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TEK Converting CBD to THC using only Zeolite and heat.

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Migrated topic.
I tried this tek and send the result to Kykeon analytics lab (check them out, they are really awesome!). Results are expected to come in by next week, exciting times!

I prepared my cheap >99% CBD powder together with an equal weight of zeolite and wrapped that well in aluminum foil.

I then preheated my oven at 105C, put the preparation into the aluminum foil in the oven, set the temperature to 150C and let that sit for half an hour.

The result I got out of the oven was some sticky paste that I dissolved in 96% ethanol and then poured through a coffee filter to remove any zeolite. What I was left with was a honey colored oil that I send to Kykeon analytics (really check them out at
https://shop.kykeonlabs.com/shop/store) for full analysis.

Looking forward to the results, if positive I will further experiment with CBD/Zeolite ratios, temperature and oxygen free atmospheres. Here is hoping for good results!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Great to hear Traveler! Looking forward for the lab results and further explorations.

My tincture is mostly white with a slight orange tint, the oily drops can't be seen if I swirl it around. But after being till for some hours some mall seems to appear again. Perhaps I didn't convert as much into THC anyhow. Will try again with a bit of longer time in the oven. But want to try this one first.
The Traveler said:
I tried this tek and send the result to Kykeon analytics lab (check them out, they are really awesome!). Results are expected to come in by next week, exciting times!

I prepared my cheap >99% CBD powder together with an equal weight of zeolite and wrapped that well in aluminum foil.

I then preheated my oven at 105C, put the preparation into the aluminum foil in the oven, set the temperature to 150C and let that sit for half an hour.

The result I got out of the oven was some sticky paste that I dissolved in 96% ethanol and then poured through a coffee filter to remove any zeolite. What I was left with was a honey colored oil that I send to Kykeon analytics (really check them out at
https://shop.kykeonlabs.com/shop/store) for full analysis.

Looking forward to the results, if positive I will further experiment with CBD/Zeolite ratios, temperature and oxygen free atmospheres. Here is hoping for good results!

Kind regards,

The Traveler

This is very exciting indeed traveler!, can't wait to see the qualitative analysis of your 30 minute Run, Also kykeon Labs is extremely informative and anyone interested on knowing his substance should visit their website.
Hope that the lab-results arrive soon The Traveler!

Since last post the following has happened here. I evaporated the ethanol and water mix and re dissolved it in 96% ethanol. I have tried it yesterday. Took 0,5 ml sublingual (together with hemp oil because of to strong alcohol) and that was supposed to be around 30 mg THC if the conversion was 50% CBD/THC. I'm quite sensitive now to THC since I've stopped using it every evening but instead only once a week. I'm not sure how ~30 mg of THC works sublingual but my guess is that it would be much stronger than my experience.

I would say that it was not near 50% conversion, more like 10 - 15%. I would slowly get a nice buzz in my body. But very little mental effects. I slept really nice however and could notice that I was effected on some level.

I'll try another conversion soon.
THanoC said:
a simple way i found is to simply put the aluminum foil that contains your powder in a high temperature safe jar and add a small piece of pressed cotton wet with ethanol inside and ignite it, then close the lid and let the fire use all the oxygen, then put the whole jar in the oven.

edit: standard glass jars are not high temperature safe, we need a jar/flask from borosilicate glass (pyrex) or another heat resistant glass, but generally anything sold as oven/microwave safe should be okay.
I am curious how you would change the protocol described in the opening post for an oxygen-free jar method. Would you still do the compacting in aluminum foil?

Also, what about processing times and temperatures - I imagine adding a jar will significantly reduce heat transmission, and slow things down quite a bit. We're also adding quite a bit of ethanol vapor, and also water vapor as a product of burning ethanol. Since you mentioned water to be one of the potential reagents we don't want a lot of, I'm just wondering if this is something we need to be worried about.
PsyDuckmonkey said:
THanoC said:
a simple way i found is to simply put the aluminum foil that contains your powder in a high temperature safe jar and add a small piece of pressed cotton wet with ethanol inside and ignite it, then close the lid and let the fire use all the oxygen, then put the whole jar in the oven.

edit: standard glass jars are not high temperature safe, we need a jar/flask from borosilicate glass (pyrex) or another heat resistant glass, but generally anything sold as oven/microwave safe should be okay.
I am curious how you would change the protocol described in the opening post for an oxygen-free jar method. Would you still do the compacting in aluminum foil?

Also, what about processing times and temperatures - I imagine adding a jar will significantly reduce heat transmission, and slow things down quite a bit. We're also adding quite a bit of ethanol vapor, and also water vapor as a product of burning ethanol. Since you mentioned water to be one of the potential reagents we don't want a lot of, I'm just wondering if this is something we need to be worried about.

hey there PsyDuckMonkey, these are great questions and i hope your experiments are going good.
there are two approaches in your first question, about using or not using aluminum foil inside the Jar, some people say aluminum is a must for them, i have also heard of people just using a layer of zeolite on the bottom of their jar and a layer of CBD above the zeolite, and when heat is applied the CBD will melt through the zeolite, personally i did not notice any difference being made on the final product between these two methods, in my humble opinion its a matter of personal choice, because remember, there is not much existent scientific literature on the subject for us to be certain of a method and know exactly how well it works, experimentation is our best friend in these cases, on the other questions, i do not believe the ethanol vapor (if any at all escapes the flame) will contribute by any means to the isomerization, now as you mentioned the burning of ethanol will
create water and carbon dioxide, but here is the trick: this happens only in a oxygen containing environment (source: The science of alcohol) ,now remember water needs oxygen to be formed and we have a flame in a sealed environment which will keep going for as long as there is sufficient oxygen inside 😉 ,so there shouldn't be any significant amount of H2O created if any at all, i think you get the idea by now (also another flammable solvent can just as easily be used, just make sure its anhydrous if you want no H20 present of course), also the only reason water would be unwanted is if you wanted to minimize Δ8-THC being present in your product, other than that its nothing to be worried about, for example if someone wanted a purely Δ8 distillate he would use water as a medium and something like citric acid for a catalyst 😉
as for the heat transmission this is a very good question since glass is the opposite of thermoconductive, this is why i said that you put the reactants in the oven at 105C and start your timer at 150C, i believe that this in-between period offers enough time for the heat to be distributed, however heat is the only factor i would suggest to everyone to experiment with himself, since different ovens etc. will probably have slightly different results (i mean there is probably difference in heat distribution etc. between a 10 year old cheap oven and a "smart" oven made at 2023), this is where the potassium hydroxide CBD reagent test can come in handy, you are able to test in real time conversion rates from your specific timeframes and equipment.
keep it safe and DYOR.
Good questions PsyDuckmonkey. I wrote something similar earlier in this thread. And thanks THanoC for your reply.

I cant get pure ethanol, only 96%. And it seems like a hassle to use 100%. Perhaps you could dry it as with acetone but I hope to find other ways. So using 96% ethanol it will have 4% water that will turn into vapor inside the sealed jar. perhaps a small amount of water is 'better' than oxygen. I don't know. But it kept me from trying. That and that I cant find a good air tight jar that don't have plastic in the lid. As I wrote consumer jars have metals lids with a plastic lining that is now safe for higher temperatures (over 100c). Probably there are other jars that are better but I cant find them.

So. I did the folding foil version. As I wrote when trying out a small bit (0,5ml) I found it containing less THC then expected. But yesterday I did a bit deeper dive and took 1ml with would be around 62ml THC if it had been a 50% conversion. mixed the alcohol (96%) it with a bit of hemp oil and held it sublingual fro some minutes then swallowing. Not much happened for over 2,5h... then something. Really really slowly I wound notice that I was getting stoned. And when I went to bed, about 3h after intake I was indeed high. Not as if I would have taken 62mg of THC (I think) but definitely effected :) In a nice clean/clear way. I went to sleep, waking up a few times during the night with a really nice body feeling, and mind. Good times in all.

I have not taken THC mixed with CBD orally before so I don't have prior experiences to compare it to. But I liked it. Will try out more, but not to much to soon. Don't want to get into daily cannabis usage as before.
murklan said:
Good questions PsyDuckmonkey. I wrote something similar earlier in this thread. And thanks THanoC for your reply.

I cant get pure ethanol, only 96%. And it seems like a hassle to use 100%. Perhaps you could dry it as with acetone but I hope to find other ways. So using 96% ethanol it will have 4% water that will turn into vapor inside the sealed jar. perhaps a small amount of water is 'better' than oxygen. I don't know. But it kept me from trying. That and that I cant find a good air tight jar that don't have plastic in the lid. As I wrote consumer jars have metals lids with a plastic lining that is now safe for higher temperatures (over 100c). Probably there are other jars that are better but I cant find them.

So. I did the folding foil version. As I wrote when trying out a small bit (0,5ml) I found it containing less THC then expected. But yesterday I did a bit deeper dive and took 1ml with would be around 62ml THC if it had been a 50% conversion. mixed the alcohol (96%) it with a bit of hemp oil and held it sublingual fro some minutes then swallowing. Not much happened for over 2,5h... then something. Really really slowly I wound notice that I was getting stoned. And when I went to bed, about 3h after intake I was indeed high. Not as if I would have taken 62mg of THC (I think) but definitely effected :) In a nice clean/clear way. I went to sleep, waking up a few times during the night with a really nice body feeling, and mind. Good times in all.

I have not taken THC mixed with CBD orally before so I don't have prior experiences to compare it to. But I liked it. Will try out more, but not to much to soon. Don't want to get into daily cannabis usage as before.

hey there murklan!,am happy it worked for you!
Also, that is okay, worst case scenario is you will end up with a Δ8 distillate that you will need a speck more of the substance to get the same effects as Δ9, i don't view this as that big of a deal considering the resources and time it would take for someone to isomerize even a whole kilogram of THC!, this is a very safe and easy method (as long as one follows the basic rules, like not smoking zeolite..) so i would not hesitate to experiment :)
I just spotted an inconsistency: just above you say
put the reactants in the oven at 105C and start your timer at 150C

but the original post has:

once the oven starts to get close to 105°C (221°F), put your aluminum-packed powder in and set a timer to 15 minutes

Which would result in less heating. From the rest of your post it looks like start timer at 150c is the way to go. can you edit your original post a bit to reflect this, if the board allows?
fractals4life said:
I just spotted an inconsistency: just above you say
put the reactants in the oven at 105C and start your timer at 150C

but the original post has:

once the oven starts to get close to 105°C (221°F), put your aluminum-packed powder in and set a timer to 15 minutes

Which would result in less heating. From the rest of your post it looks like start timer at 150c is the way to go. can you edit your original post a bit to reflect this, if the board allows?
thanks for pointing that out fractals4life, i will edit it to reflect it, in the original post i did not include the jar method to keep things as simple as possible and just added it later as an extra after people asked about better minimization of oxygen, you don't really have to think about heat distribution when you don't use the jar method.
Kykeon Analytics tested my CBD 2 THC sample, that I created by performing the method mentioned in the first post of this topic, and here is the final report on it:

Delta-8-THC ~56%
Delta-9-THC ~34%
2 other isomers (minor)

So that is even better than expected!

For my next experiment I will put the CBD+Zeolite mix inside a closed container that will have all it's oxygen removed by a method suggested in this topic, my idea or rather hope is that this will increase the percentage of Delta-9-THC even more.

Kind regards,

The Traveler


  • CBD2THC_#817_Final_Report-1.pdf
    872.4 KB · Views: 41
It's a time-dependent conversion; mostly d9 will be converted within the first three hours, then gradually to d8 afterwards. Heat catalyzes the conversion, of course. It's a positional (with regards to the double-bond) isomerization.
Thanx for that info!

What temperature curve would you then recommend for highest Delta-9-THC results? And what do you think is the best timing curve?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Kykeon Analytics tested my CBD 2 THC sample, that I created by performing the method mentioned in the first post of this topic, and here is the final report on it:

Delta-8-THC ~56%
Delta-9-THC ~34%
2 other isomers (minor)

There's something significant here. There's no CBD, you have full conversion apparently. The report even has a line saying CBD: not detected...

For people for whom pure THC is not enjoyable, or even psychologically harmful (like myself - even high THC bud strains are just bad for me), this is something to take into account, and CBD might need to be re-added.
There's something significant here. There's no CBD, you have full conversion apparently. The report even has a line saying CBD: not detected...

For people for whom pure THC is not enjoyable, or even psychologically harmful (like myself - even high THC bud strains are just bad for me), this is something to take into account, and CBD might need to be re-added.
There are several conflicting scientific papers about the effects of CBD on the experience and the physical reaction on the effects of THC. Even meta-analysis seems to be still in the dark as to what is actually factually happening

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I'm not trying to talk THC down, just pointing out something that might be overlooked, and for some people might be important.

I know scientific research is inconclusive on the effects of each cannabinoid, but my personal anecdotal experience is that high THC bud or hash, or pure THC vape gives me an unpleasant, clinical high and makes me paranoid for days, while low THC (which by logic means higher CBD and terpenes) bud, or straight up medical / high CBD bud gives me a pleasant, joyful, sensual high that on very high doses reminds me of the feel of 60s-70s psychedelic art.

The negative effects of high potency bud (as opposed to roadside marijuana, old-style strains or medical bud) on some people is something I have heard from others too. Ultimately, we should all know ourselves and our relationships with each drug and plant ally we interact with.

My most joyful, amazing, incredible weed experience to date happened when I tried to replicate a CBD clinical experiment. There was a medical study showing that 300mg CBD was clinically effective in reducing anxiety, so I did the math and took the corresponding amount of full spectrum CBD oil. Apparently it had enough THC* to make me high, and it was one of the best highs of my life.

* - With 5% CBD oil, 300mg of CBD means 6 grams of oil... At the legal threshold of 0.2% THC, that comes out at 12 mg THC, which is an active dose... Not the most cost effective way to get high, but it was to test something I was curious about.
This is actually very impressive, thanks to everyone who contributed and especially to @The Traveler for sending the sample to Kykeon Analytics Laboratory
The reason it's impressive is that to my knowledge there is not a single reference online of CBD being able to 100% convert with the zeolite method, most talk about 50% conversions that might go up to around 70-80% with significantly extended time, I think that DMT Nexus is now the first forum to not just report but to also have a lab analysis which suggests a 100% conversion using zeolite, now what is left is to find the perfect timeframes and temperatures, and maybe even some new methods of oxygen minimization;)
definitely excited about that!

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