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Did he loose his mind ?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello to everyone,

first of all i want to excuse my language and possibly spelling mistakes, english is not my native language.

First of all my friend (male 29) is a person which always wanted to be special, he wanted the world to be more than it is, he has a quite radical christian background and he liked to escape in some fiction imagination places cause they were better then the real world.

As far as his drugcarrer goes he did alcohol, cannabis and amphetamin (speed). He smoked like 1g weed on a daily basis and i recognized that he is somehow loosing the connection to reality, which i told him but yeah of course he didnt stop smoking that much. I know a lot of people doing drugs most of them, me included, overdosing the stuff they consume. But i he was the first person i could tell that the stuff is messing with his brain in a way that shouldnt be.

So for his DMT story: He never used any psychedelik substances (i exclude weed from this) and went (November last year) to a shaman meeting or something like that. There he did Ayahuasca. On the first time he took it like 3 times and the second day 2/3 times i dont recon how much it was. But im pretty sure he reached the breakthroug. So he told me about his experience, he met god and he was god. God told him about the battle between good and evil and that he was something like a chosen to fight for the good. He said that he and me would know each other from another time where we were disciples of jesus. He could tell that the right path is love and that jesus wanted us to walk the right path. Nobody knew about this he told it when it was over. So he didnt get any information on what he was taking or what he was dealing with. Hell after this whole thing he couldnt even tell me which substance he took until i insisted he asks some of the people he went to the metting with.

After this whole expierience he started to gettin akward. God would still talk to him and guide him. He startet with some conspiracy theories. Illuminati would worship the devil and would sense his and gods presence, and that both of them would be ready to fight the evil. Which is why the illuminati would attack (via telepathy) his family him and his friends. He told everyone to convert to god because god showed him a vision of the armageddon. I try to keep it short but there was other stuff like aliens, that he could sense the vibrations of people, he could see auras of people and knew who is good or evil, he started to notice that more and more people are being possesed by demons. Man the list could go on and on.
10 days ago he dissapered, cause his family couldnt take it anymore and told him to get help, left a letter "i had a vision on 26.1.18 the judgement day would come, everyone need to convert to god or they were doomed". Since that day nobody heard anything of him. For my part I always listened to the things he would say, i tried to navigate him to realize that its probably all caused by the drug.(i have no exp. with DMT but im a chemist and can imagine what it did to his brain, i know him for years so im could see some relations. i dont want to say that what he saw isnt real, cause i didnt have that expierience, so pls dont feel attacked by "im a chemist i know what happend", in fact i know nothing i just read a bunch of stuff on this page). I never left him behind, i never attacked any of his opinions and expieriences i took this whole thing serious cause i didnt want him to turn away from everyone and be left alone with this stuff.

My question is do some of you know somebody who had to go through something like that ?
What could possibly happen when the world does not end on 26.1 ? Could he come back to his sensen or could it end in a total mental breakdown ? Any tips on how to deal with it ?
Im quite aware that nobody can give me an 100% answer what will happen, how to help him or anything else. I just feel lost and cant give up on him that easily. I know by my own expierience how drugs can mess you up if your in a strange point in your life (emotianaly mentaly). But i have no exp. with psychedelik substances, overdosing xtc with cannabis caused some hallucinations which i expierienced more than once but i can imagine thats not quite intense real as DMT can be.

Thanks for answers and have a nice day folks ill check later for your opinions.


i'm sorry to ear that and sorry to feel your worrying....
i could say that you can help him by following his thoughts and guide them to a more conscious way to think about them..
i'll explain...

sorry for coloured writing but i found it easier to answer.

redox said:
Hello to everyone,

first of all i want to excuse my language and possibly spelling mistakes, english is not my native language.

First of all my friend (male 29) is a person which always wanted to be special, he wanted the world to be more than it is, he has a quite radical christian background and he liked to escape in some fiction imagination places cause they were better then the real world.

As far as his drugcarrer goes he did alcohol, cannabis and amphetamin (speed). He smoked like 1g weed on a daily basis and i recognized that he is somehow loosing the connection to reality, which i told him but yeah of course he didnt stop smoking that much. I know a lot of people doing drugs most of them, me included, overdosing the stuff they consume. But i he was the first person i could tell that the stuff is messing with his brain in a way that shouldnt be.

So for his DMT story: He never used any psychedelik substances (i exclude weed from this) and went (November last year) to a shaman meeting or something like that. There he did Ayahuasca. On the first time he took it like 3 times and the second day 2/3 times i dont recon how much it was. But im pretty sure he reached the breakthroug. So he told me about his experience, he met god and he was god.i can say that he was right, we all are god but not the kind of god that see all and can all, i mean that in my opinion we are god in the mean of we can do everything in our life making our life a wonderful adventure, created just by us... the famous way to say "life is a film and we are the director God told him about the battle between good and evil and that he was something like a chosen to fight for the good.this is true already, i mean... we all know that the "system" is going to fuck the environement and that the world is going worst day by day for overusing natural resources and overwasting it so what he felt and in my opinion he just felt and assayed in the wrong way is that if you are a good person you might change your mind to see the things triing to change things in better but not trying to convert peoples into a gurus but just making our lives less environement-fuckers ond try to change people we love starting with family and near friends He said that he and me would know each other from another time where we were disciples of jesus.i dont believe in jesus so i cant talk about this He could tell that the right path is love and that jesus wanted us to walk the right path. Nobody knew about this he told it when it was over. So he didnt get any information on what he was taking or what he was dealing with. Hell after this whole thing he couldnt even tell me which substance he took until i insisted he asks some of the people he went to the metting with. he probably get some ayahuasca that could give you this inputs that change drastically your mind if you don't have already a path to follow. as i said i dont believe in jesus and in the church so when i get my first breaktrhough and i saw same of your friend i converted what i saw into differents believings unless the catolical church but if you don't already have an opned mind on and a strong thoughts about life you will run finding help in the only thing we are teached to believe so jesus god mary and all this stuff.

After this whole expierience he started to gettin akward. God would still talk to him and guide him. He startet with some conspiracy theories. Illuminati would worship the devil and would sense his and gods presence, and that both of them would be ready to fight the evil. Which is why the illuminati would attack (via telepathy) his family him and his friends.
this can be distorted a bit but in my opinion you can tell him that the telepaty he said is in reality television and spots everywhere and pubblicity everywhere that changes your way to think and makes you hard to change your path He told everyone to convert to god because god showed him a vision of the armageddon. I try to keep it short but there was other stuff like aliens, that he could sense the vibrations of people, he could see auras of people and knew who is good or evil, he started to notice that more and more people are being possesed by demons. is common even the day after a strong aya trip to feel this stuffs or think to see auras( and this might be) the problem is when your mind have no the preparation to assay it and this could manifest into a wrong explanations that bring you out of tha way.Man the list could go on and on.
10 days ago he dissapered, cause his family couldnt take it anymore and told him to get help, left a letter "i had a vision on 26.1.18 the judgement day would come, everyone need to convert to god or they were doomed". Since that day nobody heard anything of him. For my part I always listened to the things he would say, i tried to navigate him to realize that its probably all caused by the drug.(i have no exp. with DMT but im a chemist and can imagine what it did to his brain, i know him for years so im could see some relations. i dont want to say that what he saw isnt real, cause i didnt have that expierience, so pls dont feel attacked by "im a chemist i know what happend", in fact i know nothing i just read a bunch of stuff on this page).just a thought get this with the tweezers: you maybe can prepare yourself and have a breakthrough to experience what he's talking about and try to navigate him better I never left him behind, i never attacked any of his opinions and expieriences i took this whole thing serious cause i didnt want him to turn away from everyone and be left alone with this stuff.

My question is do some of you know somebody who had to go through something like that ?
What could possibly happen when the world does not end on 26.1 ? Could he come back to his sensen or could it end in a total mental breakdown ? Any tips on how to deal with it ?follow his thoughts as more as you can and let himknow what i said you can help i hope, try to make him understand that this is the reality and what he saw or what someone said him while he was in trance is a distortion of the reality and he were right but he just have to find his own path to change the world
Im quite aware that nobody can give me an 100% answer what will happen, how to help him or anything else. I just feel lost and cant give up on him that easily. I know by my own expierience how drugs can mess you up if your in a strange point in your life (emotianaly mentaly). But i have no exp. with psychedelik substances, overdosing xtc with cannabis caused some hallucinations which i expierienced more than once but i can imagine thats not quite intense real as DMT can be.

Thanks for answers and have a nice day folks ill check later for your opinions.


be safe.
There are some people who seem to develop a Messiah/Jesus/Saviour complex, where they believe that THEY are the chosen one, and no one else.

I have seen this, both online and in real life. From the way these people describe their revelatory psychedelic experiences, it often seems lacklustre compared to some of my own trips, and the trips of countless others i have heard.

I have taken upwards of 100mg freebase DMT in a single dose many, many times, so i can comfortably say that i have gone FAAAAAAAR. Never have i ever developed a superiority complex. If anything, it just allows me to see the bullshit of our fake and consumerist reality. But in the end, i know nothing. Everytime i go to DMT land, it reminds me of how little i know. I am a little boy in the presence of timeless and infinite deities.

If your friend was strong of mind, they would know how pathetic and insignificant we little meatbags are.
I wrote out my person experiences with this but decided to delete it because the story is too personal. I will still state my point below.

It is likely that your friend will need professional help. His condition could very well escalate and if he doesn't get medical attention he may end up incarcerated if he acts erratically in front of Law enforcement. He does not want to be state mandated to psychiatric treatment. That can be a very dangerous place.

Depending on what country you live any the Psych ward could be a very scary place. This is a very delicate situation. Maybe think about getting some advice from local professionals. This site is great but most of us are not equipped to deal with or advise on psychiatric conditions.

I hope that your friend makes it through safely.
Thank you guys for the replies.

@clearness yesterday i read your post and i want thank you for sharing such a personal thing. I already talked with a psychiatrist and also with the police, cause he missing for 12 days now, and there is nothing they could do (laws), hes old enough to make his own decisions was what they pointed out, unless hes a danger for himself or others.

@U gO if i should meet or reach him ill try your advice.

@Psilosopher? I would rather say that he was weak of mind, which in the first place is the reason why i would give him the advice against taking dmt.

I just hope he doesnt go suicidal when he realizes that the world didnt end. Cause in fact i know that this was always an option he would have in mind if he couldnt go on further.

Ill give you an update if anything new happens maybe in future someone comes along the same problem.

Thanks again folks.

Oh wow, so sorry to hear about your friend's difficulties. Just a thought- are you checking jails and hospitals? Hopefully he had his identification on him.

I had avery difficult time coming to terms with my breakthrough experience with 5meoDMT. For weeks afterwards I was in a heightened state, drifting off into esoteric thoughts easily and experiencing some very real derealilization.

It was after joining this community and finding others who had peak experiences to communicate with too help make sense of what was a reality shattering event.

I hope your friend makes it safely back home, and I wonder if the experience did not touch of an episode of a latent mental illness in him. When he does come back, he may want to look into professional help if he continues to experience these delusions.

This highlights the danger of psychedelic tourism, western neo-shamanism etc, that is, that there is never any preparation or integration time built into these ceremonies. People from cultures anathema to spiritual healing, tribalism, and the esoteric belief systems involved interact with potent drugs within foreign (ideologically as well as geographically) contexts and have no way to integrate the experiences back into regular life.
Hope you find your friend and get him to a hospital. Sounds like he has underlying mental issues and should never have messed with psychedelics. My brother was Bipolar/Schizoaffective and sometimes displayed many of those same behaviors (Grandiosity, Messiah Complex, Sense of Impending Cataclysm, Special Powers, etc.). He was stabilized on meds, but they took a toll on him too.

I sometimes see Demons while on psychedelics. When I was a kid I wondered if they were real, being brought up around Fundamental Chrstianity. I'm atheist/agnostic now and when I see them I just grin at them and say "Hello, Archetype."

Your friend needs to be located and receive medical help ASAP. Good luck and keep us advised.
Sounds like his ego is huge already. Its unlikely that he will listen to anyone unfortunately. Hopefully the psychotic break will be over at some point and you can convince him to take antipsychotic
Do not worry about your friend. He found God , he believe in Jesus our savor. What he meant is to be with God , to believe before its too late. This is typical christian fate that I also have. Your friend is not stupid and did not go mad he just started to see things a people the way he did not see before. We are here to save our souls not to have fun like someone said in previous answers.

Someone also mentioned that we are all God which is also Big mistake. I thought that same before but now I know it is all lie just to confuse us. If you want to really understand him do some research on topics he talked about (NOT MAINSTREAM) and most importantly read the Bible (new testament). His visions are right there in Apocalypse. Read is and you will understand.

Also about the beings people meet on their trips these are all demons. And there are no aliens neither your friend got that one mixed up. Aliens are also demons.

I am a christian but from time to time I go to explore this spirit world again just to make sure. That is why I am still here and this place helped me a lot to find my way to God. Even DMT. So let your friend find his own way. There is big possibility that you may not be part of it nor his family but as I said we are here to save our selves not to enjoy because and this is very important. NOT EVERYTHING IS ALLOWED THERE ARE RULES AND THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES IF WE OVERSTEP. THIS NEW AGE MAMBO JAMBO IS VERY DANGEROUS (I used to believe that but not anymore obviously) AND ONE HAS TO BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO STEP INTO A TRAP.

Read the Bible :)
Wolfnippletip said:
I strongly disagree with the above post. You should worry about your friend and get him medical attention as soon as possible.

Well what is it that you so strongly disagree with ? Maybe this would be good to say not just say opinion but also state the reason for your opinion. Dont you think ? The guy is confused and you just say ....
smokerx said:
Wolfnippletip said:
I strongly disagree with the above post. You should worry about your friend and get him medical attention as soon as possible.

Well what is it that you so strongly disagree with ? Maybe this would be good to say not just say opinion but also state the reason for your opinion. Dont you think ? The guy is confused and you just say ....

It sounds from the original posters description like the friend had some latent underlying mental health issues. It also sounds very likely that the powerful psychedelics he has been taking have tipped him into a psychotic episode. People having a psychotic episode who go missing are at a very great danger of coming to harm either from environmental factors they are unable to perceive clearly or from other people who don't realise they are having a mental health crisis and take offence to what they say or do.
Seems your friend is experiencing what is called a Psychotic episode ,
Assuming he is still in that state , the best i can think that you could do for him is to use your imagination and find ways to join hes idea's just to lead them to a place he would not do something that would get him in trouble and give it time to calm down ,

If he chooses to go and find people that need's to be saved , maybe you can say to him that you have heared about talks of this all around and people are becoming aware of whats gonna be and there are many diffrent dates to what can come and no one is sure exactly when , this might take some off the pressure thats fallen on him from hes mind ,

you can preper the close people hes going to converse with them about this , as some might have strange reactions that could hurt him or make him worry for them

this is just an example this is a sensitive state i cannot really say what would be a good one

be creative help him ride this out as easy as possible
have faith he can get back to hes sense

the worst that can happen is him being locked in a psych hospital for a long time only to leave and find himself in a post psychotic depression as they call its mostly a post hospital depressinon as far as i can say those places are cold , and they drain the life out of people

pills as they can bring him down from it , are not 100% good for him it would be alot better for him to get out of this without pills as they can create alot of issues for him , specially if they are being forced upon him , my hopes are that it would not come to that

As hes your friend and if hes keen on drugs, arranging sedetive pills even from a doctor in this case should not be a big problem . do your best to not involve the doctor and hope he will understand .
maybe then pop one next to him say this are pills to chill out tell him exactly what they are

telling him he needs psychotic pills and such would not work at the state he is in and will drive him away from you,
the psychotic pill's subject is definatly one i would try to avoid with him as much as i could
DeltaSpice said:
Come on guys please.. no bible talk, this is a serious forum :?:

Are you serious ? I mean what is Bible to you just some made up peace of paper ? So 2 billion people who believe in Jesus , those 2 billion Christians living on this planet are not serious (including the guy we are talking about here). These people are just delusional right ? We should all need doctor I guess then.

Please do not go around here and have such shallow statement and definitely for you: read the Bible
antares said:
It sounds from the original posters description like the friend had some latent underlying mental health issues. It also sounds very likely that the powerful psychedelics he has been taking have tipped him into a psychotic episode. People having a psychotic episode who go missing are at a very great danger of coming to harm either from environmental factors they are unable to perceive clearly or from other people who don't realise they are having a mental health crisis and take offence to what they say or do.

I understand what you are saying, the fact that he disappeared just like that does not look good for friend and family.This is because change of behavior of course.

But if I changed my believe (like I did )and then found out that my friends and family want to put me in mental institution(luckily I did not have that problem they just kind of left me out on my own respecting me) then I think I would also disappear.
i will not answer on the tones because i see this topic can became a highly flaming one.
i can just say

@DeltaSpice: i suggest you to keep that considerations for yourself unless you want begin an argument. i think something like you but i keep for myself because as you can see people can belive in that and each one can believe and have to believe in what they prefere.
@Wolfnippletip &dogbark i don't agree with your considerations about giving him antipsychotics...
i think that they can jus make the things worst;

having some real friends on side that's helps, i've been really lucky when i had my begins of psychotic state on a huge dose of LSD ( 500+ ug(on my friend's word he's who made the droppers) and some lines of ketamine on the coming up :? yeah i know maybe a bit too much but i get half a drop and then two drops instead of one.... yeah i know... never trust on friends that drop lsd under your tongue or LITTLE DISCLAIMER: never listen U gO if he try to give you a drop of the same dropper and the drop don't came out and he say:" get the dropper, cut it down in pieces,put it in a bottle and shake the hell out of it as i done with my friend that resulted in a 8 hours of three words talking and a reeeeeeally strong experience for my friend) and i've been really near to suicide after a troubled trip (even with no background of psychosis in past years) i've been helped just by having a strong girlfriend on my side that followedme and guided me out of the danger zone.
no antipsychotics no doctors as in that state of mind if you met doctors you can just logically think that you are mad or insane or that people around you thinks that.

@smokerx: as others cant tell youstuff about the bible you cant say them to read it as it is dripping gold as that's are your belivings and people around here can believe in allah, buddha or just in spirits and energies and don't think same as you about it so respect people around you.
you say he( the friends of redox) is right but how can you say it with tat convincement?
this guy is thinking that the world will end tomorrow and you say him is right ( i will fuck my gf harder and longer than usual tonight just to give redox's friend a chance and don't reach the end of the world this stressed:) )

you say: Someone also mentioned that we are all God which is also Big mistake. I thought that same before but now I know it is all lie just to confuse us..... most importantly read the Bible (new testament). His visions are right there in Apocalypse. Read it and you will understand.

maybe your thoughts are big mistakes how can you tell it? and again stop suggesting to read the bible maybe you believe too much to it and as you said 2 billion of people are wrong aroun the world
same as the other 4 billion can be mistaken to believe in something else.


good morning everybody.
Wolfnippletip said:
I strongly disagree with the above post. You should worry about your friend and get him medical attention as soon as possible.

Normally i'm the first to not pathologicalize experiences, but in this case i have to agree.
What you friend exhibiting is not healthy behaviour and there is a distinct chance he won't be able to resolve this on his own.

I've seen this with people before. Their ego is so gigantic, that it is impossible for them to deal with these experiences appropriatly. I've also "talked with god" on psychedelics and it was a humbling experience more or less. I don't feel like i'm the chosen one.

Perhaps smokerx is right in the way that for him a plausible "escape" would be through his beliefs. Smokerx, perhaps you can find something in the bible that would point towards him being wrong?

But like i said, in this case i believe some psychiatric help could be beneficial.
Well said U gO :thumb_up: . I agree with most of what you said other than the bits regarding antipsychotics and psychiatric assessment.

Whilst in transient self limiting psychotic episodes involvement with healthcare and medication may be counterproductive if there is already a good support network around the affected person; In this case, it is very likely that the affected person had latent schizophrenia which has gone into a full blown psychosis. The duration that this episode is going to last is therefore unpredictable. It might go on for weeks or months. The longer it lasts, the more likely he is to come to harm.

I would argue that the primary aim in this situation should be to keep him safe as he cannot do this for himself. This does not look like it can be achieved in his current social /family setting. He would IMHO be safer if he was either temporarily institutionalised or medicated and the situation can be reassessed when things are in a slightly better balance.

While some members might have had less than happy experiences with the mental healthcare system, on the whole they do a tremendous job for the vast majority of their customers. I think we should all be careful in not projecting our negative experiences onto others and putting them off seeking help.
antares said:
While some members might have had less than happy experiences with the mental healthcare system, on the whole they do a tremendous job for the vast majority of their customers. I think we should all be careful in not projecting our negative experiences onto others and putting them off seeking help.

you are right about them doing good for alot of people,
but theres the issue here about him not wishing to get help,

imagine the situation where you fully belive in god and that you are communicating with him ,
and asked to take pills to shut god up , because your not in your right mind and every thing you say is not true ,

while to you that is the most real thing you have felt in your life ,

so you resist to the treatment you are being offered , and because your friend fear's for your life he throws the word suicide that somehow reach's the doctors diagonsing him ears

that would lead in an instant to forced warrent to lock him up, and in my experience to get out from a warrent is not an easy task

then he would have to experience this psychosis in a hospital ,
imagine during the most intesnse trip you ccan ever be on and not even that ,
you are being questioned by doctors who will treat every word you say as evidence to keep you locked

up to a point where you have to supress every bit of belive you have in you just so you can get out of there
its not strange for them to keep a man locked up if when they ask him if he belives in god and he will answer yes ,

the proccess that he should pass should not be with a doctor that he fears saying the wrong thing will keep him locked in there,

because in hes mind he is not being treated there, he is being locked up for speaking hes mind
imagine what he would come up with on this state that imagination is running so wild about whats happening to him

the game he will likely play with the doctors for weeks if not months will have a big effect on him later,
alot of confusion will be in hes mind as coming down from something like this in a hospital is coming down from it i can say violently

i wont go on about the way they keep the order in those places but you can imagine that after years of trying to keep the halls quite and in peace they have evolved to measures that are not very treating for the paitent recovery, specially in the wards they keep the unbalanced paitents as for them psychotic break is one

now ofcourse that every hospital would work diffrently in the way they the staff treats the paitents
but the doctors on the other hand, have a more systemetic way of dealing with paitents

i dont doubt that they will take him out of this state,

i was simply advising to try to avoid this system as much as possible
since hes already known to have taken a step that hes friend says he fears he will end hes own story,

having him pass the whole system of metal hospitals to get back to himself , might not be a good solution here

also here like your saying is a bad experience from my book who might not hold true to other cases,
but it still hold's some truth to consider if the man is not willing to accept treatment,
and if a doctor is being consulted and he resists and the issue of fear for hes life pops out,
its out of their hands at that point and a forced warrent is not far

I think a much better treatment he can recive now is a punch to the face from a good friend and a Forced warrent to a beach or something similar a supply of beer and no way out for a while
the end of the world is coming give him a nice view ticket ,and give time and the location to do its own work
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