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Empty Spaces without Emotions in your Spice World?

Migrated topic.
RD, that list, sounds like harmalas could turn the balance in your favor on many points.
I've done the mushrooms with rue or vine combo a lot of times. I've got dozens of good experiences and only one bad experience.

To begin with the bad experience: i felt very sweaty and cold then, and it felt like i had ingested some kind of poison. There was also some nausea and an aching stomach and liver then.
It is possible that these mushrooms contained some kind of toxin that would normally be neutralised by MAO, but given the fact that, of a few dozen times doing the combo, this happened only once, i think that the presence of such a toxin is rather rare.

The many good experiences i've had then: It's not that much different from 'normal ayahuasca', with psychotria viridis, acacia or mimosa hostilis. But, it's definately more euphoric. It feels very energetic. Where shrooms alone, without MAOI's, normally give me a sort of dispassionate kind of feeling, the presence of MAOI's totally change that. With MAOI's i feel a lot of passion. The beauty of the Visuals, the beauty of the whole experience realy, it realy touches me then. It's more alive, more vibrant....When it works well, it just tends to work very well.

For me, it's like the difference between TV and IMAX. I find shrooms by themselves to be somewhat cold. Interesting from an intellectual point of view, but not realy doing much personally or spiritually. Caapi or rue change all of that. I think it's the dopamine.
Jees said:
RD, that list, sounds like harmalas could turn the balance in your favor on many points.
Hi Jees,

I tested it (Harmala Freebase) and indeed it slows down the visions. But it doesn't extend the duration and the visions becomes sometimes more pressure...a strange pressure.
Also no emotions...:(

More promising is (for me) the combination of microdose shrooms with DMT. It leeds me to the "Kindergarten" vision.

Does Harmala color your spice visions more emotional?

dragonrider said:
I've done the mushrooms with rue or vine combo a lot of times. I've got dozens of good experiences and only one bad experience.

Very interesting...let me ask some additional questions:
* Does it also slow down the visions?
* Does it extend the duration?
* Do you think there is a difference between Rue and the pure Harmala Freebase?

I do believe that harmala's do extent the duration of the whole experience, though i haven't realy timed it. If the duration is extended, then it's not very significantly so, but that may be different with realy large amounts of harmala's. I usually took caapi or caapi extracts or tincture, and very incidentally rue. For some reason caapi never realy causes any nausea for me, unlike rue. I don't believe that there is a real difference between caapi and pure alkaloïds. With rue i don't know. I suppose there is, as there is already a difference between just eating rue seeds or soaking them in hot water. The last method causes significantly less nausea for me.

I never experienced that Visuals where slowed down. But maybe that depends on whether you are more sensitive to the serotonergic or the dopaminergic effects of harmala's.
Theoretically, increased levels of serotonin should decrease the effects of psychedelics, but i never experienced any such decrease. It may depend on your personal metabolism and so on. Maybe, if you already have elevated levels of serotonin, the effects are different.

The only effects on Visuals that i ever noticed was just a greater apreciation for them.

I clearly remember the first time i did shroom/caapi. When the effects where kicking in, i decided to go outside and take a walk. I went into the forrest, and just when i entered the forrest it realy began to flow. It was amazing. The forrest was dark, so when i entered it, it began to light up with these amazing Visuals. They where flowing so fluidly...i felt so completely immersed into life, nature. Pure euphoria, realy.
Ram Dazz said:
...Does Harmala color your spice visions more emotional? Thx
IMO, as the boat slows down, yes more of those pirates see their chance to enter your vessel :twisted:
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