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DMT... Always looking out for me.

Migrated topic.


Don't Panic
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
(mind)Set: Calm
(physical condition) Set: Healthy
Setting (location): Bedroom
time of day: 0900, blinds down
recent drug use: None
last meal: Rice and something, last eaten the night before

Gender: M
body weight: 68
known sensitivities: None
history of use: Experienced


Substance(s): DMT, pink lotus stamens
Dose(s): Numerous doses (40mg, 40-50mg, 80mg)
Method of administration: Sandwich method in an old-school wood pipe


Administration time: T=0:10
Duration: 20 minutes for each dose.
First effects: The inner machinery of all things was revealed to me.
Peak: No clue.
Come down: No clue.
Baseline: No clue.

Intensity (overall): 3-4
Evaluation / notes:

Pleasantness: 4
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 4


Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 4, it's guiding me.

DMT Shut Me Out... And why it's a good thing.

So, I won't bore you all with all the visual details. First few doses were expected, altered visions, went places. It repeatedly told me: make waves, connect with people. I understood. But I didn't know it meant NOW. When I took my final dose, it shut me out. When I closed my eyes, I saw a gray steel door, with multiple reinforcements. Then suddenly, in graffiti spray, it wrote "MAKE WAVES. CONNECT."

My plan for the day was to contact some academic supervisors, trying to get a project going. But I started the day out with the medicine. It was all well and good until the shut out.

DMT is always looking out for me. Trying to give me guidance. When I didn't listen, it was like a strict parent. "No more fun and learning for you. Go out and do something productive".

Man, it was such a wake up call.
Recently, you stated that you had never before received a hyperslap from DMT. And now you have.

Time to make practical use of what you have learned. Time to integrate. Time to live. :)

Great post, as always, Bodhisativa! ;)
Valmar said:
Recently, you stated that you had never before received a hyperslap from DMT. And now you have.

Time to make practical use of what you have learned. Time to integrate. Time to live. :)

Great post, as always, Bodhisativa! ;)

I was under the impression that a hyperslap was a traumatic trip. I wasn't affected negatively in any way, just denied access until I get my life sorted.
Bodhisativa said:
I was under the impression that a hyperslap was a traumatic trip. I wasn't affected negatively in any way, just denied access until I get my life sorted.
My interpretation of the term was basically that of a shutout sort of thing; denied access, as you said. I don't see it as necessarily traumatic nor negative. Just the substance saying "take a break, participate in the world and integrate".

But, that's the great thing about individuality; we all see the world through different facets. ;)
Valmar said:
Bodhisativa said:
I was under the impression that a hyperslap was a traumatic trip. I wasn't affected negatively in any way, just denied access until I get my life sorted.
My interpretation of the term was basically that of a shutout sort of thing; denied access, as you said. I don't see it as necessarily traumatic nor negative. Just the substance saying "take a break, participate in the world and integrate".

But, that's the great thing about individuality; we all see the world through different facets. ;)

Ah I see. I've seen thread titles along the lines of "horrible experience!" Or "traumatic trip". Or when the tripper has been assaulted by entities. That's what I thought a hyperslap was.

But yeah, I'm definitely gonna integrate. Already started acting upon the message DMT gave me. "Make waves. Connect".

Interesting experience, cool message and a good way of looking at the experience.

I got precisely this same message on my first experience with iboga in a deep way. It emphasised the importance of making waves and connecting with others...to not be passive in life and wait for things to happen to you but actively cultivate new experience, new opportunities and new connections. This this approach to life will not just have positive effects on my life but on the lives of others too. I've been trying to life my life aligned to this message since that time...it's hard to gauge the total impact but I do sincerely feel it has changed my life positively. It's interesting this message comes through for others...it seems in iboga's case at least the core messages that come through tend to be highly personal and specific to the person in question.
IMO (and others here), the shutout and the hyperslap are two connected but different things.
The shutout often seems to follow the hyperslap or the hyperslap often seems to follow the (ignored) shutout.
A hyperslap can be traumatic !
(no offence Valmar, different views...)

Hey Bodhisatva , lucky you just got the shutout without the slap :)
You realy had a "string of pearls" of experiences , a integration break is not a bad thing !
InLaKesh said:
IMO (and others here), the shutout and the hyperslap are two connected but different things.
The shutout often seems to follow the hyperslap or the hyperslap often seems to follow the (ignored) shutout.
A hyperslap can be traumatic !
(no offence Valmar, different views...)
I see. Seems I was the one who misunderstood the term, then. Always great to learn new stuff. :)
This is the definition of hyperslap given by the hyperspace lexicon which is IMHO very widely accepted:
The often traumatic and extreme "negative" trip that one can receive, seemingly as punishment for some transgression on the part of the psychonaut. Often it is due to repeatedly blasting off when one has not processed or integrated the previous lessons, or desperately trying to get past a shut-out. Generally a hyperslap is not a single blow, but a full on beat down... and one that is designed to teach you a lesson in respect.
The difference is to force a given shut-out, or being shut out and respect that. The second is not really hyperslap but avoiding one in the making. Definitions only ...


About the get-active message:
this is what I like so much about working with the essences-of-plants: the clear instructions whatever their source is, that come like neon lights. But weed wasn't so good in that like other master plants TBH in a way that I often found the messages ridiculous afterwards. Other plants gave a much better performance on that matter, IMO.

About the nature of the message itself: IMHO the greater value lies in the undoubtful clearness and correctness of a message for a given person at a given time, I've been a doubter much of my life and found great support from the master plants to alleviate that and so glad to read this is a universal thing :)
Jees said:
The difference is to force a given shut-out, or being shut out and respect that. The second is not really hyperslap but avoiding one in the making. Definitions only ...
Ah. So obvious now, I wonder how I ever conflated the shutout with the hyperslap. Oh well, I live and learn. :)
So I keep a pocket diary, which I write a lot of stuff in. Mainly research ideas, extraction experiments, trip reports and philosophies. I found this written on my page. My hand wrote it, but I didn't write it. If that makes sense.

EDIT: In case you can't read my childish handwriting, it says "Shut out. Connect with people. Make waves then we'll dance again."


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