*edit - When you write this, "Sure tone could work for a final re-x... but only if you like goo instead of crystals", why would they recommend it to be used for a final re-x in the FAQ if it's going to result in goo?
From the FAQ: Remember that regardless of washing, its still very important to make sure there are no solvent traces in your spice, which can be done with thorough air drying, or redissolving your dmt in a non-toxic (or less toxic) solvent like ethanol, or pure IPA/Acetone, and evapping that again
With my two experiences vaping I was left with a slight headache feeling. Not bad but noticeable and didn't know if it's the stimulating aspect of the experience or potential leftovers in my final product. There is no smell however other than the slight floral scent that has been mentioned. I'm getting a pretty good body load from what I'm vaping so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the cause of the slight headache.
Just for the record here are my results. Left is after a wash using lye, right is second extraction and you can see where the bottom is cleaner than the top. I'm vaping what was pulled with the bottom right now.
(Can't load a pic)