(mind)Set: Calm
(physical condition) Set: Healthy
Setting (location): Bedroom
time of day: 0900, blinds down
recent drug use: None
last meal: Rice and something, last eaten the night before
Gender: M
body weight: 68
known sensitivities: None
history of use: Experienced
Substance(s): DMT, pink lotus stamens
Dose(s): Numerous doses (40mg, 40-50mg, 80mg)
Method of administration: Sandwich method in an old-school wood pipe
Administration time: T=0:10
Duration: 20 minutes for each dose.
First effects: The inner machinery of all things was revealed to me.
Peak: No clue.
Come down: No clue.
Baseline: No clue.
Intensity (overall): 3-4
Evaluation / notes:
Pleasantness: 4
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 4
Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 4, it's guiding me.
(mind)Set: Calm
(physical condition) Set: Healthy
Setting (location): Bedroom
time of day: 0900, blinds down
recent drug use: None
last meal: Rice and something, last eaten the night before
Gender: M
body weight: 68
known sensitivities: None
history of use: Experienced
Substance(s): DMT, pink lotus stamens
Dose(s): Numerous doses (40mg, 40-50mg, 80mg)
Method of administration: Sandwich method in an old-school wood pipe
Administration time: T=0:10
Duration: 20 minutes for each dose.
First effects: The inner machinery of all things was revealed to me.
Peak: No clue.
Come down: No clue.
Baseline: No clue.
Intensity (overall): 3-4
Evaluation / notes:
Pleasantness: 4
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 4
Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 4, it's guiding me.
DMT Shut Me Out... And why it's a good thing.
So, I won't bore you all with all the visual details. First few doses were expected, altered visions, went places. It repeatedly told me: make waves, connect with people. I understood. But I didn't know it meant NOW. When I took my final dose, it shut me out. When I closed my eyes, I saw a gray steel door, with multiple reinforcements. Then suddenly, in graffiti spray, it wrote "MAKE WAVES. CONNECT."
My plan for the day was to contact some academic supervisors, trying to get a project going. But I started the day out with the medicine. It was all well and good until the shut out.
DMT is always looking out for me. Trying to give me guidance. When I didn't listen, it was like a strict parent. "No more fun and learning for you. Go out and do something productive".
Man, it was such a wake up call.