interaction of chemicals of the substance and your physical body chemicals interact merely for your time framework of one week, but you manifest the signs, so to speak, of this interaction for much longer, for you accept the belief system that it is affecting for much longer. As to your physical affectingness beyond chemical interaction or what you view to be a relaxed state, or with other like kind of substances a hallucinary state, this in actuality is only affecting for several hours, not continuing within what you designate to be your 24-hour day. Therefore, it matters not that you engage this type of activity. It is merely a question of your own belief systems and whether YOU are accepting of this activity and how it shall be affecting of you. Even in this opening of relaxation and the knowing within your perception that you may be more open to other areas of consciousness and to tapping energy of other essences, you may manipulate that within your consciousness also intentionally and use this type of open state to be accessing information within energy deposits in Regional Area 3, which would be that which is designated as the collective consciousness of this particular dimension, and in this it spans all time periods. Therefore, you may access energy in this area – which you may term to be world views and the like – that shall offer you areas of direction that you seek. So you see, you may be engaging this type of activity beneficially, or you may be engaging this type of activity and not be benefiting yourself. It is merely dependent upon your perception, your belief systems, and how you are engaging this activity. It is not affecting of what you term to be your spirituality. You may be engaging the use of these types of substance and opening to consciousness, or you may choose not to be engaging the use of these type of substances and open to your consciousness regardless. It is simply a choice. If you are engaging this activity and you are holding negativity within you, you shall create a thickness that shall surround you in energy, and this shall cloud your perception and you shall not view different elements of consciousness as clearly. But if you are engaging this activity and you are opening to your awareness, realizing that this is pleasurable and is offering you an avenue, so to speak – or a method, for you are so very fond of methods – to be accessing other elements of consciousness, then you shall lessen your thickness in energy and allow yourselves the opening. It is your choice. RICHARD: Thank you. ELIAS: You are welcome.