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Draw the elves and win a prize!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Hi there, The prize for best drawing of the DMT hyperspace fractal elf fluid (in fluid state)
is some peganum harmala seeds (free!)

Extra points for hi-rezolution, or animation. Extra EXTRA points for animation!

i would like to see your interpretation of what the elf-fluid looks like, as they
come towards you in the typical ooze type fashion.

If anyone can create an animation and capture the actual, distinctive, motion of
the beginnings of a dmt journey, Extra extra points.

Post attachments here.
p.s this is because I beleive we all see the same thing (roughly) and i'd like to
verify it.



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  • coylyTrappingsAcoylianoSpiralanio_juicer_lewlab_co..pdf
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these are all such CRUDE approximations of something which is essentially reproducable, if only I had the graphics skills... :(

but this one reminds me intensely of something swim saw on DMT -

but except expressed in purple / blue tones, very subtle, but like a slowly undulating carpet of eyes. with THAT kind of shape to it.


  • coylyTrappingsAcoylianoSpiralanio_juicer_lewlab_co..pdf
    1,014.1 KB · Views: 0
LOL yeah

It looks sort of simmelar to the elves though. I can't see how somone with some photoshop skills can't make me a small patch of those hexagon geometric little buggers.

why not!? WHY HASNT THIS BEEN DONE!? lol
Concerning the cat pictures. There is speculation that the artist Louis Wain's schizophrenia might have been precipitated by cats! An infection that cats carry called toxoplasmosis might cause parasitic brain infection in humans that could lead to schizophrenia.

Even more interesting is that the schizophrenia may be related to excess production of endocannabinoids (cannabinoid like substances produced by the body). But its just a hypothesis. There is substantial evidence that endocannabinoids are related to psychotic behavoir but I hate the way scientists and psychologists define "psychotic" behavoir. Basically if you feel high its equivalent to being psychotic according to some really stupid psychologists out there.
burnt said:
Concerning the cat pictures. There is speculation that the artist Louis Wain's schizophrenia might have been precipitated by cats! An infection that cats carry called toxoplasmosis might cause parasitic brain infection in humans that could lead to schizophrenia.

Even more interesting is that the schizophrenia may be related to excess production of endocannabinoids (cannabinoid like substances produced by the body). But its just a hypothesis. There is substantial evidence that endocannabinoids are related to psychotic behavoir but I hate the way scientists and psychologists define "psychotic" behavoir. Basically if you feel high its equivalent to being psychotic according to some really stupid psychologists out there.

Maybe a year ago or so I read an article that tracked his artwork over time. His favorite subjects where obviously cats but what is weird is that when you look at his images over time they start pretty tame and as the years progressed they become more fractilized and abstract until you can barely tell that its a cat at all.
burnt said:
Concerning the cat pictures. There is speculation that the artist Louis Wain's schizophrenia might have been precipitated by cats! An infection that cats carry called toxoplasmosis might cause parasitic brain infection in humans that could lead to schizophrenia.

Even more interesting is that the schizophrenia may be related to excess production of endocannabinoids (cannabinoid like substances produced by the body). But its just a hypothesis. There is substantial evidence that endocannabinoids are related to psychotic behavoir but I hate the way scientists and psychologists define "psychotic" behavoir. Basically if you feel high its equivalent to being psychotic according to some really stupid psychologists out there.

Very interesting, though i don't think its to common for humans to get infected.
Ive had cats almost my whole life and im fine but very fasinating post.
I think with people going psychotic from smoking ganja really depends on the type of person you are. I mean there are some people who take acid once and never come back. Also a lot of scientists say any enthogen can cause brain damage which of course that is nonsense. Enthogens cause changes in the chemical levels of the brain not brain damage.

Thank You :d

Much Peace
ohayoco said:
Hahaha the guy who draws cats isn't mad, he's just got an awesome tryptamine imbalance in his brain!
He is his own entheogen!
Dude! I would agree 100%! I wonder if the dude had ever taken tryptamines before he went "psychotic"? Absolutely amazing picture!
I think it blows me away soooooooooo much because I once saw a real cat, while on an extremely strong P. Azurescense trip, that pretty much looked the same! Different colors, and not the exact same fractal / geometric patterns, but generally exactly the same in the sense that no part of the cat was "typical" cat, its entire being was made up of psychedelic patterns and colors. The similarity gives me shivers down my spine.

The same night my house, at one point, looked like this as well. I was standing in the neighbors yard, looking at my house, and it too was completely fractalized just like this. No hint whatsoever of the "real" materials or colors that the house was made of in "normal" states of mind.

Absolutely incredible! I'll have to read up some more on Louis Wain for sure!! Wow!

imPsimon said:
Here's a youtube video with loius wains cat paintings=)
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! That blew my mind!

Oh and about the toxoplasmosis thing, there is a brain virus that many cat owners catch off their cats (I think it's 50% of cat owners, not sure, and I don't know if it's the same virus already being discussed). This virus was unknown not long ago because it has few symptoms... but then they found that it caused owners to take more risks than uninfected people. While this can be bad sometimes, there can also be advantages to risk-taking, especially when it comes to socially desired things like success in amassing fortunes etc. And what this made me think is that we only ever identify viruses when they make us ill. There must also be viruses that improve us... like a happiness virus, that makes your body release more feelgood chemicals than it used to. Or a trippy virus, that makes your bodyrelease more of the spiritual chemicals! Viruses are always splicing their DNA in with ours, it's actually now recognised as a component of evolution. Something to think about eh! ;)
Awsome link imPsimon thanks!

The second to last one it showed (first pic you posted up top) strongly resembles the elves I encountered on my first expadition to hyperspace.
The little guy on the bottom right looks almost like the olny being i have seen 1 time out of guessing 100 maybe. The guy was behind a neon coloured bar seemed to be about 3ft tall. The communication i got was no reason to worry all is ok. It took about 2weeks before I remember that part of the trip. He was glowing like neon light and so was the bar and suroundings.
funkatron9000 said:
Awsome link imPsimon thanks!

The second to last one it showed (first pic you posted up top) strongly resembles the elves I encountered on my first expadition to hyperspace.

That's why I posted it. They came out, oozed sexilly out, as Tee Mc Cee described. Im glad you share my view, those pictures are a kinda rough guess. Its a bit like trying to find an exact, scientific match for something but all you have is large pixelated soft toys to choose from; There are so many different aspects to an experience..
richierich_931 said:
imPsimon said:
Here's a youtube video with loius wains cat paintings=)
That video is totally crazy !!!
Absolutely amazing video! It really makes you stop and consider what "schizophrenia" or "insanity" really is. Is it just a tryptamine imbalance like was already suggested? What knowledge of our consciousness could be learned from people with these conditions? Just amazing, so many questions unanswered!

Thanks for sharing that!
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