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DMT is unlike anything I've ever seen


Esteemed member
First off, I give all of my thanks to Nexus and everyone I have met in the Chatroom, especially Pandora. With their help I was able to extract DMT for the first time, and it ended up turning out beautifully. They also share lots of stories and wisdom that are really eye opening, to say the least.

I have tried various psychedelic compounds throughout my life so far that have been life changing in so many different ways that made me a more spiritual and humble person. I have been doing psychedelics since I was 15 and I am 18 now, and I’ve never had a bad trip. Many of you are probably scowling right now at the previous statement I just made, possibly making the argument “You’re too young to be messing around with that stuff”, or “You’re brain isn’t fully developed until you're 25, don’t do it”. Trust me, I’ve heard those statements before.

If it wasn’t for the sheer amount of positivity and good things I’ve had happen in my life after using these compounds, I wouldn’t be doing them. Simple as that.

I believe we’re all here to spread love and positivity for one another, so if you’re going to criticize or bash me in any way, please keep it to yourself.

That being said, when I completed my first extraction, I had 1.007 grams of the off-white powder in hand. I mixed 500 mg of the spice with 0.5 ml of PG, then put it into a new, empty 1 gram cartridge. This was about a week ago. After doing that, I meditated on this matter and made sure to keep myself calm and collected throughout the week leading up to the point I was going to vape the spice.

On Sunday, February 4 was when I decided it would be a good time to do it. I had just finished writing an instrumental on my acoustic guitar and I was in a really good mood. I’ll link the video of me playing my song if you guys are at all curious about that. I’ve been a guitarist for 9 years.

I was alone in my room, with my DMT-cart inside my E-leaf battery set at 3.7 W, taking multiple deep breaths before diving into this experience. I had turned on my voice recorder as well so that I could talk about the experience soon after coming out of the trip, as I had heard coming out of the trip is like waking up from a dream, remembering what happened upon waking up, then forgetting within later moments. I had tripped on DMT about 5 months prior, but it was a very light, 1 hit pull of about 5mgs that I did with my other friend who did psychedelics. The effects weren’t dramatic at all, but it was very pretty to say the least ( brighter colors, objects appeared more defined and symmetrical, and I overall felt really good) . It only lasted about 2 minutes, but instead of going into it again, I thought it would be best to wait and study DMT a little further before trying it again.

So here I am now. I did one 5-second pull of my pen and set it down, to observe the objects around me and take in the beauty of the ever-so-slightly changing colors filling my perception. After about 30 seconds, I closed my eyes and did a full, 10-second pull. I felt the same feeling you might feel while falling in a dream, except there was no fear in this.

I did not experience what other people describe as being “pulled”.

I took 3 more 10-second drags (in total, I took 5 hits) and after each pull, I felt the falling sensation getting more and more prevalent and overpowering, as reality was slipping away further and further each time. I could hear a ringing noise that was getting louder and louder with each pull as well until it became the only thing I heard. It was overpowering, but not loud at all.

I opened my eyes, or at least I thought I did and I was no longer in my bedroom. I was in a tunnel of light, swirling with colors and patterns. It was like a kaleidoscope, but more vivid and alive. I felt like I was moving at incredible speed, but also standing still. The ringing I heard in the beginning was like a humming or buzzing, but also like music. It was beautiful and soothing.

I reached the end of the tunnel, and I emerged into a bright and spacious realm. It was like nothing I had ever seen before (isn’t that the understatement of the year lol). It was full of shapes and forms that defied logic and geometry. It was like a fractal, but more complex and organic. It was like a garden, but more lush and exotic. It was like a painting, but more realistic and expressive.

I felt a presence, a warmth and love that enveloped me. I looked around, and I saw a being of light. It was blue, but not like any blue I had ever seen before. It was radiant and shimmering, like a star or a diamond. It had no definite shape or form, but it seemed to have eyes and a smile. It looked at me with kindness and compassion.

It spoke to me, but not with words. It communicated with me telepathically, with images and feelings. It said:

"Welcome, my child. You are here for a reason. You are here to learn and grow. You are here to remember who you are." I asked who it was and It said "I am you, and you are me. We are one. We are part of the same source, the same essence, the same consciousness."What is this place?" I asked. "This is your home. This is where you came from, and where you will return. This is the realm of spirit, the realm of pure awareness."What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I am here to help you. To guide you. To heal you. To love you."

"Help me with what?" I asked.

"With whatever you need help with. With whatever troubles you or hurts you or confuses you."

I asked if it could help me with my depression, anxiety, loneliness, fear… It said it could help me but that first I would have to help myself. It said I had to let go of what doesn’t serve me, by releasing what holds me back, by forgiving what wounds me and by accepting what is.

It wasn’t going to be easy, I knew it was going to take courage and honesty and humility.
The being of light reached out to me with its rays of love. It touched my heart, my mind, my soul. It showed me my life, from birth to death.It showed me my joys and sorrows. It showed me my successes and failures.It showed me my strengths and weaknesses. It showed me my hopes and fears. It showed me my dreams and nightmares.

It showed me everything.

And then it showed me something else. It showed me the truth. The truth about myself.The truth about others.The truth about life. The truth about death. The truth about everything.

And the truth was beautiful.

The truth was that I am not alone. The truth is that I am not separate.The truth is that I am not flawed. The truth is that I am not worthless. The truth is that I am not hopeless. The truth is that I am loved. The truth is that I am in love.

I feel like the being of light smiled at me with its eyes of wisdom. It said, "Now you know. Now you remember. Now you are free." It said I can go back and live and then It faded away with its glow of peace.

I opened my eyes, and I was back in my bedroom. Everything around me still had the effects I had described after the first pull, then it went away within a minute.

I just can’t believe something like this so powerful exists. It made me question everything I know and think that I know. the experience truly left me fathomed. I took 1 more small hit just to experience the beauty of everything around me again before I put it away. It’s going to be a while before I visit Hyperspace again. Until then, I’m going to use what I learned from this experience in my everyday life to help myself and others around me.

Also here's a video of me playing my song in the beginning if you're curious to hear it at all.

View attachment guitar.mp4.mp4
Amazing ssabol1637!

Thank you for sharing all of this with us.

I don't subscribe to any rules who can and cannot take psychedelics. They call who they call, whenever it's time. It's actually kind of sad to me that we can't accept members under 18. May all the psychedelic minors stay and keep each other safe.

I tripped the first time at 16, on LSD. Having "seen the light" helped me to never regret to be alive. That's pretty big.
And then it showed me something else. It showed me the truth. The truth about myself.The truth about others.The truth about life. The truth about death. The truth about everything.

And the truth was beautiful.

How much have you been able to bring back to the sober, waking world? Integration isn't always the easiest thing, heh. We can only bring back so much, so it's good to be choosey, if possible.
How much have you been able to bring back to the sober, waking world? Integration isn't always the easiest thing, heh. We can only bring back so much, so it's good to be choosey, if possible.
I believe there is much more from this experience that I'm still not remembering, yet what I described in my report seemed so vivid and clear at the time I was brought back to this plane of existence, even if it may be pretty subjective. Often times when I go back into a trip I hadn't done in a while, I think to myself "How come I can't remember something until I'm in it again?" At that point it becomes so familiar. it's like how did I ever forget?
I don't subscribe to any rules who can and cannot take psychedelics. They call who they call, whenever it's time. It's actually kind of sad to me that we can't accept members under 18. May all the psychedelic minors stay and keep each other safe.

I want to piggyback on this. Not to say let minors in but to say as someone who might be thought of as a kind of elder, I do not judge minors for following the call. They live in a ridiculous world of no safety nets, endless greed, active shooter drills, endless marketing aimed at leveraging fear, perceived difference and unending cultural toxicity. And then there are psychedelics, in particular DMT. And as so evidenced here, the CORE message consistently sums up to things like: Quit worrying about death so much, it is going to be okay. You came from another place to live this life and you will return there. Love is a fundamental principle of reality and the universe. We are all one and these differences we make such a big deal out of our just our ego trips. And so much moar.

If there is going to be a shred of hope for the future, we need moar people doing DMT moar often. Period.
Often times when I go back into a trip I hadn't done in a while, I think to myself "How come I can't remember something until I'm in it again?"
This is a well documented psychological/neurological phenomonon called State Specific Memory. It's easiest to remember dreams while dreaming. Easiest to remember DMT trips on the DMT comeup. The memories are strongest within the mental state where they occurred. They are elusive until we return to that state from which the memories originated.
I believe there is much more from this experience that I'm still not remembering, yet what I described in my report seemed so vivid and clear at the time I was brought back to this plane of existence, even if it may be pretty subjective. Often times when I go back into a trip I hadn't done in a while, I think to myself "How come I can't remember something until I'm in it again?" At that point it becomes so familiar. it's like how did I ever forget?

Yeah, it really is like that... when you're in that headspace, I think you have access to certain memories that your sober self simply can't reach. But the memories still exist ~ on the level of high-you, soul-you, whatever that version of you is, when you're in that space.
This is a well documented psychological/neurological phenomonon called State Specific Memory. It's easiest to remember dreams while dreaming. Easiest to remember DMT trips on the DMT comeup. The memories are strongest within the mental state where they occurred. They are elusive until we return to that state from which the memories originated.

I find I can remember trip details far easier when I can write them down when it's still fresh. The emotional content of the experience probably helps a significant amount.
I find I can remember trip details far easier when I can write them down when it's still fresh. The emotional content of the experience probably helps a significant amount.
Yes I believe so as well. Even more importantly to note, is that I did not experience feelings of fear during the experience, the fear had come upon me when I returned back to reality, and I don't know why. I'm still trying to figure this out.
Yes I believe so as well. Even more importantly to note, is that I did not experience feelings of fear during the experience, the fear had come upon me when I returned back to reality, and I don't know why. I'm still trying to figure this out.

My experiences are with Ayahuasca, so I'm not sure how similar it is for you as it is for me... but I do wonder if our... higher-self or whatever you want to call it, is above fear and understands the nature of the experience properly. But when we come back down, our sober ego, in the Jungian sense, comes back in full, if gradually, and then it our normal mode of self that has those fears, because we're then interpreting our experience through our sober lens of understanding, not having access to that higher level of understanding that we temporarily have.
Yes I believe so as well. Even more importantly to note, is that I did not experience feelings of fear during the experience, the fear had come upon me when I returned back to reality, and I don't know why. I'm still trying to figure this out.
For sure Valmar is on to something here. It's ego and mind getting up to no good when the fear has us. I have tried to analyze the fear within myself and I have come up with the following:

1.) My ego doesn't want to die.

2.) DMT embodies THE UNKNOWN and few things are as terrifying as the unknown to a human being if you really think of it.

3.) The sheer balls/ovaries to the wall INTENSITY. Holy crap that is a LOT to take in. It feels absolutely overwhelming even though it is in a good way.

It's hard to overcome this and sometimes even when the surface levels of my mind feel calm my subconscious/body betrays me with a racing heartbeat as I pick up the pipe.

Meditation pre launch helps. Also my ongoing work on letting go and @Voidmatrix philosophy of Commit Surrender. And even with this I still cannot do big doses these days so I fully understand and really admire those of you who can.
For sure Valmar is on to something here. It's ego and mind getting up to no good when the fear has us. I have tried to analyze the fear within myself and I have come up with the following:

1.) My ego doesn't want to die.

Indeed. Part of the egos normal functioning is to stay alive, so when it thinks there is actual, permanent death involved, it cannot distinguish between temporary psychological death and permanent physical death. Which is a good thing, actually.

2.) DMT embodies THE UNKNOWN and few things are as terrifying as the unknown to a human being if you really think of it.
Indeed... accepting the unknown can be very tough... that's why it helps to condition yourself before the trip to accept that the unexpected might happen ~ that the ego might die, and that's okay, because it's only temporary. Eventually, the ego sort of gets the picture, and won't panic, as it knows that it will come back. But you have to assert that notion multiple times, so it sinks in, and is accepted unconsciously.

3.) The sheer balls/ovaries to the wall INTENSITY. Holy crap that is a LOT to take in. It feels absolutely overwhelming even though it is in a good way.

Indeed. Unless of course the experience is so immediate that there's no time to think or panic or anything, haha. You can't not accept the intensity. Boom, it's already there.

It's hard to overcome this and sometimes even when the surface levels of my mind feel calm my subconscious/body betrays me with a racing heartbeat as I pick up the pipe.

Indeed... that's why I get really nervous before the next trip, when I've committed to the plan of doing it. I get rather panicky and off-kiltered, and worry about the taste of the brew, will I vomit, will I get a headache the next day, will it be too much to handle. But... my fears have all been for naught. The ego likes to make sure it is protected and safe, after all.

Meditation pre launch helps. Also my ongoing work on letting go and @Voidmatrix philosophy of Commit Surrender. And even with this I still cannot do big doses these days so I fully understand and really admire those of you who can.

Yep. Even if that meditation involves listening to music or read stuff that helps you relax and be calm. I find it helpful to do calming stuff while waiting for the come-up as well. Distracting myself with intellectual stuff, calming music that makes me happy.
Indeed... that's why I get really nervous before the next trip, when I've committed to the plan of doing it. I get rather panicky and off-kiltered, and worry about the taste of the brew, will I vomit, will I get a headache the next day, will it be too much to handle. But... my fears have all been for naught. The ego likes to make sure it is protected and safe, after all.
If you perhaps try to control something as powerful as psychedelics, it will chew you up an spit you out. I personally haven't had that happen to me: I've taught myself techniques over time to just accept whatever gets thrown my way. You don't ever want to start thinking "This is getting pretty intense, did I take too much?" because then it leads to the thought of "maybe this is too much" which leads to the thought of "this is too much" then "I Need this to end now!" and from there it's a big rabbit hole to climb back out of. Our Egos' need to learn to let go in these types of situations but I can see why it's hard to do sometimes because it's just human-nature to get scared of things we can't control.
Meditation pre launch helps. Also my ongoing work on letting go and @Voidmatrix philosophy of Commit Surrender. And even with this I still cannot do big doses these days so I fully understand and really admire those of you who can.

Meditation can truly work wonders on the mind, disassociating yourself from the objects around you and letting go of intrusive thoughts definitely can help you prepare for such an intense experience. Or in my experience, Making music is also a form of meditation because it helps me release unresolved thoughts and emotions into something that will always be enjoyable, no matter what.

Both of you have very wise words and I've learned a lot from both of you. Thank you for your feedback.
Would you agree with this statement: it means more how far a dose takes you than how big the dose is.


One love
I certainly agree with this statement but at the root of it all, it depends on your personal goals. whether you're looking to get more creative, changes in your mood, or if you're looking for something larger like mystical experiences and profound insights/wisdom.
@Pandora Would you agree with this statement: it means more how far a dose takes you than how big the dose is.


One love

Absolutely. And the low doses take me deep. But I do know I'm capable of handling more (like that 22 mgs breakthrough) yet currently I seem to have difficulty getting beyond about 12 mgs. Thus I admire those who have the ability to smoalk a bit moar. But for sure it's like cars - it's not the years, it's the mileage. With DMT it's not the dose, it's the journey.

I certainly agree with this statement but at the root of it all, it depends on your personal goals. whether you're looking to get more creative, changes in your mood, or if you're looking for something larger like mystical experiences and profound insights/wisdom.
Certainly! It's similar to the gym or working out: how one works out is predicated on their goals.

Absolutely. And the low doses take me deep. But I do know I'm capable of handling more (like that 22 mgs breakthrough) yet currently I seem to have difficulty getting beyond about 12 mgs. Thus I admire those who have the ability to smoalk a bit moar. But for sure it's like cars - it's not the years, it's the mileage. With DMT it's not the dose, it's the journey.
I think you know I align and empathize with you, and perhaps my response was as much to myself as to you.

I would like to also reflect what allows people to do that bit more. For many, it's the honeymoon phase where the spice hasn't quite shattered them completely yet. I think with others it's naivete. That is to say that the particular ability may come from various sources.

One love
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