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Did DMT cause the Derealization or did something else?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So in regards to my other thread Go to last post Why my DMT anxiety is causing flashbacks and making me feel insane , i still haven't figured out what brought this episode of derealization and panick attacks about.

I smoked DMT at a low-mid range dose about 2 weeks before hand and then one night all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I started to feel like I was tripping a little bit without the visuals. Everything seemed a bit weird.

Two weeks later (drug free), the panick attacks and feeling of losing my mind and sharp changes in awareness have slowed down and have only come up very rarely but some other effects have persisted.

My experience of the world is kind of different now. Everything looks the same as it always did but something has changed... it feels like I sort of don't even exist, even though I am experiencing an unfixed marker of direct perception that drifts through time like a cart on a track.

It feels like I am seeing the world with some sort of artificial lense between me and it that blocks me from feeling it as "real" or "genuine". It is just some sort of FORM that doesn't mean anything but that I still understand. It feels distant but right in front of me. I don't feel like it is out there and have a few times been poking things in the environment thinking "this is real?" "what is this?"


^no one wins the poke war of understanding the nature of reality


I also experienced something on the same level as dejavu but completely different. It was about words. I would say something and all of a sudden my awareness would jump in to something like DMT awareness and I wouldn't hear thoughts in my head but I would feel this strong sense of something as strong as dejavue but more along the lines of "what does that word even mean?" "how can there even be meaning to words?" "what am I?" "OMG OMG FFFuCKKK" and I would calm down after 3-5 seconds but it is quite disconcerting and uncomfortable. Thank goodness this has diminished quite a lot but the other derealization aspect hasn't

Honestly, I don't like how this has changed me. I feel like a stranger. "I, a stranger and afraid, in a world I never made".

Don't get me wrong, it is tolerable and I can live ok albeit with a slight sense of "what the fuck is going on?" which I hope drifts away in time, but I really do wonder what caused all of this? I did insult a scizophrenic person quite badly and untactfully about 4 days before I started having these episodes, so perhaps it is something like an instant karma?

On WIKIpedia it says that shock last for 2 days - a month and after that it is officially PTSD.

I am wondering if it was the shock of the DMT experience, my anxiety of letting go, just the dmt itself or something else like stress in my life (unemployed, loveless, no life direction).
Emptiness said:
I am wondering if it was the shock of the DMT experience, my anxiety of letting go, just the dmt itself or something else like stress in my life (unemployed, loveless, no life direction).

Maybe this is already a good summary of the aspects, why you experience a feeling of discomfort.

To me, it all comes down to perception, acceptance and integration ( staying "liquid" ), regardless of "what it is", a DMT trip or any other daily life experience.

One manages the constant load/flow of the unfolding mysterium in every now, welcome to the club of no-club of club of no-club....

Namaste, tseuq
daspaismusflo said:
Emptiness said:
I did insult a scizophrenic person quite badly and untactfully about 4 days before I started having these episodes, so perhaps it is something like an instant karma?

Why did you do that?

I tried to help them, put way too much effort in. They didn't appreciate the help, started to get angry with me. I lost my nerve and pretended to be a lot more angry than I was in order to try and shock them. I know sometimes when people get shocked they tend to re-assess some of the unassumed tendencies that cause them to suffer or become shocked in order to stop their shock. This ended up sending the person in to a panick episode-shock episode type thing. Felt kind of guilty.

A good example of how good intentions can turn bad in the blink of an eye when people aren't on the same page with each other and both become frustrated.
In my experience, you can't fight crazy with crazy. You can sure fight bitchiness with crazy, though.

I think the best you can do, especially with a stranger who has a mental illness, is be direct, look them in the eyes when you speak, and use concrete language that is grounding and simple. Regardless of if you're trying to help them or disentangle from them. And I've also found that, in both situations, they appreciate it more. No one likes to feel dehumanized.
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