In my experience, Copelandia/Panaeolus cyanescens mushrooms consistently provide a much higher order experience than P. cubensis...for me the "Hawaiian" strain of Copelandia cyanescens reliably yields a much cleaner, clearer, lighter, more lucid, colourful, crystalline, visionary state of bemushroomed consciousness, while being much smoother on the body, than P. cubensis, with a much easier coming up period, and much less of a body load than the latter, which tends to produce a foggier, muddier, more lethargic experience, more likely to induce mental turbulence, difficult and dark trips and weird alien archetype experiences. (I appreciate I may come across as a mushroom snob a bit here, but I still have a deep fondness and reverence for P. cubensis and have had many amazing experiences with them in the past...these days though personally I'm more concerned about the quality as oppose to quantity of mushrooms I ingest). I'm definitely not alone in having this perspective, and the majority consensus from people who have consumed both species is that Pan cyan provides a superior experience to that of P. cubensis (which is not a species held in particularly high regard by indigenous Mexican psilocybe using groups).
An interesting report I encountered on the shrooms subreddit group recently comparing Pan cyan with P. cubensis:
A relevant Nexus thread here:
...there are plenty of threads on the Shroomery and other mycology forums making comparisons regarding the experiential differences between Pan cyans and P. cubensis, and by far the majority consensus from people who have experience with both species is that Pans provide a superior, cleaner, higher order experience than P. cubensis, and this reflects my own experience too.
Dosage wise, 0.5g of dried Pan cyan mushrooms will be sufficient for a good experience (particularly if you are sensitive, which you appear to be), whereas 1g dried would provide a deep water psychedelic experience for most people (some dosage advice in the Copelandia cyanescens grow guide linked below).
If you are considering other species widely considered superior to P. cubensis in experiential quality (by indigenous Mexicans groups and growers alike), you may want to research P. hoogshagenii 'Semperviva' and P. mexicana, with the added bonus these may be easier species to grow than Copelandia cyanescens with the right grow setup.