(This thread existed already but I accidentally deleted it
So here it is again )
Here is a database with the results for hundreds of substances tested with the reagents marquis, mecke, mandelin, ehrlich, hofmann/pdmab-ts, froehde, simons and liebermann.
You can purchase all these reagents here (or check here for other vendors). TLC kits can also be bought in this link.
Testing with TLC is easy! Test your substance next to any other substance that is of confirmed identity (if you don't have anything at home you can buy caffeine online or even just soak coffee beans in the provided testing liquid and use that). Then you measure the height of the spot of your known substance (for example caffeine or anything else you have), and then select your unknown substance (the one you suspect what it should be but need to confirm it's identity) from the dropdown list, and the calculator will tell you where your unknown substance should be on the plate.
EDIT: You need to be logged in to be able to download the attached excel file, or click here:
This file was uploaded on github by a friend, so now everybody can contribute and this calculator will keep growing

Here is a database with the results for hundreds of substances tested with the reagents marquis, mecke, mandelin, ehrlich, hofmann/pdmab-ts, froehde, simons and liebermann.
You can purchase all these reagents here (or check here for other vendors). TLC kits can also be bought in this link.
Testing with TLC is easy! Test your substance next to any other substance that is of confirmed identity (if you don't have anything at home you can buy caffeine online or even just soak coffee beans in the provided testing liquid and use that). Then you measure the height of the spot of your known substance (for example caffeine or anything else you have), and then select your unknown substance (the one you suspect what it should be but need to confirm it's identity) from the dropdown list, and the calculator will tell you where your unknown substance should be on the plate.
EDIT: You need to be logged in to be able to download the attached excel file, or click here:
This file was uploaded on github by a friend, so now everybody can contribute and this calculator will keep growing