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Dreaming of Chaliponga

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
A few weeks ago I dreamt with 50gr chacruna and 50gr caapi. The caapi was brewed for a total of about 9 hrs+ reduction, chacruna was simmered for a total of 40 min, reduction took about 1 hour. Admixure was drank 20 minutes after cappi.
So no fireworks were experinced, none at all. No nausea, only out the other end.

Some effects were felt from the caapi, a few days later I could still feel something there, I was waking up earlier, getting more done etc.

So did I just use an unreliable admixture or did I go wrong somewhere along the way?

Soon I will dream of 50 gr caapi and 5-15gr chaliponga.

Anyone have any advise for this dreamer.
15 grams is a lot. Be prepared for a very strong trip.

I once took 20 grams of caapi as an admixture and there where numerous moments that i wasn't able to tell whether i was dead or alive or whether i realy existed.
It was a little too much for me, realy.

Chaliponga contains beta-carbolines 5-MeO-DMT and a little bufotenin, besides DMT.

You will definately notice the 5-MeO-* effects very strongly at 15 grams.

I personally don't like any dose of chaliponga in brews that exceeds 5 grams.

You can even notice the difference between brews that contain chaliponga and brews that don't, at as little as 2 grams.
Yes, when I say 5-15 gr, I meat to sip maybe a third of the reduced amount, if needed another tiny sip and so on.
The chaliponga high in 5-MeO-DMT will not normally give colorful visions when added to ayahuasca. The visions are dark, faint, but can also be quite mind blowing. SWIM found there’s much more information being transferred though as compared with chacruna. It’s far more intellectual in nature. SWIM likes it, but only in moderate dosage ranges.
This is something i wanted to get to the bottom of.
Recently my journies have been quite dark, but i ususally drink mimosa/rue.
Am i right in thinking that caapi and chacruna give the most "light"
Can this be achieved with caapi and mimosa?
Chacruna varies enormously in quality. With good quality chacruna you have the best results but a mimosa CWE can come very close in quality. With boiled mimosa you need less of it, but the quality is also far less.
Caapi is superiour to rue in anyway.
I have always been curious about the reports of continual destruction/reformation of 5-meo ayahuasca. It has always sounded like a very mind blowing experience.
Hmm, so are there any insightfull reports of chali as an admix?

Am I going along the right route by just sipping a bit every now and then? How long does the caapi stay active in my body? 2hrs, 3?
Caapi isn't active as MAOI for long. The more you take, the longer it's active. But i don't think that it's active for longer than an hour.

5-MeO-DMT is orally active on it's own though, without MAOI's. I think you can try the route you described.

The visions are darker indeed.
They are much more like the visions in that famous 'blueberry' clip, then visions from ayahuasca with just DMT.
I think that clip would give a good impression on what kind of visions to expect. The mental effects are undescribable though. If you take too much, every concept of reality becomes totally meaningless and all ground beneath your feet is gone, instantaneously.

I once took 20 grams of chaliponga as admixture and i realy didn't know anymore whether i was dead or alive. I just couldn't tell anymore. It's that powerfull.
Cheez man like "blueberry".

Il definately go easy on it.

Is it a fine line between easy and nice visuals, to crazy destruction of reality?
I have had many visions like that blueberry clip with high doses of mushrooms in the dark..but yes chaliponga was sort of similar..lots of faint black and white geometry, with hints of irridescent blue..
SWIM never gets any color at all in his chaliponga based ayahuasca. For him it’s all black and white and dark. But the complexity of it can be mind boggling. He’s experienced vast amounts of information flowing from the visions in a way that’s very unique. He’s experience out of body effects, and other very unusual phenomenon he doesn’t normally get from chacruna based ayahuasca.
Try not waiting so long to take the second part of the admixture. It's amazing the difference this can make. I wait about 5min the most now.

Just got my order of psychotria delivered and it's been ages since I've used it in a brew so looking forward to it. The visuals I had in those experiences were very different to chali or mimosa.

Becareful with the chali. One time I wanted to use it with caapi for just a light trip, but ended up immersed in it for hours. I can see why many dislike it, see it as being dark, but just lose the fear, make peace with it, and you could have a very insightful experience. A mind set I'd recommend going into a chali experience would be to not desire, not think, not do, just completely let go. Chaliponga will convert you as much as possible to all/nothingness (space) -so do what space would do -absolutely nothing.
I think maybe my problem was that I waited 20 min to drink the admixure, next time il drink it 5 min after the caapi.
My only breakthrough with home brew 'ayahuasca' (using Syrian rue as an MAOI), many years ago now...was with Chaliponga.

It only lasted 5-10 minutes, but was very powerful indeed. I've never been to a space like it...the things that come closest are a heroic mushroom dose, a 5-Meo-DMT flash, with a hit of changa thrown in...extremely powerful, deep, earthy, beautiful and very blissful indeed, waves of orgasmic type energy but centered in my head and heart. Having smoked 5-Meo more recently I can definitely say there was a 5-Meo vibe to the chaliponga experience...very liquid, like being submerged under pressure into an alien swamp... Whatever the case, it had a VERY different character to the several chacruna brews I've drank since then, although the rue was no doubt responsible for much of this.

I look forward to meeting chaliponga again, but this time with white caapi as the guide...no more Rue for me (nothing against it...but I've had my time with this plant).
Ayahuasca with chaliponga is a little in between 5-MeO-DMT and a high dose of peyote. It has the same visionary quality as a large amount of mescalin, but it has a much more alien feel to it.
polytrip said:
Ayahuasca with chaliponga is a little in between 5-MeO-DMT and a high dose of peyote. It has the same visionary quality as a large amount of mescalin, but it has a much more alien feel to it.

That’s true, but SWIM never gets colored visuals from chaliponga, while they have a similar character, mescaline also gives him lots of color. Also, the mescaline visuals are not as far out there in their content. Chaliponga can show you some really strange things, while mescaline shows you things that have more meaning to you that aren’t as alien.

The feeling tone is also a little similar to mescaline.

But overall, mescaline is a warmer, friendlier experience. I wish mescaline didn't last so long.
10g cabrerana can be overwhelming for some people.. I think for first time you should try less, like 5g.. Acid is not essential, unless your water is unusually basic. It could be a strong brew you are making..

btw, I recommend next time also looking into extracting the harmalas from rue, as it can be done with food-safe products and it gets rid of alkaloids in rue that seem to be in great part responsible for nausea.
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