Hello to everyone,
first of all i want to excuse my language and possibly spelling mistakes, english is not my native language.
First of all my friend (male 29) is a person which always wanted to be special, he wanted the world to be more than it is, he has a quite radical christian background and he liked to escape in some fiction imagination places cause they were better then the real world.
As far as his drugcarrer goes he did alcohol, cannabis and amphetamin (speed). He smoked like 1g weed on a daily basis and i recognized that he is somehow loosing the connection to reality, which i told him but yeah of course he didnt stop smoking that much. I know a lot of people doing drugs most of them, me included, overdosing the stuff they consume. But i he was the first person i could tell that the stuff is messing with his brain in a way that shouldnt be.
So for his DMT story: He never used any psychedelik substances (i exclude weed from this) and went (November last year) to a shaman meeting or something like that. There he did Ayahuasca. On the first time he took it like 3 times and the second day 2/3 times i dont recon how much it was. But im pretty sure he reached the breakthroug. So he told me about his experience, he met god and he was god. God told him about the battle between good and evil and that he was something like a chosen to fight for the good. He said that he and me would know each other from another time where we were disciples of jesus. He could tell that the right path is love and that jesus wanted us to walk the right path. Nobody knew about this he told it when it was over. So he didnt get any information on what he was taking or what he was dealing with. Hell after this whole thing he couldnt even tell me which substance he took until i insisted he asks some of the people he went to the metting with.
After this whole expierience he started to gettin akward. God would still talk to him and guide him. He startet with some conspiracy theories. Illuminati would worship the devil and would sense his and gods presence, and that both of them would be ready to fight the evil. Which is why the illuminati would attack (via telepathy) his family him and his friends. He told everyone to convert to god because god showed him a vision of the armageddon. I try to keep it short but there was other stuff like aliens, that he could sense the vibrations of people, he could see auras of people and knew who is good or evil, he started to notice that more and more people are being possesed by demons. Man the list could go on and on.
10 days ago he dissapered, cause his family couldnt take it anymore and told him to get help, left a letter "i had a vision on 26.1.18 the judgement day would come, everyone need to convert to god or they were doomed". Since that day nobody heard anything of him. For my part I always listened to the things he would say, i tried to navigate him to realize that its probably all caused by the drug.(i have no exp. with DMT but im a chemist and can imagine what it did to his brain, i know him for years so im could see some relations. i dont want to say that what he saw isnt real, cause i didnt have that expierience, so pls dont feel attacked by "im a chemist i know what happend", in fact i know nothing i just read a bunch of stuff on this page). I never left him behind, i never attacked any of his opinions and expieriences i took this whole thing serious cause i didnt want him to turn away from everyone and be left alone with this stuff.
My question is do some of you know somebody who had to go through something like that ?
What could possibly happen when the world does not end on 26.1 ? Could he come back to his sensen or could it end in a total mental breakdown ? Any tips on how to deal with it ?
Im quite aware that nobody can give me an 100% answer what will happen, how to help him or anything else. I just feel lost and cant give up on him that easily. I know by my own expierience how drugs can mess you up if your in a strange point in your life (emotianaly mentaly). But i have no exp. with psychedelik substances, overdosing xtc with cannabis caused some hallucinations which i expierienced more than once but i can imagine thats not quite intense real as DMT can be.
Thanks for answers and have a nice day folks ill check later for your opinions.
first of all i want to excuse my language and possibly spelling mistakes, english is not my native language.
First of all my friend (male 29) is a person which always wanted to be special, he wanted the world to be more than it is, he has a quite radical christian background and he liked to escape in some fiction imagination places cause they were better then the real world.
As far as his drugcarrer goes he did alcohol, cannabis and amphetamin (speed). He smoked like 1g weed on a daily basis and i recognized that he is somehow loosing the connection to reality, which i told him but yeah of course he didnt stop smoking that much. I know a lot of people doing drugs most of them, me included, overdosing the stuff they consume. But i he was the first person i could tell that the stuff is messing with his brain in a way that shouldnt be.
So for his DMT story: He never used any psychedelik substances (i exclude weed from this) and went (November last year) to a shaman meeting or something like that. There he did Ayahuasca. On the first time he took it like 3 times and the second day 2/3 times i dont recon how much it was. But im pretty sure he reached the breakthroug. So he told me about his experience, he met god and he was god. God told him about the battle between good and evil and that he was something like a chosen to fight for the good. He said that he and me would know each other from another time where we were disciples of jesus. He could tell that the right path is love and that jesus wanted us to walk the right path. Nobody knew about this he told it when it was over. So he didnt get any information on what he was taking or what he was dealing with. Hell after this whole thing he couldnt even tell me which substance he took until i insisted he asks some of the people he went to the metting with.
After this whole expierience he started to gettin akward. God would still talk to him and guide him. He startet with some conspiracy theories. Illuminati would worship the devil and would sense his and gods presence, and that both of them would be ready to fight the evil. Which is why the illuminati would attack (via telepathy) his family him and his friends. He told everyone to convert to god because god showed him a vision of the armageddon. I try to keep it short but there was other stuff like aliens, that he could sense the vibrations of people, he could see auras of people and knew who is good or evil, he started to notice that more and more people are being possesed by demons. Man the list could go on and on.
10 days ago he dissapered, cause his family couldnt take it anymore and told him to get help, left a letter "i had a vision on 26.1.18 the judgement day would come, everyone need to convert to god or they were doomed". Since that day nobody heard anything of him. For my part I always listened to the things he would say, i tried to navigate him to realize that its probably all caused by the drug.(i have no exp. with DMT but im a chemist and can imagine what it did to his brain, i know him for years so im could see some relations. i dont want to say that what he saw isnt real, cause i didnt have that expierience, so pls dont feel attacked by "im a chemist i know what happend", in fact i know nothing i just read a bunch of stuff on this page). I never left him behind, i never attacked any of his opinions and expieriences i took this whole thing serious cause i didnt want him to turn away from everyone and be left alone with this stuff.
My question is do some of you know somebody who had to go through something like that ?
What could possibly happen when the world does not end on 26.1 ? Could he come back to his sensen or could it end in a total mental breakdown ? Any tips on how to deal with it ?
Im quite aware that nobody can give me an 100% answer what will happen, how to help him or anything else. I just feel lost and cant give up on him that easily. I know by my own expierience how drugs can mess you up if your in a strange point in your life (emotianaly mentaly). But i have no exp. with psychedelik substances, overdosing xtc with cannabis caused some hallucinations which i expierienced more than once but i can imagine thats not quite intense real as DMT can be.
Thanks for answers and have a nice day folks ill check later for your opinions.