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DMT - What is it?

Migrated topic.

Master of plants

Master of plants
I started this topic, because I haven´t seen any senseful, descriptive topic on this theme.
So, from an anthropological p. o. v., DMT is a drug, an most powerful & ubiquitous natural halucinogene, producing in the modern society a specific subculture.
As is mentioned in this forum somewhere, members of the DMT subculture are hardly pioneers of this drug, maybe in a post-modern democracy. Use of DMT, by the etnography, is as old as the mankind itself.
Derivative of DMT, an 5-hydroxy-tryptamine/serotonine, is endogenously present in the human brain, probably causing lucid dreams.
DMT is applied perorally/intravenously, of which experience leasts about 15 minutes, invoking strong halucinations/inteligent extraterrestrial meetings.
Maybe all. Your turn.
Smoke it, then you'll understand what dmt is. It's as difficult to describe it as it is to describe what a zebra is to a blind person that has never seen a horse.

But I guess you are looking for a specific description? You already gave some descriptions from a sociological and a pharmacological point of view.

Let's better go to the dmt experience point of view!
Exactly, It really is indescribable. It's something that you have to experience yourself, Especially that feeling you get when you enter this realm, the feeling that I've been there before. You absolutely can't explain it. But then it's so real. Just as real as our waking reality. CraZY!
Master of plants said:
I started this topic, because I haven’t seen any senseful, descriptive topic on this theme.

What theme are you referring to? You started off stating some different facts and some opinions on DMT...but they were all very scattered.

I'm not really sure what you are looking for. There are many, many posts that describe the effects of DMT (a whole subform dedicated to it in fact!). If you are looking for a more anthropological definition you need to search ayahuasca forums as this is it's traditional use and we deal mainly (but not exclusively) with extracted dmt.

If you are looking for physical traits of the chemical, wikipedia has some info. Merck has alot more.

Again, I'm not quite sure what you are looking for. If you can be a little more specific in your question I imagine we can help you find the answers you are looking for.

Master of plants said:
Derivative of DMT, an 5-hydroxy-tryptamine/serotonine, is endogenously present in the human brain, probably causing lucid dreams.

While not a derivative of DMT serotonin is certainly used in the body for many things, but we really don’t know what causes lucid dreaming. Some have attributed it to melatonin, some to endogenous DMT, but I have not heard anyone saying serotonin was the most likely cause. Could you please state a source or reference?

We are a diverse “subculture” as you put it and are for the most part a pretty happy community of DMT enthusiasts. Welcome!
Ronue said:
Smoke it, then you'll understand what dmt is. It's as difficult to describe it as it is to describe what a zebra is to a blind person that has never seen a horse.

But I guess you are looking for a specific description? You already gave some descriptions from a sociological and a pharmacological point of view.

Let's better go to the dmt experience point of view!

Well thanx, but it is impossible for me to get the clear DMT, and at home there aren´t for the extraction possibilities anyway, so I´ll have to wait and dream...😉 And afterall, it´s illegal, actually (or maybe, because I´m not the m*fukin´ lawyer, you know :).
Exactly, It really is indescribable. It's something that you have to experience yourself, Especially that feeling you get when you enter this realm, the feeling that I've been there before. You absolutely can't explain it. But then it's so real. Just as real as our waking reality. CraZY!

Your note, citing, ,,the feeling that I´ve been there before", sounds interesting. Can you please make it more concrete? Thanx.:)
Ronue said:
Smoke it, then you'll understand what dmt is. It's as difficult to describe it as it is to describe what a zebra is to a blind person that has never seen a horse.

But I guess you are looking for a specific description? You already gave some descriptions from a sociological and a pharmacological point of view.

Let's better go to the dmt experience point of view!

No, I´m not looking for further informations, I´m looking for direct experience :). Maybe I gave what You wrote I gave, though I´m hardly sociologist/pharmacologist, but DMT has many scientific/artistic consequences, it´s revolution in human culture, in fact. What I´m trying to do is look at this ,,just-another-drug" in relation to anthropology 101, though I´m hardly... :) In mainstream anth., You´ll hardly find serious discussion about drugs, so I, though hardly scientist, nor humanistic scientist, founded botanical anthropology/overindividual psychology, ´cause paleoanthropology/etnography simply isn´t enough. I just want to know, in what relationship is this xy/It doesn´t exist drug to the Homo sapiens sapiens. I do not want to say nonsenses, but as the mankind is moving into the hyperspace, the urge on anth. to light us the way is bigger & ...
I´m interesting in the whole plant/man (because man is just a plants strange symbiont, you know 😉) symbiotic relationship, because it´s m*fukin interesting and I have to choose a job :). For example, on the island of Jamaica, cannabis is producing rastafarianism, the attractive & sexy version of dead & empty catholic rite, religion for the lovers of reggae. Mentioning cannabis & catholicism, I´ ve read in one drawing book, that the frankincense contains cannabis...
Seems like plants are producing subcultures.
Most of common people does not have relationship to the plants, but to the killer alchohol/tobbaco/TV drugs, because they are under ideological influence of what anth. would call, citing, ,,dominator culture". I haven´t believe that such a thing really is, until I have seen the images from Zimbabwe (government killing its citizens). But DMT simply takes ideology and dissolve her, which is the reason for its illegality. It´s an anti-ideological drug. Man/plant relationship is pretty important, ´cause use & abuse of drugs is one of the defining aspects of humans, like sexuality (which are closely connected, in fact). It is a question of health.
So much for the man/plant thing, thanx for attention :) .

Yeah, I would like to do this anyway, but society says Just say no, you know.

But thanx for Your opinion! :)
Thanx 4 yr ops 2 all of you, guys! U r really ,,The Real McCoy!" :) DMT Nexus is the proof!
1 thing I would add, alert me whenewer I use Your language in a wrong manner, English really isn´t my m*fukin mother language, you ´now.:) My English is more english, King's English, though sometimes slangish. So much for the senseful communication. :)
The first thing i would do is not call dmt a drug. sure its affects can be similar to that of other psychedelics which i would call drugs but dmt is on another level than any drug. Hell dmt is on another level than anything else in this 3 dimensional time space world. I mean nothing in the world comes close to dmt...nothing. It has by far blown away any experience ones had even blown right past sex and love and human emotion. And im sorry but it is kinda indescribable and i wish i could figure out what it is...symbolically to me it is a key and a portal to another dimension. but past that i mean u cant describe it it is not of this world.
its very difficult to describe the DMT experience. but DMT is a molecule with a known molecular structure and it interacts with receptors in the brain and these receptors and neurotransmitter systems are involved in your ability to interpret the world around you. thats why it feels so real and thats why it changes your perception. that makes DMT a drug in the sense its a substance that alters the normal baseline functioning of your brain.

whether or not it is really transporting your mind or consciousness into another real dimension is a big what if and personal experience alone SWIM doesn't believe can appropriately answer this question. Many people disagree with SWIM on this but thats why it makes these discussions so interesting :)

as far as the human plant relationship realize these are just secondary metabolite compounds that the plant is making to interact with the world around it. they are for defense or chemical communication. the fact that some of these compounds interact with the human brain is a consequence of how evolution worked itself out. humans do need to learn to appreciate and recognize the value of plants and realize our life is dependent 100% on plants however because that is a fundamental truth.

about frankensence or however you spell it is a resin from a plant and has nothing to do with cannabis, perhaps people mixed cannabis preparations with it but it doesnt matter there is tons of evidence for the use of Cannabis by numerous ancient cultures. people looking for information about Cannabis in the bible are just trying to use religion as an excuse to justify its use. which is a legit justification for using it but if the religion is bogus why make up a bogus ritual to color it? its a safe plant and thats why it should be legal, religion should have nothing to do with such a discussion. rastafarians claim emporer salasi (or however you spell his name) was the messiah but if you ask him or his family they will say otherwise so its kind of a rediculous religion although their respect for nature and animal life is admirable.
Master of plants said:
Maybe I gave what You wrote I gave, though I´m hardly sociologist/pharmacologist, but DMT has many scientific/artistic consequences, it´s revolution in human culture, in fact.
1 thing I would add, alert me whenewer I use Your language in a wrong manner, English really isn´t my m*fukin mother language, you ´now.:) My English is more english, King's English, though sometimes slangish. So much for the senseful communication. :)

Just trying to help by pointing out an issue with your english :p that sentence above doesnt really make much sense... Unless its just me but I'm not too sure what you were saying.. sorry!

I'll be taking up an anthropology unit next semester at university... 'Drugs across Cultures'. In it they'll deal with many issues dealing with drugs including shamanism and divination through plant based entheogens.
DMT means "access data" to death as well as birth.
on peakoil.com nobody ever responds to my picture posts, you are the first to ever ever comment and this since five years!

Where are you located, in Europe?
Good news, let's connect Europe with Canada, exclude the US of A (generally under the impression of being "very close" to the Allmighy). I move between Germany and Switzerland with Swiss as the home base, a good country!
"symbolically to me it is a key and a portal to another dimension"

^essentially this is what I consider it be. Although I may drop the word "symbolically" and just flat our state that I believe it to be "a key and portal to other dimensions". This comes from all that I have read of course... :)
moracca said:
Master of plants said:
Maybe I gave what You wrote I gave, though I´m hardly sociologist/pharmacologist, but DMT has many scientific/artistic consequences, it´s revolution in human culture, in fact.
1 thing I would add, alert me whenewer I use Your language in a wrong manner, English really isn´t my m*fukin mother language, you ´now.:) My English is more english, King's English, though sometimes slangish. So much for the senseful communication. :)

Just trying to help by pointing out an issue with your english :p that sentence above doesnt really make much sense... Unless its just me but I'm not too sure what you were saying.. sorry!


Thank You, what I´m trying to say is that DMT has way too many aspects even to mention.
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