soulfood said:
Bringing sceptical science into this, although I'm pretty sure humans can emit waves that can be detected, I know of no mechanism in the human brain to receive and decode such waves.
To me it seems humans have a way of rationalising the strange or seemingly un-explainable in the simplest of ways.
Long distance telepathy seems totally out of the question in the scientific realm for sure.
I have experienced phenomena which at the time I thought could be telepathy, but only on 2 occasions and I've been on this planet for 34 years. If telepathy was a human mechanism you would think it would be experienced much more often than this. Therefore I believe such instances to be coincidental.
It could also be that there is nothing supernatural going on at all.
I think that most people who've taken psychedelics will have had experiences where they felt that they where realy being bombarded with much more sensory input than they where able to comprehend. There are even debates going on here about whether "hyperspace is real". And well, the people who believe that it is real, usually defend their position by saying that what they experienced was so complex, so rich and so sophisticated, that they couldn't possibly have created all of it themselves. While if you look at it from a materialist perspective, your reply would probably be that maybe the counscious part of their brain couldn't, but the subcounscious part MUST have been responsible.
So what i'm saying is that, maybe the subcounscious part of our brain is being bombarded with these extreme amounts of sensory input all the time. And maybe it is capable of processing much, much more data than we could possibly comprehend with our counscious minds.
So that we're able to derive conclusions that seem impossible to us.
Like in the case of my friend an the rainbow photograph. Well, maybe i saw the weatherforecast in the corner of my eye, and maybe that made me realise on a subcounscious level that the wheatherconditions for rainbows where optimal in the place where he lives. And maybe i also knew the character of my friend well enough to be able to predict that he wouldn't let the chance of making a nice photo of it, go by. So then it totally made sense to expect a rainbow photo.
And while it may seem far fetched that our brains are capable of such incredible "sherlock holmes-like" data processing...does it still look that far fetched if you take into consideration that it in all likelyhood IS totally capable of creating worlds that we think are way too complex for a simple brain to create, and is constantly being fed with these very, very extreme amounts of sensory information?
I mean, the brain on a subcounscious level, clearly is capable of things that seem almost impossible for us to comprehend, on a counscious level.