Rising Star
Are enlightened monks people who have broken through on endogenous DMT?
There are plenty of anecdotes on the web that DMT is endogenously released during the deepest of the deepest states of meditation.
Also, the Tibetan Buddhist monks that Terence McKenna gave DMT to confirmed that what they saw (during their non-endogenous DMT trips) were "the lesser lights of the bardo".
SWIM knows nothing is certain and proof of this or that is impossible regarding these matters, but SWIM would just like everyone's two cents. Is an "enlightened" monk someone who has broken through to the other side, or does it mean something else?
There are plenty of anecdotes on the web that DMT is endogenously released during the deepest of the deepest states of meditation.
Also, the Tibetan Buddhist monks that Terence McKenna gave DMT to confirmed that what they saw (during their non-endogenous DMT trips) were "the lesser lights of the bardo".
SWIM knows nothing is certain and proof of this or that is impossible regarding these matters, but SWIM would just like everyone's two cents. Is an "enlightened" monk someone who has broken through to the other side, or does it mean something else?