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[CHI] The next step

yes, indeed it is something very personal. but the main focus here is not about the visualisation, but in focusing in a specific energy center (chacra), so that we are in a more specific frequency range, that might help with everybody sinchronizing with the same specific energy, for the same intention.
Within the Continual Hyperspace Integration as I am now calling it we can certainly have a thread for the exploration of the hindu chakra system in conjunction with hyperspace so everyone who does practice it can share notes with one another. That is what is so great about this new idea being presented.

I just feel that it is important we distinguish the difference between what is a system of spiritual praxis and what hyperspace appears to be doing.
Has anyone found certain things to facilitate any amount of control over the experience that works across the board?

For me music has done it, but the same song does not seem to effect another person in the same way.

Setting intent is the only thing I can think of. If we can find more things that effect the experience in similar ways these practices could be used to assist each person in this.
anrchy said:
Has anyone found certain things to facilitate any amount of control over the experience that works across the board?

For me music has done it, but the same song does not seem to effect another person in the same way.

Setting intent is the only thing I can think of. If we can find more things that effect the experience in similar ways these practices could be used to assist each person in this.

This is a tricky question because honestly if you ask me it's a crapshoot.
Control is something we have and do not have.
Sometimes we are able to have control in the way we want, but other times, or even most times, it really seems to have its own agenda. Even then we learn from trying.

There are other weird phenomena that occur from consciousness that acts mysteriously and playfully as well. Take out of body experiences for example. This is a real phenomena that currently can not be explained. Some people can control this. Others like myself have experienced them but can not induce them. So its weird to know something is possible sometimes but not have an algorithm that works to induce it 100% if that's even possible at all. It's like we get these hints that point toward a larger implication. These are our waypoints.

That is the point of this. To further fortify what is blatantly happening and bring it back here with ways and words. Being fiercely observant, questioning the parameters, entities, and ourselves, and exercising our stance at being the forefront of scribing the unknown. It knows we are trying to do this.
AcaciaConfusedYah said:
Anyone else feel like visiting hyperspace tomorrow? I've had the calling that I should probably visit tomorrow, so I'm going to go see who's knocking!

Going to blast off in the after noon early evening
Why dont you guys make a thread and explore a similar theme or intention together like we are discussing here in this thread?
DMT's reaction to our ideas:

AcaciaConfusedYah said:
Thanks for the reminder!

Anyone feel like venturing? I'll be there around 12:00-3:00AM 4/26. see ya there, or see ya here.

I think the point of this thread is to move away from the old paradigm. We have already shown that time is basically irrelevant, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be explored, but that it can still be as a secondary component, rather than a primary one.

The other point was to create a think tank of ideas on how we could further evolve this, and by the looks of it thanks to a1pha we have a viable path to move forward on now.

So please, create a thread. If you want to explore synchronized timing, do it. Or maybe you have some questions or ideas you want to entertain with a hyperspatial mind. A thread would be created for yourself and anyone else who wants to on their own time. There are a lot of possibilities here. We want to compartmentalize these themes and intentions.

With that said, if we can all agree on the name change (I like CHI, or continual hyperspace integration) we can go ahead and officially move forward with that and continue to use this thread if anyone has any further ideas on evolution.
cubeananda said:
I think CHI is a great name for this,

I have integrated in into the [CHI] The Transformation of Fear thread:thumb_up:

Was also thinking that having traditional-style hyperspace events on just maybe the solstices would be an excellent way to keep long-running projects rejuvenated.

You are right. Those are the best times to get weird, so they are definitely the best times to sync up on time-exploration as well. Even with synchronized timing one can explore themes and intentions as well. :thumb_up:
In this title wave of endless remembering and synchronization there lies a delicate balance of razor fine lines of flow. Ever changing, contacting and expanding into the biggest picture of unimaginable truths we all know exists. We are all already where we need to be on this crazy caravan but who really, truly knows this...I sure do not.

Arch: arc, a bridge between them/ us, dark/ light and within lies true vision of it all. Where does the real power lie...not only in the positive end of an electrical current. The real power comes from the arc between positive and negative flows. This is where I really think the answer is. A global balancing, rethinking good/ evil and what we are all really doing here! Then I get lost in the lines on my hand, taken in by the undertow onto a different direction.

I love the name! Chichichi :love:

oh and this- New Quantum Theory Could Explain the Flow of Time
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