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DMT scared me (will never ever smoke it again)

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Rising Star
Hello, for long time i use DMT. i always smoke 50mg. My visions usually normal DMT shapes. Just now i tried 50mg DMT again then ididnt even understand its hit my head. Just my room changed like devil room color(pink and walls bubble shapes). Not normal DMT vision "my world really did change" Walls everything seemed to me visions (imagine broken GPU card when u play a game its gives so much colors). İ mean this world is visions, just illision! i just see world as fukin illision my world is almost gone. then i look my self my body swollen and changing like woman body. then i shocked. I thought i died! i really scared hell out of me... THEN I SAW SOMETHING LIKE MY BODY BUT ITS HEAD DEVIL HEAD then i rush to other room to see my brothers is seeing me or am i really died? still world is vision. When they react to see me i was fukin happy! so much happy! I WILL NEVER EVER SMOKE AGAIN DMT.

so i was atheist not anymore.
Sorry to hear about your bad trip.
50 mg of pure dmt or changa? And what is your smoking device please?
The number looks suspiciously high, therefore my question.

Jees said:
Sorry to hear about your bad trip.
50 mg of pure dmt or changa? And what is your smoking device please?
The number looks suspiciously high, therefore my question.


Hello, im using dmt pipe or oil pipe whatever its name. mostly was white and some yellowish part of it. i smoke it quickly. i did calculate 45-50mg. i never had trip like this before. I had im dying trips like just my heartbeat was accelerating. But i resists it. with this trip i was my self didnt understand even i had dying trip again. it was so diffrent cant even explain it :( i know DMT vissions this was much diffrent.
Keep in mind that the subjective effects of psychedelics can vary extremely. There is no such thing as a "normal" and "abnormal" DMT trip. Others have experienced a similarly "distorted" view of everyday reality on DMT before.

I think keeping a level head is the best you can do about this experience. Also, since you're not an atheist anymore, maybe talk to God about it, I'm sure he has your back. ;)
Dead? But you didn't die. Your mind was completely wrong. Think about that.

You said it yourself, illusions, you called it. Now look at it. Look at the illusions you experienced. No worries if you never ingest DMT again, but don't lose the lesson.

Atheism is just like any other religion. I would add that science is also very much like a religion. What is happening in this universe is unknowable for now. We just don't know. So many claim that they do and will defend their belief to the end. I don't know is a the proper perspective. I think DMT can instantly create this cognitive dissonance within us all. It instantly dissolves everything we thought we knew and leaves us with 'I don't know'. Anyone who claims to know is lying.

Common themes of a hyperspace journey points a direction I feel. It all feels like it is all one thing. All connected. For what purpose? I don't know. I enjoy this perspective. For me it places everything thing I think outside of who and what I really am. Words cannot describe hyperspace and words cannot explain what we truly are or how we are all connected.

Be the creator and not the created. Take control and choose a perspective that is not driven by fear. If it scared you, there is a reason. Look at that reason and see yourself.
Bad trips happen, but that's no reason to give up DMT. However at the end of the day you will do (or in this case don't) what ever you think is best for you.

Psychedelics are not for everybody, with all their potential it just doesn't work for some.

Take this experience as an opportunity to grow and give it some time to integrate your experience it might actually be a chance to turn over a new page in your life. If this doesn't happen and you can't make sense of what happened than simply don't worry about it either.

Time will heal anything, be it a horrific event, a bad trip or whatever. It can take some time but ayahuasca has thought me like the experience everything will eventually pass. It's also not unheard for that people stop being atheists after these kind of experiences, but keep in mind that you're making sense out of something you can't possibly explain to yourself.

Life is complicated, and we adapt just enough to be able to function in it. Nobody ever knows everything, and can explain anything because nothing is just black and white. In this case scenario you had a mystical experience, and you think to yourself "there must be something more". This is not the only explanation.

I really hope you will make some sense out of it and be fine after some time. Don't beat yourself up too much regardless of what you conclude out of this experience.
DmnStr8 said:
Dead? But you didn't die. Your mind was completely wrong. Think about that.

You said it yourself, illusions, you called it. Now look at it. Look at the illusions you experienced. No worries if you never ingest DMT again, but don't lose the lesson.

Atheism is just like any other religion. I would add that science is also very much like a religion. What is happening in this universe is unknowable for now. We just don't know. So many claim that they do and will defend their belief to the end. I don't know is a the proper perspective. I think DMT can instantly create this cognitive dissonance within us all. It instantly dissolves everything we thought we knew and leaves us with 'I don't know'. Anyone who claims to know is lying.

Common themes of a hyperspace journey points a direction I feel. It all feels like it is all one thing. All connected. For what purpose? I don't know. I enjoy this perspective. For me it places everything thing I think outside of who and what I really am. Words cannot describe hyperspace and words cannot explain what we truly are or how we are all connected.

Be the creator and not the created. Take control and choose a perspective that is not driven by fear. If it scared you, there is a reason. Look at that reason and see yourself.

Just want to thank you for this, very succinct and profound even, OP should take good note of these words.
null24 said:
DmnStr8 said:
Dead? But you didn't die. Your mind was completely wrong. Think about that.

You said it yourself, illusions, you called it. Now look at it. Look at the illusions you experienced. No worries if you never ingest DMT again, but don't lose the lesson.

Atheism is just like any other religion. I would add that science is also very much like a religion. What is happening in this universe is unknowable for now. We just don't know. So many claim that they do and will defend their belief to the end. I don't know is a the proper perspective. I think DMT can instantly create this cognitive dissonance within us all. It instantly dissolves everything we thought we knew and leaves us with 'I don't know'. Anyone who claims to know is lying.

Common themes of a hyperspace journey points a direction I feel. It all feels like it is all one thing. All connected. For what purpose? I don't know. I enjoy this perspective. For me it places everything thing I think outside of who and what I really am. Words cannot describe hyperspace and words cannot explain what we truly are or how we are all connected.

Be the creator and not the created. Take control and choose a perspective that is not driven by fear. If it scared you, there is a reason. Look at that reason and see yourself.

Just want to thank you for this, very succinct and profound even, OP should take good note of these words.

Many thanks for the guidance and explanation. I think I should learn something with this lesson. I had a very different experience for my own life. I remember when i smoke first time DMT i had a trip its showed to me i died while on DMT trip. But i dont know with this experience should i continue to smoke DMT? what would u do if this happen to u?
AwesomeUsername said:
Bad trips happen, but that's no reason to give up DMT. However at the end of the day you will do (or in this case don't) what ever you think is best for you.

Psychedelics are not for everybody, with all their potential it just doesn't work for some.

Take this experience as an opportunity to grow and give it some time to integrate your experience it might actually be a chance to turn over a new page in your life. If this doesn't happen and you can't make sense of what happened than simply don't worry about it either.

Time will heal anything, be it a horrific event, a bad trip or whatever. It can take some time but ayahuasca has thought me like the experience everything will eventually pass. It's also not unheard for that people stop being atheists after these kind of experiences, but keep in mind that you're making sense out of something you can't possibly explain to yourself.

Life is complicated, and we adapt just enough to be able to function in it. Nobody ever knows everything, and can explain anything because nothing is just black and white. In this case scenario you had a mystical experience, and you think to yourself "there must be something more". This is not the only explanation.

I really hope you will make some sense out of it and be fine after some time. Don't beat yourself up too much regardless of what you conclude out of this experience.

Actually it was something I wanted to experience. Because the same DMT trips have always bothered me and changed my views about DMT to just a drug. What happened yesterday was not a normal DMT trip. . I understand that we are all souls. I really want to continue to use DMT, I think I should drink through a shaman. But unfortunately there is no shaman in the country I live in. I am preparing to drink ayahuasca I think I should cancel it.

Have you ever had such a trip? What would you do if it was you?
PsyDuckmonkey said:
Keep in mind that the subjective effects of psychedelics can vary extremely. There is no such thing as a "normal" and "abnormal" DMT trip. Others have experienced a similarly "distorted" view of everyday reality on DMT before.

I think keeping a level head is the best you can do about this experience. Also, since you're not an atheist anymore, maybe talk to God about it, I'm sure he has your back. ;)

I know what you mean. Really DMT trips was bother me always shapes, chakras. before this i think dmt just a drug nothing more. But i had this experience, DMT not drug anymore :)

what would u do if this happen to u? and can you give me link to read others experience. My English is not enough to search it :) thank you for help
irony said:
Many thanks for the guidance and explanation. I think I should learn something with this lesson. I had a very different experience for my own life. I remember when i smoke first time DMT i had a trip its showed to me i died while on DMT trip. But i dont know with this experience should i continue to smoke DMT? what would u do if this happen to u?

It has happened to me and I continued on my path.
The fact that you had several previous ~50mg experiences that were much more, (manageable? pleasant? I'm not sure the applicable word here) compared to this one over-the-top experience could be as simple as smoking technique. It sounds awfully like a typical break through experience when sub-break through experiences were only experienced previously. Personally, I had several sub-break though experiences, even at doses around 110mg smoked. I was wasting it, though, with poor smoking/vaporizing technique and poor lung retention. Then I accidentally once. I'm not ready to talk about that yet. It's really changed a lot about how I view life and reality, though. Some things, subtly, other things, drastically.

I think most would agree here that when you properly smoalk enough, things talk to you. Or, more (my experience) convey visually what they mean like pictures in the mind that the mind grasps at words for. WHAT is doing the talking, well...
Namaste irony and welcome to the nexus.

You are welcomed by your fellows with sympathy, wisdom, some great responses here, and humor. :twisted: :love:

You got it all.

Don't force yourself to make a general decision f.e. about your psychedelic usage, which is nothing but... . We decide in every moment new what (not) to do, the rest is fiction.

Stay here, be now.

Boom, tseuq
wise words from the Nexus, as usual...

let me just add that in my travels i have had one particularly unpleasant experience which had me wondering if this exploration needed to end for me. i took time, without making long-term or extreme decisions, to process what happened and integrate what occurred. it took me about 4 months, but eventually i felt i was being called again.

not only have my subsequent trips been lovely, enlightening and powerful, they have been enriched and enhanced with the knowledge gleaned from that tough ride i had. going into the journeys now, knowing that everything happens for a reason gives me the security that things will always work out and that everything happens, in my view, for some reason, not always obvious immediately.

live in the moment - never say never - breathe with consciousness and love...

irony said:
AwesomeUsername said:
Bad trips happen, but that's no reason to give up DMT. However at the end of the day you will do (or in this case don't) what ever you think is best for you.

Psychedelics are not for everybody, with all their potential it just doesn't work for some.

Take this experience as an opportunity to grow and give it some time to integrate your experience it might actually be a chance to turn over a new page in your life. If this doesn't happen and you can't make sense of what happened than simply don't worry about it either.

Time will heal anything, be it a horrific event, a bad trip or whatever. It can take some time but ayahuasca has thought me like the experience everything will eventually pass. It's also not unheard for that people stop being atheists after these kind of experiences, but keep in mind that you're making sense out of something you can't possibly explain to yourself.

Life is complicated, and we adapt just enough to be able to function in it. Nobody ever knows everything, and can explain anything because nothing is just black and white. In this case scenario you had a mystical experience, and you think to yourself "there must be something more". This is not the only explanation.

I really hope you will make some sense out of it and be fine after some time. Don't beat yourself up too much regardless of what you conclude out of this experience.

Actually it was something I wanted to experience. Because the same DMT trips have always bothered me and changed my views about DMT to just a drug. What happened yesterday was not a normal DMT trip. . I understand that we are all souls. I really want to continue to use DMT, I think I should drink through a shaman. But unfortunately there is no shaman in the country I live in. I am preparing to drink ayahuasca I think I should cancel it.

Have you ever had such a trip? What would you do if it was you?

That's the way DMT works, it's not an RC you just trip out on a little bit to please your eyes and get nothing out of it. It is hugely debatable if there is really something more to it or is it just a drug, because it is an experience like no other.

If you are already asking, yes I had an experience like this and it was quite coincidentally my first time. Before hand I was a huge acidhead, and still am but nothing could ever prepare me for this. Worth to note I just drank ayahuasca, never smoked it. The first time I actually said "never again" too. What drove me to experiment further god fucking knows... but I'm glad I did actually because I got the healing I was looking for. Think again about canceling, it just might be an opportunity for you. The longer duration and the physical cleansing might just do you more well.

I would also suggest if you go down this rabbit hole to brew your own brews and be your own shaman. It is way cheaper and you have some room for experimentation, unlike flying at the other part of the world to drink a brew a stranger made and being under his guidance questioning yourself the whole time is this guy even legit, because nowadays there are a lot of fake shamans who don't have a clue what they are doing.

Keep in mind any form of DMT is not a childs play, which you already experienced but I sincerely believe you could get way much out of ayahuasca and it might just be what you are looking for. It was for me anyways, even though it wasn't apparent in the beginning...
DmnStr8 said:
I would add that science is also very much like a religion. What is happening in this universe is unknowable for now. We just don't know. So many claim that they do and will defend their belief to the end
I would like to clarify this since many people are making the same mistake as you do.

Science is not a religion and will never come close to it, mainly since it can adapt new evidence and because it works with reproducable cause and effect models.

For example science will never say "we are 100% sure", instead science states "if we perform this action, in this way, and under these conditions, then we have a high confidence that the result will be this". You do not have to have faith in science, it just predicts a certain outcome based on previous test results.

Certain causes and its effects are so predictable that when you perform them the same way over and over again they always have the same outcome, we call these "scientific laws".

Then based on these laws certain models are devised to explain them, we call these models "scientific theories". Scientific theories are not theories as in your normal speaking language like "it's just a theory", no these scientific theories are well-substantiated models and are repeatedly tested and confirmed (again with that confidence that will come close to but never reach 100%).

Now most people who think that science is just like a religion, are basing that on scientific theories. They think that since it is a model devised in the minds of humans, it will present a world view that you have to believe in. The difference however is that with these scientific theories, regardless if you belief in them or not, they just keep giving the same results over and over again when you test them.

Anyone who claims to know the universal truth, is for sure not a scientist. A scientist however will be sceptic if you state that a certain scientific law or theory is not correct, some people might confuse this with a "knowing it all" attitude.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
The Traveler said:
DmnStr8 said:
I would add that science is also very much like a religion. What is happening in this universe is unknowable for now. We just don't know. So many claim that they do and will defend their belief to the end
I would like to clarify this since many people are making the same mistake as you do.

Science is not a religion and will never come close to it, mainly since it can adapt new evidence and because it works with reproducable cause and effect models.

For example science will never say "we are 100% sure", instead science states "if we perform this action, in this way, and under these conditions, then we have a high confidence that the result will be this". You do not have to have faith in science, it just predicts a certain outcome based on previous test results.

Certain causes and its effects are so predictable that when you perform them the same way over and over again they always have the same outcome, we call these "scientific laws".

Then based on these laws certain models are devised to explain them, we call these models "scientific theories". Scientific theories are not theories as in your normal speaking language like "it's just a theory", no these scientific theories are well-substantiated models and are repeatedly tested and confirmed (again with that confidence that will come close to but never reach 100%).

Now most people who think that science is just like a religion, are basing that on scientific theories. They think that since it is a model devised in the minds of humans, it will present a world view that you have to believe in. The difference however is that with these scientific theories, regardless if you belief in them or not, they just keep giving the same results over and over again when you test them.

Anyone who claims to know the universal truth, is for sure not a scientist. A scientist however will be sceptic if you state that a certain scientific law or theory is not correct, some people might confuse this with a "knowing it all" attitude.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

I appreciate you clarifying. I compare science to religion in a very broad sense. For me, 'much like a religion' and 'just like a religion' is two different things. For some people I have met they approach everything from a scientific angle and miss out on the 'I don't know' that I find appealing. Some religious approach everything from faith and miss out on the same thing. Einstein said science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. I guess I feel there is something outside of both that has value.
I appreciate you clarifying. I compare science to religion in a very broad sense. For me, 'much like a religion' and 'just like a religion' is two different things. For some people I have met they approach everything from a scientific angle and miss out on the 'I don't know' that I find appealing. Some religious approach everything from faith and miss out on the same thing. Einstein said science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. I guess I feel there is something outside of both that has value.
Einstein had his time, he is long gone and he was wrong about certain aspects of physics as well.

I cannot seriously believe in it [quantum theory] because the theory cannot be reconciled with the idea that physics should represent a reality in time and space, free from spooky actions at a distance [spukhafte Fernwirkungen].

No need to compare religion to science or try to unify it. Falsifiable hypothesis (science) vs. dogmatic believes (religion). It doesn't mix. If you want to enhance your knowledge, read: Falsifiability - Wikipedia

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