With D. inoxia we know exactly what the maximum amout of scopolamine is per seed.
The reason I’m talking about seeds and not any other part of the plant is because the seeds are the most consistent in alkaloid content. D. inoxia is the main source of scopolamine and has been studied extensively, so we know what a safe dose of it is.
With those other daturas how do you know how much you’re taking? I wouldn’t bother with them unless I knew the maximum alkaloid content of them. Leaves vary in potency way too much to mess around with.
The only seeds that I know that are safe and dependable in the right dosage amounts are D. inoxia and D. stramonium. With 10 seeds a day of either of these, you’re not going to ever build up anywhere near a dangerous dosage level. It’s not possible. The maximum safe recommended dose for both is 20 seeds a day. 1-3 is the recommended dose. But with these other daturas who knows?
Daturas are not something to mess around with if you don’t know the exact maximum doses to use.
If you’re going to use Datura metel, you’d better be sure of the exactly dosage you’re using. You’d better do some research and find out how much alkaloids the seeds can contain per mg. You don’t want to take more than 800 micrograms of scopolamine or hyoscyamine. A good dose is 50-400 micrograms. 1500 micrograms is the maximum safe dose.
How many Datura metal seeds contain 400 micrograms? If you don’t know, you should NOT take them.
This thread is about using Datua inoxia safely, not irresponsibly. If you’re going to substitute Datua inoxia with Datura metal seeds, then please post the alkaloid content of them, so that others can know what a safe dose is. As it is right now, no one talking about these other Datura has offered any such information. Without knowing the alkaloid content of these other datura it is very risky to use them.
Also using any part of a leaf, stem, flower, etc., without weighing it is dangerous. Unlike the seeds, these plant parts vary wildly in alkaloid contents, and in density and weight per piece. Using leaves, stems, flowers, etc., it’s very hard to get an accurate and consistent dosage. You could take a small piece one day and be fine, then the next day take the same amount and be in the hospital. It’s just not safe. With the seeds, the alkaloid content is much more stable, and the size and density of the seeds varies only a tiny bit, so its much easier to get a consistent dosage from the seeds. I would not use any other part of the plant.
I’ve done my research. I’m not basing this on personal opinion. The leaves of most daturas vary in alkaloid content as well as alkaloid mix. Meaning they could sometimes contain mostly hyoscyamine, and at other times contain mostly scopolamine, and at other times contain mostly atropine. The concentration of each alkaloid in the leaves varies by season, age, etc. There is no way to get a consistent dose from the leaves. It’s just not possible. Only the seeds contain a somewhat consistent mix and concentration of alkaloids. That is why I only talk about using seeds and no other part of the plant.