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DMT trip changed


Esteemed member
Greetings guys! I'm new on this forum, i would like to ask you all for your opinnion or if you have any explenation for my experience.
I smoked DMT through glass pipe about 25x. I experimented with it quite a little bit. I think i experienced a few entities, each giving me it's own one of a kind trip, but similarities change on about 5 trips i think. At the begining i saw demons if my eyes were open everytime in all faces shown on tv/pc. I mean...known faces literaly demonized with black eyes spilling out black blood and stuff....now, being a metalhead all my life i somehow wasn't scared as i was aware demons are all around us, also i often felt a cold breeze for no reason....i yelled at them that i wasn't scared of them and they should get lost while looking them serious straight in their black eyes...and how about that, i never saw them again in any trip anymore. From that moment on, there is such peace in my head that as an ADHD pearson i never had. Also i was able to overcome my amphetamines addiction and was astonished with what ease i could do it. Thank you Universe! :) Then trip changed to a more spicy one where i always got an erection as if i would swallow 10 viagra pills....won't go into details. Then a few trips were unbelievable even more, as i was somehow able to trigger myself into a second, more deeper trip which was short lasted but soo beautifull i can't describe it. The thing is i would always forget this "hypermode" state, but everytime i returned to it i remembered i was here a few times before. Then i started to leave notes to my "sober self". And when i read it, it just hit me....."that was probably an out of body experience". sort of blurry vision, but in complete detail, i felt i was floating around like a fish in an ocena :). And when that realization came i felt a warm sensation from within my chest and stomach and right after that just a state of bliss and pure joy. As i was crying from joy (i never cry) and tears bursting from my eyes like waterfall for 15min. That was the best feeling i have experienced my whole 38 years of my life.

Now the greatest mystery.....my last few trips are exactly the same, with my closed eyes just white and yellow geometric patterns, nothing special....but....with eyes open i see and feel my hands change to something alienlike. Large thick fingers, i even feel them growing in size. The palms emmit an orange glow in dark. Everything else looks perfectly normal, no halucinacions whatsoever....except for my hands! And some anciend mayan like symbols appear on my arms.....but i also have slightly differend eyevision.....everything is just a little bit smaller but more sharp and clear. Are they trying to tell me something? Tech me? I can't figure it out but i have a feeling those hands are filled with some form of energy but don't know what to do with them. Last 5 trips were exactly the same. Or is this a sign for me to put the pipe away for a while?

Thank you for reading my experience, i am eager to read your replies.
Hmmm, you may experience a hyperslap or lockout at some point. Really, the "demons" may have been meant as a hyperslap and you were just unphased by it.

However, DMT is a jester and a crapshoot. In some ways it seems like hyperspace is toying with you a bit.

What is your dose on these journeys?

One love
It's nice to hear that i make a fun hyperspace toy...

My dose was 30-50mg, i never really gone beyond that. Cheers!
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Hmmm, you may experience a hyperslap or lockout at some point. Really, the "demons" may have been meant as a hyperslap and you were just unphased by it.

However, DMT is a jester and a crapshoot. In some ways it seems like hyperspace is toying with you a bit.

What is your dose on these journeys?

One love
I'd interpret this experience as jesters toying with the user, rather than demons insisting on a hyperslap.

I don't think there is such a thing as "being unphased by it", because a bad trip is made of your own demons and fears. If they're "really bad", I don't think one can be unphased by them.

I've seen things that I would consider demons, but I think those were in fact DMT jesters playing with my fears, rather than demons that wanted to "exploit" those fears.
Ooooo idk, I've seen some dark stuff that didn't feel related to me. It was very alien. And idea that appeals to hyperspace being external to our minds I suppose. It's an example of why I don't amd can't pick a side lol

One love
Its hard to say what is going on there, but it wouldn't hurt to put the pipe down for a little while before proceeding further. If you are starting to have repeat experiences there's no need to keep flogging a dead horse. Take a bit of time to process things.. Doesn't sound like anything to be too concerned about - Maybe a wee rest is in order for a bit. Soon enough I'm sure hyperspace will have the next instalment for you to experience. :)
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Also, keep in mind - what you might perceive as external demonic forces could be something rather more internal. Entities can often take culturally recognizable forms to the voyager. Is that sort of imagery something that pops up much in your day to day? You mentioned your a metal head? Is that sort of imagery common in the culture around the music you listen to? I say this because I used to have entities present themselves in forms relevant to the context of my life at the time..

I tend not to really see any of the intelligences in hyperspace as demonic, but rather mirroring something of the self.. curious as to other's thoughts here..
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This is what I mean about how DMT is such a crapshoot.

DMT is so weird in my mind that there are times where entity contact seems to be part and parcel of ones own mind, while other times they seem external, like how you guys are to me now. I think DMT gives us both, not just one or the other, and deciding which is which depends on the context.

It also seems as though in times where it's external to the mind that hyperspace or entities somewhat present what they want to show predicated off of how your mind works. It's like knowing your audience: you'll make a point to another person based on where they are at, not necessarily how the idea rests in your mind.

Then there are times where it shows you the space how it wants to present it. Those are the hardest to make sense of.

I think the use of the term demonic can be appropriate relative to the connotations and associations one has to the term. To me, similar to Japanese cultural perspective, demons are neither inherently good nor inherently bad, but rather a specific terminology for a specific category of potential beings.

One love
Can one really shrug off hyperslaps easily?
I tend to agree with pantostao - "If they're "really bad", I don't think one can be unphased by them."

Also 30-50mg for me was a bye-bye dose, pretty much guaranteed BT, I quit smoking spice after 40mg trip.
Although you could easily asosiate these demonic faces with metal, i don't think there is any real connection. I think so because i as a metalhead am not to be linked to church or white satanism, nor slaugter or any similar tendencies, but rather one who opposes deception, sensless wars, tyranny, lies, and exposes true human origin, and all the non material existence which ordinary human doesn't have a clue. Demons are something which don't appear in my life, even in my dreams (but that is completely seperate topic do discuss). At least not in the way i saw them. Man you can't make this stuff up....it's very hard for me to believe that the whole experience is a projection from my brain. DMT has it's own intelligence, that is for sure. Pearsonaly, the DMT experience raises more questions than anwsers but i am very gratefull for it.

The interesting part is that i don't loose concuisness like in the beggining, and the trip is more interesting with eyes open, what's most interesting to me is the sharpness of my vision, and the astonishing clarity and detail. Everything the same, except my hands. First right, than left one. First time i was very frightened at first, but than i couldn't believe my eyes and was just staring at my hands. They were as real and normal as everyithing else. I could compare my left hand with my right and still just couldn't believe what i'm seeing. The more i got sober, the more they shrinked back to normal. I remember most of the imagery very clearly. Also palms had slight yellow/orange glow seen in dark. So fascinating.

I'm definitly putting my pipe away for some time. I know i've hit some kind of barrier here, which i feel i must figure it out. Is that a lesson or a possesion? It definitly have shown me the halucigenic term a new meaning.
Hey @DurhAneIbnge , I hope that you didn't feel from my post like I was downplaying your experience in any way. I certainly wasn't suggesting that your experiences should be reduced to a projection of the brain, or isn't real.. I think the DMT is every bit as real as normal waking life reality. Just a different kind of real. DMT seems very sensitive to a number of factors.. be it things in our external surroundings that have subtle influence on us day to day, our internal landscape etc... unresolved feelings .. often unique combinations of the above.. Other times seemingly detached from any of those things and bearing no relationship to anything familiar.. the true alien other,

And also was not my intention to stereotype metal music and the cultural iconography around it (I am a lover of metal myself). :)

I'll be interested to hear how your next experiences go. It sounds like what you are experiencing is definitely not the infamous lock out.. I suspect if its still giving you effects but has hit a wall in terms of changing content, then it is likely a lesson presenting itself to you..
Hey @DurhAneIbnge , I hope that you didn't feel from my post like I was downplaying your experience in any way. I certainly wasn't suggesting that your experiences should be reduced to a projection of the brain, or isn't real.. I think the DMT is every bit as real as normal waking life reality. Just a different kind of real. DMT seems very sensitive to a number of factors.. be it things in our external surroundings that have subtle influence on us day to day, our internal landscape etc... unresolved feelings .. often unique combinations of the above.. Other times seemingly detached from any of those things and bearing no relationship to anything familiar.. the true alien other,

And also was not my intention to stereotype metal music and the cultural iconography around it (I am a lover of metal myself). :)

I'll be interested to hear how your next experiences go. It sounds like what you are experiencing is definitely not the infamous lock out.. I suspect if its still giving you effects but has hit a wall in terms of changing content, then it is likely a lesson presenting itself to you..
No of course not don't worry....i may have expressed my self little awkwardly.... i'm sorry for my bad english
Well metal does have it's share of justified stereotypes, cause a lot of metal is not true....meaning does not emmit "the energy" i call it :) and also, metal has more subgenres than any other genre. I never get mad if people talk over metal, i know they don't hear the sound the way i do, therefore they do not understant it....but no offence taken whatsoever, everyone should listen to music they like. Some people can't understand that you can't just decide for yourself what music genre you like....you just do...right? :)

Thank you for welcome, a pleasure to join you :)

and for the metal thread, am eager to read it.

I will definitly report, but i am in no hurry for now :)
Ok guys this is getting really really weird. I did DMT one more time....exactly same thing as the last few trips. Sharper vision, everything a little smaller (like zoom out -10%) but normal....except for the alien/demonic humanoid hands. And the feeling when they grow is something so weird i have never experienced before. They emmit slight orange glow when dark and some ancient-like symbols are seen throughout the arm.

Here's a thing that happend.....after coming down from the trip i went to the bathroom to wash my hands and face....and when i open the sinkpipe, the water became foamy like for 1 second, reaching the edge of the sink instantly before starting to run normal again. I stoped and opened one more time and agaiin... it was instantly reaching till the edge of the sing in a foamy like way, after one second the flow was normal again.

I am officially freaked out. Would like to hear your thaughts
Maybe in the name of research, you should try masturbation with your alien/demonic humanoid hands. Just joking. But if you play an instrument you could try that and see what comes out.

I have had the same thing with DMT with my eyes open. A lot of seemingly alien information would scroll by on my computer screen, but the rest of the room was unaffected visually. It came with the distinct feeling that something was being transmitted.

About the water changing. Don't discount the possibility that you could have still been hallucinating.
It's quite difficult to get a boner with a such a creepy, strange physical sensation in my fingers like they are thickening and growing. But it is way stranger than it sounds....i can litteraly feel my tissue and bones mutating. The creepiest feeling in my life i'd guess. One time i had my eyes closed...and the visuals were just simple yellow/white geometric patterns. I could feel my hands mutate with eyes closed, i immidiately knew what was happening and boy i was right. Upon opening my eyes i just looked in astonishment while having the weirdest feeling like never before. I was actually affraid of looking myself in the mirror. Worth of mentening: i'm a 38 male metalhead 190cm 95kg and not affraid of a living thing, also quite a history of all kinds of psychadelics....i didn't have the guts to look in the mirror. When trip weared off i went to the bathroom and i looked normal. Then i opened the water and it freaked me out....i thought i was still halucinating and tried it again....and it foamed again. Never before that, never after that. At the beggining of DMT experience, same dosage would put me to sleep twice at least. I did dmt roughly 30 times, and now i'm kind of scared doing it again. But maybe that is not a bad thing :)
Something like this happened to me twice.
1st one : Third trip in a row, maybe 20mg in a GVG, one toke. Everthing around suddenly became very very still and sharp, and my hands started to move by themselves, i completlty freaked out and blocked the processus (what kind of processus i dont know but at that very moment it flet like possession maybe).
2d time : Few weeks ago (almost three years after the first one). I hit my e-mesh loaded with 16mg. Everything went sharp and still again, my hands raised up by themselves and started to float around. I was not scared this time and let the process happen. With each move the stillness around was changing in quality, i felt a strong power inside of my hands, inside of those moves. At first i thought that i was not in control but after some more inspection i was.
The feeling of possession plus the feeling of power inside felt like dark magic.
For few days i was really intrigued and a bit scared haha.
Then i remembered that when i was younger i was actually dancing a lot with my hands in bed ! and also i was at some point in my teenagehood doing those energy balls where you feel the magnetism growing and pushing your hands appart.
The energy ball feeling feels a lot like what i experienced, way weaker though.
So i started to try a thing : Dancing my hands so slowly that my hands decide the moves, not my brain, while at the same time "invoking" the feeling of the energy ball.
Every time i do it energy rises up and i feel better.
Dont know...

Actually it also happened many times where the feeling of being possessed was not there like instantly putting my hands in prayer, or above my head and doing some kind of mudra...

Those two times i described felt deifferent though

I dont know, maybe you should try to play with it ? Or back up for sometimes ? haha
I know, this feeling of :"was it me or ???? not ????? " is so unsettling; it feels that there is no good answer.
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