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Disproportionate dose response

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey people,

I had a strange experience the other day :surprised .

(mind)Set: Calm. Prepared for a journey.
(physical condition) Set: Ashtanga yoga, primary series in the sun.
Setting (location): my apartment, with my partner and friend.
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?)Sunny, dropped at 12 pm
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) Last psychedelic was a Huichol peyote ceremony--quite deep visions, in nature, beautiful.
last meal: (Time and type)8 am, breakfast, scrambled eggs, home-fried potatoes, and bacon: yum.

Gender: (m / f) Male
body weight: (in kg pls) 84 kg
known sensitivities: I am sensitive to LSD. My doses are often lower than others for reaching transpersonal states.
history of use: (experienced, novice, first timer - in general and for this specific substance/form) 20 years of psychedelic use of all sorts. Most experienced with LSD and DMT, but mushrooms, peyote, ayahuasca, and numerous research chemicals have been my friends over the years.

Substance(s): Lysergic acid diethylamide, Dimethyltryptamine from M. hostilis (orange)
Dose(s): 120 micrograms, ~60 mg
Method of administration: blotter paper, joint with 10x B. caapi, red raspberry leaf, and mint.

Administration time: T=:00 (expand this if you used delayed administration for multiple substances or the same substance with multiple doses. Use indices.)
Duration: LSD (10 hours)
First effects: 0:45
Peak: 1:00 - 4:00
Come down: 4:00 - 10:00
Baseline: next morning

Duration: DMT (15 minutes)
First effects: immediate
Peak: 2 minutes
Come down: 12 minutes
Baseline: next morning

Intensity (overall): 4
Evaluation / notes:

Intensity (overall): 2
Evaluation / notes:

Pleasantness: (4)
Implesantness: (2)
Visual Intensity: (5)

Hangover: (0-4 ; what type of impleasantness ; duration) Sleep deprived. Slept 5 hours, then work.


We had a friend visiting and were planning to do a single 120 mic dose of LSD and then smoke some orange DMT in the 8th hour as described by Nick Sand. I have done this combo before, and I have taken this acid before at this dose. In fact, just about everything was pretty run of the mill in terms of my approach. Started the day with a big breakfast and then went and took care of some errands and grocery shopping. We returned to the house and dropped acid just before doing the ashtanga yoga primary series. I took the hit that had been sitting on a shelf for about a month and they took the ones direct from the freezer. It was hot, being noon, but I've done this before, on acid, in the same weather conditions before. One hit of acid can make things weird for me, altered thoughts, lots of energy, mystical ideation, mild visuals and whatnot. I like to do yoga while coming up on acid because is grounding during the sometimes uncomfortable transition, and it eats up the time for the dose to take effect, sometimes leaving me in a profound state by the time I'm in savasana (corpse pose).
All that went great.

However, shortly after yoga, I was wandering around my house getting the feel for my new mental state when I had the urge to vomit. I have never vomitted on LSD before. That said, I'm not puke-shy, so I just went into the bathroom and did the deed. Sweaty from yoga and having just purged, I hopped in the shower. This is where I began to feel overwhelmed. Standing wasn't an option and so I laid on the tile and let the water wash over me. When the blue four-heart design turned into a rotating, multicolored sixteen-heart design I knew I was in for it. Knowing better than to just go to pieces on the shower floor, I propped myself against the wall and got into lotus, hands in prayer. The water was flowing on my head when something burst inside me and I felt as though my whole being was suddenly a deep wound, gushing blood and rivers and liquid energy. My mind flooded with nature imagery and compassion for all beings. It was both painful and ecstatic. What brought me to was the thought that there were two others who doubtlessly wanted hot water and it was selfish of me to hog all the water: I could drag my self out of the bathroom and trip my face off anywhere.

Drying off, I managed to don clothes and glue myself to my bed. I fell into intense open-eyed visuals and an LSD state much stronger than those I had experienced at much higher doses. Standing was not something I was interested in, although I was able to communicate my plight to my friends. My mind felt like a braided cord with each thread pulling in opposite directions. It felt like I was experiencing the novel formation of neural pathways. I could focus on the white ceiling for moments at a time, but mostly it disappeared into fractal shapes and galactic vastness. At one point, I felt like I was being torn to shreds, and said as much, but it was not painful and I felt no fear. Part of the reason for my calm demeanor was that despite the unexpected intensity of the trip, I know that LSD is one of the most physically safe psychedelics known, and I was in my house with experienced trippers. But holy shit, why so intense?

I requested some music, Dead Can Dance's album Anastasis. As the music played, I could see the instruments, as well as the sounds that the were making, as a kind of architecture unfolding. I was out of my body and traversing magnitudes of reality, all connected, like an inverted ant's nest sketching nodes of being in vacant emptiness. Waves crashed on my skull and I shivered with the intensity. Gratitude poured from me as I cruised through this insane tour of the universe or a metaphor for the universe so enormous that it became it's own. After the album played through, I managed to put on Coil's Love's Secret Domain (get it?) and fell back into it for another album. After that I could stand and talk, the peak apparently weathered, and I was just really, really high. We spent the afternoon talking and I think my partner and friend were glad to not have a situation on their hands anymore.

When the sun went down, I thought about my disproportionate reaction and whether or not it was a wise idea to continue with the DMT (probably not) and whether or not I was going to do it anyhow (definitely). So I prepared our space. My friend had never smoked DMT before and had traveled to try it out. Of course I was not going to let him down. I have a ceremonial space that I convert a room in my house into as necessary and I busied myself with this while my partner and friend had tea. It became apparent to me that if I could set up the space in the rather exacting way that I like to do it, I was probably mentally stable enough to go through with my plan. When all was ready, I rolled a joint of some changa with extra orange DMT thrown on top and passed it to my friend. This isn't his trip report, so I won't get into his experience. When it came to my turn, I sat in lotus, and inhaled deeply.

Immense, colorful deity-like beings with what looked like Mayan calenders and Hopi masks made of electric rainbows "greeted" me. Potent designs flooded my vision with stars of varying number of points, everything flashing color and the contrast switching from black and white. I remained placid and meditative as I generally do and let it wash over me. Two children wandered into view, a contrast to the highly alien patterns. I thought to myself "just as children do, wandering wherever they please". I opened my eyes and saw my partner, my fiancee, actually. So nothing catastrophic resulted from the DMT.

But why the crazy strong LSD experience from one 120 microgram hit?! These were known doses that I have used before in exactly the same way. Anyone else have experience with this? Is this my new normal? I speculate that I may be sensitive to LSD because of extreme familiarity after 20 years of use. Perhaps neural plasticity has formed "well-trodden" neural pathways that allow me to plunge deep with just one hit :shock:. I can't say. I can say that I will be very careful of my surroundings next time I dose :lol: .

Thanks for the report waitwhatwhere, sounds like a powerful experience! Maybe it was the yoga that helped open you up? I've found that yoga can increase the intensity quite a bit. It could also be that the dosage is unevenly laid on the blotter, or maybe you have just grown to be more sensitive to the effects of LSD... i've experienced something similar where the first hit i'd had for a few years was active yet barely visual, now even a threshold dose is noticeably visual.

I actually tried a new batch this past weekend and during the peak almost purged for the first time, i usually attribute any nausea on LSD to visual disorientation, having eaten too close to dosing or impurities. That wasn't the case this time so not sure why it (almost) happened.

Good call on DCD by the way, Lisa Gerrards voice is to die for!
Hey Swarupa,

This is my conundrum: I have done yoga to come up every time I have tripped on LSD for the past year. When I purged, my stomach was essentially empty. The uneven dosing really could be it, which would be ironic, since I took the one that had been laying around outside of proper storage specifically so my friends could have the more potent stuff. An uneven drop on the blotter is about the only possible reason for the response I had beyond some kind of change in sensitivity. I'm going to a festival in a few weeks and will try again with this batch, so I suppose I'll know if it's me that has changed. I'll report back! I can usually tell I have LSD in my system even if it's the tiniest microdose (which I enjoy with frequency).

Dead Can Dance is some deep music, and generally benign and reassuring. It was a tremendous boon in my state. Coil is definitely a sterner, more ambiguous vibe, but with delightful nuggets of insight to offer the turned-on seeker.
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