Yes and when focused on one point as in daranha meditation, one of the 8 limbs of yoga, all that distractive energy builds into a cone behind that I've noticed, which is sacred geometry as Dan Winter describes as phase conjugation, at the point of the focus then the consciousness seems to even see the body as a small destractive force and begin to really see clarvoyantly. I believe this is how Leadbedder and Bassant (sp?) were able to correctly model the atom as it's made up by quarks, a model shown 200 or so years before it could be supported as an actual true model. I personally saw part of my merkaba doing this. Also coming out of the dome of lightworker elves there was an egg shape involved in my exit,the egg being also a geometry involved with the phase conjugation come. The egg grew from the center once I asked "where am I in all of this" to which my ego answered by replacing my pinpoint perspective with a behind closed eay lid perspective where I could see an egg in the center growing and spinning to encompass the vision, then stop and begin to fade away. The ego called upon what I believe to be second level consciousness terms, and binding as such.
That egg is like a magical space inside me, some sort of vortex mechanism entered by focused dissociation and exited by attentional affinity choice. Therefore it may suggest that a shamanic helper might be able to guide, facilitate, and extend the visions of another person who was able to enter that magic focused dissociation vortex in order to potentially keep from 're-entering' or 'rebirthing' into the 'ego' perspective where our words define us in such ways as they do. Since we do not have a solid next level language, such as a visual or telepathic language we use when communicating with beings in that magic space, more abstract rhythms can be used to build attentional filters, rather than words we have associated meeting to.
I'd really like to see if our hyperspace lexicon has any words that help us build affinities on the next level of consciousness (defined by a more accurate self recognition (phi ratio) while in samadhi). Most of the words we use are similar in that they describe 3rd level things in a way that we understand in this ego bound way. If we found words that bound us to the next level of self realization well then we wouldn't need dmt would we?
Here's what I've found, and why I believe we need to update the lexicon to include archetypal imagery as a separate and distinct section: when doing a mantra (peyote experience) I would realize I lost my mantra as I came back to this regular 2nd level perspective. I didn't realize how Id even entered the visionary state. I decided to pay attention to the moment I lost my mantra, and you know what it was?
A stream of images, though one was viewed at a time, then it would fade and the whole process was a distraction. Therefore I realized if I would just focus on whatever image pops up instead (remember we can choose to focus on any such 'word') THAT would be my mantra, even if it faded below and sort of threshold of what could be called vivid. The fade happens in an instant after the vivid flash of the image, and the focus is put on imagining the detail of the image as though is was as vivid as it was when it was a spark of intuition. Yes, a spark of intuition.
Then what happened is while fucuasong during the fade, at the same moment that during a mantra I would be distracted into vividness, with the image mantra at this moment I was actually pushed INTO the perspective OF The image and it became a specific vision based on the image, and I got the healing from it I needed. Some might call this transmutation where archetypal seed energy is alchemically transformed by fully experiencing it, as it blooms. The fruit of that flower of life is the outcome, the step forward we make on our journey.
Apparently the visual mantra is called a yantra, and we don't see this term used much, accept with the sri yantra. I feel this may be a lost art. Art is all about alchemical perspective.