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Dreaming of Chaliponga

Migrated topic.
yeah but notice how they are two completely different plants.. you cant judge alkaloid content of one plant by knowing the one of another, even if they are from the same supplier! It's not gonna be the end of the world if you have another weak experience, you can top the dosage same day or next day or whenever, and I personally think its much more prudent to start low than to go frustrated from last experience and maybe go overboard and then get a 'beating' and depending on the set and setting even have a very negative experience.

I say this not from a moralist or exagerated point, I have done this myself of taking too much aya with my suppositions and expectations, and I learned a lot from these experiences, so you will do what you must do.. But still, being prudent is never bad, its not like the last experience of your life.

as for the eating, good for you to eat healthy in general, I also think thats the way to go! But independent of this, rue has things that are not related to their MAOI action, but rather alkaloids and oils that give nausea.. But if you enjoy it, then do go ahead and have a good time :) I'd rather take caapi instead or then extracted alkaloids from rue.

And the pH, im not sure, I think if its like higher than 7,5 then its definitely no good, but im not sure how much lower it has to be to be ok...
yage said:
I will use mineral water. My last trip with 50 gr of psychotria was very weak and for this reason i think to use 10 gr. cabrerana.
I'm very careful with MAOI. I only eat some vegetables and some nuts (not peanuts).
Generally i'm raw fooder, so MAOI is not problem for me.
What p.h. must be water (mineral water in my case)?
Thanks ;)

I would be careful there..10 grams chali can be really really powerful if it's good stuff..you simply can not compare it to chacruna..chalipinga contains DMT and 5meo..along with maoi's...

Chali can throw you into really strange thought loops..
fractal enchantment said:
Chali can throw you into really strange thought loops..

Yes... I've had that before... feels like you're in an infinite loop..
also, I have had something which I cant remember having with chacruna, where it feels like there a parallel threads going on, except at the time you are only aware of one, and later when they merge, you have the memory of other things happening but dont actually remember going through it... if that makes any sense??
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