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DMT + sex drive

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OG Pioneer
How has DMT impacted your desire for sex, frequency of having sex, feelings about sex, and attitude toward sex? Does anyone do anything with their sexual energy, practice celibacy, tantra... hang out with same-sex fans of Crowley and/or perform blood rituals to Lillith? :p

I am aware that my perspective about sex has shifted greatly as a product of greater awareness. Allow me to try to explain...

I experienced frigidity once. What I am experiencing right now is definitely NOT frigidity. Frigidity was like a numbness and complete inability to connect with my own sexual energy, being divorced from my own life energy. Anyway, this is definitely something different.

Hardware and software. To borrow Robert Anton Wilson's analogy, the brain and biology is hardware, and thoughts, ideas, concepts (especially from the media), EXPERIENCES, are random bits of software collected by the brain. Programs and protocol. One side effect of exploring the DMT world is a reappraisal of this software, most of which operates indefinitely, unconsciously. Like all those random spyware apps your computer can pick up from browsing the wrong websites and you might not even know about. Software.

In sorting out my software--which, I daresay, is a healthy, and often painfully honest process--I have indifferently come to realize that most of my cognitive processes for dealing with sex were either not mine to begin with (unconsciously implanted by outside forces, [Disney]), or, unhealthy coping mechanisms (seeking fulfillment externally).

I get off doing yoga in the sun. I mean this in a sense of internal fulfillment (though it is interesting to note my other experiences, which have nothing to do with a state of subjectively feeling aroused). I get off playing my guitar, writing, riding my bike. Oh... Ayahuasca is quite the soulfuck, too. I was SO HAPPY to sit down and eat the perfect watermelon this afternoon. I am great.

My response to sex now is pretty much exactly like my response to the strangeness of the DMT world. Naked elves dancing, neurons firing, suns exploding, jesters laughing, insects and eyeballs. Or, perhaps, I experience death, physical disintegration, entity invasions. I observe, but I do not yearn; I observe, but I do not recoil in disgust. I feel, I acknowledge, I breathe: it doesn't consume me. I am not swallowed by wonder and I do not react, but I can choose to respond.

One can only split into the eighth dimension so many times, transcend physical boundaries, experience the conception of the universe, swim around in memories of living in utero, have a guided tour of the sex organs at a cellular level, or have an ethereal nude Latino man with a massive erection unexpectedly join a ceremony before it becomes painstakingly obvious that... SEX IS SOMETHING IMMENSELY STRANGE AND POWERFUL! Not to mention, completely irrational. It's how we all came into existence... Genesis!

Now, I focus on this and it might sound like it's a hangup. It's not. When one has had journeys numbering in the several hundreds, these topics do come up. I have dealt with much other graphic subject matter. I have endured detailed visions of the anus and excrement. Now, I digest efficiently, and shit with my entire being. Oh, and I always express what I am feeling (I used to be A Bottler), and I actually generate ZERO garbage in my weekly living routine (when I accidentally ripped my shower head out of the wall, that was a different story, but, speaking about the norm). I have had tours of the stomach, witnessed how certain foods react within my body, and know at the most minute level of myself that I can never poison my being with bad fuel. Blood, guts, neurochemical electricity, I have seen it all; and as I consciously assimilate these experiences, shocking and graphic as they might be for my rational, whitewashed, civilized mind, NEW BEHAVIORS resulting in GREATER HEALTH on MANY LEVELS is always the final product. The medicine has a curious way of teaching, using my body as an instrument of its lessons...

So, anyway, sex. I've had so many visionary confrontations with sexual energy. When guys do come on to me now, it is only in instances in which the trigger for the sexual motivation is completely unconscious. I see software being executed, I do not see people consciously aware of sexual energy (not to say they don't exist: they do: but would they still bother hitting on people as per social programming is concerned: and, would I feel a desire to mate?).

What was the McKenna quote, about not giving way to astonishment? Seems the same thing has happened to me IRL, when it comes to sexuality. Sex is connecting to The Origin--so, it's naturally astonishing, and that astonishment seemed to give way to erotic behaviors, at least in my case. But now that I have the experience of The Origin, plus a million other things, I feel a total respect and awe for the sex act, but it does not provoke a resonance within my body. I don't get *amorous feelings* in response to external stimuli. I do, however, have a very healthy relationship with my body, have been extremely physically active, have no problems giving or receiving love or non-erotic physical affection. I don't have a problem with erotic physical affection, like, fear or disgust; getting "felt up" just doesn't seem to flip the same set of switches in my brain.

I've even experimented with "alone time" with myself, and it's like... really, what the hell am I trying to accomplish? I'm not longing for anything... I SINCERELY get so much deeper into my body with yoga... Perhaps the whole idea of orgasm is shifting... Orgasms as I used to know them feel very JUVENILE, undeveloped, in comparison to the deep relationship I have with my body now.

Anyway. This may be a slightly disjointed ramble and I hope I explained myself correctly... I feel different, generally healthier and better, but I don't feel like there is any way I can do back to having the sex drive I used to, without slashing my diet, physical activity, entire lifestyle, and adding a heavy dose of delusion... I'm happy to explore and move forward, but what's forward from here?

(Maybe I should ask the medicine?)

I think it's also worth noting that I used to be terrified of strange insects and spiders, TERRIFIED. I feel no panic in the presence of these creatures. I catch the poor darlings and let them outside. Same stimulus: healthier, more compassionate, and realistic response.
SWIM finds sex on a low dose of ayahuasca/pharmahuasca to be fantastic especially if chaliponga is used (because of the 5-MeO-DMT). A high does make sex difficult though.
69ron said:
SWIM finds sex on a low dose of ayahuasca/pharmahuasca to be fantastic especially if chaliponga is used (because of the 5-MeO-DMT). A high does make sex difficult though.

Interesting.. Sex doesn't hinder the ayahuasca experience for you? I read so much of abstinence.
Cloud said:
69ron said:
SWIM finds sex on a low dose of ayahuasca/pharmahuasca to be fantastic especially if chaliponga is used (because of the 5-MeO-DMT). A high does make sex difficult though.

Interesting.. Sex doesn't hinder the ayahuasca experience for you? I read so much of abstinence.

Hinder it? Why would sex do that? I can't see a reason it would. Sex is an amazing experience while on low doses of psychedelics.

I don't buy into this idea of abstinence somehow purifying the soul. I think that's utter nonsense, and is probably an influence from the Catholic church. If anything, I believe it's completely backwards from reality. Sex increases the purity of the soul, especially for a man. For a man, it’s not good to have sexual tension, it’s bad for the spirit. The ancient Egyptians believed this to be the case, and so do I.

Would you not expect that from me? MY USER NAME IS 69RON. Think about that a little bit. My user name has multiple meanings.
I've been having a lot of issues with sex lately myself.

I had a stint of celibacy that didn't last too long but I did feel somehow more energetic. The main thing I noticed when I was celibate, lust wasn't an issue for me like it is when I'm sexually indulgent. When I'm not going the celibacy route, it's like I'm mentally undressing all women all the time. Since I've become more aware of it and don't do it as often but it still lingers which I feel is natural. I just watched a documentary where the spiritual teacher has everyone stay nekkid for the duration of the seminar. The seminar is like 3 weeks I believe. I remember one of the guys saying exactly what I was just talking about. Always mentally undressing women. He said that during the seminar, since they were nekkid, he kept visualizing them with clothes on. So I guess that's just the duality and imagination of the mind playing out it's role.

I had come to the conclusion that 69ron has, in that abstinence doesn't purify the soul, based on the observation that priests, who are some of the most popular sexually repressed people, perform some of the most disturbing sexual acts on unwilling participants.

As far a celibacy goes, I believe my life path is that of a shaman/healer. I've been doing a lot of research on how the tribes practice celibacy for 2-3 days before the ayahusca ritual because the spirits don't like the smell. How much truth there is to that, I have no idea. Further clarification would be appreciated. I've also heard that apprentice shamans sometimes go without sex for up to 2 years while they are learning.

I'm just starting my path as a shaman and haven't had much direct experience with the plant spirits yet. I am going to go the solo route instead of finding a master unless a female master finds me. I've always had trust issues with men and I can tell when women are lying. When I do start my serious shaman training with the plant spirits, I will definitely respect any "rules" they give me.

As far as your situation goes Ms. Minxx, I recommend you find a SENSUAL lover. Not just some guy wanting to get his rocks off.

Someone who is naturally full of Love and is on a Spiritual path as well.

Once said person is found, suggest that they learn White Tiger Tantra from Steve P. - HOME - (The torrent is available on demonoid)
Also have them learn some stuff from David Shade. Parked Page for: davidshade.com He's the master of teaching regular guys how to unlock a womans sexual potential.
The older Ideagasms stuff was good in it's own weird way. I haven't really checked out their newer stuff so I can't say for sure on it's quality.

The thing about sexual exploration is you can only go so far flying solo. You eventually have to find a partner or two in crime and let the chips fall where they may.

The stuff I recommended is for you and your lover to enjoy together because the constant feedback on both sides is what allows the Trust to be built.

Love has a soul mate named Trust and at times they seem apart, but it is only an illusion as they are inseparable. - Quote from Living on Love - The Messenger by Klauss Johle - k.livingonlove.com/messenger.shtml
ms_manic_minxx said:
How has DMT impacted your desire for sex, frequency of having sex, feelings about sex, and attitude toward sex? Does anyone do anything with their sexual energy, practice celibacy, tantra... hang out with same-sex fans of Crowley and/or perform blood rituals to Lillith? :p

I am aware that my perspective about sex has shifted greatly as a product of greater awareness. Allow me to try to explain...

I experienced frigidity once. What I am experiencing right now is definitely NOT frigidity. Frigidity was like a numbness and complete inability to connect with my own sexual energy, being divorced from my own life energy. Anyway, this is definitely something different.

Hardware and software. To borrow Robert Anton Wilson's analogy, the brain and biology is hardware, and thoughts, ideas, concepts (especially from the media), EXPERIENCES, are random bits of software collected by the brain. Programs and protocol. One side effect of exploring the DMT world is a reappraisal of this software, most of which operates indefinitely, unconsciously. Like all those random spyware apps your computer can pick up from browsing the wrong websites and you might not even know about. Software.

In sorting out my software--which, I daresay, is a healthy, and often painfully honest process--I have indifferently come to realize that most of my cognitive processes for dealing with sex were either not mine to begin with (unconsciously implanted by outside forces, [Disney]), or, unhealthy coping mechanisms (seeking fulfillment externally).

I get off doing yoga in the sun. I mean this in a sense of internal fulfillment (though it is interesting to note my other experiences, which have nothing to do with a state of subjectively feeling aroused). I get off playing my guitar, writing, riding my bike. Oh... Ayahuasca is quite the soulfuck, too. I was SO HAPPY to sit down and eat the perfect watermelon this afternoon. I am great.

My response to sex now is pretty much exactly like my response to the strangeness of the DMT world. Naked elves dancing, neurons firing, suns exploding, jesters laughing, insects and eyeballs. Or, perhaps, I experience death, physical disintegration, entity invasions. I observe, but I do not yearn; I observe, but I do not recoil in disgust. I feel, I acknowledge, I breathe: it doesn't consume me. I am not swallowed by wonder and I do not react, but I can choose to respond.

One can only split into the eighth dimension so many times, transcend physical boundaries, experience the conception of the universe, swim around in memories of living in utero, have a guided tour of the sex organs at a cellular level, or have an ethereal nude Latino man with a massive erection unexpectedly join a ceremony before it becomes painstakingly obvious that... SEX IS SOMETHING IMMENSELY STRANGE AND POWERFUL! Not to mention, completely irrational. It's how we all came into existence... Genesis!

Now, I focus on this and it might sound like it's a hangup. It's not. When one has had journeys numbering in the several hundreds, these topics do come up. I have dealt with much other graphic subject matter. I have endured detailed visions of the anus and excrement. Now, I digest efficiently, and shit with my entire being. Oh, and I always express what I am feeling (I used to be A Bottler), and I actually generate ZERO garbage in my weekly living routine (when I accidentally ripped my shower head out of the wall, that was a different story, but, speaking about the norm). I have had tours of the stomach, witnessed how certain foods react within my body, and know at the most minute level of myself that I can never poison my being with bad fuel. Blood, guts, neurochemical electricity, I have seen it all; and as I consciously assimilate these experiences, shocking and graphic as they might be for my rational, whitewashed, civilized mind, NEW BEHAVIORS resulting in GREATER HEALTH on MANY LEVELS is always the final product. The medicine has a curious way of teaching, using my body as an instrument of its lessons...

So, anyway, sex. I've had so many visionary confrontations with sexual energy. When guys do come on to me now, it is only in instances in which the trigger for the sexual motivation is completely unconscious. I see software being executed, I do not see people consciously aware of sexual energy (not to say they don't exist: they do: but would they still bother hitting on people as per social programming is concerned: and, would I feel a desire to mate?).

What was the McKenna quote, about not giving way to astonishment? Seems the same thing has happened to me IRL, when it comes to sexuality. Sex is connecting to The Origin--so, it's naturally astonishing, and that astonishment seemed to give way to erotic behaviors, at least in my case. But now that I have the experience of The Origin, plus a million other things, I feel a total respect and awe for the sex act, but it does not provoke a resonance within my body. I don't get *amorous feelings* in response to external stimuli. I do, however, have a very healthy relationship with my body, have been extremely physically active, have no problems giving or receiving love or non-erotic physical affection. I don't have a problem with erotic physical affection, like, fear or disgust; getting "felt up" just doesn't seem to flip the same set of switches in my brain.

I've even experimented with "alone time" with myself, and it's like... really, what the hell am I trying to accomplish? I'm not longing for anything... I SINCERELY get so much deeper into my body with yoga... Perhaps the whole idea of orgasm is shifting... Orgasms as I used to know them feel very JUVENILE, undeveloped, in comparison to the deep relationship I have with my body now.

Anyway. This may be a slightly disjointed ramble and I hope I explained myself correctly... I feel different, generally healthier and better, but I don't feel like there is any way I can do back to having the sex drive I used to, without slashing my diet, physical activity, entire lifestyle, and adding a heavy dose of delusion... I'm happy to explore and move forward, but what's forward from here?

(Maybe I should ask the medicine?)

I think it's also worth noting that I used to be terrified of strange insects and spiders, TERRIFIED. I feel no panic in the presence of these creatures. I catch the poor darlings and let them outside. Same stimulus: healthier, more compassionate, and realistic response.

i first took dmt when i was fourteen, it taught me everything i needed to know about sex . . .
I remember you mentioning that you tend to journey often. Normally my sex drive is lower for several days after a journey. Perhaps if you took a bit of a break your drive might increase during that time.

@Melodic- I disagree that "you have to find a partner" to have satisfying sex. I would like to think you could have a full and diverse sex life alone. I think a vibrator is probably essential in these cases, for women.
Jungleheart - I believe that to be true on certain levels.

The sexual rabbit hole runs really deep if you are willing to think outside of the box and try some out of the ordinary stuff. Sometimes a good partner in crime can think up new stuff you'd never think up by yourself. Or suggest something you'd never consider otherwise.

There are ways to combine hypnosis and sex for insanely intense orgasms or for healing work for people with past trauma.

I totally agree that one must be completely comfortable and content with not having a partner but to experience all aspects of sex, it really does take two to tango.
I dont see anything wrong with sex, people wanting to mate or flirting in social situations..it's part of what makes life beautiful, being a human and without that life wouldnt be the same.
Both DMT and psilocin are extremely erotic and having sex on mushrooms and MDMA is amazing.

I also dont think celebacy and shamanism inherantly go together. In some cultures they do..others they dont. Ive had western "ayahuasceros" from vancouver boast about how they were celebate in the amazon for 3 years as if that means a thing to me lol..I think this is just cultural taboo and nothing else.

The problem is that alot of guys just degrade women and treat them like they are pieces of shit, and everything is superficial and not based on anything solid..and vice versa. If it's not real I dont want it anymore.
Just to be clear, I'm not having sex-is-dirty-catholic-guilt issues. I'm open to the idea of a conscious lover, but at the moment, the universe sends me none. :p

I was also wondering about the long-term chemical effects of the tea, as I have been doing full journeys once a week, plus spice... I DID take a 2.5-3 week break by circumstance and noticed a slight increase in aroused feelings.

Sex on mushrooms was literally the most healing sex I have ever experienced, no doubt those can be erotic.

[quuote] If it's not real I dont want it anymore.[/quote] <~ Basically how I'm feeling. It also feels like so many things *aren't* real at the moment... so... what is real? What isn't an imaginary dialogue in my head? What isn't a thoughtform programmed by society? What isn't someone else's mommy or daddy issues being projected onto me? Is there anyone, open, expecting nothing, willing to explore the moment? I can't just fall into something based on my own projected desires anymore. Sex used to be SO bound up with illusions, and expectations, for me. There was also a certain element of needing to express that energy a certain way, but now I have so many more deeper and lasting ways to express that energy that doesn't involve sex. I have such a deep appreciation for the life principle in everything.

It's one thing to destroy a false mental construct, but I guess it's something completely different to decide what to consciously build in its place.

Edit: I also think that's why community, connecting, and supporting each other is so important. When we do go through major transitions, which can definitely be facilitated with spice, it's one thing to just DESTROY EVERYTHING... but the real work comes in finding creative new ways to rebuild... to allow space for growth... HMMM!!!
This is why I decided I need a girl that understand me and doesnt just seem more and more confused with every sentence that comes out of my mouth..I hate it when there is no connection.
Sex can be very ugly when you're full of expectations, guilt and fear. I think a lot of people experience ugly sex...
psychedelics open up the sexual energie...at times i thought i didn't have any desire at all..and each time i took some psychedelics the only thing i could think about was SEX! so it prooved that i was just hiding from it and pushing it away!
Psychedelics and other drugs loosened up the sexual tension between me and my wife. mainly because we had a lot of sex, and we learned to re-trust each other.
the erotic component of tryptamines is diff though from the normal sex drive..its like more magical..touching a velvety surface over and over can bring entire beingasms and erotic states beyond any sober persons wildest dreams..its not just about physical sex..its something much much more elegant.
yeah...that's true. but those are more the high doses you're talking about. in that state i do not bother one bit about physical sex...since just being is an orgastic experience when you're there.
Low doses are more beneficial for interpersonal issues IMHO.
I believe that sex on psychedelics is an amazing and sometimes healing experience.. LSD + sex is god-like.. but I also understand the power of celibacy as well.

When an initiate is undergoing transformation and healing using the vine, I believe it is more important to be celibate. Many people believe that our chi or life force is connected to our sexual force, and that when a person has an orgasm, they spend up all the chi that their body was saving up.

I am temporarily celibate at the moment so that I can work with that energy for personal healing.. I have also heard that after the period of celibacy, sex is more enjoyable.
There is animalistic lust and there is tenderness. To the VAST majority of people, sex is lust. I am pretty sure that the majority of the people don't even know about that other dimension of sexuality.
That other thing is when two souls become one, when there is a deep emotional, spiritual, psychological connection that is so powerfull that the body just effortlously follows.

Most people think they know about sex, but they only know about lust. Lust is a small thing, it's not even 1% of all there is to know.

And about celibacy.
I think celibacy is the opposite of what it claims to be: it's not about control, because you can't control what you're running away from.
It's good to be able to say 'no'.
If you're hiding away from something though, you're not enabling yourself to reach that state of control.
If you want to quit smoking, you should have a pack of cigarettes lying around...that's when you truly learn to say 'no'. And that's why celibacy doesn't work for most people in the way it's supposed to. Spirituality is not about hiding.
fractal enchantment said:
This is why I decided I need a girl that understand me and doesnt just seem more and more confused with every sentence that comes out of my mouth..I hate it when there is no connection.

Same here

Indirectly psychedelics have this effect on me.

Doesnt really matter much if it is about lust or tenderness (i like both.)
If there is no connection, then there is nothing to keep me interested..
ms_manic_minxx said:
How has DMT impacted your desire for sex, frequency of having sex, feelings about sex, and attitude toward sex? Does anyone do anything with their sexual energy, practice celibacy, tantra... hang out with same-sex fans of Crowley and/or perform blood rituals to Lillith? :p

Wow nice thread ms_manic I'm currently tripping pretty hard off of Caapi+Peruvian Torch...go low on the Caapi end of this one, though it was a big blast of Torch juice. A strange fairie witch-like Earth Goddess kept swimming up through your text with all sorts of strange Kundalini-like motions, then going deep into my body and cleaning it out...then back into the text through you, wherever you may happen to be :).

Everything that's been brought up here has been very useful; I was abused by a priest myself, and I think things have got to change at that particular institution...also I go between times of thinking I'm "bi" to times I'm thinking I'm "basically gay" (all the while keeping in mind E-prime), but like you all I'm trying to become more comfortable with this and figuring how to integrate into a healthy sex life, like everything else. Very interesting how the medicines in whatever form keep bringing these items up.

Any tips/links on the Egyptian side 69Ron?
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