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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Couldn't find it in search except for other's experience with it, but how would SWIY compare the two? PerPLExED was told that "Dmt makes you see heaven, and some twisted fuck decided to make a chemical that makes you see hell so synthesized DPT". Ofcourse, PerpLexED understands that each time is even more bizarre than the last, and to say something like that is pure ridicule.
How would you compare the trips? Does one feel more natural / chemical / easier to manage / do they even compare? The more details the better ^^
Also, if there are any good posts SWIY knows of, please link those.
im not sure you can really even get it any more... all in all however, it never really seemed all that interesting...
for sure... its also orally active...
with a lot of the novel tryptamines i think its interesting so few are found in nature... SWIM in NOT one of those it can only be natural folks... but it seems that with a lot of the semisynthetics out there they can be rather far removed from the source enough so that it makes the experience, though novel as all hell, difficult to get much out of constructively...
SWIM recalls once at an entheo con taking some 2ct2 that was given to swim by shulgin and that was the number one insight it was farther removed from the source...
I always just heard that DPT was a darker trip..but many say that about salvia as well, and I find salvia facinating..so who knows..maybe I would like DPT. I would try it at least once anyway if I ever came across it.

I was really trying to find both DPT and AMT for a while..but I heard horrible things about AMT from people and they said DPT is well worth it..
it was dark for a moron like pinchbeck... the hack...
but i think for some it could be an interesting and effective thing to work with... but why is always the real question... whats your intention in working with it??
it was dark for a moron like pinchbeck... the hack...
but i think for some it could be an interesting and effective thing to work with... but why is always the real question... whats your intention in working with it??

AMT though is just a sort of tryptamine version of speed. makes things interesting... but there is really nothing there...
My intention would be to explore!..can't fight that damn curiousity..than I would go from there..maybe it could be used to heal or figure stuff out..maybe to explore dimensionality..

Each one of these things I have different uses for..salvia is like a gate to this other really strange dimension, or dimensions..can be healing but mostly I find it facinating..it's more of a alone at night solo shamanic journey..helps me contemplate the nature of reality and dimensionality, the spirit body etc.. good for meditation in micro doses as well

Spice smoked can be the same, or more of a group healing sort of thing when used in changa..

Aya and mushrooms, cactus can be the same as well in high doses, but also better for learning new things, healing, etc..

Just interested in finding a variety of tools to work with in my "medicine bag"...

I also just like collecting experiences:d ..gives me stuff to think about.

About AMT..thats what I was told about it as well. The only people I met that liked it were people that enjoyed amphetamines at raves...but I dont like speedy things really at all.
"it was dark for a moron like pinchbeck... the hack..."

..:d ..ya I enjoyed breaking open the head..but he's sorta iffy..2012 Ididn't really like. I never really liked his talks on you tube that much either..def no mckenna..I sort of think he rode in the wake of others ideas..kinda hard not to though I guess.

I remember he didn't like DPT at all..I read it along time ago but I think he felt like haunted by the spirits of it after or something..
Bancopuma posted an interesting DPT experience here. I belief he was pretty positive about the stuff, but at the same time it seemed as if he was also a bit scared by the strength of it.

It's probably harder for the mind to proces an experience produced by a molecule it doesn't know. Even if it triggers the same receptors.
DPT is very powerful stuff. It had a very different feel to DMT (obviously), and I was very aware that it was synthetic in nature. It was definitely interesting, and seems to have some form of chemical character, like LSD and all the 2C's do. Very electric and pushy. I think part of the DPT experience...at least at peak doses...is the experience of terror...experiencing terror can be a useful thing.

Fot me, 100mg+ snorted was like experiencing a cosmic tsunami or explosion, with ever more powerful waves of mandalas sweeping through me...there was also a notable yin yang feel to the experience...dark/light, joy/terror, agony/ecstasy, laughing/crying etc.

It definitely didn't seem to click as nicely into my receptors as neatly as DMT or 5-Meo-DMT...I was always aware that it was synthetic and had been altered by Man (and I'm not saying this from a naturals vs snythetics view point), so it felt a little abrasive in this regard. At this dosage the experience moved so quickly that it was almost like the fear never had time to build, you're never in one place for long, the experience unfolded so rapidly.

However, the peak of the experience, was to experience my mind completely out of control, somewhere else at the mercy of an incredible voltage running through my brain, along with the accompanying feelings of primal fear ('flight or fight') that went alongside this, and this being a new psychoactive, and I didn't know how far I was to go before I peaked.

However, while harrowing, surrendering control of your mind for a brief time, is liberating in itself. The peak ends very suddenly, and then one is in a very pleasant, and open after glow state for a few hours, still tripping, and chatting about deep or emotional things, but nothing compared to the onslaught experienced prior to this stage. I felt great the next day to.

If there was a next time I would meet DPT at a lower, 50-75mg dosage, to try and slow down the speed of it somewhat, so more may be brought away from the experience. I think some people may find it interesting and useful, but I do suspect that DMT may be of more use to the majority of us.
Thanks for the response bancopuma!how would you say it compared to DMT? Would you say its like entering hyperspace from a different angle? Or is it a different world altogether? Your experience reminds me of PerPLexED's shroom trips--they get very overwhelming and powerful during the peak, and then there's about a ~4 hour afterglow of enjoyment and playing in this new world...although it seems the two substances aren't even related (experience wise)
Well its hard to explain really in words. In some ways DMT feels 'sharper' than DPT...I was just aware that DPT wasn't natural, and so it seemed a little more abrasive, and not that friendly...but whatever the case, you are certainly exploring somewhere remarkably different on these two quite similar compounds. I would like to try it again in the future with a lower dose before making any conclusions...the only concrete thing can say is that both chemicals are VERY powerful and can trigger some very intense and unusual states of mind.
PerPLExED is unsure of how to obtain DPT, but he hopes to try and adventure both worlds and get the most out of each. With salvia, since it doesn't do much with dopamine(as many other drugs do and cause feeling of euphoria), it results in similar feelings as those described of DPT. Where can information be obtained on the substance and how it works on the brain?
If I were you I would do a Google search...DPT has actually been quite well studied I think, and has been used in therapy to ease the anxieties of terminal cancer patients.
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