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Doing a one step final and total clean up.

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I'm not 100% satisfied with my cleanliness procedure and results. Can I combine the two suggestions in the FAQ into one step doing a carbonate wash with acetone instead of dissolving, carbonate wash, evap, dissolve, acetone evap?

I'm still not certain on which solvents work where.
Well the acetone normaly is used to make changa. Therefore you dissolve your dmt in acetone and let it soak in the herbs.
For cleaning your crystals with the carbonate wash you need to dissolve the dmt in naphta and mix it with sodium carbonate water mixture...seperate...evap a bit...freeze. voilà you got cleaned dmt crystals. At this point they are totally fine to smoke.
Sooo as already mentioned acetone is only needed to make changa at this point.
Asher7 said:
I'm still not certain on which solvents work where.

Non polars.Tone is no good in Na2CO3 washes because it is miscible with water.Sure tone could work for a final re-x... but only if you like goo instead of crystals :)
*edit - When you write this, "Sure tone could work for a final re-x... but only if you like goo instead of crystals", why would they recommend it to be used for a final re-x in the FAQ if it's going to result in goo?

From the FAQ: Remember that regardless of washing, its still very important to make sure there are no solvent traces in your spice, which can be done with thorough air drying, or redissolving your dmt in a non-toxic (or less toxic) solvent like ethanol, or pure IPA/Acetone, and evapping that again

With my two experiences vaping I was left with a slight headache feeling. Not bad but noticeable and didn't know if it's the stimulating aspect of the experience or potential leftovers in my final product. There is no smell however other than the slight floral scent that has been mentioned. I'm getting a pretty good body load from what I'm vaping so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the cause of the slight headache.

Just for the record here are my results. Left is after a wash using lye, right is second extraction and you can see where the bottom is cleaner than the top. I'm vaping what was pulled with the bottom right now.

(Can't load a pic)
Here goes,

*Edit - lol ok, the left jar is what I said it is and the right lar you can see on it's left side the later yellower more clumped up pulls and on it's right side the first lighter more powdery pulls. It got mixed up when I flipped it over for the pic.


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One last pic and then I'll drop the subject. Smell is slightly floral, like an older woman's perfume. Not sure how you would gauge if lye is present.

Carbonate wash, yea or nay?


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Pressence of lye would only be indicated by brown spots (i.e bark soup infiltrations at the pull stage. NaOH/sodium of any kind is not soluble in nps)So lye would be present in your end product only in the case of sloppy pulling technique.

The body load is most of the time associated with improper vaping/smoking technique. Usually such symptoms arise upon burning the extracts.

My advice, if there are brown specks present in your extract do a wash and a re-x with nps. Also try and perfect your vaping/smoking technique, remember convection over conduction!

Edit: Also if you want purer/whiter extracts, use less heat next time you extract, let the base solution cool down before you add it, and allow longer separation times. Also slow cooling and freeze precip should be added as an extra purity step.
Asher7 said:
One last pic and then I'll drop the subject. Smell is slightly floral, like an older woman's perfume. Not sure how you would gauge if lye is present.

Carbonate wash, yea or nay?

Giving it a closer inspection, if all is at least a uniform colour without dark spots, i'd feast on it as is! 😁
It's all a uniform color and when doing pulls I only pull off about half the naptha each time to keep good distance between the base and naptha. I suppose it's fine.

I didn't know that about body load and temp. I had my vaporizer set at 50 watts where I normally vape e-juice so it very well could be too high. I'll lower it to 30 and see if that changes things. Either way there may be some benefit to switching from one hit over to three or four. Ducdevil posted about the possible delayed onset of effects using this roa. I've yet to use fire/changa/crystal but can vouch for there being plenty of time to get 3 solid hits before any effects and a potential for 2+ more once they do start setting in so it very well may be that I'm burning it too hot. I had the initial mindset of ingestion being a race and hadn't thought about turning down the heat. If it makes a noticeable change I'll post it up here just for future referrence to anyone who may stumble across this. Thank you sir.
I would definetly do a wash. Looks like something came across. How did you seperate the layers at the extraction ?

You should NOT use Sodium BIcarbonate. Make sure it's sodium carbonate Na2CO3.
I heard from a friend that he lost quite a lot of his yield after doing the wash with BIcarbonate.

Some guys add NaCl to the sodium carbonate water to lower the risk of emulsion. But I didn't and was totally fine. Also there was no goo left behind. Only beautiful cleaned shining white crystals.

Good luck mate

The way I separated was by pouring the naptha out of the bowl into a pyrex measuring cup with a little spout and then let it settle again and then pour the naptha into a pyrex baking dish for evap. I can't see how any of the sludge would have gotten out since there were what I assume was plant fats that looked like little oil bubbles sitting atop the base mixture so I had to make sure they didn't come across by pouring only half the naptha into the dish. Then I would pour everything left in the cup back into my main bowl and add more naptha to it.

When in the evap dish I would check for anything and it was always clear. Also the layers would separate pretty quickly and then I would either wait a few hours or overnight from the last stir to make sure anything too small for eyes to see would fall just to be sure nothing was in there.

As pulls added up they would gradually become yellower. My first extract was pretty brown though so I did the equivalent of a carbonate wash but used lye instead.

In the FAQ it says you can shake it when doing a carbonate wash and no emulsions will form, is that not correct?
It looks absolutely fine as is, it would be very noticeable if lye was in there.
You could always do a re-xtal to clean some of the fats and oils out of it, but you will lose considerable weight.

Enjoy it as is, I'm sure it'll get ya where you want to go :thumb_up:
Am I right in thinking if I do a re-x I'll lose some of the other alkaloids that are present and get strictly dmt? I don't mind losing fats etc. but wanted to keep all the psychoactive alkaloids included.

*Edit - I also read that some people actually prefer a little fat in there, theory being it protects the dmt a little from the heat of vaporizing it. Is there any solid proof of that being true?
Could be fine...could also be dirty and harsh. In fact you don't know why it's that dark. So. ..safety first

Did you guys hear about the new incredients of vm&p naphtha. That stuff ruins your yield. There are a few batches of that naphta which is not good to use. Could also be with other solvents.

I think the solution should be this...

-evap. test your solvent..did you already do that?

-Mix your solvent with 5% vinegar. Let the layers seperate. If the vinegar stays cloudy your solvent is not good

-wash your yield. Safety first ;)

-smoke that stuff

I heard about that reading an lsa extract. I don't think it was mentioned what it is they're putting in there or how it works though. I did another evap test, this time a larger amount on an inverted sauce jar and it came out clean so my solvent is good. I also took a razor blade and finely chopped everything up and let it sit out for awhile just incase something was trapped inside the crystals. All in all I think its good to go. On my last pull I put my bowl inside a pot and run warm water around it and pull some extra yellow so it may just be that. Plus I evaped this batch so it may be some oxidation as well.

The vapor is smooth. The taste is a little funky but not like chemicals. I think dmt may just taste a little funky naturally. If I get a wild hare I may do a wash on half and try to get it white as possible and freeze precipitate so I can compare effects between the yellow and white.

I'm also going to try a caapi extraction and encapsulate some of that and some dmt and see if I can get some oral activity going when I have a few days off. That should be interesting.
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