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Entheogenic homeland

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
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OG Pioneer
An old lady told me last week how in the old days every Jewish shop had a little collection box in it for a new homeland. Now I don't want to get into a debate about the problems over in Israel now as it's not relevent here, nor am I proposing that I collect money myself, but this did give me an idea. An idea also relevent to current affairs now that the Maldives nation are attempting to buy a new homeland in the face of their country being submerged by rising sea levels...

... the idea being... a homeland for the entheogenic community!

This place would be an example for the rest of the world. Entheogens would be legal. Our main export would be services- the intelligence and emotional intelligence of our citizens. I can imagine it being inhabited by scientists, philosophers, creatives, psychologists, farmers and everyone else who applied for citizenship. Many people would continue to live where they are now, but would take dual citizenship (and perhaps even diplomatic immunity ;) ).

This place could be started just by buying some land with sovereignty. The sovereignty could be bought from a state along with the land, or, more likely, the land would already have sovereignty, such as those little kingdom islands around New Zealand. These benefit from military protection from New Zealand yet retain independence (e.g. the Cook Islands), making invasion less likely (I'm not sure whether the NZ govt would get political and stop defending us if we made one of these places our homeland though). Or we could just build our own (like Sealand, The Fascinating History of Sealand - The World's Smallest Independent State , which housed servers so that companies can keep data away from state jurisdiction)

What do you think? What would we call this place?!

The treasuredome of past, present, and future of philosophy. Created amongst those who have treated life with the common knowledge into the cosmos.. It would only make sense methinks.
Haha, why'd you delete all the posts on your thread?
I think it needs to be our own sovereign country, so we're not breaking the law and we don't have to bribe anyone to leave us alone.
[Irrelevent bit edited out here at Coatl's request! :)]
Woah, the government's collapsed now? Citizens in uproar at the failed capitalist system? The Green party next in line for power? And the home of Bjork so we know they like us kooky people!

Icelandic is basically Old Norse (Viking) so I bet a lot of English words are similar...
[quote='Coatl]So your gonna buy a country?

Seriously, I think you can buy a tiny one for the price of a house! Saving my pennies... if not, Iceland. Maybe they'll do one of those deals like when a company goes bankrupt and you can buy it for a pound ;)

If there's any Icelanders out there I hope I haven't offended- my heart genuinely goes out to the people of Iceland, and I'm totally proud of them for toppling their own government.
burnt said:
countries aren't going to let you just buy their land and make it your own country without a huge issue. they will let you buy land but not let you invent your own laws and thus avoid taxes and all the other wonderful things governments do these days.

With enough money, you can buy anything. But yes, we don't have enough money, that's why I think the best option is to buy a tiny island in the ocean with tribal sovereignty... or just occupy an abandoned one in unprotected waters and defend ourselves from pirates... then I expect start building up on rafts a bit like the Aztecs did with Mexico City, or like the Scottish ancients with their houses on stilts that gradually turned into islands.
Of course you can just find another abandoned sea fortress like Sealand did, but it would be a bit miserable out there in the deep water. Building a new fortress in open sea is too expensive.

This guy did a TV series on how to do it. He made it into a joke and some may find him annoying, but he did do all the right research in the series. Unfortunately he just ended up making a silly cyberspace country in the end as their budget didn't cover actually buying an island or travelling to international waters etc. I can't find the actual videos, they've been taken off the web. http://www.citizensrequired.com/unit/site/index.shtml
Did you hear about the guy who staked his claim on the moon? I think he's called Dennis Hope BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Making a mint out of the Moon The treaty only said that no country could claim it, so he claimed it as an individual using the same laws that the US settlers used to steal the natives' land. If America is still a world superpower upholding their laws when technology permits the moon to become habitable, then he could be the richest man on the planet. He's selling it off cheap right now and is already a multimillionaire. I think he 'owns' the rest of the solar system too. Of course, America never upheld their own law with respect to the treaties they signed with the natives, so whether they acknowledge his ownership in the end will depend on how many important people and corporations are on his side... hence why he has been giving away free land to every important head of state around the world, George Bush included.

'Coatl- did you know that Amazon rainforest can be bought for £65 an ACRE?
Check out these guys: http://www.staro.org/index.php?id=saveanacre
Could be what you're looking for for your entheogen retreat? You won't have title if you 'buy' it from this charity, you'd have to buy it directly from landowners or the government (and it'd probably be cheaper too). Watch out for uncontacted tribes though, they might shoot poison arrows/darts at you BBC NEWS | Americas | Isolated tribe spotted in Brazil and remember that the land you're 'buying' may already ethically belong to a tribe despite the law, so be respectful of those who already live there and think of yourself as their protector against the unfairness of the Western legal model.
Coatl- did you know that Amazon rainforest can be bought for £65 an ACRE?

Then what the hell are we waiting on? If we're surrounded by 100 miles of jungle on each side... who is going to care or bother us? We should claim that we are people of Earth doing out best to live a peaceful life and ask a government to habour us during our "exhile" (Like Nepal did with India).

Watch out for uncontacted tribes though, they might shoot poison arrows/darts at you BBC NEWS | Americas | Isolated tribe spotted in Brazil and remember that the land you're 'buying' may already ethically belong to a tribe despite the law, so be respectful of those who already live there and think of yourself as their protector against the unfairness of the Western legal model.

After a couple of cups of the dankest Aya' they've ever had I think they'd calm down.
burnt said:
countries aren't going to let you just buy their land and make it your own country without a huge issue. they will let you buy land but not let you invent your own laws and thus avoid taxes and all the other wonderful things governments do these days.
Yes it's very unlikely that you'd be able to start a new country on another country's land. Although it is possible... the Maldives are currently looking to buy a new homeland because their country will vanish under the seas due to global warming. And in a morally greyer area, the Zionists did it relatively recently by invasion to form Israel, which of course isn't an option for us.

But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about buying a tiny sovereign island state, or starting a new country in unprotected waters. Both are possible. If you watched the series I talked about you'd understand the legal side of things more, but unfortunately it's no longer on the web. There are websites about it too but I forgot where, it was a long time ago that I researched all that stuff.
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