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Combining shrooms & school [microdosing]

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Esteemed member
So, im gonna be honost here.

My experience with shrooms is that it makes me think alot, i find it difficult to stay in the "moment" , ive read that mushroom trips induce the same state in the brain as one who is meditating (idk if this is my case aswell lol).
Also that shrooms to repair brain connections.

Now shrooms for me are most usefull when doing something productive, and then its a learn and do on multiple levels at the same time..

Ok.. So i am starting school again. And i want to microdose shrooms (starting with as low as 0.1gr).
The main aim is not to only learn faster (because i have to catch up 1 month of studying) ,but also to be a bit more social (ive got a lilll bit of social anxiety in me).
On high doses of shrooms, people can freak me out. But i dont think so on low doses.

Anyhow. What is you'r experience with microdosing this and being in social atmospheres aswell as learning enviroments.
And whats ur advice? Thanks!
Microdosing mushrooms is extremely variable but considering the very low amount being consumed can be well tolerated. Definitely doable in social environments, although I'd caution you if this presents an anxious situation for you.

Maybe start with just a few friends or aquatints, see how you feel and perceive in that moment. You want to be careful in the long term about any social anxiety, as psychedelics are, can exacerbate these 'spaces' of mind. But also vice versa. Some research shows that psilocybin may actually hinder anxiety. Just one example from a while ago..

Ime, micro mushrooms is pleasant and can be motivating, as well as mildly stimulating in social environments. Learning is mildly enhanced but based on your mind state beforehand can make all the difference. Hiking in the forest terrain and microdosing has given me the most beneficial experiences thus far. Playing music and md is also improved, ime. Do what you love. Or even a particular subject for study. :)
This may be of interest to you:

A significant instance of problem solving resulted in a Nobel Prize for Kary Mullis. Until the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a common problem in biology was that biological samples were often too small to analyze, but Mullis solved that and won a Nobel Prize. He described how LSD aided him in doing so.

"PCR's another place where I was down there with the molecules when I discovered it and I wasn't stoned on LSD, but my mind by then had learned how to get down there. I could sit on a DNA molecule and watch the [indistinct] go by. . . . I've learned that partially I would think, and this is again my opinion, through psychedelic drugs . . . if I had not taken LSD ever would I have still been in PCR? I don't know, I doubt it, I seriously doubt it." (Mullis 1998; "Horizon: Psychedelic Science" 1997)

From the point of view of psychedelic cognitive studies, Mullis's example is noteworthy because he did not have his insight while taking psychedelics but instead used psychedelics to increase his ability to visualize, then transferred that cognitive skill back to his ordinary mindbody state. This confirms the idea that some skills learned in one state can be transferred to another. Transference and nontransference between mindbody states is itself a cognitive process that deserves study — learning to remember dreams, for example. Learning to increase this flow, if it is possible, would increase access to stores of information and possibly to new cognitive skills.

Unlike Mullis's experience of transferring a skill back to his ordinary state, most instances of psychedelic problem solving occur while the person's cognitive processes are psychedelically augmented. This is most clearly illustrated by "Psychedelic Agents in Creative Problem Solving: A Pilot Study," by Willis Harman, a professor of engineering economic systems, and a team of researchers at Stanford Research Institute. Working with twenty-seven men who were "engaged in various professional occupations, i.e., engineers, physicists, mathematicians, architects, a furniture designer, and a commercial artist and had a total of 44 professional problems they wanted to work on," the Stanford Research Institute team divided them into groups of three or four and gave them 200 milligrams of mescaline, followed by a quiet period of listening to music. Then they had snacks and discussed their problems with their group. Following this they spent three or four hours working alone on their problems. As a result of psychedelic enhancement, the practical results were impressive.

seagull said:
So, im gonna be honost here.

My experience with shrooms is that it makes me think alot, i find it difficult to stay in the "moment" , ive read that mushroom trips induce the same state in the brain as one who is meditating (idk if this is my case aswell lol).
Also that shrooms to repair brain connections.

Now shrooms for me are most usefull when doing something productive, and then its a learn and do on multiple levels at the same time..

Ok.. So i am starting school again. And i want to microdose shrooms (starting with as low as 0.1gr).
The main aim is not to only learn faster (because i have to catch up 1 month of studying) ,but also to be a bit more social (ive got a lilll bit of social anxiety in me).
On high doses of shrooms, people can freak me out. But i dont think so on low doses.

Anyhow. What is you'r experience with microdosing this and being in social atmospheres aswell as learning enviroments.
And whats ur advice? Thanks!

I'm not sure what your brain is doing during meditation as I have not researched it, however I can tell you some of the things that your brain is doing while on traditional psychedelics:

5Ht2a + 5Ht2c receptor agonism.

Thalamic gating: your body is bombarded by something like 12 billion signals per second, all of which (except for smell) enter through the thalamus. The thalamus then "filters" these these signals down to what is essential, and passes on the filtered signals to the cortex regions, the cortex regions are where your higher processing occurs, where you decide how to feel about things, where the whole gestalt of your being lays, now when you take a psychedelic, the thalamus stops filtering these signals, so rather than getting a fraction of the picture, you get the whole. ( 5Ht2a + 5Ht2c receptors join the cortex regions and the thalamus )

dorsal raphe nuclei: while awake, your dorsal raphe nuclei are continually "firing", As you tire, the firing slows, when you enter sleep the firing stops. While on a psychedelic, your dorsal raphe nuclei stop firing, just as they would in deep sleep, even though the brain is fully awake.

For better information in this area, I recomend the above David E. Nichols lectures, which go into greater detail, plus they are in classroom format, complete with visual aides, so it's very easy to learn from.

In the link above, Dr Carhart-Harris and David nutt have also done some great work in understanding brain function while on Psychedelics.

Nathanial.Dread said:
I may or may not have accidentally over-microsed myself on a day I was supposed to explain the physics of MRI to a class I was teaching and that was...interesting. No deep insights into the nature of MRI, just felt like it was hard to focus.

:lol: The possibilities were beginning to creep in. I feel that's when you know the microdose may have stretched a tad over threshold. One starts to stare endlessly instead of focusing a train of thought.
@ cognitive heart, Yea im prone to anxiety in general and i think that microdosing will help me overcome that in a way... By embracing the experience even tho it might be a shockier road!

@entheogenic-gnosis Thanks for the info, thats the stuff i was really looking for now it all makes mor sense to me and calms my mind. I hope i will also be able to sense reality now hehe :p
And especialy when im on shrooms!

@Nathanial.Dread , so if it worked out for you then i have good hopes for me (already imagined id run out class screaming yolo)

I just finished my introduction week at school and now we have vacation so ill be sharing report soon :D
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