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DMT - What is it?

Migrated topic.
varun said:
I'll be taking up an anthropology unit next semester at university... 'Drugs across Cultures'. In it they'll deal with many issues dealing with drugs including shamanism and divination through plant based entheogens.

This does interest me. Could you stop after and make a few notes? Please.
Master of plants said:
Ronue said:
Smoke it, then you'll understand what dmt is. It's as difficult to describe it as it is to describe what a zebra is to a blind person that has never seen a horse.

But I guess you are looking for a specific description? You already gave some descriptions from a sociological and a pharmacological point of view.

Let's better go to the dmt experience point of view!

No, I´m not looking for further informations, I´m looking for direct experience :). Maybe I gave what You wrote I gave, though I´m hardly sociologist/pharmacologist, but DMT has many scientific/artistic consequences, it´s revolution in human culture, in fact. What I´m trying to do is look at this ,,just-another-drug" in relation to anthropology 101, though I´m hardly... :) In mainstream anth., You´ll hardly find serious discussion about drugs, so I, though hardly scientist, nor humanistic scientist, founded botanical anthropology/overindividual psychology, ´cause paleoanthropology/etnography simply isn´t enough. I just want to know, in what relationship is this xy/It doesn´t exist drug to the Homo sapiens sapiens. I do not want to say nonsenses, but as the mankind is moving into the hyperspace, the urge on anth. to light us the way is bigger & ...
I´m interesting in the whole plant/man (because man is just a plants strange symbiont, you know 😉) symbiotic relationship, because it´s m*fukin interesting and I have to choose a job :). For example, on the island of Jamaica, cannabis is producing rastafarianism, the attractive & sexy version of dead & empty catholic rite, religion for the lovers of reggae. Mentioning cannabis & catholicism, I´ ve read in one drawing book, that the frankincense contains cannabis...
Seems like plants are producing subcultures.
Most of common people does not have relationship to the plants, but to the killer alchohol/tobbaco/TV drugs, because they are under ideological influence of what anth. would call, citing, ,,dominator culture". I haven´t believe that such a thing really is, until I have seen the images from Zimbabwe (government killing its citizens). But DMT simply takes ideology and dissolve her, which is the reason for its illegality. It´s an anti-ideological drug. Man/plant relationship is pretty important, ´cause use & abuse of drugs is one of the defining aspects of humans, like sexuality (which are closely connected, in fact). It is a question of health.
So much for the man/plant thing, thanx for attention :) .

Yeah, I would like to do this anyway, but society says Just say no, you know.

But thanx for Your opinion! :)
Thanx 4 yr ops 2 all of you, guys! U r really ,,The Real McCoy!" :) DMT Nexus is the proof!
1 thing I would add, alert me whenewer I use Your language in a wrong manner, English really isn´t my m*fukin mother language, you ´now.:) My English is more english, King's English, though sometimes slangish. So much for the senseful communication. :)


the master of
varun said:
I'll be taking up an anthropology unit next semester at university... 'Drugs across Cultures'. In it they'll deal with many issues dealing with drugs including shamanism and divination through plant based entheogens.

I am waiting with great excitement to see what you post from your studies, highly interesting. Anthropology interests me greatly especially enthogen use across cultures.

Much Peace
albente said:
DMT means "access data" to death as well as birth.

Absolutely beautiful........ :d

Much Peace
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