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Drying process of freebased DMT using Jorkest's Tek

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM has following problem:

SWIM let the freebased DMT (brown gooey mass) dry for 3 weeks now.
It is still wet and gooey.

The first time SWIM did it, it worked well.
But now it just doesn't want to dry!!

What can SWIM do?

Maybe he didn't let the salt dry long enough before converting into freebase?
I think with jorkests tek you should dry completely, then do a water purifaction to remove excess fumaric acid, dry again, then freebase. The fumarate step works as a great defatting B/A and the results should be pretty clean.
What is water purification. How to do that?

The results are clean? Do you think of crystals?
The first time SWIM did it he gained white powder!
I have got quite nice crystals from this tek but only when collectin freebased DMT in naphtha. I haven't tried otherwise as most of my DMT remains as fumerate.

If you add minimal water to your fumerate, the DMT should disolve and what remains will be fumaric acid. On second thoughts this probably isn;t necassary for freebasing, but my only concern is that if too much fumaric acid is present it may ruin the process and not freebase properly.

It's hard to diagnose your issue without actually seeing it to be honest. I may have just jumped to an answer too quickly.
hmm... would you try washing it up with minimal naphtha or something and then try recrystalising?

I know it's not in the spirit of jorkests tek, but to be honest I've never seen that happen before. I've had 24 hours to ponder on it and my best guess is to reform it.

Did you weight the fumerates first?

Seriously though I can't think what you extracted from mimosa using a salting a solvent pull that would turn brown. I've seen whites, oranges, yellows and reds... but never brown.

Does it smell like DMT?

Have you tried smoking just the smallest bit of it?

Well it goes without saying, if it's not drying you have to redesolve it in ... something. I can't think of anything that's good for jungle that you can recrystalise with though.
I just tried to remember where i made my mistake.

I think i missed out the step 10, where sodium carbonate is added!

I believe that i just took the DMT and redisolved it in MEK Alc.


What now?
Get some water in it and add some sodium carbonate and dry again?

SWIM tried to dispers Sodiumcarbonate with the gooey stuff.
SWIM thought about redissolving in water after the Sodiumcarbonate dryed out and the mixed DMT still wet.

That did not work!
The Sodiumcarbonate/DMT mix did not dissolve in water.


SWIM added some MEK Alcohol to the water with the Sodiumcarbonate/DMT pieces in it.
SWIM dissolved the pieces with his fingers in the solution.
Suddenly a chemical reaction took place that took a few minuites.
A few 0.3-0.4 mm thick lines did roll particles in the solution.

The dirt disappeared and some white particles (which i think are freebased DMT) were build on the ground.

New TEK?

SWIM will evaporate and try.
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