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"dying" on mushrooms

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Two days ago swim had a heavy mushroom trip (4.2 grams) and towards the end of it he started to have deep recursive thoughts which for one reason or another induced panic. he went to his room and lied on his bed, trying to calm down, aware that his heart was pounding extremely hard and fast. almost abruptly his heart had seemed to stop and he thought that he had died. Swim didn't ascend or leave his body but remained on his bed. now he was in limbo. he walked around his apartment, looking at things. in panic he walked outside and sat on the side of the street. it was pretty late and every seemed about the same but more still than before. almost no noise at all and the normal apartment sound (pots clanking and such) seemed to be repetitive . he sat there for a couple minutes, glanced at his phone a couple of time and for some reason he had the feeling that time was no longer moving. suddenly a motorcyclist wearing black leather, with a girl on the back drove by and made a left. this registered to him as the angel of death. at this point swim was really freaked out and decided he wasn't ready to leave would rather think back in his apartment. eventually he made contact with some neighbors who gave him some water and made him feel better. the rest of the night he had trouble calming down and felt that his mind was rebooting. he feels much better now.

has anyone every experienced something like this? If so swim would love to hear about it. it was insightful but obviously very frigtening and haunting. even now theres a part of him still feels somewhat bothered by the possiblity that he had indeed died and that this is all not real.
I haven't had this experience while I was tripping or anything. But it did happen to me when I was trying to sleep. I was listening to my breathing, and everything was quiet and I could feel my heart beating. Then. I felt it stop. I checked my pulse. No pulse. I quick jumped up out of my bed and it started beating again.

I don't know if I thought it had stopped, or if it actually did. But it scared the shit out of me while I was sober. So I couldn't even relate to how badly I would panic if it happened while I was tripping.
A friend of me had a similar experience. We each took 4 acid trips and we drunk datura tea. At a certain moment he became convinced that there was somehow a sort of satanical plot against him and wich also meant that he was supposed to die. When we crossed a street a car passed us by and when i warned him for this car coming towards us, it became clear to him that this was "the moment". He let himself fall on the street, believing that the car had hit him and that at this time he was dead or dying. It took me some trouble getting him on the sidewalk, he was heavier then me. The strange thing was that all this had it's weird impact on me too and it is very hard to describe the experience. It seemed as if his soul was indeed leaving his body, wich i could see and also 'feel'. It felt like my soul was leaving my body as well, reaching out for his soul and trying to somehow push it back into his body. During this event for a moment that seemed to be eternal we became one soul that was like a 'lightning flash' or a 'ball of fire',hard to describe anyway, raging through the air being watched by the eyes of god while the world was rapidly shapeshifting. Then, 'zoof' , i was back in my body again. It is one of the weirdest things that ever happened to me.
Whenever I do more than 5 grams of mushrooms I come to one of three conclusions:

1. I'm already dead and this is all a dream.

2. I'm in my last 5 minutes of life and am under the spell of the grim reaper, and he is about to lead my body to my death by having me walk in front of a car or jump from a balcony so he can take my soul.

3. Death is a doorway to rebirth and that i'm ready to die in order to experience it all and i start to ponder suicide as space travel.

Need I say I try to find anything OTHER than mushrooms? They really bring out the death spirit to me as it sound it did you.
indeed. swim is still trying to come to terms with what happened that night. it was painful and hard but in retrospect its been the most important experience swim has ever had with any psychedelics. there was a deep existential message there. swim still doesn't have a clue what the message was but the experience changed him nonetheless.
that's crazy

i have trips all the time where i feel like i'm not breathing and I have to remind myself to breath

it always turns out it's in my head though, if I had to remind myself to breath, wouldn't it be more obvious when i start feeling like i'm going to pass out?
I had something happen on a heavy mushroom trip I took in a beach cabin in Thailand. I had bought the mushrooms – two varieties, both of which grow on elephant/ yak's poo – from a mountain man that day. I was with a friend so we had sufficient for two good doses, but my friend and I had an argument and we had parted ways earlier in the day, leaving me with a double dose. I thought it was a good opportunity to experience a heavier trip than I'd ever had.

I ended up ingesting about four fifths of what I had. About two and a half hours into it I would guess, I was pretty far gone lying on the bed and pretty far from the memory of ever having taken mushrooms. Off in some headspace somewhere on the outer reaches.

Then, it happened. All of a sudden my awareness became pin sharp and telescoped back onto my body lying there on the bed [NB: not an out of body, gazing down from above type experience, just body awareness] and in the same instant I was aware that my breath was incredibly shallow, barely even there, and as I inhaled that one breath I inwardly panicked – just a flutter of anxiety – that this was going to be my last ever breath, and before I had completed the in-breath, I had accepted that it would be my last and decided not to fight death, but just to fall into its arms. I felt perfectly at peace, on the bed, drawing my last breath.

But was pretty happy, to say the least, when I found that my lungs were still working :d !

Gradually, I could stand up again. After stumbling around for a while, then leaning with my head against the wall for what seemed like hours, all the time feeling that I was probably insane and would soon be discovered, then dragged off by men in white coats to an institution to lean my head against a wall there for a while, I began to regather. I remember that in this phase, I could not think any coherent thoughts or words at all, it was as if language had ended, every thought I had was complete gibberish, with no familiar words at all, but just a stream of muddled phenomes in a logorheaic flow. Hence the conviction of my own insanity. But .. ah yes .. you've taken mushrooms you madman .. this was meant to happen .. you're gonna be alright.

Then I started levelling off. Then dressed myself in a beautifully-patterned Indian fabric fashioned into a robe, put on my headphones to some Chemical Brothers and started dancing in the bathroom with my reflection in the mirror. I'm alive.

But this was not the experience of "ego death", which I'm yet to have. It was more like a mistaken assumption that my body was at the point of expiry. I was convinced of it for that one breath. And looking back, I am happy that I didn't hold onto my panic in that instant, but accepted what was coming and felt at peace. I feel as though it may have been preparation for handling the actual moment of my death. If it feels like that, then it's nothing I have to be afraid of.
LemonScented said:
.......has anyone every experienced something like this? If so swim would love to hear about it. it was insightful but obviously very frigtening and haunting. even now theres a part of him still feels somewhat bothered by the possiblity that he had indeed died and that this is all not real.

Hahahaha it's funny to hear other people going through this shit :D I've had this experience several times but I never panicked. I just always thought I had died and was very excited what would happen next :p But ofcourse that was always something that I sooo didn't expect and then my trip would maybe just keep on or fade away :)
I like to die :D hahahah. Not that I hate my life or something. Dying is just such a crazy experience :D I just love it. Or used to love it :)

But it's some years since I've had this experience and now I'm a father so maybe it wouldn't be the same now. Probably not. I would start to panic and worry about my daughter and wife :)
thinking about it, the fear it invoked in me may of been the result of partial ego-death. i feel like I only slightly lost my ego within the experience and as a result the idea of being dead scared the utter shit out of me. DMTripper at what dose would you experience death? I have the suspicision that my dose of 4.2 grams was enough for the potential for ego-death but not enough to dissolve it all together. in the end this medium high dose made it all the harder to experience the beauty of death.

well doesn't matter anyhow, I have no plans of doing again. not any time soon.
any time you flatten your ego, you die.

flyboy has the right idea, take atleast 5 grams. just ignore his little death wish option, as its not viable in this life.

with psychedelics you can comprehend things like death, and infinity/forever. what else can we understand by simply eating this holy fungus fruit?

. break on through, to the otherside...
Did you do 3-5 dry mushroom gram? or wasnt it dried out? 10 undried grams, is the same as eating 1 dried gram, right?

and yeah, iv felt like my heart has stopped, several times, just random, not on any trip at all, its wierd, i dunno if it is real, time to research,
I assure you that your heart does NOT stop or flutter, it's all in your head. It might speed up a little, but that's it (unless you've got some serious problems).

I used to freak out due to this, thought my heart would explode, that kinda thing...
First time really tripping hard not sure of my dose.. I felt like a was breaking though to the other side and at one point I felt very concerned about what would happen to my physical body if I let myself go to the greater collective state of being. I ended up sort of holding it off by dancing around the the idea of it in my head and destraction from others with me... I was very chatty for a bit trying to get back to a less out of this world trip and that worked well as I don't think others there had taken as much as me.
If someone died due to organ failure because of shrooms they would probably be written about in many scientific journals and mentioned in many college campus lectures and talked about on message boards for decades to come. In 100 years they would be a myth.
SWIM has had the feeling of death, or more so the feeling of absolute nothingness, if there is such a word. SWIM also thought that he had been stuck in a certain point of time during the trip, and that everyone close to him had continued on to the future as it were, leaving SWIM all alone with only his dog, who at the time was laying very, very still and SWIM was certain that he also was dead.

Being able to cope with the total loss of everything is an important lesson for any psychonaut
SWIM will be honest with you about mushrooms, SWIM considers SWIMSSELF a grower as well as a heavy user of delics del psyche and has found that just about every fear and preconceived notion one has is going to fizzle out in the arena of actual interface with the stuff. The boomers and the lysergics and all of those things, within safe zones to toxicity, are completely different than what your inside dormant idealisms are ready for. So while you can suffer attacks in the wild, treating your self to a few hallucinogens now and then is not going to stop your heart. Although once I thought I stopped breathing but then again how many times have you held your breathe until you couldn't? Your pretty much mechanical when it comes to breathing...and such things:arrow: :?
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