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DMT + sex drive

Migrated topic.
polytrip said:
If you want to quit smoking, you should have a pack of cigarettes lying around...that's when you truly learn to say 'no'. And that's why celibacy doesn't work for most people in the way it's supposed to. Spirituality is not about hiding.

Yeah, it's not about hiding. To have a healthy spirit, you need to be open to all of what you are, and we are all sexual beings. To hide that is just not right.

Most people know that one key to a healthy long term marriage is a good satisfying sex life, one that is satisfying for both partners. I’ve been married for more than 10 years, and we have better sex now than we ever had. My wife is Catholic and was not completely comfortable with sex at first. Over the years she’s learned to be completely comfortable with it, and now enjoys it far more than ever. She’s learned to be sexually creative, letting it flow from the very center of her soul.

Once you’re completely comfortable with sex, and you’re having it with someone you truly love, it becomes more than just sex, it becomes a spiritual experience, a blending of two souls. It’s an exchange of energies from one to another, with the main focus of that exchange being the pleasing of another soul. It’s a selfless act.

I think sex under the influence of psychedelics can definitely help one to overcome their preconceived ideas of sex and to help them to fully explore its wonders. It’s not just about orgasm. Its not just about love or lust. It about two souls exchanging their very essence, spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, etc.
69ron said:
Once you’re completely comfortable with sex, and you’re having it with someone you truly love, it becomes more than just sex, it becomes a spiritual experience, a blending of two souls. It’s an exchange of energies from one to another, with the main focus of that exchange being the pleasing of another soul. It’s a selfless act.

I think sex under the influence of psychedelics can definitely help one to overcome their preconceived ideas of sex and to help them to fully explore its wonders. It’s not just about orgasm. Its not just about love or lust. It about two souls exchanging their very essence, spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, etc.
This is exactly what it's all about, and i feel pitty for all those lost souls who don't even have the faintest clue.

To me it sounds that this is also what DMT has tought miss_minx. Once you've seen it from the other side, you can no longer feel any desire for the pure animalistic chasing of the gratification of lust.

This has nothing to do with frigidity and everything with where the heart lies.

Miss_manic_minx, i hope you will find your true soulmate someday soon.
I've never liked sex while tripping. I find it kind of disgusting sometimes. And I feel like I'm wasting the trip. I like much more to be just walking in nature or something.
Ohhh... thank you, everyone, for your thoughts! I love reading about everyone's perspective. And thank you for the kind words. :)

I feel presently at peace.

Ahahahah, when the day of merging souls arrives, I will post a reflection. :p :twisted: 😉
ms_manic_minxx said:
I feel presently at peace.

Ahahahah, when the day of merging souls arrives, I will post a reflection. :p :twisted: 😉

I look forward to it, ms_manic. Peace be with you.
DMTripper said:
I've never liked sex while tripping. I find it kind of disgusting sometimes. And I feel like I'm wasting the trip. I like much more to be just walking in nature or something.

Hahhahaha I know what you mean! Sex + Psychedelics for me has ended up VERY confusing. Maybe I was just too dosed or something? But the repetitive slap slap slap sound and two hunks of meat just sliding around on/in each other with the faint sounds of humans groaning as flesh is stretching, while I'm stuck in a time loop is not something I want to repeat. Worth trying out, maybe worth trying again, but for now, no real interest.

But yea the reason why I don't like going off and just talking game and then laying broads is mainly because it's not who I am(at least anymore). Not a "catholic guilt thing". But like Ron said, sex is a very spiritual thing(at least in my opinion as well). So I want the next person I have sex with to be someone who I really do love. I got all my hedonistic lays done in my teen years, I'm ready to be a faithful companion and lover, when the opportunity is unveiled. I'm just waiting, personally.

Me running around when I'm not in love with anyone beyond platonic love(which I try to have for all sentient beings, keyword try) sticking my man-unit in people, would be counter productive to my subconscous and possibly my body or life as a whole(ego-boost/self-image, hedonism, stds, pregnancy, etc). For me all of those side-effects are avoidable with simple will-power. Personally I'm not much of a gambler by nature even if the odds are in my favor.

Do what makes sense for you. No need to pass judgements... We all have different opinions on every issue, it's what makes life fun(however the judge-ments do not).
ms_manic_minxx said:
I think it's also worth noting that I used to be terrified of strange insects and spiders, TERRIFIED. I feel no panic in the presence of these creatures. I catch the poor darlings and let them outside. Same stimulus: healthier, more compassionate, and realistic response.

I remember the days of trapping many legged things under glasses. Now I'm quite happy with scooping them up safely in palms. The transition happened around the time a certain substance came to my grasp :)
69ron said:
To have a healthy spirit, you need to be open to all of what you are, and we are all sexual beings. To hide that is just not right.

So true. I personally celebrate sexuality, both dirty and transcendent, as I do all biology. It is all part of life. And I am lucky enough to be with someone (13 years and counting) who enjoys the same total celebration.

But I often wonder: is there maybe a continuum? Where some people simply aren't that sexual and never will be? Perhaps some people will simply never be all that interested in sex, just as some would never be much interested in DMT, even despite a perfect breakthrough dose?
Haven't read the other responses yet but looks to be a very interesting thread.

Incidentally, the second time I took dmt it made me understand that I must get fully comfortable with sex (i tend to be shy) before I can fully enjoy DMT. There is this feeling I get when I take it that starts from my sinuses and spreads all over my body, as if I am suddenly catapulted into one of those sexual experiences where you think you're melting into the other person, that are usually very pleasant, but weird me out when it's in response to a molecule and to noone in particular. I keep hearing about other people saying they've had supra-orgasmic, pleasureful experiences, I actually feel almost violated, like I can't surrender to it. Reminds me of that passage of Castaneda where he asks Don Juan what DMT does and he answers: it makes you understand what you must do to handle its power.
There are no definitive answers here; people are all very different. Some are highly sexualized, other people aren't. Some don't have the drive at all, and wonder what it is exactly that the rest of the world is so focused on. I think (as with all things, really), the answer is probably do whatever feels comfortable for you without hurting anyone else. There's no one road to happiness or to sexual fulfillment.

Personally, for me, it's not such an either/or proposition. Sex as transcendant spiritual exchange and expression of love is fantastic. But so is sex as nothing more than celebration of physicality. Both have their place and both have their time; it comes down to what trips your trigger. People get all hung up on labels; their experiences get corrupted by expectations and pre-conceived ideals. As long as you can do so without toying with other's lives, I say express yourself in any way that fulfills you and makes you happy.
hmm, its interesting that the french word for "orgasm" (I cant remember the word) translates into "little death"..like a mini death rebirth experience. I heard that in a psychotautica podcast with Max Freakout...learn something new every day.
Speaking of different contexts found in the word orgasms, in English it's referred to as "coming". In Japanese, it's refereed to as "going" (Iku). Strange. Similar yet so different from one another.
polytrip said:
69ron said:
Once you’re completely comfortable with sex, and you’re having it with someone you truly love, it becomes more than just sex, it becomes a spiritual experience, a blending of two souls. It’s an exchange of energies from one to another, with the main focus of that exchange being the pleasing of another soul. It’s a selfless act.

I think sex under the influence of psychedelics can definitely help one to overcome their preconceived ideas of sex and to help them to fully explore its wonders. It’s not just about orgasm. Its not just about love or lust. It about two souls exchanging their very essence, spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, etc.
This is exactly what it's all about, and i feel pitty for all those lost souls who don't even have the faintest clue.

To me it sounds that this is also what DMT has tought miss_minx. Once you've seen it from the other side, you can no longer feel any desire for the pure animalistic chasing of the gratification of lust....

Im all in for the blending of souls, love, tenderness etc. Truly beautiful love.

But you guys dont like porn?
Great thread ms. minxx! My first ayahuasca journey was very positive in the sexual department, and ever since then my attitude towards sex has been becoming a much healthier one. I'm happy to see that other people have gone/are going through similiar things with this medicine as sometimes it can be difficult to communicate properly, and makes me feel better about my own personal growth. :)
Oh it so depends on the substance and dosage, but sex while on psycadelics can be an amazing beautiful thing. Seeing your partner as a god/goddess while making love to them is a very profound thing, and can greatly stregnthen a relationship.

However, the wrong chemical or the wrong dose of the right chemical can make sex impossible physically, or make things too distracting to get into the right head space for it, or simply become uncomfortable...and a walk in the woods or laying in a meadow holding hands become more preferable.

Lots of factors, but yes like with so many other things psycadelics can be used as a "tool" for sexual encounters, at least this is what I have found with my wife.
Interesting topic,

I don't think psychedelics or DMT specifically have directly affected my thoughts on sexuality or my drive. But indirectly, in general psychedelics have greatly enhanced my appreciation for life, and I'm more comfortable with myself than I used to be. Psychedelics have helped with this, which may have had some influence upon it perhaps.

I'm not sure how comfortable I would be engaging in any sexual activity whilst on the peak of a psychedelic experience, sometimes while tripping I find non sexual contact like a simple hug scary and unwanted than alone anything more. Though this varies.
I've engaged in sexual activity however whilst coming down from a very high dose of mushroom tea & lsd, and it was just... strange... Not 'bad' per se, but I was in such a different headspace that the whole thing felt really alien & I may have done a few weird things too >.> <.<

I'd be very interested in trying tantric/meditative practices with my partner, but I haven't found many good recourses :c Only really vague things like trying to breathe in synchronization..
I completely agree with 69ron. Sex with someone you love, especially while tripping, is a lot more than any conception of sex we have come to know. It is a bond on a deep spiritual plane. ms_manix, if you appreciate Yoga you could start learning the ways of tantric sex. It is a meditation of sex, in a way, directly involving the spirit into the act. Tantric sex is just like yoga, you have to work at it, except your partner also has to be practicing it. The combination of the two spiritual energies create a path for a cycle that goes beyond, way beyond, the orgasm. I highly recommend it.
I appreciate everyone's feedback! This is an awesome thread!

At this point in my life, I would absolutely require spiritual bonding as a part of crazy awesome sex. But, I am still on the hunt for said tantric sex partner. I believe I described him in another thread as:

Psychedelic Prince Charming will appear riding a giant Sonoran Desert Toad, wearing nothing but a garland of crystal skulls and one fig leaf. He will throw me, forcibly, over his shoulder and we will ride south to the Amazon and reside in his secret mango treehouse. We will intermittently feed each other mangoes by hand, ingest copious amounts of psychedelic plants, and have amazing, otherworldly sex.

^^Minxx's ultimate fantasy.

I would also settle for a gorgeous Thai man wise in the ways of Formosahuasca. Except, HE would live in a durian tree, be able to crack young coconuts with the powers of HIS MIND, and absolutely must have studied personally under Mantak Chia to know all the secrets of tantric sex and producing DMT endogenously.

So, I'm expanding my options.


I've met lots of guys, but, in interest of my own well-being, cultivating spaces of health, love, growth, and respect [total paradigm shift thanks to entheogens], when I consider even going on a date with a guy, I think I more or less (subconsciously) ask myself, would this guy even stand a shred of a chance as the father of my children? If the answer is a resounding NO!!!!!!!! then maybe... just maybe... it's not in my best interest to be having sex with the person. Picky... yes. In tune with my biology? Definitely. In conclusion, my sex drive is totally online and present, but in a most likely extremely fertile state (since I've adapted a fruit diet, my chest has gotten bigger... :shock: ), biologically, mating is also an investment.

And, sorry guys, I don't buy lottery tickets!!

Anyway... so I'm happy, healthy, happy to be healthy, happy with who and where I am... but always wondering... WHERE is Psychedelic Prince Charming?

Taking Evening Glory's advice, I am going to a psytrance music event. Maybe I should purposely leave behind one grass slipper. ;) Just before 1:11am and my bicycle turns back into a giant yopo seed!!
Ms Minx, it is possible to enjoy great sex without worrying if you're going to have a child. I'm just sayin. You can have if you want.
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