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Rising Star
(mind)Set:Calm, Interested to Explore
(physical condition) Set:Not 100% but good enough to trip
Setting (location):Living room, couch
time of day: 0:00
recent drug use: Coffee 5 hours prior
last meal: BBQ Duck and rice 6 hours prior

Gender: M
body weight: 88ish
known sensitivities: none
history of use: Novice, Less than a year, less than 15 trips
Substance(s): Harmala FB from rue, DMT FB
Dose(s): 5mg, approx 15mg
Method of administration: Harmala vaped in oil burner, DMT vaped in GVG


Administration time: T=0:05 First vaped Harmala, then small hit of spice approx 5mg, then approx 10mg of spice
Duration: 40 min
First effects: Body and head sensations
Peak: 30 seconds after second blast for about 10 mins
Come down: 20 mins
Baseline:40 mins

Intensity (overall): 2.9
Evaluation / notes: Although I was aware of my real life surrounds at all times, my awareness was split. I was able to control to some extent how deep I went into the trip, and able to pull back when things got to be too overwhelming.

Pleasantness: (0-4) 3 There was moments of nice body sensations, but mostly the pleasantness is due to the unique, bizarre, and interestingness of what I was experiencing
Implesantness: (0-4)2.5 Although I was able to stay fairly objective, there where a lot of feelings of unpleasantness during this trip
Visual Intensity: (0-4) 3


Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 2.5 right after the trip and lingering until at least right now ( 1.5 hours later)


I decided to vape some spice tonight. I didn't weigh out any as I knew there was probably around 15-20mg still melted into my liquid pad from previous blastoffs. I had no intention of breaking through, just a lite dive into dmt land to wade around a bit. I first vaped the harmala FB in my oil burner designated for that. Then did a small hit with the GVG. The first hit I figure I got around 5mg, maybe even less. I started to get some head and body sensations, but real mild and effects as I knew it was much. I started to feel body load and tiredness come on as I usually do when I fail to take a meaningful sized dose. Self doubt and anxiety started to set in, at which point I was almost to pack it up and go to bed. Something kept me from doing that and I mentally focused and realized I must push through this road block and hit it again.

The second hit was a decent sized toke, probably getting 10-15mg in. I kept sucking back the vapour as long as I could still see white in the chamber. I started coming up with in seconds and I laid down to prepare for the trip.

As usual my first thoughts were "oh yeah this is what its like, why did I do it again" which seems to be a running joke with myself as I find the come up quite hard to handle. I closed my eyes and I saw super fast, intelligent, moving shapes buzzing in front of my face as always. Weird feelings all around and in my body as something that feels like a scanning took place.

Then this time something interesting. The buzzing and nonsense slowed down and things began to come at a more manageable speed. I felt as if I was establishing some kind of communication with a hyper advanced and very alien intelligence. The communication was telepathic, and I found it very difficult to handle. I'm normally a closed person, and with zero experience with telepathic communication, it felt very invasive and threatening to me. That being said I felt like I was in control of the depth that I could take it, and so I was able to slowly push forward. When things became to much for me to handle (some images and concepts were so alien to me that they gave me very overwhelming and strong feelings) I could pull back a bit. At one point I got the feeling that they wanted to show them self(selves) to me, or I wanted to see them, but as they started to reveal themselves I couldn't handle it and pulled back. I pushed as far as I could with the communication until I started to come down. I didn't achieve any comprehension (consciously) of the message, I think for the most part I was working on the ability to achieve the communication.

Simultaneously I was also continuously directing awareness to a specific physical problem that I am experiencing in my body. When I was thinking about it directly I was seeing negative images and negative feelings were coming into my head. I kept pushing through them as much as I could and then I got the idea do just radiate love in that direction. At this point I was coming down, so I just thought about love and it dissolved the negative feelings I had until I was back.

During most of the peak, my body felt very cold and I was shivering very profusely. Thats all for now.
I'm very familiar with what your describing .
It can be very scary sometimes. At this moment in
time there are no satisfying explanations for what this
kind of experience could be. It's very sci fi and starts to
Go into crazy land. I've learned how to just deal with it.
Thank you very much for sharing this sounds like quite a wonderful experience. :)

I can not speak for everyone else, but I know I am usually quite scared or anxious before reaching hyperspace and I would assume most people are. When not in the proper mindset I have found myself shaking a little bit or being quite terrified with an increased heart rate. I consider small amounts of anxiety totally normal and, quite frankly, safe. If i get too scared however, I stop what I am doing and meditate.

I mostly wanted to touch on the subject of you feeling apprehensive in your experience and then "pushing forward". I think this is one of the biggest keys to having an enlightening or spiritual experience. It seems a lot of people who simply have intense visuals and no insight are quite frightened by what the see or feel and simply observe it. They do not delve into any emotions or feeling.

I think it is very important that you did this and I think in your future experiences, if you choose to have any, you will continue to get deeper and eventually learn more. Although you said you could not really comprehend the message I think it is telling that the experience ended on a high note with your radiating love and dissolving the negative feelings in your body.

Thanks again for sharing and of course these are just my opinions but I hope they were helpful! :thumb_up:
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